IRC log for #devuan on 20191022

00:37.43tom_workHow is the raspberry pi image developed?
00:37.50tom_workIs there a debootsrap template or something?
00:38.02tom_worka script?
00:39.05golinuxYou can drop the beta.  That's just where I'm working now.
00:39.55tom_workso is this different from Debian preseeds?
00:40.16tom_workI have experience designing preseeds for automated debian installations
00:40.32tom_workIs the Devuan SDK different than this?
00:45.05*** join/#devuan wyatt8750 (~wyatt8740@
00:45.24gnarfacetom_work: all the ARM images from devuan are custom, pre-installed images
00:45.31gnarfacetom_work: there is no ARM installer
00:45.47gnarfacethat's why they're so different from the x86 stuff
00:46.13gnarfacethey're all built from some script in the gitlab
00:46.21tom_workI see
00:46.32gnarfaceyou are encouraged to check it out and try it
00:47.17gnarfaceif you are dissatisfied with the ARM builds and can provide knowledgeable feedback, i'm sure they would appreciate it
00:47.22tom_workI'm going to read into this but can you give me the general rundown of what the structure is? quick version. Is it just a bash script-like situation that calls in debootstrap or something more monolithic?
00:47.59gnarfacei don't know actually.  but yea i think it's primarily a shell script
00:48.22gnarfacelook for something in the gitlab called "arm-sdk" i don't have the exact link memorized
00:48.51tom_workok good so sounds like it should be relatively easy to patch
00:49.14gnarfaceoh it's in the channel topic of #devuan-arm:
00:50.07gnarfacetom_work: oh, and the link golinux gave you has a link to that on there too
00:50.33gnarfaceit actually seems to have a more coherent rundown than i've just typed out
00:50.46gnarfaceseems like a good place to start
00:52.45TwistedFateis anyone using wayland/sway on devuan?
00:52.52TwistedFatethinking of switching and i'm wondering how it works
00:54.20tom_workI wouldn't recommend doing that
00:54.47TwistedFatew-why not?
00:55.15golinuxTwistedFate: I have never seen questions anywhere on devudn about wayland
00:55.36TwistedFateomg i'm finally first in something :D
00:55.54golinuxIn this case might not be a good thing . . .
00:56.15TwistedFatewhy not? is wayland bad?
00:56.16golinuxiiuc wayland is quite immature
00:56.57tom_work>TwistedFate> omg i'm finally first in something :D
00:57.06tom_workhaha, you say that like it's a good thing
00:57.43tom_workDoing things first in OSS is hard -- saying from experience
00:58.05tom_workthere's a lot of upfront heavy lifting that has to be done by somebody, and if your the first you gotta do it
00:59.59tom_workanyways, I would not recommend using wayland because it's not at the same maturity as most other software, it also has serious architectural problems like the way windows are managed, meaning using a window manager is not as simple as just starting one up and having your display server tell your window manager where all the windows are
01:00.29tom_workas well as network transparency problems which if you ever use 'ssh -X' you will probably run into
01:00.50tom_workproblems with gpu drivers,
01:01.21TwistedFatei guess wayland is out of the question if i'm playing video games :/
01:01.27tom_workor if you run graphically accelerated programs as different users and/or kernel namespaces
01:01.36phoggI have seen two Wayland reactions (in general, not Devuan specific): "I didn't realize my distro had switched until I tried to run $foo and it didn't work" and "I tried to use it but $x, $y, and $z did not work and I gave up." There is not much in between.
01:02.02tom_worksay you like steam but don't want to let it access all your personal files or run analytics on your system, so you run steam as it's own UNIX user, '_steam"
01:02.29tom_workand then give the steam user permission to use graphics hardware and audio hardware directly
01:02.54TwistedFatetom_work: wait, can steam be isolated like that without it complaining and crashing
01:03.07tom_workwith Xorg you simply give the _steam user the Xauthority cookie for the display server to use and off you go to the races
01:03.21tom_workTwistedFate, yes, I personally use that
01:03.25tom_workit works very well
01:03.35TwistedFatetom_work: oh wow, i'd like to use that as well, how do i set it up?
01:03.57phoggtom_work: what about wayland+Xwayland and no other clients? Should work, no?
01:04.02tom_workTwistedFate, I'm at the cafe right now about to head back home, but if you are interested I'd be willing to help you set that up
01:04.16TwistedFatetom_work: yes, i would like that.
01:04.31*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
01:04.33tom_workif your running Xwayland you might as well just run Xorg. therwise you basiclly running two display servers when you only need one
01:05.42tom_workgive me 30 minutes I'm heading home right now.
01:16.54EHeMHmm, mentions of Raspberry PI and ARM on #devuan, rather than #devuan-arm...
01:19.18EHeMThere is a UEFI chaining bootloader for the Raspberry PI 3&4, report I read is it is good enough for the Debian ARM netinst image (Devuan doesn't have an ARM netinst image) the version for the 4 is alpha-quality.
01:20.45EHeMWayland sounds like it has some good ideas, problem is it also includes a number of bad ideas; say what you will about X, but including the premise of network transparency at the base has been a huge win.
01:26.15*** join/#devuan zellkou (
01:51.14*** join/#devuan agris_ (
01:51.46agrisWho was it that needed help isolating steam?
01:59.50gnarfaceit was TwistedFate
02:00.01agrisTwistedFate, still need help?
02:02.14*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
02:16.11*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:61e:b900:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:17.06TwistedFateagris: hey
02:18.00agrisneed help now?
02:20.37TwistedFateagris: i'm about to start a dota game, let's do it some other time
02:24.44*** join/#devuan thomascovenant (thomascove@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe2b:2634)
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02:28.50EHeMWorking on plans for a Raspberry PI 4 installation...
02:30.16EHeMAt this point, it kind of looks like my best option may be to use a UEFI firmware image to chainload to a Debian ARM64 netinst image, and use that to install a Devuan debootstrap image.
02:30.45EHeMThat seems a bit convoluted, but the lack of a Devuan ARM64 netinst image forces pondering such ideas.
02:36.25agrisEHeM, why?
02:37.00agrisWhy not just point uboot to a netinst kernel ramdisk on a tftp server?
02:37.15agrisor store a netisnt on the boot partition
02:37.46agrisno need to install a bloated bootloader like a full efi implementation
02:38.10agristhere's a whole attack surface your adding with that. checkout UEFI firmware auditing
02:38.36agrisHow familiar are you with uboot?
02:39.44agrisPersonally even on my X86 machines I didn't go from BIOS to UEFI. I went from BIOS to coreboot grub2 payload
02:42.22gnarfaceyea, using uefi seems to be really overcomplicating the matter to me too
02:43.16gnarfacethat's really the way debian does it?
02:44.00gnarfacethey have a arm64 netinstall image?
02:44.11gnarfaceand it loads uefi firmware on arm?
02:44.23gnarfaceor ... expects uefi firmware on arm?
02:45.09agristhe scope is UEFI is insane. It even implements a framebuffer
02:46.15*** join/#devuan zellkou (
02:49.30agrisif your interested in revamping the image for arm devices I think looking at how OpenBSD does it is a pretty good start
02:49.54agristhey provide the bsd.rd image which contains the kernel, a basic filesystem and an installer
02:50.36agrisit's only a couple megs so it can easily be put on a tftp server commonly used for deploying firmware updates to various embedded devices like ip phones n such
02:51.14agrisspeaking of openbsd they just released 6.6 with new art
02:52.24agrischeck this out
03:00.17EHeMThe point of UEFI is that it provides a consistent interface to the hardware, consistent enough for early boot stages (GRUB) to not need to care about what the actual hardware is and not need custom drivers.
03:01.48EHeMAlso consistent enough to use an ARM64 netinst image instead of a Raspberry PI-specific image.
03:02.05gnarfacedoes u-boot not support the raspberry pi or something?
03:03.35EHeMThat might be an option, I do know there is an alpha-quality UEFI image.
03:05.04gnarfacebecause that's also what u-boot is for, from what it sounds like to me
03:05.31gnarfacethough it seems more directed towards ARM stuff specifically
03:05.59agrisuboot provides the consistent hardware interface through an embedded dtb
03:06.08agrisand yes, the raspberry pi uses uboot
03:06.38EHeMFor that though looks like there is grub-uboot for armel and armhf, but not arm64.
03:06.45agrisuboot is not arm specific. I've also used it on PPC
03:07.02gnarfacei thought the ppc fork was yaboot
03:07.09gnarfacei have used yaboot on ppc
03:07.42gnarfacei wasn't sure if they were related in any way other than name
03:09.17agrisput the OpenBSD ARM64 miniroot.fs onto the pi's SD card and boot it up with a serial console attached
03:09.24agrisuboot is already on there
03:11.18*** join/#devuan Oksana (~Wikiwide@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
03:12.37agrisalthough keep in mind I think there are some hardware limitations on the pi due to the corners cut to reduce the cost
03:12.50EHeMProblem with all the current installs is they're copying the kernel onto a FAT filesystem, which means merely installing a newer kernel package isn't going to boot the new kernel.
03:13.15agrison the Pi when you use the internal SoC's UART it's clock source comes from the main arm core
03:13.55agrisso you have to turn off frequency scaling and run the pi at a specific frequency to have the UART at a consistent baud rate
03:15.11agrisEHeM, well could it be possible to use ext2 instead of vfat?
03:15.24agristhat way you could have symbolic links?
03:15.51agrisext2 is simple enough to implement in bootrom
03:17.05furrywolftweak the frequency scaling code to also update the uart divisor at the same time
03:17.29EHeMagris: My understanding is the second-stage bootloader (SPI EEPROM) understands VFAT-only, symbolic links in the boot area would require it to understand the filesystem where the kernel has been installed (ext4).
03:17.51*** join/#devuan puria (
03:18.08agrisyou only need enough to load a kernel and a initial ramdisk into memory
03:19.04EHeMOr the next-stage bootloader, like GRUB.
03:19.46agrison my X86 machines I like to use grub after hwinit because grub is very modular and modules already existing for booting directly from a LUKS encrypted disk or verifying a kernel via OpenPGP instead of the complicated X.509 mess
03:19.52EHeMGRUB is prepared for copying itself into a boot area, the kernel package installation scripts are not.
03:20.07agrisand grub even has modules for filesystems like ZFS
03:20.29agrissay you use ext2 to keep things small
03:20.48agrisor just use the ext4 filesystem module so you keep everything on one partition
03:21.10agrisbut no, what if we want to upgrade the rootfs to F2FS in the future?
03:21.13EHeMIf there were grub-uboot packages for arm64, I would try that first, but there aren't so I'm planning for an approach which will work.
03:21.20agrisputting /boot on it's own is still a good idea
03:23.56EHeMUEFI is a *really* crappy standard, but because it is a standard many things work with it; thus it allows use of GRUB, which allows generic kernel installation scripts.
03:35.57EHeMThere is a "systemd-boot" bootloader.  Wow.
03:38.23Acaciait's also overreaching as hell
03:38.49Acacia(link is about a NES emulator on UEFI)
03:44.21agristhere's no reason to use efi here
03:45.14agrisif it's really that big of a deal just adjust the kernel installer to put the live kernel in /boot/vmlinuz as well as a copy in /boot with the version number
03:45.25agrisusing the system that's already there
03:49.29agrisanybody want to join me in a game of black mesa coop beta?
03:49.42agristhey just added the office complex
04:10.04*** join/#devuan xcm (
04:13.28TwistedFateagris: you there?
04:16.29*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:20.44golinuxWhatever . . . please keep it on Devuan support
04:24.51TwistedFateagris: can i pm you?
04:47.39*** join/#devuan zellkou (
04:49.00golinuxASCII 2.1 partial release:
04:50.39furrywolfare there major changes, or is it about what I already have with upgrading occasionally?
04:50.56golinuxYou can read the notes
04:51.38golinuxDepends what you consider major.
04:51.59furrywolfanything that apt-get update && apt-get upgrade won't have correctly done already...
04:57.08fsmithredit's just new isos with up-to-date software
05:00.40*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
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05:20.40targz"ASCII 2.1 partial release:" Excellent :D
05:51.50agrisneeds moar eggs
05:58.50*** join/#devuan zellkou (
06:01.58agrishow does something like CVE-2019-3462 happen?
06:02.25agrisI thought before any of these packages were even processed they had to pass a PGP check
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06:27.32EHeMagris: That is *during* the download process.
06:34.08*** join/#devuan nminix (
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15:04.45Guest81752cd cd
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15:05.00Guest81752cd code
15:05.17onefangWrong window error.
15:05.38*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
15:05.39irssiZ2onefang: I am having problems with libpng and it's binary incompatabilites
15:05.44irssiZ2because it sucks as a lib
15:06.06irssiZ2libjpeg and targa don't have these problems
15:06.19irssiZ2but I can't even get ld_preload to fix it
15:06.20irssiZ2libpng warning: Application built with libpng-1.4.22 but running with 1.6.28
15:06.21irssiZ2Error loading png file.
15:06.34irssiZ2export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/; ./crossedit
15:06.46irssiZ2usually ld preload makes things work
15:06.49onefangMeh, I'm still annoyed that Stretch / ASCII had JPEG 200 support ripped out of almost everything.
15:06.57irssiZ2here it's ignoring this
15:06.57onefangEr 2000.
15:07.12irssiZ2onefang: tip: just use .tga files for all textures etc
15:07.35irssiZ2.tga is built into the engines often, and is lossless and loads /fast/
15:07.51irssiZ2and a zipped tga is similar in size to a png
15:08.05irssiZ2onefang: why was it ripped out?
15:08.17irssiZ2is it debian being "soyboys" and obeying patents
15:08.26onefangUnfortunately Opensim (where I do a lot of work) uses the same native graphic format as Second Life, JPEG 2000.  So I kinda need it to be supported by more than just imagemagick.
15:08.33irssiZ2this is what one gets when wage slaves invade hackerspace.
15:08.36onefangI dunno why.
15:08.47irssiZ2probably american white boys afraid they'll get sued
15:09.04irssiZ2then their "jerb" and "muh whoit wuhman wife" would be lost by them
15:09.23irssiZ220 years ago there were 0 white-boy wage slaves in opensource/free software
15:09.43furrywolf...  why are you being a biggoted cunt to discuss open-source software?
15:09.47irssiZ2only slavs, jews, and nerds (who white workin' boys reject as "human")
15:10.01irssiZ2furrywolf: because when I joined opensource it was biggoted
15:10.03irssiZ2no women
15:10.09irssiZ2and no mules
15:10.10nemoonefang: wow. someone actually uses jpeg2k?
15:10.26irssiZ2now there are both women, and the mules they ride on
15:10.48irssiZ2it was better when it was only nerds etc
15:11.13irssiZ2the mules are afraid of being sued
15:11.17nemoonefang: my experience with jpeg2k was the quality was not significantly better than, say, mozjpeg (sometimes worse depending on image content), but with disadvantage of significantly slower encode/decode and far worse support.
15:11.18irssiZ2so they obey US laws
15:11.36irssiZ2nemo: why isn't ldpreload fixing my issue
15:11.38onefangLooong ago Second Life picked JPEG 2000 is their internal graphics format, thus OpenSIm had to follow.  I have many tens of GB of the things.
15:11.58nemoonefang: hell. there was one jpeg2k demo page where I made the mistake of saving the jpeg2k to desktop to run a comparison test.... and the thumbnailer crashed. causing an infinite loop of MATE desktop reload  filed a bug about that
15:12.02furrywolfhrmm, "fang", second life...  a furry!  :P
15:12.10nemothey fixed the decoder not their failure to spawn a new process
15:12.22nemoonefang: mm. I guess it was the new hotness at the time secondlife was spawned
15:12.47nemoonefang: nowdays I'd say it's the formats based on AV1 and h265 and the like which show more promise
15:12.55onefangI'm hairy, not furry.  A true greybeard.
15:13.08nemoonefang: (the static image formats)
15:13.13irssiZ2guess no one will help me
15:13.18nemo  etc
15:13.18onefangUnfortunately I'm stuck with thousands of JPEG 2000, and having to support them.
15:13.22irssiZ2I insulted your precious wuuuuuhhhmmaaaannnnssss
15:13.26*** join/#devuan Hund_ (~Hund@ubuntu/member/hund)
15:13.44irssiZ2the cunts who do no code, but rule over all code now
15:13.56irssiZ2because you are all wage slave faggots
15:13.56furrywolfhave you considered killing yourself?
15:14.01irssiZ2furrywolf: nope
15:14.05nemoonefang: well, I can certainly see jpeg2k support as kind of an edge case nowdays, is it such a big deal to bundle your own lib?
15:14.17irssiZ2furrywolf: I'm a hacker, not a wageslave faggot such as yourself, woman.
15:14.32irssiZ2I am glad, however, that you, a woman, needs to work
15:14.37irssiZ2at least you are miserable
15:14.53irssiZ2cunts like you attack RMS
15:15.06furrywolfYep.  It's because I don't live in my parents' basement.  When you no longer do this, you will get a job too.
15:15.08onefangThe problem is no viewer to view several directories full of them, no editor to edit them.
15:15.16irssiZ2furrywolf: I'm an attorney
15:15.22djphfurrywolf: wait, you're a woman?
15:15.24irssiZ2a New York Lawyer
15:15.27nemoonefang: yeah, I never did figure out how to edit those
15:15.30*** join/#devuan dabc (~dabc@
15:15.32nemoonefang: couldn't even get gimp to load them
15:15.33furrywolfonefang:  convert *.jpg...  :P
15:15.34irssiZ2furrywolf: you scum will work for my guys
15:15.37nemoonefang: and that was years ago
15:15.47nemofurrywolf: does convert have jpeg2k linked in?
15:15.50irssiZ2furrywolf: oh and I'm an heir
15:15.52djphfurrywolf: I always just thought you were a dog :/
15:15.58irssiZ2furrywolf: I don't have to work for a living.
15:16.08nemotries in ascii
15:16.11djphI'm pretty sure this is also the wrong channel for this ...
15:16.12irssiZ2furrywolf: I am glad you are miserable, cunt
15:16.16furrywolfdjph:  I'm rapidly becoming more of a female dog the more I listen to irssiZ2 talk....
15:16.23irssiZ2in the past women just lived off their mules
15:16.31irssiZ2happily some of the women can't do they anymore
15:16.33djphfurrywolf: works for me.
15:16.43nemowow. it works. cool.
15:16.46irssiZ2they do seek to control the stupid white men anyway however
15:16.47nemoscore one for convert
15:16.49djphfurrywolf: as does /ignore.  he got tiresome.
15:17.08*** join/#devuan Dyrcona (
15:17.12irssiZ2furrywolf: you must be hearing things: I am not saying anything
15:17.29r3bootpeople, this is the devuan support channel. Please take the offtopic talk to #debianfork
15:18.22DyrconaIs Beowulf's lsb_release Distributor ID still supposed to say "Debian" or is that a bug? (I know Beowulf is still testing.)
15:18.29*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
15:18.45furrywolfonefang:  just checked, and I can confirm imagemagick on ascii both reads and writes jpeg2000.
15:19.25onefangYep, it's the one tool that escaped the purge of JPEG 2000, I mentioned that already.
15:19.30*** join/#devuan user84481 (~user@2a03:1b20:3:f011::12e)
15:20.17furrywolffind ./ -iname \*.jp2 -exec convert \{\} .jpg....
15:21.05onefangDid I mention I have thousands of them?  lol
15:21.58onefangA whole lot easier to deal with them if I can deal with them in the native format instead of constantly converting back and forth.
15:22.00furrywolffind will run happily overnight.  :)
15:22.18onefangUntil it runs out of disk space.
15:22.44furrywolfoh, you also have something that only reads jpeg2k?
15:23.10onefangI already said, OpenSim.
15:23.56furrywolfah, I figured the problem was it would only write them, not that it would only read them.
15:24.37onefangIt's the native format.
15:25.05onefangIt only supports a few others on import or export.
15:25.42*** join/#devuan climbingturtle (
15:25.58nemoonefang: you said this was for editing though?
15:26.04nemoonefang: do you really need to convert all of them?
15:26.17nemoonefang: why not generate jpeg thumbnails of them all to find the one you need
15:26.33furrywolfstill has a hard time with the idea of a non-furry using secondlife
15:26.39nemoonefang: then when you need to work on one, convert it to png or ppm, edit it in gimp then convert back to jp2?
15:27.22onefangYes, I do all of that.  I can also complain about the need do all that needless work when I used to be able to just not have to.
15:28.10onefangCoz Debian decided to purge JPEG 2000 support.  I guess they simply forgot to remove it from Imagemagick.
15:28.37james1138Sorry for delay. Could this help Onefang?
15:28.59djphlink that "Debian" purged support?
15:30.36*** join/#devuan lurkless (~ll@unaffiliated/lurkless)
15:31.05furrywolfif debian doesn't have it, apt-get source gimp, compile with --with-jpeg2000?
15:32.34furrywolfgimp 2.10 supposedly supports jpeg2000 well, up to 32bpp...
15:32.51furrywolfand in four different colorspaces
15:34.30*** mode/#devuan [+o golinux] by ChanServ
15:36.07furrywolfbeowulf has 2.10
15:36.45*** mode/#devuan [-o golinux] by ChanServ
15:37.17golinuxSorry I didn't see that meltdown earlier
15:37.38furrywolfit's people like that who are why linux now has a CoC.  heh.
15:37.44djphit happens, you're only human
15:37.53djphugh, don't start that flamewar furrywolf
15:38.00furrywolfnah, I think golinux identifies as vulcan.  :)
15:39.03furrywolfyeah, I've had that flamewar too many times.  and I'm not awake enough for it again.
15:39.20fbtThis is, first and foremost, not a channel for that discussion
15:39.38fbt(and I'm not even a part of the project, why am I saying this :D)
15:40.42DonkeyHoteiyou're saying it because gatekeeping is addictive
15:42.27DonkeyHotei"linux now has a CoC.  heh."
15:43.09*** join/#devuan petzi (
15:43.52nemooh. is he gone? can I remove my /ignore?
15:44.30nemocool. I don't like having entries in ignore list that I then wonder why I had 'em 10 years later
15:45.38furrywolfhe got even stupider after you ignored him, then left.
15:46.49nemofurrywolf: well. he was in clear violation of the Devuan code of conduct
15:46.54nemofurrywolf: which is IMO quite sufficient
15:46.59nemofurrywolf: the forum one.  about being civil adults
15:47.50nemoI'm a fan of minimalist ones like that since they work juuuuust fine on jackass trolls
15:48.00nemojust like I'm a fan of minimalist init systems 😃
15:49.06furrywolfthe original for that reads too much like "don't ask, don't tell".
15:49.11nemofurrywolf: it's funny, every once in a while we get people we banned on the hedgewars game server complaining that we don't have explicitly listed rules for appropriate behaviour but focus on words like civility and kid-appropriate.  well no, because if we had explicit language you trolls would rule lawyer it
15:49.32nemofurrywolf: *shrug* dunno.   but I do like the fact that it is OT for FOSS
15:49.52nemofurrywolf: in theory you have no idea what nemo's identity is, even though I don't make it that hard to discover, and it shouldn't matter
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17:31.47JTechnoHello folks, I'm running devuan on my netbook with kernel 4.9.0-8 and an ATI Radeon HD 6320, with this configuration everything is perfect but as soon as I upgrade the kernel the integrated display stays off on reboot, I can connect an external display and it works, someone has idea on what is going on?
17:32.18JTechnoI'm not using propietary drivers
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18:20.54avbox14I try to install budgie-desktop, it always tells me that it cannot create file in /run/user/xxx. I did read that /run/user is used for systemd user management. How to do this in devuan?
18:22.45sixwheeledbeastIt's likely not possible in devuan, the DE's that work in Devuan have checked or been patched to make sure they do not have systemd components
18:23.11yetitmpfs             796112        80    796032   1% /run/user/1000
18:23.18yetion debian
18:23.27yetithat line is from   df -a
18:23.59yetifake it on the normal FS as 1st test
18:24.35yeti$ ls -l /run/user/1000 -d
18:24.38yetidrwx------ 13 yeti yeti 280 Oct 20 10:54 /run/user/1000
18:25.55yetiit's just an isolated tmpfs
18:27.01*** join/#devuan avbox14 (
18:27.18yetinone             1027488       4   1027484   1% /run/user/111
18:27.24yetithat is from beowulf
18:27.34yetiuser 111 is lightdm
18:28.48yetinone on /run/user/111 type tmpfs (rw,relatime,mode=700,uid=111)
18:30.05*** join/#devuan FleaFart (~FleaFart@
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18:33.25avbox14I created /run directory, but it did not help to start budgie-desktop. What is strange,
18:36.07avbox14if I log via ssh and set export DISPLAY=:1, budgie-desktop does start, but not if I start it directly from console (incl. /run directory). Could it be a problem of environment variables?
19:00.06*** join/#devuan avbox14 (
19:02.14amesserthere should be no need to manually create /run
19:02.57amesserhere on ascii: /run exists /run/user/xxx exists
19:03.17amesserand its properly mounted tmpfs
19:04.14amesserevbox14: check if libpam-elogind is installed and libpam-ck-connector is not installed
19:04.32amesseravbox14, srx
19:06.16amesserJTechno: what means "upgrade kernel" which version, which package?
19:07.45avbox14amesser: Both is the case, /etc/init.d/elogind is started, for a short time I see the desktop, then I get 'xinit: connection lost to X server lost', I see some warnings, /run/user/1000/keyring/control file/path not found
19:10.42amesserthen its probably something else
19:10.57amesserhow you start 'x' ? startx?
19:11.28avbox14@messmer: .xinitrc in user home directory
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19:11.54amesserOK, can you have a look at ~/.xsession-errors
19:12.19amesserit should show the last error
19:13.46avbox14@amesser: Have to add, starting from ssh and export DISPLAY=:1 works, but not from console, .xsession-errors is empty, I only see warnings like keyring/control
19:14.26*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
19:15.13amesserlet me try on my notebook
19:16.51avbox14amesser, thank you, previous I had installed mate-desktop, then I added budgie-desktop and lightdm and slick-greeter, than I confirmed lightdm
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19:21.00amesserhmm, at least the desktop starts. I dont have a mouse pointer. Not sure if that is correct, but i can see a panel with clock, some symbols and the gnome feet
19:21.13amessercontent of ~/.xinitrc :
19:21.24amesserexec budgie-desktop
19:21.49amesserthen just "startx" on console
19:22.08*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
19:23.44avbox14@amesser: is this on beowulf or on ascii?
19:24.06avbox14amesser: Ok, I'm on beowulf
19:24.35avbox14amesser: xinitrc is exactly the same
19:25.04amesserok, wait a second, i'll start my beowulf vm
19:29.44avbox14amesser: thank's again, when I have a further look at messages, I too see 'window manager warning: unsupported session type', after it 'bugdie-wm.desktop exited with code 1
19:31.01amesserah, that might be related
19:33.22avbox14amesser: Just found out, if you start budgie-panel, desktop is here, but ugly mouse pointer, see here: --- so it does start at least...
19:35.16amesserjust installing it in my vm now
19:37.12amesserIt starts in by beowulf vm, even with mouse-pointer
19:38.00amesserit looks quite nice. did know that desktop before
19:38.08*** join/#devuan avbox14 (
19:38.56amessermaybe your config in your home directory is messed up somehow?
19:39.19amessercould you try creating a new user account and start budgie from that account?
19:39.50*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (
19:39.59avbox14amesser, thank for the hint I will try this.
19:40.07amesserbtw, you can find a detailed xorg log in ~/.local/share/xorg/*.log
19:41.16amesserI'm sorry that I' cant help much more
19:41.53*** join/#devuan zellkou (
19:45.55avbox14amesser: a new user does not help, but you helped very much, I know now, it must work, thank you and have a nice time.
19:46.13amesseryou're welcome :-)
19:47.44*** part/#devuan Dyrcona (
19:55.28avbox14@amesser: I get it closer, I think, in my /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions/budgie-desktop.session file, I find a lot of requirements:
19:56.20amesserok, so probably you need to install some extra packages
19:56.26avbox14If I remove budgie-polkit, it does start with bugdie-desktop, will have some more investigations
20:03.13amesserhmm, budgie-polkit should be provided by budgie-core package
20:04.28amesseravbox14: could you check if libpolkit-gobject-elogind-1-0 and libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 packages are installed?
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20:15.03amesseravbox14: could you check if libpolkit-gobject-elogind-1-0 and libpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 packages are installed?
20:15.24amesseranyway, sorry, gtg now...
20:15.46amessergood luck :-)
20:19.02avbox14@amesser: It helped, but I had to stat /etc/init.d/ligthdm, but now everything is ok, thank you very much
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