IRC log for #devuan on 20191006

00:00.11*** join/#devuan Lipps (~Lipps@
00:11.24*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
00:29.09*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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01:10.49*** join/#devuan misgender (~misgender@unaffiliated/misgender)
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01:29.49*** join/#devuan free_speech_ (~free-spee@2001:16b8:18c9:3100:213:d3ff:fe9f:fbe)
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06:05.54*** join/#devuan Inepu (
06:07.46*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsr@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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06:31.55*** join/#devuan Hum (~j@
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06:54.39*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
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08:03.17*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
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09:46.55*** join/#devuan rehcla (
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10:00.04rehclahi all! Is Beowulf meaning Devuan Testing ?
10:02.56gnu_srs2rehcla: yes
10:04.01rehclagnu_srs: thx
10:08.28*** join/#devuan archetyp (
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10:12.54*** join/#devuan rehcla (
10:38.32*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
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11:03.49*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
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11:04.55*** join/#devuan rehcla (
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11:17.42*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:19.54inklrwhat's the devuan offtopic channel again?
11:22.05*** join/#devuan rehcla (
11:23.55rehclaso after upgrading from ascii to beowulf, in XFCE Window Decorations are missing and the mouse curser looks weird! This shouldt be a huge problem to solve... Anyone else saw this happening?
11:25.08inklrthere was a significant xfce upgrade rehcla
11:25.11inklrlots of changes
11:25.22inklr#xfce is the best place to learn about them
11:25.27rehclainklr: still 4.12
11:25.27inklri ended up switching back to fluxbox
11:26.09inklrbig changes were 4.12-4.14 here - confused beowulf with ceres, sorry rehcla
11:26.26rehcla4.14 would have impressed me :)
11:26.50inklrit impressed me also, but negatively
11:27.07*** join/#devuan archetyp (
11:27.12inklrtabwin.c (the window switcher popup) stopped accepting my theme
11:27.37inklri found where to hack it to dark, but other breakage was too annoying
11:28.57rehclainklr: hmmm.... I am a little fed up with kde and gnome... so XFCE seemed a good choice.... Enlightment would also be interesting, but not available on devuan
11:29.32inklri just realized i'm happier without a 'desktop environment'
11:29.50rehclaplayed around with fvwm2 and windowmaker, but to geeky as a daily DE
11:30.27inklrwhatever works for you, as usual
11:31.56rehclaso here its only the window decorations... I cant even start the configuration for the windowmanager in XFCE.... After walking my dog, I will investigate futher
11:33.24*** join/#devuan epicmetal (~epicmetal@unaffiliated/epicmetal)
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11:35.03rehclabtw, I only use defaut themes and sources... So no error to find in this direction
11:48.28*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@2001:9b1:4041:e000:a634:d9ff:fec6:343c)
12:06.22*** join/#devuan infobot (
12:06.22*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
12:06.22*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
12:09.11*** join/#devuan BurekF (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
12:44.18rehclagnarface: thank you for pointing that out
12:45.20*** join/#devuan tierce (~raoulzeca@
12:45.52rehclaregarding XFCE.... Just started XFWM manualy and everything is as it should be
12:50.28rehclaNow I need help! How can it be caused that xfwm4 is not started with XFCE and where can I set it right?
12:55.37*** join/#devuan o01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:82b:b27:9cd5:3f5d:6121:176)
12:57.08*** join/#devuan rehcla (
12:57.42*** join/#devuan SqueakyPancakes[ (squeakypan@gateway/shell/
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12:57.42*** join/#devuan DavidMitchell[m] (davidfedii@gateway/shell/
12:57.43*** join/#devuan ji-ef[m] (ji-efmatri@gateway/shell/
12:57.43*** join/#devuan Marlin[m] (marlin1113@gateway/shell/
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12:58.01rehclaseems the problem is solved!XFWM4 is started now by default
13:11.39*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
13:15.06*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@2a02:8109:b6bf:c34c:34f0:3b69:33b0:2d94)
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13:52.28*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
14:06.13*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
14:07.22*** join/#devuan Ryushin (~Ryushin@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8702)
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14:30.25*** join/#devuan Marrek (
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14:37.57*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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14:54.59*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:624:ca00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
14:56.46*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@
14:56.46*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
14:58.50golinuxrehcla: Did you install desktop-base with Xfce?
14:59.27golinuxYou need that to get the default theme set up properly
15:02.25*** join/#devuan free_speech (~free-spee@unaffiliated/neppnepp)
15:17.00*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
15:49.42*** join/#devuan OmegaPhil (~kvirc@fsf/member/OmegaPhil)
16:07.09rehclagolinux: I did a standard install of ASCII with XFCE and then upgraded to Beowulf
16:07.22*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
16:09.23rehclaWhen evaluating what wrong, I found some similarities with fvwm2.... And fvwm has no windowmanager:) so I tried to start xfwm4 via konsole, and see, everything is fine now
16:09.57rehclanot konsole, terminal I mean
16:10.06golinuxfsmithred: ^^^
16:11.33golinuxrehcla: The default Xfce desktop should look like this:
16:12.54golinuxPerhaps something is not translating properly in the upgrade.
16:14.23*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@2001:b07:2ed:dce3:44f3:6e27:eeaa:8aac)
16:14.49*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
16:16.18golinuxAlso, Beowulf is still a wip.
16:17.02fsmithredrehcla, can you show me what's in /etc/alternatives? Paste the output (don't post it here) of 'ls -l /etc/alternatives'
16:18.12fsmithredmy best guess is that something is wrong with desktop-base
16:18.40*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
16:19.13fsmithredI can do a default ascii install and upgrade to beowulf probably tonight (in about 10 hours)
16:22.29rehclagolinux: As i changed the default wallpaper, thats what differs to the screenshots in the forum.... the rest is the same
16:24.20fsmithredbut for some reason xfwm is not starting?
16:24.38fsmithredthe links all look correct
16:24.53fsmithredbut I'll try it. I might not be remembering something.
16:25.11rehclafsmithred: yes, until I started it manualy, xfwm4 was missing
16:25.38fsmithredyou're using slim for a login manager?
16:25.43rehclasince I started it once via terminal, it starts anytime I log in
16:26.18fsmithredyou mean on log out and log in, or do you mean after a reboot?
16:26.39rehcladidnt reboot till now
16:26.46rehclawait, I do it right now
16:26.56rehclapulseaudio was also disabled
16:27.10rehclastarted it via terminal, sound works fine
16:27.10fsmithredthat shouldn't affect xfwm
16:27.23fsmithredme too
16:28.37*** join/#devuan rehcla (
16:29.31rehclaI can confirm that xfwm4 starts also after reboot! Maybe it has something to do that when I log out, the "save session setting" mark is checked
16:29.53rehclapulseaudio is off
16:34.39fsmithredso now it works normally?
16:35.49fsmithredmaybe a one-time glitch? I'll try to reproduce it later today. Or maybe earlier if we don't go anywhere. Everyone else is still asleep.
16:37.09rehclalet me know if I can help further
16:37.14golinuxHappy to hear things seem to be working now.
16:40.37rehcla"pulseaudio &" fixed the rest
16:46.59*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
16:48.35*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
16:50.34rehclaanother thing.... services are stoped and started via the "service" command! How do I enable or disable system services? Too long ago for me^^
16:51.07fsmithredtwo ways
16:51.25fsmithredservice <name> stop|start|restart
16:51.44rehclathats on the fly
16:51.45fsmithredor instead of 'service' use '/etc/init.d/<name>
16:51.58fsmithredupdate-rc.d commands
16:52.02fsmithredor sysv-rc-conf
16:52.18fsmithred(checkboxes for the different runlevels)
16:53.10rehclacan you give me an example with disabling minissdpd?
16:53.49fsmithredan example for update-rc.d? maybe
16:54.14fsmithrednah, I'd have to look at the man page
16:54.22rehclaso can I
16:54.27rehclathank you
16:54.28fsmithredupdate-rc.d gdm disable
16:54.34fsmithredmight be right
16:54.42fsmithredbeen too long
16:55.06fsmithredI use sysv-rc-conf - I can remember where my arrow keys and space bar are located
16:55.10rehclaI did spend the last 4 years with OpenBSD... rcctl is nice
16:55.42rehclabut as much as I wanted it, its not a DesktopOS
16:55.42r3bootsimple, reliable, predictable :P openbsd++
16:56.18r3bootthat does kind of depend on your standards. For a late 90s/early 00s unix desktop, it's mighty fine
16:56.18fsmithreddesktop linux without systemd is exciting these days
16:56.39rehclaso when coming back to Linux, there was only one choice --> Devuan
17:03.53rehclafsmithred: I could upgrade my laptop from ascii to beowulf right now and see if there is the same issue as with my desktop (xfwm4)
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17:07.31fsmithredI wouldn't do that with my laptop
17:07.43fsmithredwell, right now that's the only computer I have
17:07.56fsmithredI'll test in VM
17:08.29fsmithredif you have a full backup and can fix it easily in case there are problems, then go for it
17:09.05fsmithredI've done several upgrades to beowulf of slightly leaner xfce installs without any trouble
17:10.32rehclaits for fun and helping the project! My really important data are somewhere else ;)
17:14.58*** join/#devuan amesser (
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17:20.09*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
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18:17.05rehclafsmithred: Hereby I confirm upgrading the laptop ASUS UX303L without any xfwm4 problem, pulseaudio also seems "not running" out of the box
18:18.33fsmithredthanks. i don't know how pulseaudio is supposed to start
18:18.42fsmithredmaybe something in /etc/default/
18:18.51fsmithredDoing an install now.
18:32.36*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
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18:38.59*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
18:40.02*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@2001:9b1:4041:e000:a634:d9ff:fec6:343c)
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18:53.44fsmithredrehcla, pulseaudio is running here on fresh install.
18:54.42rehcla2 time not here
18:54.56rehclaone AMD and one Intel Chipset
18:57.49fsmithredoh wait, I'm still in ascii
18:57.55fsmithredI'll upgrade now
18:58.04*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
18:59.35fsmithredum, I'll upgrade later. I have to change my network connection. (Need to get a wire from another room.)
19:06.40*** join/#devuan RedAcor (~RedAcor@gateway/tor-sasl/redacor)
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19:14.24*** join/#devuan Hund (~Hund@ubuntu/member/hund)
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19:26.14fsrok, my name changed <- rehcla
19:28.06fsruh-oh, it's possible to run two instances of the same VM (same virtual disk) at once in qemu
19:28.47rehclasure you can teach me some things there^^
19:29.47fsryeah, I can, because I just learned something else
19:29.53fsrit screws up the filesystem
19:30.33MinceRyeah, most fs-es don't like being mounted from multiple OS-es at the same time
19:30.39rehclais xen also supported in devuan?
19:31.25fsryes, same as debian
19:32.18rehclajust played around with it some time ago with opensuse... never got a booting kernel
19:32.29rehclaat the hostOS
19:33.34fsrok, doesn't fsck have an option to bypass the questions and just fix the errors?
19:33.40fsrI'm not seeing it
19:34.29rehcla-a or -p
19:34.45fsryeah, ext4
19:36.32fsrnope. Had to hit enter a few times
19:38.18*** join/#devuan Hund (~Hund@ubuntu/member/hund)
19:40.39fsrdist-upgrade is running
19:40.56fsrgoing for coffee
19:43.14rehclai have to pick up my wife! see you soon
19:44.01*** join/#devuan Hum2 (
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20:47.15fsrrehcla, after dist-upgrade to beowulf, pulseaudio is installed, not running, but sound works
20:47.33fsrcan play an audio file. Haven't tried firefox yet.
20:47.34rehclasame here
20:47.41rehclaworks fine
20:47.52rehclaafter starting it from a terminal
20:48.25rehclauntil now beowulf makes a nice impression
20:51.13fsryeah, sound works in firefox
20:51.31*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
20:51.35fsrand golinux will be pleased to hear that the themes upgraded correctly - grub, slim and desktop
20:52.17rehclacan confirm the theme thing too
21:22.26golinuxbreathes a sigh of relief . . .
21:24.19*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
21:29.50fsrthe upgrade was smooth and easy
21:30.02fsrall I did was change sources, update and dist-upgrade
21:31.07fsrto be exact, I did 'apt update' and 'apt-get dist-upgrade' then reboot
21:31.19*** part/#devuan ryanpcmcquen (sid124388@gateway/web/
21:31.24fsralso did 'apt autoremove' after boot
21:31.49fsrpackage count is above 1500, or around 100 more than in ascii
21:32.13fsrdidn't check installed size, but that's probably bigger, too
21:34.18rehclaso when to expect a next stable release? :)
21:34.43*** join/#devuan epicmetal (~epicmetal@unaffiliated/epicmetal)
21:35.26golinuxrehcla: After the ascii point-release
21:36.16golinuxWhich means rebuilding all the ascii isos and then the beowulf isos.  Beowulf will likely have a beta release before the final
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23:53.59*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@

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