IRC log for #devuan on 20191023

00:04.58*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
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03:08.23dabc_beginner question -- I'm trying to downgrade linux-image to 4.9.0-8 but apt says it has no installation candidate - this means the only available version in the repos right now is 4.9.0-11?
03:09.08fsmithreddabc_, yes that's all that's in the repo, but you might have the .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives
03:09.28fsmithredinstall with 'dpkg --force-downgrade -i linux-image-whatever'
03:09.58dabc_oh. I see. thank you
03:10.46fsmithredyou also might find it at (I think that's right.)
03:11.37dabc_thanks :)
03:12.16*** join/#devuan luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
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03:24.45ahi2why is firefox old version in ascii release?
03:28.26gnarfacepartially just because ascii is old, but the debian version it corresponds to also doesn't have a newer firefox, and i think it is because rust became a requirement for building it after that, and rust didn't make the freeze
03:29.02ahi2ok thanks
03:30.24plasma41because bootstrapping rust is a pain
03:33.09*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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03:57.05OksanaTrying to figure out why Xfce's suspend/hibernate/switch-user menu buttons are grey/disabled.
03:57.11OksanaGot far enough to find:
03:57.40Oksanadbus[1711]: [system] Rejected send message, 2 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.42" (uid=1000 pid=2320 comm="xfce4-session ") interface="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Manager" member="CanSuspend" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination=":1.11" (uid=0 pid=2138 comm="/usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon ")
04:01.00golinuxStart here
04:01.12golinuxAssuming you're on ascii
04:01.23OksanaYes, I am, thank you :-)
04:01.43golinuxLook for the section ### Session management and policykit backends
04:02.45golinuxThe default Xfce just works for me ootb so I wonder how you installed it
04:03.18golinuxI'll be afk for a while but back later
04:05.02OksanaI want lightdm + consolekit
04:05.50OksanaYes, that's what I have installed: Xfce, lightdm (no slim), consolekit (no elogind)
04:07.55OksanaBut, I am not sure whether I have policykit-1 installed. Alright, installing policykit-1, since it's essential for communication between consolekit and whatever else.
04:09.46OksanaAlright, and libpam-ck-connector as well
04:13.35OksanaAnd, thank you for " This site is a cookie-free zone"! It's genuinely difficult to click through "Allow cookies for this, block cookies for that" every time a web page is loading. So lack of cookies is appreciated :-) And dentists would concur
04:15.17*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:20.10golinuxOksana: Happy to hear you worked it out!
05:21.24OksanaNo idea whether I have worked it out or not. Might need to restart computer to see if it works. Or restart xfce session somehow.
05:23.43golinuxAre the icons still grayed out?
05:24.06golinuxIt might need a reboot to activate.
05:28.01OksanaAnd I am loathe to do reboots. But they happen, sooner or later. Laptop finds opportune moments to run out of battery, and such.
05:28.26Oksanaloath *
05:31.46golinuxMe too I was up nearly 3 months and then it just got too stuffed with who knows what.
05:33.52OksanaMy uptime is currently merely 2 days. I still haven't figured out how to get computer to hibernate instead of shutting down on low battery.
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12:02.04xrogaanhow to properly setup a daemon with sysvinit? Is there some tool to setup the run level?
12:05.43*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
12:11.53xrogaanisn't there supposed to be a chkconfig?
12:15.21rrqnot since jessie, it looks like
12:15.30r3bootxrogaan: fundamentally, it's about having a script in /etc/init.d/<name of service>, together with links, per runlevel, for the start and stop scripts, eg: /etc/rc<runlevel>.d/S<number><name of service> -> /etc/init.d/<name of service>
12:15.44r3booteg, 'managing' sysvinit is done using 'rm' and 'ln'
12:15.53r3bootchkconfig is a wrapper around those commands
12:16.26rrqxrogaan: "man insserv" is a good start point
12:16.32xrogaanyes, but there has to be a command to ease the creation of the different runlevels
12:17.31r3bootConfiguration of runlevels is done using /etc/inittab, but unless you have a very specific usecase, you dont want to change/add any runlevel, just (re) use the existing ones
12:17.38xrogaanrrq: I just found update-rc.d
12:17.45xrogaaninsserv is the hardcore way.
12:17.47rrqthen: "man init-d-script"
12:18.03r3bootno, rm/ln, that's the hardcore way, the rest is just convenience wrappers ;+ (but w/e)
12:19.24r3boot(even better, the rm/ln method works on *every* sysv init system ever, with minor implementation details here and there, and across not just linux, but everything that runs sysv init, without needing to learn the specific convenience wrappers per os)
12:19.57rrqr3boot: sysvinit-rc of today has progressed a little bit in the 30 years, and just fiddling with links is not fully correct any more
12:20.12r3bootrrq: what else does it do?
12:20.42r3boot(serious question btw)
12:20.54rrqit now includes a kind of dependency system across the logical "facilities" to allow for orderly parallel starts
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12:21.35r3bootthats specific to sysvinit-rc, but not standardized in sysv init. And each distro handles parallel startup / dependency ordering in a different way
12:24.23rrqpossibly; I think that's what you get when you boot Devuan. Or more precisely: that's what I get when I boot.
12:25.27r3bootyeah, only reason I mentioned rm/ln, is because I like to learn people how stuff works under the hood.
12:25.53r3boot.. not that it really works nowadays, b/c people expect stuff to just work(tm) :)
12:25.57r3boot(but offtopic)
12:29.55rrqgood idea. though the Sn*/Kn* links whilst important are only half the picture nowadays, and it might seed confusion if one stops at that, without pointing to insserv and update-rc.d etc.
12:30.35xrogaanI just needed to know how to setup the init script on the different run level. update-rc.d is the answer :)
12:31.08*** join/#devuan Shentino (~shentino@unaffiliated/shentino)
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12:58.14JTechnoHello folks, I'm running devuan on my netbook with kernel 4.9.0-8 and an ATI Radeon HD 6320, with this configuration everything is perfect but as soon as I upgrade the kernel the integrated display stays off on reboot, I can connect an external display and it works, someone has idea on what is going on?
12:58.22JTechnoI'm not using propietary drivers
12:59.05JTechnoI've tried kernels 4.9.0-9, -10 and -11
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14:15.50chr[]JTechno: any bios options about boot-vga? Also does this happen if you power down and up instead doing "warm (re)boot"?
14:25.31JTechnono bios option and yes it happens every time I try to boot
14:25.52JTechnocold or warm
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18:58.27JTechnoI've managed to fix it adding acpi_backlight=vendor to kernel cmdline
18:58.44JTechnoit made me sweat
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19:35.24*** join/#devuan tom_work (~tom_work@2603:3004:4d3:60e0:a3e:8eff:feb8:f5c5)
19:35.44tom_workAre there any Devuan uses that are actually using it with a BrlTTY?
19:39.31golinuxThere are several blind devuan users
19:40.08golinuxAnd the minimal-live is geared towards accessibility
19:43.35furrywolftom_work:  if the problem is that brltty broke other hardware you had, I tried reporting this when first installing ascii and no one cared...
19:49.01tom_workno no it's not a problem with brltty breaking other thing
19:49.49tom_workI was merely curious if that functionality was actually being exercised. I'm working on ADA compliance right now.
19:58.12furrywolfwell, in that case, can I please point out that it breaks things, and absolutely shouldn't get started unexpectedly?  :)
19:59.38furrywolfit gets installed unexpectedly (for example, by the console productivity task), runs by default, and the default config is to not just take over every single usb device that looks like a usb-rs232 adapter, but to actually send random data to all of them attempting to probe what they might be.  which breaks everything.
20:01.28furrywolffor example, in my specific case, the random data it sends happens to include a byte string that causes the power monitor for my and my neighbor's house to instantly kill power to both.
20:06.47furrywolfbbl, time for work
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20:09.12tom_workfurrywolf, sounds like similar issues that Modemmanager has
20:09.38tom_workprobing serial consoles unconditionally leading to problems
20:10.37tom_workfurrywolf, if your building an industrial control system you should be disabling daemons you don't need
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20:10.47tom_worklessen the attack surface and complexity
20:11.37tom_workbut I'd agree I don't see why brltty would be installed if accessibility mode wasn't selected during the install media
20:12.37furrywolfit's for logging data, monitoring battery status, etc, for my solar system.  bbl, late for work.
20:13.10*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
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21:28.25tom_workDoes OpenSMTPd in Devuan ASCII support ECC cryptography for DKIM signature verification or must I use the legacy RSA algorithm?
21:28.36tom_workI would think that would be something that would get backported
21:33.39gnarfacei have no idea, that might be a better thing to check with them directly
21:33.46gnarfacefind a changelog somewhere
21:34.05gnarfacethe version in ascii is 6.0.2
21:34.22gnarfacethough i note there is also "opensmtpd-extras" and "opensmtpd-extras-experimental"
21:34.29gnarfacemaybe one of those would be worth checking too
21:35.20gnarfaceit's not gonna be different from debian stretch, so whatever documentation they have on it should mostly be accurate too (except the parts about where it interacts with the init system)
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21:51.52avbox14I try to set pulseaudio device with pactl to set speaker instead of lineout. Does it run stable on beowulf?
21:53.15gnarfaceavbox14: this is something you can only answer for yourself with testing
21:54.10gnarfaceavbox14: pulseaudio depends on ALSA, which can vary wildly in stability between different pieces of hardware
21:54.34gnarfaceavbox14: (though actual stability issues are more rare.  usually it's a either "works right" or "doesn't" situation)
21:58.13avbox14gnarface: The sound itself works perfect. Only problem after booting up, the interface is se to LineOut, should be Speaker. So I tried to set it via pactl, but I can't swith port to Speaker.
22:03.10gnarfaceavbox14: i don't know much about pulseaudio but it seems like you should be able to change the defaults...  did you try pavucontrol?
22:06.01avbox14gnarface: Just installed pavucontrol, works perfect, but my problem is setting on console.
22:06.22gnarfacemight be a bug in pactl then, i'm not sure.   i don't use it.
22:06.55gnarfacebut i thought it would keep your last setting through reboots.  that might be wrong too, if it is not.
22:10.55gnarfaceavbox14: this is ascii, right?  i'd check the bug reports in devuan and debian first, then maybe file one if nothing is mentioned
22:11.21avbox14gnarface: NO, it i beowulf.
22:12.01gnarfaceavbox14: oh,  well the advice stands still.  they may have also seen this issue before in #pulseaudio
22:16.26avbox14gnarface: I check it on #pulseaudio, but I'm not shure if it is a devuan specific or pulseaudio or my own problem. Thank's anyway for help
22:17.23gnarfaceavbox14: yes, at this point i can't tell you either, that is also a question you will need to answer yourself.  sorry.  since it is buster, that does increase the chances of it being devuan/polkit/systemd related
22:17.59gnarfaceavbox14: if it is such an issue though, very likely it's just some mundane permissions problem you can work around by hand if you can figure out what needs access that isn't getting it
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