IRC log for #devuan on 20191009

00:09.31*** join/#devuan rdav (
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01:07.59furrywolfkatsmeow-afk:  just got home from work
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01:17.01furrywolfgrr, wrong window
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03:27.02agrisI have a sdcard I am reading from directly and it's rated for 95MB/s read speed however I'm only able to get 20MB/s using Devuan
03:27.23agrisAre there any optimizations I should know about that would account for why it's going to slow?
03:27.51furrywolfmake sure you're using a usb 3 reader that supports the protocol the card uses, plugged into a usb 3 port...
03:28.02agristhere is no overhead. I'm simply doing dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of /home/dump.img
03:28.20furrywolfalways use a bs= with dd for benchmarking.  try dd bs=1M
03:29.27agrisfurrywolf, I tried bs=4M, 8M, 16M, and 64M but 16 and up only decrease the speed from 20MB/s to 18MB/s
03:29.51agrisalso, it's not a USB interface. It's a PCI Express sdcard reader
03:29.55furrywolfso you're not simply doing what you said you were simply doing, then.  :P
03:30.12agrisand the destination device is a ssd
03:30.29furrywolfmake sure the pcie reader supports the protocol the card uses, then.
03:30.47agrisfurrywolf, I omitted the custom bs after testing it didn't make a difference
03:31.24*** part/#devuan gry (~sveta@unaffiliated/gryllida)
03:31.27inklri've been using dd close to 20 years and blocksize usually made a significant difference
03:31.54furrywolfalso, make sure the card is not counterfeit, crappy, etc.
03:32.19inklragris: is there a different os that gives you faster /real/ transfer rates?
03:32.26inklrand isn't lying to you due to caching?
03:33.05inklrlinux kernel did have a bad large-file copy problem but that was solved long ago
03:33.18agrisIt's this one
03:33.32inklrnot if it's counterfeit
03:33.46agrisit's not. I remember when I bought it
03:33.49furrywolfmy sandisk extreme 256gb microsd using the supplied usb3 reader on a usb3 expresscard gives pretty close to advertised speeds, which is quite impressive.  I think I got around 80MB/sec write and 130MB/sec read.
03:34.25agrisI'm using the internal reader in the ThinkPad T430. looking up specs for it now
03:35.42inklrsd benching usually uses bs-1M
03:35.55inklralso do an echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
03:36.15inklralso make your target of=/dev/null to test read speeds
03:36.55agrisok hold on
03:37.15furrywolfI'm not finding much on that built-in reader, but it seems old.  it could be it just doesn't support the newer features of the card.
03:38.14furrywolfsounds like it has a lot of problems on windows too
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03:41.33furrywolfif it doesn't do uhs-1, you're not going to get the full speed of the card.
03:44.20inklrreading from an 'intenso' 16GB SD HC over usb2.0 with transcend cardreader gets me 19.5MB/s which is typical
03:45.30furrywolfI'd do a test, but I'm not sure where my fast card is right now.  heh.  it's in a mp3 player I was using last month...
03:45.40furrywolffound it.
03:46.36furrywolftries a 256GB read test
03:46.46inklrah the intenso is rated at 20MB/s
03:47.13furrywolfmost older readers are
03:47.22furrywolfit's whether they're high speed or uhs.
03:47.28furrywolfnew ones are uhs
03:48.00furrywolf13916700672 bytes (14 GB, 13 GiB) copied, 88.4757 s, 157 MB/s
03:48.12furrywolf157MB/sec.  sd reading is working great here!
03:48.52furrywolfthat's dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null of my sandisk extreme 256gb in the sandisk mobilemate (if I remember the name right) usb 3 reader, stuck into my crappy usb3 expresscard adapter
03:49.48furrywolfI've been very impressed with this sandisk extreme card.  it really does its advertised speeds, in real-world usage.
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03:50.13furrywolfspec is "Up to 160MB/s read" and I'm getting 157MB/src.
03:53.23inklrmy SanDisk Ultra A1 128GB MicroSD XC Class 10 UHS-1  claims 100MB/s and i get 19.6MB/s over this usb2.0 adapter
03:53.43furrywolfif you use a slow adapter on a slow bus, you're going to get slow speeds.  heh.
03:54.22inklryeh usb 2.0 is limited to around 30-35MB/s
03:54.48furrywolfI got a usb3 expresscard adapter because I was sick of being limited to the built-in usb2 ports
03:55.06furrywolfbe warned the cheap ebay ones are garbage.  some are even destructively bad.
03:57.09furrywolf  that's the first ebay one I tried.  note the contact plate is perfectly centered in the plug.  note plugs plug in perfectly easily in either direction.  note one way works.  note one way shorts all four pins together with the housing of the plug.  note this causes the laptop's power supply to become unhappy...
03:58.26furrywolfand, of course, being a crappy ebay card, it has no current limiting or polyfuses on its usb plugs, so when you short them, it shorts the laptop's power rail.
03:58.59furrywolfafter about the third time the laptop instantly powered off because I plugged something in upside down, it got tossed.
04:00.05furrywolfoh, and its speeds were barely better than usb2.
04:00.17furrywolfI think the one I have now is a startech, don't remember.  and not going to pop it out to check.
04:00.28onefangProbably much less after you shorted out everything.
04:01.57furrywolfyes.  :P
04:02.57furrywolfthis laptop has a built-in reader that looks very similar to the one thinkpads use...  I'll try a test on it in a bit.
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04:12.00furrywolfhrmm.  read speeds are going down significantly towards the end of this card.  I think it's slower reading blocks I've never written to.
04:13.34furrywolfit was holding at 155MB/sec to about how much of the card I've used, and now it's totally tanked.
04:15.47*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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05:21.25phillipsjkIMO, USB3 was crazy: "Let's accomodate all the violations we see in the USB2 spec!" Plug in up-side-down / Over-current? / Over-voltage? /
05:24.21phillipsjkfurrywolf, I could see them assuming you would write before reading to save zeroing the whole device.
05:25.56phillipsjkWhatever encoding method they use could be running into a lot of ECC errors.
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06:26.12*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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11:02.10hummaI connected an ssd to my old laptop motherboard, and now the ahci is overheating, so I tried "echo "8:16  1048576" > /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/blkio.throttle.read_bps_device" according to the documentation, but i'm getting "-bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument"
11:04.31hummaHas any of you had problems writing to the sysfs before?
11:07.24hummaFile permissions are: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root
11:07.34hummaI'm trying as root, of course
11:08.36mn3mIs there any errors/warnings in recent `dmesg` entries?
11:10.29hummaYes, something about dockerd dirperm1 breaking some protection, but it appears unrelated
11:12.49hummaAlthough the file(s) are empty, reading does not pose a problem
11:14.10arminhumma: well it prevents you from writing garbage to blkio/blkio.throttle.read_bps_device, are you sure you got the docs right?
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11:16.52hummaThat's reassuring, and could explain it. I'm trying the same "<major>:<minor>  <bytes_per_second>" as the docs, with two spaces in between
11:16.56arminhumma: so it obviously expects something different being written to
11:17.15arminhumma: hmmm, maybe your values are too low/high
11:17.28hummaSeems reasonable. Thanks for reproducing it
11:17.43arminmuch welcome and glad i could help, report back if you found something that works
11:18.12hummawill do
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11:26.08inklri had a question but it was stupid so i hit ctrl-U
11:40.35hummaarmin: Huh, it turned out I had to use the minor number of the device itself, not the partition. Legal major:minor pairs were readily available at /sys/dev/block/
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12:11.14hummaThrottling I/O did not make a difference on its temperature though. Even without the disk, the intel af828011bm is running *very* hot
12:16.50arminhumma: ah ;-)
12:16.58arminhumma: ty for getting back, good to know
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20:53.05avboxFYi, there is a new release about AVMultimedia (keyboard tool). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
20:54.23debdogavbox: is one of its features cleaning keyboards?
20:57.07avboxdebdog: It does clean everything ;-). But you need to have a look yourself to see how easy it is.
20:57.37debdogis tempted
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21:00.06avboxdebdog: Just choose english and you will have a "clean" english keyboard. But switching to any other languages  should now be really really super easy. It would be nice to get a feedback.
21:01.12debdogdo you have a link or is it in beowulf already?
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21:03.53avbox (it is beowulf based with kernel 5.2.x). It does startup in arround 10 seconds an fast pc, on  slow machines it is around 30 seconds, does not need any installaton und you even can use it from a stick (without any modifications on your current installaton)
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21:06.07debdogohhhh, now I get it
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21:11.06debdogthat actually sounds very interesting. unfortunately I prolly wont have much time in the upcoming weeks for extensive testing. how does it cope with using several audio cards simultaniously, avbox?
21:13.32debdogon second thought, this might have been a dumb question
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21:21.45avboxdebdog: Under Multimedia you find the audio tool where you easily can switch to any sound card you have and works with linux 5.2.x.
21:23.37avboxdebdog: I use AVMultimedia for 4k editing and use serveal sound devices without any problems (and yes, hdmi sound is for me important)
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21:41.43inklri would like that sound card switcher if it works with alsa
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