IRC log for #devuan on 20191123

00:03.15*** join/#devuan Peregrinus__ (~peregrinu@
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01:00.39tuxd3vdebian port for armhf states about eabi that is armv5T compatible... but its impossible to compile code for armv6...well well..
01:01.02tuxd3vthey state they droped 4T, seems that they dropped 4T,5T,6
01:01.04MinceRthey could run armv5 code on armv6, then
01:01.38tuxd3vI am compiling in armv7 for armv6, and I can't
01:01.52tuxd3vsorry, unimplemented: Thumb-1 hard-float VFP ABI
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01:02.37tuxd3vonly becasue I am using one armv6 arch.. more precisedly the rpi1 cpu 'arm1176jzf-s'
01:05.04tuxd3v'arm1176jzf-s' used the first implementation of vfp I believe
01:06.49tuxd3vKow I am in the dark.. tried to run devuan armhf and after the kernel loads, it hangs..and I don't know why..
01:07.26tuxd3vnow compiling fluxbox in armv7 for armv6 and I can't ...the toolchains is also old 6.3..
01:08.35tuxd3vI was trying the last version of fluxbox..
01:09.04tuxd3vthe one in the debian experimental repos..
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05:17.54tuxd3vMinceR, maybe I was wrong about armel droping 5T, 6 arm archs... I simply configured badly my builder, and I got a armhf rootfs..
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05:18.53tuxd3vyeah...sometimes its better to go back to the starting point.. saves time and a headache ..
05:19.18tuxd3vprobably I would have to find a crosstolchain compatible, somewere..
05:19.54tuxd3vARM has one but its armhf, and I really don't know if they follow the same EABI as debian..
05:20.37tuxd3vthey have one from 2018, but is explicictly soft-float.. I want hardfloat, but for armv6 :S
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05:35.04systemdletewhen I use pastebinit, it gives me the website ( but not the page (something like zYzza3sa)
05:35.20systemdleteseems that is down right now
05:35.34systemdlete(DDOS attack or something maybe? idk)
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17:44.14kappahey, i performed a dist-upgrade on my machine, and APT seems to have appended a few lines to my sources.list
17:45.34kappait used to only point to Beowulf packages, but it's now added Ceres repositories to it, should I remove the old Beowulf lines?
17:45.35fsmithredwhat lines?
17:45.43fsmithredpaste them somewhere not here
17:46.09fsmithreddo you want to run ceres?
17:46.18kappacan i paste one?
17:46.20fsmithred(not advised)
17:46.24fsmithredone line, yes
17:47.03kappadeb beowulf main
17:48.07kappai have several of these in the file, after i performed the dist-upgrade, it added two more, but these were for ceres repositories
17:48.11fsmithredget rid of it
17:48.21kappaof the beowulf one?
17:48.46fsmithredif you want beowulf lines, or any, they should be
17:49.07kappathe new ceres lines are
17:49.10fsmithredand don't bother with country codes now. They aren't set up.
17:49.44fsmithredget rid of
17:49.54fsmithredand use for all
17:50.01fsmithredunless you run into problems with it
17:50.14fsmithredand which do you want to run? ascii, beowulf or ceres?
17:50.21fsmithredceres is nowhere near ready
17:51.26tuxd3vfsmithred, seems that there are a invalid name certificate on:
17:51.37tuxd3vissued for CN: ''
17:51.38kappawelp, these ceres lines were added in apparently, i didn't add them in myself, and i've already done an update with them in-place, so i sure as hell can't go back
17:52.03kappaat least as far as i know
17:52.07fsmithredyou're using https with apt? If so, you must specify a mirror that uses https
17:52.36kappai'm not
17:52.40fsmithredwere you running ascii or beowulf before the upgrade?
17:52.42kappaas far as i know
17:53.01fsmithredok, if they were added during the upgrade, you should still be in beowulf
17:53.12fsmithredyou would have to update and upgrade again for them to take effect
17:53.20kappabut i'm pretty sure i have
17:53.34kappathat's the thing, so as far as i know i'm in ceres now
17:53.43fsmithredthere's a way to revert with pinning
17:54.09kappanothings exploded so far
17:54.16fsmithredyou might get away with running ceres
17:54.27kappais there? i've heard in other places that reverting isn't possible
17:54.43fsmithredI have to remember where it was explained.
17:54.52fsmithredI think you pin beowulf to 1001
17:55.02fsmithredand I'm not sure what to set for ceres
17:55.14fsmithredmight be on forum and might be on dng mailing list
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17:55.44fsmithredthere's also a way to see which packages are from beowulf and which from ceres
17:55.48fsmithredwith aptitude
17:57.17fsmithredaptitude search ~i -F"%p# %v# %t#"
17:57.19onefangIf you are not using https for apt, then you should not be seeing
17:58.14kappaok, i'm not sure if i'll try reverting, but i'll keep it in mind just in case staying in ceres doesn't pan out for me is a DNS round robin, in your case it's sending you to, but apparently using https, doesn't have the certificate, it has it's own.
17:58.43kappai'm not seeing https tho, if you're talking to me that is
17:59.04onefangYep, I'm talking to you.
17:59.29kappawhat do you mean exactly, i mean i wasn't mentioning https
18:00.05onefangOh wait.  It's 4AM here, I was talking to tuxd3v that DID mention https.  Sorry.
18:01.25kappaoh, okay
18:05.22onefangtuxd3v: don't use https with  It's a round robin, the mirrors it will send you to only have their own certificates, not one for
18:14.16*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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18:33.28kappawhen i install packages of a different architecture (i386) apt doesn't automatically install their dependencies like it usually does, does anyone know what to do about this?
18:33.43kappai tried apt install -f
18:33.51kappaand using aptitude, neither worked
18:46.24tuxd3vonefang, I understood that :)
18:47.38tuxd3vOne way, but envolves more complexity would be to setup a loadbalancer in the front-end, with it having and serving the requests with the correct certificate...
18:47.58tuxd3vbut that would involve more infrastructure..
18:48.13tuxd3vmaintenance, and complexity..
18:49.49tuxd3vnot to speak about region, that you would need to setup several..
18:50.25tuxd3vonefang, thanks for your  clarification :)
18:50.51onefangYou are welcome.
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19:50.38fsmithredIf one uses apt-transport-https, must all the repositories in sources.list be https, or is it possible to use both? Problem is that new skype depends on apt-transport-https
19:52.29fsmithredhm, older version says the same thing.
19:57.00onefangI think it's possible to use both, but I haven't tried it.
19:57.01fsmithredok, it seems to work. I didn't have to change anything in sources.list, skype added a file in sources.list.d and that line only uses https
19:57.09fsmithredapt update didn't complain
19:57.17fsmithredand nothing to upgrade at this time
20:00.08golinuxskype?  Really??
20:02.50onefangSometimes you are forced to use skype.  I was once long ago, coz the client insisted.
20:16.08fsmithredI'm making a live-iso for a friend
20:16.15fsmithredshe uses skype every day
20:16.46fsmithredI can't get her to change to anything else
20:23.05golinuxI suspected that was the situation . . .
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20:54.03jl4By chance ... does anybody here run Yunnhost on Devuan ?
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22:46.43agrisonefang, you might be able to install a skype transport for xmpp
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22:59.04jl4oh... a skype transport for xmpp ?
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