IRC log for #devuan on 20191119

00:00.30*** join/#devuan jonadab (
00:11.17*** join/#devuan omnio (
00:24.09*** join/#devuan TheCreeper2 (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
00:37.02*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
01:03.22*** join/#devuan ukine1 (~ukine@
01:14.27*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
01:39.27*** join/#devuan rdav (
01:40.26*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
01:57.30*** join/#devuan wyatt8740 (~wyatt8740@
02:09.37tuxd3vtuxd3v is busy building mesa for armhf..
02:36.41*** join/#devuan spoonovitch (~spoon@2001:660:5403:4001:6600:6aff:fe51:b3df)
02:41.52*** join/#devuan spoonovitch (~spoon@2001:660:5403:4001:6600:6aff:fe51:b3df)
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02:45.44*** join/#devuan spoonovitch (~spoon@2001:660:5403:4001:6600:6aff:fe51:b3df)
03:34.29*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:616:d700:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:44.05*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
04:44.39*** join/#devuan Thaolia (~thaolia@
04:44.43*** join/#devuan Inepu (
04:45.13*** join/#devuan Thaolia (~thaolia@
05:18.14*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
05:18.19*** join/#devuan engidea (
05:45.44*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
06:05.13systemdleteis there a non-web gui tool for mysql available for devuan?  I can't find one.
06:05.26systemdlete(I'd like one!)
06:05.40systemdleteToad used to be popular, but it seems it is not in our repo
06:06.05systemdleteI tried mysql-workbench, but it crashes when I try to open a connection to a db
06:06.45systemdletedbeaver looked promising, but alas, we don't have that either?
06:46.51*** join/#devuan rdav (
06:47.43*** join/#devuan Jjp137 (
07:00.11cehtehlibreoffice database :DDD
07:16.41*** join/#devuan meisteris (~meisteris@unaffiliated/meisteris)
07:30.55*** join/#devuan meisteris (~meisteris@unaffiliated/meisteris)
07:46.15*** join/#devuan silentjet (~jet@
07:54.09*** join/#devuan nexgen (~nexgen@
07:59.58*** join/#devuan rdav (
08:08.50*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
08:10.45gnarfacei'm not sure toad is open source
08:11.14gnarfacei think it was always shareware/nagware wasn't it?
08:11.57gnarfacenothing is really stopping you from running a web-based client from a local webserver though
08:27.07*** join/#devuan sardonico (
08:29.09*** join/#devuan lifebook (~lifebook@
08:29.12*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
08:30.30lifebookbinary ghostscript packages in beowulf-security seems to be in sync now
08:31.03lifebooka great thank you to all that make this happen
08:31.43*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit (
08:32.45*** part/#devuan lifebook (~lifebook@
08:33.18*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
09:59.22*** join/#devuan errandir1 (
10:08.59*** join/#devuan arnoldoree (
10:16.43*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit (
10:42.14*** topic/#devuan by jaromil -> Welcome to Devuan! | Releases: (Jessie 1.0 old-stable, ASCII 2.0 stable) | | Conference (2019) | Forum | Chanlogs
10:42.19jaromilsry for confusion
10:42.21*** mode/#devuan [-o jaromil] by jaromil
10:48.02*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
10:59.37*** join/#devuan xcm (
11:11.34*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
11:51.31*** join/#devuan dindinx (
11:51.39GyrosGeiercan we have a second conference in 2020?
11:52.22*** join/#devuan TheCreeper2 (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
11:58.32*** join/#devuan dindinx (
12:05.28*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
12:07.50*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
12:10.41*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
12:24.44*** join/#devuan dindinx (
12:31.06*** join/#devuan arnold_oree (
12:49.24*** join/#devuan engidea (
13:46.47*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
13:52.42*** join/#devuan xcm (
13:54.05*** join/#devuan user844842 (user@gateway/vpn/mullvad/user844842)
14:01.41*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (
14:17.26*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
14:21.58*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
14:27.43*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:eba8:405f:db35:ed9e:2ae5)
14:29.49*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
14:31.57*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
14:38.07*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:46.45*** join/#devuan engidea (
14:52.00*** join/#devuan TheCreeper2 (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
15:05.41*** join/#devuan sh4 (shapeless@unaffiliated/sh4)
15:09.42*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
15:10.47GyrosGeierdoes it make sense to try to get devuan-keyring inside Debian, for use by debootstrap/pbuilder?
15:11.31GyrosGeierI mean, my main Jenkins worker is Devuan, and it can build Debian chroots just fine, but other people might want to go the other way
15:20.52*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
15:35.03*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:38.39*** join/#devuan nili (~dokidoki@
15:45.57*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
16:03.07*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
16:04.16*** join/#devuan o01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:82b:145e:70da:23fd:356e:bea2)
16:17.12*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:22.34*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:34.54*** join/#devuan BurekF (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
16:53.35*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
16:58.06*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:07.18*** join/#devuan puria (
17:12.37*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:17.23*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:26.05*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:28.19*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
17:32.06*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:35.20*** join/#devuan puria (
17:45.31*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:51.32*** join/#devuan ychaouche (~ychaouche@
17:51.41tuxd3vGyrosGeier, what you mean by 'get devuan-keyring inside Debian'?
17:51.59GyrosGeierget the package included
17:52.35GyrosGeierso I can just use debootstrap --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/devuan-archive-keyring.gpg --mirror ... --distribution ascii
17:53.56tuxd3vIf you are in already hait  :)
17:54.07tuxd3vhait -> have it
17:54.59GyrosGeierbut my use case is "Debian system, I need a Devuan chroot"
17:55.16GyrosGeierDebian also ships the Ubuntu keyring for the same reason
17:55.33GyrosGeierthat is very useful for CI machines
17:56.04GyrosGeierI've configured chroots for all relevant releases across distros in Jenkins now
17:57.16tuxd3vyou can add the souces from devuan and get it :)
17:57.26tuxd3vthen copy it to chroot :)
17:58.31tuxd3v'deb ascii main contrib non-free'
17:59.10tuxd3vmaybe it will conflict with the debian keyring, don't know..
18:00.06*** join/#devuan ymasson (
18:12.25*** join/#devuan mn3m (~mn3m@unaffiliated/mn3m)
18:15.35*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
18:19.14ychaouchehello #devuan
18:19.25ychaoucheGyrosGeier, do you run graphical applications from chrooted environements ?
18:19.39ychaoucheI'm looking for general tips to do that
18:20.06ychaoucheI tried to run a wine application from a chroot and didn't succeed
18:20.14GyrosGeiertuxd3v, it doesn't conflict -- and the point is that I want to be able to deploy chroots without manual steps
18:20.28*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
18:20.46GyrosGeieradding Devuan sources to a Debian system just so I can install the keyring (which is still from an untrusted source at this point) is a manual step
18:21.04GyrosGeierso IMO, shipping devuan-archive-keyring in Debian would make sense
18:21.59GyrosGeierychaouche, you need an appropriate setting for $DISPLAY, and $XAUTHORITY pointing to a file the chroot can access
18:22.12GyrosGeierif your home is mounted inside the chroot, it should work
18:22.47GyrosGeierotherwise, you need to either copy ~/.Xauthority to the home inside the chroot, or create a new token and install that
18:23.16ychaoucheThis is a great tip, much appreciated.
18:23.49ychaoucheI often mount --bind /home in the chrooted environement
18:23.57GyrosGeierthat should work
18:24.10GyrosGeierbut you need to be careful when cleaning up then
18:24.19GyrosGeierhappened a few times to me :/
18:25.55ychaoucheThe only clean up I do is just unmount /home and that's about it.
18:26.55*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:28.01GyrosGeierah, you never delete chroots?
18:32.02ychaoucheMaybe we have different use cases. The chroots I usually work with are systems installed on another partition, that I sometimes boot into. So I keep them yes.
18:46.29*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:03.57*** join/#devuan KnoP (
19:04.37*** join/#devuan Akuli (
19:06.18*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:22.49*** join/#devuan xcm (
19:26.32*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:33.54*** join/#devuan Peregrinus_ (~peregrinu@
19:46.34*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:47.06*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
19:53.09*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
20:09.32*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:22.04*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:27.39*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
20:32.40*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:33.39*** join/#devuan phillipsjk256 (~phillipsj@unaffiliated/phillipsjk)
20:40.26*** join/#devuan TheCreeper2 (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
20:44.20*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:55.04*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
21:01.32*** join/#devuan sardonico (
21:02.24*** join/#devuan xcm (
21:04.43*** join/#devuan phillipsjk256 (~phillipsj@unaffiliated/phillipsjk)
21:09.10*** join/#devuan hupero (
21:12.24*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
21:23.02*** part/#devuan hupero (
21:24.20*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
21:35.37*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
21:41.53*** join/#devuan nili (~dokidoki@
21:42.40*** join/#devuan engidea (
21:47.44*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
21:51.26*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@2001:b07:a15:9ecb:523e:aaff:fe2f:562b)
21:52.18premobosshi, why program 'shotcut' (video editor) is not present into devuan repositories?
21:57.26fsmithredpremoboss, because it's not in debian
21:58.08premobossfsmithred, because is not in devian does not means it cannot be in devuan.
21:58.15premobossfsmithred, because is not in debian does not means it cannot be in devuan.
21:58.20*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
21:58.23fsmithredyou are correct
21:58.34fsmithreddo you have someone in mind who would like to maintain it?
21:58.56premobossi ask in differente way: why not add shotcut to devuna repo? it seems to be a good program for video editing.
22:00.09premobossi have noone in mind. more, i have not skill to do. Simply, i need a pogram like that and because i am a devuan user, here i am to talk about. because if someone talks, maybe some others will do. if yes, good. if not,.. i will not die for.
22:00.35fsmithredmaybe someone else will read this and take an interest
22:01.17premobossfsmithred, you got the right meaning.
22:01.27fsmithredthere is no official procedure for getting a package into devuan, but if someone makes a package, lets people know, and people start using it, it could possibly get put into the repo
22:06.22fsmithredI see there's an appimage for shotcut
22:06.30fsmithredhave you tried that?
22:08.48*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
22:19.43*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
22:21.50*** join/#devuan KnoP (
22:24.22*** join/#devuan rdav (
22:25.04premobossfsmithred, i did, but it does not start.
22:25.12premobossno message error.
22:25.15premobossjack is isntalled
22:30.39fsmithredit started for me, but it wouldn't open the two videos I tried.
22:38.26*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
22:43.09premobossfsmithred, did you follo the istruction and install dependences?
22:44.08premobossnow im tryng openshot, but it is slloooooooooowwwww. or maybe i have a too much old pc. For sure, openshot does not care my dual core and use only one core. bad.
22:45.09premobossoh, my bad. it does. but wrap to blender.
22:45.46fsmithredno, I didn't install anything or read anything
22:46.02fsmithredand no jack on this system
22:47.44*** join/#devuan rdav (
22:47.48tuxd3va new proposal D was added by Ian Jackson
22:47.58golinuxtuxd3v: Yup.
22:48.42golinuxI figured something like that would happen.
22:49.35tuxd3vme too.. :)
22:53.30*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
22:55.38*** join/#devuan petzi (
22:56.40gnu_srs1golinux: Nice to see a good alternative, let's hope for the best :)
23:00.33*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
23:13.24*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
23:17.21*** join/#devuan KnoP (
23:19.28*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
23:23.38*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
23:30.04*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
23:36.48*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah_ (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
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23:49.27*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
23:49.48*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@

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