IRC log for #devuan on 20191111

00:08.19*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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00:15.12*** join/#devuan TwistedFate (~quassel@unaffiliated/twistedfate)
06:06.42*** join/#devuan infobot (
06:06.42*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
06:06.42*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
06:12.09agrisapparently the order things are specified in qemu actually matters
06:12.31agrisand idk what the hell's wrong with my server. maybe a bad cd burn
06:13.45*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (
06:19.56*** join/#devuan Inepu (
06:21.10*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (~LtWorf@2001:9b1:4041:e000:a634:d9ff:fec6:343c)
06:41.21agrisI can not seem to get qemu to work reliably
06:41.37agrisif I so much as change the order in which cdrom or -m is specified the system refused to boot
06:41.42agrisI"m so confused
06:52.53*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
06:56.37*** join/#devuan proteus-guy (
07:08.28agrisholy crap
07:08.38agrisam I crazy? I can not seem to get qemu to freakin work!
07:08.59agrismachine type does not support if=scsi,bus=0,unit=0
07:09.12agrishow can a X86 machine not support scsi
07:09.27agrissnf why is it ignoring -smp 4
07:09.38agris-cdrom doesn't seem to work either
07:09.51agrisascii doesn't recognize virtio disks
07:10.19yeti-drive file=vda.qcow2,if=virtio
07:11.17agrisyeti, yeah, disks don't show up in ascii with virtio
07:11.48yetiI installed from netinstall and it works
07:12.06yetiI never used the other devuan ISOs
07:12.25yetiso they may havw glitches no yeti has ever seen before
07:12.30yetior so...
07:13.00agrissystem works with just qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom devuan.iso
07:13.24agrisbut as soon as you try and start specifying other drives qemu seems to just do whatever it wants
07:13.58yetievery time qemu did not do what I expected, it was PEBCAK
07:14.21yetimaybe I'm just lucky
07:14.36yetishould by some lottery tickets
07:15.59*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
07:20.04yetiqemu-system-x86_64 -name devuan2-amd64 -enable-kvm -smp 2 -m 2048 -device virtio-net,netdev=vmnic -netdev user,id=vmnic,hostfwd=tcp::20264-:22 -drive file=vda.qcow2,if=virtio -vga virtio
07:20.17yetiintentionally no sound...
07:21.05yetimaybe someone knows more qemu magic
07:21.12yetithen I'm all ears too
07:21.36*** join/#devuan chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc3e:2a00:2450:ea79:828b:8cb4)
07:21.59yetiI add -cdrom ... or other options as needed... the startscript has "$@" to catch them
07:22.31yetihostfwd=tcp::20264-:22 is for redirecting ssh
07:22.35yetiinto the VM
07:22.39rrqsound needs an env var setting plus a parameter.. as in: QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=alsa qemu-system-x86_64 -soundhw ac97 ...
07:23.03yetior -soundhw all
07:23.10yetiif lazy
07:28.05rrqand "-serial mon:stdio -echr 0x1c" is useful esp if you start a getty on ttyS0  (the -echr is for having ^\ rather than ^A as wemu meta character)
08:08.58*** join/#devuan meisteris (~meisteris@unaffiliated/meisteris)
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08:37.25*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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09:19.20agrisah yes
09:19.23agrisfinnaly got things working
09:19.47agrisI had to emulate a megaraid sas controller, put it in SATA compatibility mode, and attach my virtual disks to that
09:20.31*** join/#devuan omnio (~omnio@
09:39.50agrisI tried to install zfsutils-linux/stable-backports
09:40.53agrisShouldn't I be using the same userspace tools as the kernel module version
09:41.06agrisor is there a way to bypass the insserv conflict?
09:41.50agrisThis is broken
09:41.51agriscannot create 'bpool': invalid feature 'userobj_accounting'
09:44.38agrisif somebody could double check this but the zfs userspace utils for ascii-backports can't actually be installed in ascii
09:49.03agrisand yeah
09:49.09agristhe minimal love is not UEFI
09:49.13agrisbios only
09:51.56agrisI'm going to try to dist-upgrade the minimal live and install beowulf manually from ram
10:01.00*** join/#devuan sIRC_ (
10:06.11agrisbeowulf's backports aren't built until it's stable
10:10.42agristhis isn't going to work
10:10.48agriskernel version conflict
10:10.59agriscan't boot into a new kernel without wiping my ramdisk
10:13.20gnarfacewhat are you trying to do now?  in theory you could load the new kernel with kexec
10:13.46agrisgnarface, I'm just trying to install Devuan with a recent version of ZFS
10:14.13agrisgnarface, I can't use ASCII because the backported userspace tools can't be installed due to a dpkg conflict
10:14.40agrisand I can't build the beowulf kernel modules without booting into the beowulf kernel
10:15.19agrisI can't reboot into the beowulf kernel because my entire beowulf install is only inside the ramdisk. cycling the power will wipe the ramdisk
10:15.45gnarfacemaybe kexec could help
10:15.48gnarfacenot sure
10:16.02agrisgnarface, I've never had a successful kexec. It's always just crashed the system in my past experiences using it
10:16.09agrisbut Ii'm willing to try
10:16.21agrisIs there a Devuan-specific way to kexec the new kernel?
10:16.28gnarfaceeh, i can't help you with it unfortunately, i don't know
10:17.30gnarfacewhy is the beowulf install only in a ramdisk?  not enough harddrive space?
10:18.59agrisgnarface, because I'm trying to install Devuan to a zfs root
10:19.08agrisand I'm booted into the minimal live iso
10:19.16agriswhich btw only works in BIOS mode
10:19.34gnarfaceyea, but... do you not have any spare drive space?
10:19.47gnarfaceusing the minimal iso shouldn't preclude using it
10:19.50agrisI do
10:20.12agrisI think I broke Devuan anyways
10:20.23agrisI installed 4.9 headers in beowulf from ascii
10:20.34gnarfacewell, that's possible... you really shouldn't be having ascii-backports complaints about ascii...
10:20.56agrisgnarface, what do you mean?
10:21.28gnarfaceyou said you had a package conflict and something from ascii-backports couldn't be installed in ascii.  you said that right?  that should never be the case unless you made a mistake *before* that
10:21.32agrisif that's the case maybe the backported package had a major bug and Ii'm the first person to install it
10:21.56agrisgnarface, no when I was having that issue I didn't screw the system up at that point
10:22.37gnarfaceyou could be right, it's just highly unlikely
10:22.45agriszfsutils-linux from ascii-backports
10:22.54agrisconflicts with ascii's insserv
10:23.14gnarfaceyou sure that's actually ascii's insserv?
10:23.41gnarfaceyou might have accidentally got the beowulf, don't you think?  did you check the version?
10:23.46*** join/#devuan MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
10:24.13agrisyes, look for yourself
10:24.41gnarfacewell, linking me that doesn't prove that's the version you have installed, but i'll take your word for it
10:24.57gnarfacei assume you're capable of actually checking, i just wanted to make sure you thought of it
10:25.31agris> zfsutils-linux : Conflicts: insserv (< 1.18) but 1.14.0-5.4+b1 is to be installed
10:25.57agristhat does
10:26.09gnarfaceoh hmm
10:26.20gnarfacecould it want insserv from backports too?
10:26.30gnarfacecheck to see
10:26.47agristhere is no insserv from backports
10:27.28gnarfacethat does seem like a mistake then
10:28.32agrismy guess is that since insserv seems to be related to init scripts
10:28.41agrisand Debian....well you know
10:30.28*** join/#devuan meisteris (~meisteris@unaffiliated/meisteris)
10:32.32rrqagris: is that ascii-backports/contrib or ascii-backports/main ?
10:32.49agrisrrq, ZFS stuff is from contrib
10:33.04agrisinsserv is main
10:34.50rrqright. yes I can repeat the problem.
10:35.39gnarfacerrq: are you also not seeing a newer insserv in ascii-backports?
10:36.17rrqcorrect. next one is beowulf (and buster) 1.18.0-2
10:36.43rrqthere is however a zfs-util in ascii-bacports/main as well
10:37.33rrqthe contrib one is 0.7.12-2+deb10u1~bpo9+1 and the main one is (merely) 0.7.3-3+devuan1
10:42.30agrisif this is an actual issue and one related to init would it not make sense to make the ascii backport based on 0.8 rather than 0.7
10:46.19agrisI'm not really sure why the userspace tools even depend on insserv in the first place
10:46.57agrisseems like fixing it may be as simple as removing that as a dependency in dpkg
10:47.14agrisshould just provide /sbin/zpool and /sbin/zfs
10:48.46*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
10:52.19gnarfaceit does seem like maybe either the package needs to simply have the version requirement lowered, or there is something deeper wrong...
10:54.03*** join/#devuan TheCreeper (~TheCreepe@unaffiliated/thecreeper)
11:06.42GyrosGeier10:19 < agris> I had to emulate a megaraid sas controller, put it in SATA compatibility mode, and attach my virtual disks to that
11:06.57GyrosGeierany particular reason you're not simply using virtio-disk?
11:07.11GyrosGeierthese just show up as a single PCI device AFAIK
11:07.24agrisit doesn't show up in the OS installer
11:08.19GyrosGeierthe Devuan installer ISO should certainly recognize virtio disks
11:08.57GyrosGeierthat driver has been in the kernel for ages
11:10.49GyrosGeier"-drive file=/dev/darine/jenkins,format=raw,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk0,cache=none,aio=native -device virtio-blk-pci,scsi=off,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6,drive=drive-virtio-disk0,id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=1"
11:11.02GyrosGeierthat is what libvirt generated for a virtual disk in my Jenkins box
11:14.28agristhat's ok it's not something i want to troubleshoot right now
11:14.51GyrosGeiervirtio is likely to be faster tho
11:15.01GyrosGeierespecially if you also use memballoon
11:36.57*** join/#devuan Madda (
11:47.02*** join/#devuan tmberg (tmberg@unaffiliated/tmberg)
11:55.27*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
11:57.36*** join/#devuan Peregrinus_ (~peregrinu@
12:07.46rrqagris: fwiw, zfsutils-linux from ascii-backports main (0.7.3-3+devuan1) installs without issue. the other one is a "plain" buster version, and presumably/obviously it needs some hands-on for devuan ascii
12:09.13*** join/#devuan xinomilo (xinomilo@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/xinomilo)
12:16.45rrqor, since you might be on the ledge already: you could look at installing 0.8.2-3 from unstable (contrib & main)
12:27.10fsmithredagris, have you talked with mason in #devuan-dev about zfs? He was working on an encrypted zfs-root install back in Sep/Oct.
12:27.48agrisisn't encrypted zfs datasets only supported in .8?
12:29.18fsmithred#devuan-dev.log:Oct 01 12:05:51 <mason>Alright, the zfs-initramfs internal docs are wrong, and walking through the code has made everything fairly straightforward.
12:29.45fsmithredI know nothing of what is in which version
12:29.57*** join/#devuan asbesto (
12:30.23fsmithredI think maybe he was working with a newer version
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13:01.13*** join/#devuan devuanusing9 (~develop87@
13:01.40devuanusing9Devuan keyring, some keys are expired, what to do?
13:05.36fsmithredwhat keys are expired?
13:14.19devuanusing9fsmithred: your key is expired, in the gpg file at
13:15.28devuanusing9In the mirror the same problem happens
13:18.14fsmithreddevuanusing9, I just updated it recently.
13:19.34devuanusing9fsmithred: the expiration key is october 2018, is that correct?
13:19.39devuanusing9the expiration date sorry
13:19.44fsmithred4096R/094C5620 2017-10-07 [expires: 2021-09-20]
13:19.46devuanusing9where can I find the updated key?
13:19.51fsmithredmaybe you need to refresh
13:20.00fsmithredyou're running gpg on your system to check this?
13:20.10devuanusing9yes, but on a clean installation
13:20.19devuanusing9so I just downloaded the file in
13:20.44fsmithredtry gpg --refresh-keys
13:20.49devuanusing9pub   rsa4096 2017-10-07 [SC] [expired: 2018-10-07] 67F5013216271E85C251E480A73823D3094C5620
13:20.52devuanusing9uid           [ expired] fsmithred (aka fsr) <>
13:21.43fsmithredyou get that after refreshing?
13:21.56devuanusing9no, after refreshing, it revoked one of the keys
13:22.04devuanusing9but the other continues with the old expiration
13:22.28fsmithredoh, maybe we need to refresh on the server
13:23.00devuanusing9how long will it take more or less?
13:23.00fsmithredrrq, are you still awake?
13:23.11fsmithreddepends on how brave and daring I am
13:23.23devuanusing9ok, ok
13:23.49devuanusing9do you know any other server where I can download the updated key? seems unresponsive when I search your nick
13:24.03fsmithreddamn, that's the keyserver I use
13:25.33fsmithredI pushed the update more than a month ago, so it should have propagated to other keyservers
13:26.45devuanusing9fsmithred: it's odd, because in the devuan-devs.pgp file , updated 13 Oct 2019, the key it contains is the expired one
13:27.31devuanusing9sha256sum: 5ae0c9c14b0e906a75546c4f4dd9885af07a97d6dc370a55c735f069f89d8c97
13:34.08fsmithreddevuanusing9, it may take a day to get this sorted out because of times zones and sleep cycles.
13:34.17*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
13:36.01fsmithredmit keyserver not working here, either.
13:40.47devuanusing9fsmithred: ok, thanks for the info
13:41.33devuanusing9fsmithred: I hope this does not reduce security of the downloads if verified with old  key
13:43.43fsmithredit's the same key as before. Problem is that I updated it and then forgot to push it to the server until after it showed as expired.
14:32.46*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
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15:08.30*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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16:27.48tuxd3vhello all, dev1ner's spread out in the Galaxy1 :)
16:33.27*** join/#devuan mason (~mason@redhat/mason)
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17:28.57tuxd3vhello all, I made a v0.1 beta release of devuan for linux sunxi arm64..
17:29.04tuxd3vits a minimal image
17:29.22tuxd3vbut it has the basics working including ethernet..
17:33.33tuxd3vif someone wants it:
17:34.20tuxd3vfile: devuan-ascii-arm64-0.1-beta.img.tar.gz
17:38.34*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:43.56fsmithredtuxd3v, I'm downloading it, but I probably can't boot it. No arm hardware here and no previous luck trying to boot arm images with qemu.
17:45.54tuxd3vfsmithred: the image inside has:
17:46.16tuxd3vin sector 8, the uboot - bootloader,
17:47.06tuxd3vthen at 1024 has 1 /boot partition with kernel, and device tree for sunxi, also boot.src(script for uboot to execute)
17:47.16tuxd3vthen at 101MB the rootfs
17:47.29tuxd3vwith 1 GB size for rootfs
17:47.45tuxd3vthe simple way would be to mount lets say in /mnt
17:47.53tuxd3vthe second partition
17:47.58fsmithredyeah, I can do that
17:48.50fsmithredBut I can't chroot it. I tried that with rpi image and it complained.
17:49.05fsmithredwants arms
17:50.06tuxd3vthen copy to it the file '/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static' , present in package 'qemu-user-static'
17:50.16tuxd3vand only then
17:50.48tuxd3vmount --bind /proc, sys, dev,dev/pts and chroot to it :)
17:50.58fsmithredyeah, did the binds
17:50.59tuxd3vthen you can use the binaries inside
17:51.19fsmithredcopy what?
17:51.35tuxd3vbecause ''/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static' is in the image and it will translate arm64 to lets say x86 :)
17:51.38fsmithredor I should ask, copy it to where?
17:51.56tuxd3vlet me see, but its straightfoward
17:55.22tuxd3vyou need to copy /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static to the target of chroot
17:55.29tuxd3vin this case would be /mnt
17:55.30fsmithredah, ok, thanks
17:55.40tuxd3vI was searching in my notes
17:55.44tuxd3vno problem
17:56.08tuxd3vas fas as I know everything will work, even apt-get and so on..
17:56.18fsmithredstill downloading (~350KB/s)
17:56.55tuxd3vbut 'qemu-aarch64-static' needs to be inside, becaue it needs to translate from target binaries aarch64(arm64) to host x86
17:56.58fsmithredI have to go out soon, but I'll play with this later today. Thanks for making it.
17:57.09tuxd3vno problem
17:57.33tuxd3vits always nice to see that something we do is useful :)
17:57.56tuxd3vI am planning to extend it to next stable kernel 5.4 in due time
17:58.06tuxd3vI am testing 5.4-rc7 now
17:58.33tuxd3vbut that image ships with stable 5.3.9, which works well
18:00.10tuxd3veverything else it has is standard to devuan
18:00.10tuxd3vho, it has 1 user more than only root
18:00.10tuxd3vit has 'devuan' user
18:00.10tuxd3vpasswd 'devuan'
18:00.36fsmithredgreat, same as the live isos
18:00.50tuxd3vyeah :)
18:01.07fsmithredroot pass is toor?
18:01.21tuxd3vno I forgot that... its also devuan :(
18:01.37fsmithredthat would be my second or third guess
18:01.38tuxd3vshould I change it to toor?
18:01.43tuxd3vI believe
18:01.59fsmithredyeah, if it's going to end up being a hosted image
18:02.06golinuxThat has been the convention at devuan
18:02.07fsmithredbetter to all be the same
18:02.32golinuxThanks for your contribution tuxd3v
18:02.37yetithe nonroot user is not a good idea
18:02.37tuxd3vyou right, I will update it to toor
18:03.05tuxd3vgolinux: no problem
18:03.18tuxd3vit was something I always wanted to help devuan with
18:03.39tuxd3vand I have plenty of boards around :)
18:04.03tuxd3vafter sunxi boards, I will shift to rockship ones :)
18:04.18tuxd3valready have some work done for it, but that later :)
18:04.47*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:05.26tuxd3vyeti: why you think nonroot is not a good Idea?
18:05.48yetithe user should be free how to name his user 1000
18:05.51tuxd3vmy toughs were that you should login as a normal user, and only then switchs to root
18:06.07tuxd3vmaybe you right
18:06.40yetiwe networms have user 1000 named differently than devuan on hundreds of other systems...
18:07.04tuxd3vmaybe I could find a way to create a 1001 devuan user, and when he logs in will be asked by the new user to create as 1000 ?
18:07.23golinuxWe need to set up that space on the d1g forum.
18:07.29yetithat would have been my one of my next lines
18:09.04fsmithredwith the live isos, you can change the user during the installation
18:09.30fsmithredsince this image is just going to be dd'd, there's no chance to do that
18:09.51yetidebian has an installer for sunxi images
18:10.00yetibut i dont know where its sources are
18:10.14fsmithredyeah, we don't have that yet, but there's been some talk about doing it
18:10.48yetiit still may need a usb-uart-cable
18:11.10fsmithredwhat's that for?
18:11.12yetiit did not recognise the usb-keyboard
18:11.26tuxd3vwe could adapt it to devuan, I don't know if its feasible, but if it his could be a option
18:11.28yetiI tried to install a banana pi r1 with it
18:11.38yetibut without keyboard... :-/
18:11.56yetiarm stuff @debian is an adventure too
18:12.20tuxd3vhehe, life is an adventure :)
18:12.23yetinext time i open the BPI-R1, I'll connect rx/tx/gnd
18:14.41tuxd3vyeti: yes to that, it could be that it works as serial for stdout and for stderr
18:14.55tuxd3vmaybe it could be that way you set a new user..
18:15.04fsmithredI can't chroot the mounted image. Getting "failed to run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error
18:15.32fsmithredwhich is what I got before adding qemu-aarch64-static
18:15.40yeti2.HHGTTG 18,91: ''Will you shut up and listen!'' hissed Zaphod, ''this time  there's going to be excitement and adventure and really wild things.''
18:15.44yetifound it!
18:16.08tuxd3vits the qemu user static for aarch64 that needs to be inside :)
18:16.39fsmithredyeah, I copied that to the mounted image
18:16.47*** join/#devuan jordila (~jordi@
18:16.49tuxd3vit tries to interpret arm64 binaries in your host target arch and gives you that error becasue they are diferent archs
18:16.50fsmithreddo I need to repack the image and boot it with qemu?
18:17.05tuxd3vno only chroot is enough
18:17.19tuxd3vlet me check again the location of the quemu binary
18:19.13fsmithredgot it!
18:19.31tuxd3vmaybe you need to copy it to '/usr/bin/'
18:19.34fsmithredchroot mnt /qemu-aarch64-static /bin/bash
18:19.38tuxd3vlike in the origin host
18:19.55tuxd3vthat is a way to run a command inside
18:20.06fsmithredevery command
18:20.40tuxd3vtry copy 'qemu-aarch64-static' to chroot '/usr/bin'
18:21.06tuxd3vI believe that after that you should be able to work with any command
18:21.28tuxd3vwhithout having to type the qemu inary everytime
18:22.43yetibinfmt_misc support is installed?
18:23.13tuxd3vI confirm qemu binary needs to be  to chroot '/usr/bin'
18:23.29fsmithredyeah, I saw some binfmt package get installed along with the aarch64-static
18:24.46tuxd3vI will try from my side too :)
18:24.59tuxd3vso that I could iron out any problem..
18:25.20fsmithredweird. 'echo' works, 'ls' and 'cp' do not work.
18:26.06yetils /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/
18:26.26yetiis aarch64 mentioned there?
18:26.44fsmithredI'm looking on the host
18:27.12yetishould be the same
18:27.20yetiproc would be bindmounted
18:27.32fsmithredoh yeah
18:27.53yetilist the contents of the qemu-aarch-thingy
18:28.04yetilook for a config file for binfmt_misc
18:28.48yetie.g. mono-runtime installs some such stuff to transparently execute DOnet binaries
18:29.31fsmithredno config files in that package
18:30.30fsmithredpython2.7 and python3.5
18:30.32yetiif there were aarch64, it probably would show in /proc/... too
18:30.44yetitime to ask marjorei
18:30.51tuxd3vmaybe some dependency, I entered directly and executed a apt-get update, it works nicely
18:31.01tuxd3vlet me see dependencies needed..
18:31.57yetiI only vaguely remember that fro executing an i386 binary on PI and Cubie3
18:32.23tuxd3vI found this dependencies:  'binfmt-support' 'qemu-user-static'
18:32.48tuxd3vI also mounted everything with '--bind'
18:33.03tuxd3vproc, sys, dev, dev/pts
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18:33.15yetiand you can transparently start aarch64 binaries without prefixing it with qemu-...?
18:33.30tuxd3vyeti: yes
18:34.01yetifsmithred may not have all deps
18:34.10fsmithredyeah, I'm adding them now
18:34.40fsmithredbinfmt-support added. Do I also need qemu-user-binfmt?
18:35.11fsmithredthat wants to remove qemu-user-static
18:35.17tuxd3vI think not, only thos 2
18:35.23tuxd3vroot@desktop0:/# file /bin/ls
18:35.23tuxd3v/bin/ls: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, BuildID[sha1]=a242161239cb1f4ea9b8a7455013295e5473e3ec, stripped
18:35.23tuxd3vroot@desktop0:/# ls -l /
18:35.23tuxd3vtotal 121500
18:35.23tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:05 bin
18:35.24tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Jun 10  2018 boot
18:35.26tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x  15 root root      3240 Nov 11 16:55 dev
18:35.28tuxd3v-rw-r--r--   1 root root 124346447 Nov 11 18:26 devuan-ascii-base-arm64.tar.gz
18:35.30tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x  44 root root      4096 Nov 11 18:34 etc
18:35.32tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Jun 10  2018 home
18:35.34tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x  10 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:05 lib
18:35.36tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 media
18:35.38tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 mnt
18:35.40tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 opt
18:35.42tuxd3vdr-xr-xr-x 218 root root         0 Oct 27 21:27 proc
18:35.44tuxd3vdrwx------   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 root
18:35.48tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   4 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 run
18:35.50tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:07 sbin
18:35.52tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x   2 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 srv
18:35.54tuxd3vdr-xr-xr-x  13 root root         0 Oct 28 17:45 sys
18:35.56tuxd3vdrwxrwxrwt   2 root root      4096 Nov 11 18:34 tmp
18:35.58tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x  10 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 usr
18:36.00tuxd3vdrwxr-xr-x  11 root root      4096 Oct 30 04:03 var
18:36.02tuxd3vsorry for the spamm
18:36.04tuxd3vI should tried a smaller command ..
18:36.06tuxd3vI am sorry
18:37.40tuxd3vthen you needto have '/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static' in chroot same place '/usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static'
18:37.42fsmithredI know why it keeps telling me 'no such file or directory' for ls
18:38.21yetimaybe something changed since wheezy days...
18:38.32yetiso my memories may be outdated
18:39.14fsmithredok, I have to precede the command with qemu-aarch64-static and I have to use the path to the command
18:39.18tuxd3vyeti: no need to prefix qemu binary, or even to use it at all, after it been in place ;)
18:39.58tuxd3vfsmithred, that is the first aproach , and it works, but its a bit time consuming
18:40.12tuxd3vthe next step is without prefixes
18:40.24fsmithredhow do I get there?
18:40.30tuxd3vyou doesn't even notice that you are in a chroot environment
18:41.04tuxd3vroot@desktop0:/# find / -name qemu-aarch64-static
18:41.11tuxd3vI only have 1 binary
18:42.11tuxd3vand I haven't set any env var.. at least that I now, I simply uncompressed the image, and chrooted into it, copy qemu to inside of it, and its ok
18:42.43fsmithredalright, I'll play with this later
18:42.46fsmithredgotta go
18:42.50fsmithredThanks for help.
18:43.24tuxd3vfsmithred, no problen
18:50.37tuxd3vfsmithred: I thik I got it:
18:50.41tuxd3vsudo update-binfmts --display|grep -EA 7 "aarch64.*enabled" --color
18:51.25tuxd3vcheck if arch aarch64 is enabled with update-binfmts..
18:51.57tuxd3vin the host
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19:39.00cgdaecould anyone here explain how to install devuan unstable (aka beowulf)? i haven't been able to find info on i did find, but when installing, it said 'no kernel modules found' when doing 'download installer components'.
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19:48.03emdetecgdae: i use the life-iso, install this minimal system, reboot, change the apt sources and do an upgrade...
19:51.40cgdaeemdete: ah, thanks. does that mean that there isn't a way to install beowulf directly (without going via stable or similar)?
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20:04.07emdetecgdae: i'm not sure but because i like to start with a minimal system that was the best way i found. i even looked for how that iso can be build to strip it even more ;)
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20:29.30golinuxcgdae: Yes, you'll want to upgrade from ascii by changes the sources list to beowulf which hasn't been officially released yet.
20:30.30golinuxDepending on your setup. it could go more or less smoothly
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21:12.54emdetegolinux: can you tell how to build the life iso?
21:13.49golinuxDepends how you want to build it
21:15.37golinuxFrom a running desktop you can use refractasnapshot.  I should be in the Devuan repos.  Readme is here:
21:15.53golinuxI > it
21:16.51golinuxThere is also the live-sdk:
21:17.01golinuxemdete: ^^^
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21:26.28golinuxOops clipboard misfire
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21:50.52fsmithredemdete, it's possible to do a debootstrap install from the live isos. That would be the leanest possible install.
21:54.53emdetegolinux: do you suggest to use refracta or distro-kit?
21:56.51fsmithredemdete, it depends on what you want to do
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21:57.45masoncgdae: I've been doing straight Beowulf installs recently. Vaguely similar to the Refracta method, I have a generic install with the tools I want on a portable USB hard drive (and again on a VM I can attach to virtual disks, for virtual installs) and I go from there, debootstrap driven by scripting.
21:58.55masonI should do a pxe version and then I could just have one.
21:59.07emdetecreating a minimalistic boot usb stick which is able to be (unattended) installed to hd if desired.
22:00.34emdetegolinux: refracta seems to provide that, i already use that with a patched script in a second partition.but i would like to put that script into the iso and remove some packages...
22:00.36fsmithredok, refractainstaller is not an unattended activity, but you could make your own script to do that.
22:01.06masonemdete: Things to look at that could be adapted:
22:01.17fsmithredrefractasnapshot is a WYSIWYG remastering tool. It copies the running system.
22:01.28emdetefsmithred: which i did based on an older version (someone here provided that)
22:01.36emdetemason: fai is a beast 😉
22:02.55fsmithredemdete, what exactly do you mean by "unattended"
22:03.09emdetedoes live-sdk include any kind of installer to copy to hd?
22:03.24fsmithredunless you tell it to include refractainstaller
22:03.41fsmithreda few people have gotten it to include debian-installer, but I'm not one of those people
22:03.43emdetefsmithred: i start a script and it installs with no further interaction
22:03.47masonemdete: You can script up debootstrap for something similar. Half a sec and I'll pastebin my most recent cut - note that it prompts for root password, dialog for locale, etc.
22:04.09fsmithredok, that's pretty easy to do if you know what partition you're going to use
22:04.17fsmithredand a few other things
22:04.42fsmithredyou could lift a few lines out of refractainstaller and make your own
22:04.56emdetefsmithred: its for notebooks in a  school. the kids boot from stick, run the installer, target is more or less same, same
22:05.27emdeteyes, i already did so. i just wasnt sure how to build the iso
22:05.28fsmithredfor a computer class?
22:05.31masonemdete: You could install via netboot too, and skip the media distribution.
22:05.53fsmithredcan you let the kids hack on the script?
22:06.35fsmithredif you have an installation already the way you want it, easiest way to make iso is refractasnapshot
22:07.00emdetesure, but why? its only the installation phase. after that they boot from HD into a console-only linux and start from there to put things together
22:08.09emdeteok. this is good to know. and it seems they have just deb packages. nice.
22:08.10emdetethank you all ! :)
22:08.33fsmithredI say make them all do a debootstrap install and they can learn a few things
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22:08.45masonOh, need to update the script's sources.list. Whoops:
22:08.56emdetebut your script looks interesting too - you use efi, zfs and crypto... will check what i can steal from that 🙂
22:09.17masonemdete: I like the idea of not having as much automation and guiding the students through a hand install.
22:09.26masonemdete: Good way for them to learn.
22:10.28fsmithredagris, take a look at mason's script linked above ^^^
22:10.32masonemdete: Maybe look at a private/local mirror if you're going to have more than a handful of students downloading packages all at once.
22:10.36emdeteyes, it's wonderfull if they are stuck in front of a console
22:11.02emdeteand the eyes when you show them youtube-dl and mpv with -vo caca is just great :D
22:11.26masonfsmithred: Once I'm properly happy with the script I'll put it on github or something. Also, it'd be worth having a legacy mode for folks who don't want ZFS.
22:12.12fsmithredcool. agris had questions about zfs yesterday
22:12.34emdetemason: ah, they install step by step, the current class is 7 people and they install python or such - mostly a single package. but that's a good hint to speed up things...
22:12.44masonfsmithred: Ah, I somehow missed that I hadn't rejoined #devuan after the last time I parted, although I remembered #debianfork.
22:13.05masonagris: I'd be happy to help. Just ping me.
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23:43.37cgdaemason: thanks for that. sounds interesting. but... not sure i have the time spare to figure how to all of that myself!
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