IRC log for #devuan on 20191001

00:00.07XenguyWell I read the pm-utils README, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of dimming
00:00.23*** join/#devuan Shentino (~shentino@unaffiliated/shentino)
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00:06.11*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
00:07.32rrqXenguy: check xrandr for brightness control (works sometimes)
00:07.39*** join/#devuan Digitteknohippie (~user@fsf/member/digit)
00:10.40XenguyThanks folks, I think I have it licked now.  I unchecked a couple of PM options in the 'battery' section of the power management config (which I had assumed should not effect the operation when I'm running on AC, but it turns out it did)
00:10.59XenguyIf that makes sense.  So looks all good as far as I can tell.
00:11.26*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
00:14.52Simoen2i can't install openvpn  openvpn : Depends: libssl1.0.2 (>= 1.0.2d) but it is not installable
00:14.57XenguyI really do love linux's 'just copy over your dot files', and all your config's are easily in place
00:15.03Simoen2either with beowulf or ceres repos
00:18.06*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:18.06*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
00:18.07*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:18.27Xenguy8 -]
00:18.47golinuxSimoen2: Maybe this is the reason why?  <Simoen2> Version: 1.0.2n-1ubuntu5.3  is installed
00:19.10golinuxYou should not be using Ubuntu packages
00:19.14Simoen2i purged it
00:19.19*** join/#devuan wyatt8760 (~wyatt8740@
00:19.47Simoen2i'm not trying to
00:20.43golinuxYou might be mixing Devuan repos then?
00:21.22Simoen2i'll try with latest
00:21.32Simoen2Get:1 ceres/main arm64 openssl arm64 1.1.1d-1
00:21.51Simoen2why protonvpn needs 1.0.2d idk
00:22.36Simoen2i have libssl 1.1.1d-1 installed
00:22.48Simoen2there is no libssl1.0* in repository
00:23.44Simoen2maybe i gan build openvpn cfom source
00:24.53Simoen2git clone git://[0:]: errno=Connection refused
00:26.21Simoen2ah it is deprecated
00:27.26Simoen2building from source
00:28.15Simoen2crypto.h:437:12: error: field ‘ctx’ has incomplete type
00:33.19Simoen2oh openvpn 2.4 will work with openssl1.1
00:33.23Simoen2fixed two years ago
00:34.19*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
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00:41.57Simoen2openvpn 2.4 builds fine from
00:52.11*** part/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
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00:55.55*** part/#devuan dgriffi (
01:06.22*** join/#devuan dgriffi (
01:06.37dgriffihas anyone noticed that the DVD image is too big for a single-layer disc?
01:08.34*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
01:20.18Simoen2perhaps, but i can't ask everyone
01:20.32Simoen2you using nvidia gpu with nvidia drivers dgriffi ?
01:21.46Simoen2i have 80x25 console and don't know what boot flag will fix
01:23.29*** join/#devuan Lipps (~Lipps@
01:27.02*** part/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
01:27.22Lippsask me for help if you need openvpn!
01:28.36dgriffihuh?  I was asking about DVD image size
01:29.24*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
01:29.51Lippsare single-layer cheaper?
01:30.44dgriffiit exceeds the limit by about one gig
01:31.14fsmithreddon't they hold close to 4.5G?
01:31.17Lippsi am not the maintainer of that
01:31.27Lippsif you could contact the maintainer that would be best
01:31.46dgriffi4.7 gigs
01:32.13fsmithredthat's the capacity of a DVD or that's the size of the iso?
01:32.16dgriffiwhich is 4812 megabytes
01:32.33fsmithredit shows as 4G on the website. I don't have one here to check.
01:33.12dgriffithe ISO, as determined by cdrecord is 4442 megabytes.  with overhead, it's 5102...  which won't fit.
01:33.52*** join/#devuan free_speech_ (~free-spee@2001:16b8:1844:300:213:d3ff:fe9f:fbe)
01:34.10fsmithredThis is the first time I've heard that. But your timing is good - we're in the process of making new isos.
01:34.39dgriffiwhat's the proper way to document this?
01:34.42fsmithredwhy so much overhead?
01:34.55dgriffifsmithred: it's how DVDs work
01:35.09dgriffiit's why 650/700 megabytes won't all fit on a CD
01:35.19dgriffithe measurement is raw data
01:35.26fsmithredI usually can fit 710
01:35.36fsmithredor a little more
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01:36.03fsmithredanyway, a bug report at if you can file one against debian-installer
01:36.12fsmithredbut I'm not sure that will work.
01:36.58fsmithredyeah, you can. It recognizes the package name.
01:49.54*** join/#devuan xe-non (uid379608@gateway/web/
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02:35.08xormarhi all
02:35.16Lippsgreets xormar
02:35.16xormaris multiarch working in beowulf?
02:35.26Lippsi have run i386 stuff on it
02:36.17xormarhm, i'm trying to install wine32, and it gives me errors along these lines: libmount1 : Breaks: libmount1:i386 (!= 2.32.1-0.1+devuan2.1) but 2.33.1-0.1+devuan1 is to be installed
02:36.51xormarlooks like a version mismatch in the 64 vs 32 bit pkg
02:39.01xormaranybody seen this?
02:45.28golinuxYes, in Beowulf iirc
02:46.44golinuxxormar: ^^^ And read
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03:01.51dgriffiI think my report about the DVD iso being too big is premature...  The DVD burner I was using appears to have croaked.
03:06.28Lippsi can test if i can find a dvd
03:08.28Lippsone site says 4.7 gigabytes  
03:09.09LippsDVD-RW can add up to 515.94MB of overhead
03:11.52*** join/#devuan xcm (
03:12.27dgriffiI swapped out my burner (UJDA782) for a bluray burner
03:12.47dgriffiserial ultrabay interface on a Thinkpad T420
03:12.58xormargolinux: thanks for the links, they did not turn up in any search i did. works with the extra steps described there!
03:14.45golinuxYeah, the search function isn't all that great even when I remember the post I'm looking for
03:23.26xormarthe forum also seems to be not indexed by search engines
03:25.19xormarthx again & bb
03:25.24*** part/#devuan xormar (
03:25.49*** join/#devuan Lipps (
03:32.03*** join/#devuan Lipps (~Lipps@
03:54.35*** join/#devuan dgriffi (
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06:37.04TwistedFateDoes anyone here use auto log-in on Steam?
06:49.03*** join/#devuan user844842 (user@gateway/vpn/mullvad/user844842)
06:54.49fbtIt doesn't work without a dbus session running, if you're asking about that
06:54.58fbtOr at least used to not
06:55.09Lippstries forwarding sound from one devuan box to another
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07:47.07*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (~Besnik@2a02:587:e27:7500:bcf4:9843:17ff:ecaa)
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08:23.53*** join/#devuan Hum (
08:25.00HumWhen will the new Devuan release be published?
08:25.33Lippsit seems 'soon'
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08:39.19*** join/#devuan free_speech_ (~free-spee@2001:16b8:18a4:4c00:213:d3ff:fe9f:fbe)
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09:09.06HundNever ask devs for ETA's. :P
09:09.36Wonkaso, there's another exim4 bug, fixed in 4.92.3 - which is not yet available in Debian either.
09:10.10onefangStandard answer from us devs - it'll be ready when it's ready.
09:10.45HumHund: I didn't take devuan-dev. Maybe I got a non-developer answer that is better ;)
09:10.53r3boot.. or, you know, help out in developing the new release ;)
09:11.17HundHum: :D
09:11.45*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
09:12.29Humr3boot: I can do bug-reports. I am not good in developing
09:12.40r3bootHum: you never know until you try
09:13.00r3bootalso, maintaining a distro is more then just developing :)
09:15.50onefangBug reports are great, things need testing, lots of testing.
09:16.09Humr3boot: Maybe I already tried ;) No, to be honest: reporting bugs and sometimes wrting some documentian is the way I help
09:17.33Humare there images of devuan alpha/beta? I could try to install them in a virtual environment
09:30.06onefang#devuan-dev might be a better place to ask that question.
09:32.18*** join/#devuan Lipps (~Lipps@
09:42.37Lippsrebootedd and can only log in as root
09:43.07Lippslogging on as user brings me back to the login screen
09:43.31buZzso something in your profile crashes ;)
09:43.40Humdisk full?
09:43.59Lippsas user startx gives Segmentatoin fault at address 0x8
09:44.28Lipps13GB free
09:44.45Lippsamusing, something broke
09:44.45*** join/#devuan tierce_ (
09:44.49Lippsfor the first time in years
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09:45.19buZz0x8 is quite a low address :P
09:45.26Lippsrunning X as root is a bad idea right
09:46.04Lippscan modern X be started from console with startx?
09:46.24Lippsor do i need these gooey things that start x for me
09:46.28*** join/#devuan rdav (
09:46.49Lippsi used to always boot to console
09:46.54Lippsinint 3
09:47.09Lippsjust seemed more sensible
09:47.15Lippspicked that up from the Sun days
09:47.17onefangDisk almost full should have been what was asked.  Usually there is a percentage of disk space, if it dcops below that, only root can write to it.  That percentage may be over 13GB on a really big disk.
09:47.43onefangEr *drops below*
09:47.47Lippsdude no way is login failing with 13GB free
09:48.11buZzwhy is login accessing 0x8
09:48.17buZzor is that a abbreviation
09:49.09onefangOne of my disks is complaining about low disk with 71 GB available.  YMMV
09:50.50onefangSo if 13 GB is below the threshold where only root can write, and X11 is falling over coz non root can't write, but root can write...
09:51.01Humif 1% is reserved for root, and 13GB is about 1% then the partition would have more than 1.3TB. Could happen today in a irc chat with user who know that sun isn't only a planet
09:51.42buZzsun is a planet?
09:51.50buZzi thought it was a star ..
09:52.09r3bootSunOS||GTFO! :P
09:52.09HumbuZz: yes, sorry, I have no time for planetary questions...
09:52.19buZzHum: thats ok
09:52.20onefangSomething that big and dangerous can be whatever the hell it wants to be.  B-)
09:52.27buZz:D :D
09:52.57r3bootLipps: actually, Sun was pretty pioneering with X terminals back in the days .. how about recreating a SunRay environment instead?? The Network Is The Computer, you know!
09:53.42buZzisnt that called XDMCP ?
09:53.43HumI guess 5% is normally reserved for root with extX and btrfs. If 13GB are about 5%, then the partition would be 260GB. Am I right?
09:54.39r3bootbuZz: that's the network protocol that's used yeah. It was based on SunRay terminals, with a nice sunfire behind it, and gnome 1
09:54.55buZz:) lovely
09:54.56r3boot(modern day Xorg doesnt do xdmcp btw, you'll need Xephyr for that)
09:55.35buZzhmmm, you sure? archwiki seems to suggest it still works
09:56.25r3bootMja, doesnt work with classic xdmcp
09:56.48Lippsok i can login to other users... there's something wrong with my primary user
09:56.49Lippsfun fun
09:57.15onefangOK, not the disk space issue then.
09:57.31Lippsyeh bro not expecting you to solve it remotely
09:57.34Lippsit's just chat
09:57.57Lippsi just like this treehouse a lot
09:58.17onefangThis is the Devuan support channel, some of us are here to help the rest solve their problems.
09:58.42buZzwe're all synapses in the globe-brain , firing off each others inputs and outputs
09:59.21Lippsyou ever read The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster?
09:59.28Lippshe predicted this in like, 1904
09:59.33Lippsit's free online
09:59.50Lippsbows to onefang
10:01.11buZznice, 24 page shortstory
10:01.25buZz*adds to hacker library collection*
10:01.41Lippsi read it in 1987 for an english lit class
10:01.46Lippsand said 'this is the future!'
10:03.00buZzthat was kinda the feeling i got when i read Brave New World
10:03.10buZzbut replace future with today
10:03.38Lippsseems very obvious
10:03.43Lippsto not like tyranny
10:04.06Lippsi cannot feel abnormal wanting some privacy and freedom.
10:04.09Lippsi am right
10:10.14Lippsand to have tha freedom you need to know and identify the aggressors
10:12.31Lippsc.f. debconf
10:28.35*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
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14:48.45HundHow I change what things to start at boot and not?
14:49.13fsmithredsysv-rc-conf is easy
14:49.31r3bootwith rm and ln :)
14:49.38fsmithredif you want to control what desktop things start, that would be somewhere in the desktop settings
14:49.47r3bootno need for a frontend for some basic unix commands ;)
14:49.55r3boot(really, it's that  easy :)
14:50.16fsmithredif you like typing
14:50.34r3bootmja, muscle memory is fast and latency free :P
14:51.58Hundfsmithred: Thanks. I'm installing it and checking it out.
14:52.18fsmithredarrow keys, space bar and q to quit
14:52.43omniosysv-rc-conf is great and it doesn't hurt to check first "runlevel", just to be sure where to make changes
14:52.49HundWow. that was easy. :P
14:52.58r3bootsighs :P
14:53.20*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
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15:10.55onefangOnly one problem with sysv-rc-conf, but it only happens if you have over 100 lines in your terminal.  It'll crash if you try to arrow down all the way.
15:11.08onefangThough maybe that's just me.  lol
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15:24.15fsmithredonefang, arrow up instead. It wraps.
15:25.44*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (~LtWorf@
15:26.27onefangI know that, but there's still the ones between where it falls over and the beginning of the next page that I can't get to.  Unless I use a smaller terminal.
15:26.57r3boot(really, rm and ln are way easier AND you get the chance to learn how sysv runlevels actually work ;)
15:28.32onefanggoes back to watching TV, that's even easier. B-)
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16:43.51foresterhi. devuan 2 xfce. I had removed some applications. But they still remain in menu. How to remove them from there?
16:50.20Lippsi can't even get themes working in xfce
16:50.34Lippsuse fuckin fluxbox.  edit menus in a file
16:50.59Lippsgod damn gtk
16:54.14golinuxInstall desktop-base with Xfce and you get a coordinated theme from grub to desktop
16:56.37foresterI suppose there should be a config file somewhere?
16:58.12Lipps =>> Yilan bridge collapses in Taiwan - TomoNews <<=
16:58.13Lippsgtk developers designed the bridge
16:58.58Lippsdesktop-base is already the newest version (1:3.0).
16:59.01Lippsstop lying
17:03.20omnioforester: I'm not sure about XFCE but I think the menus just show the entries from /usr/share/applications
17:05.15Lipps  i might start supporting this
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17:11.21foresteromnio:  Thank you. I have find an Main Menu there. This app I used with Mate DE. And this app did make what I needed.
17:11.25*** join/#devuan engidea (
17:17.57golinuxLipps: If you want the latest SNS, Devuan probably won't work for you.  Bye.
17:18.18Lippswhat is SNS
17:18.32golinuxShiny New Shit
17:20.50*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
17:21.23Lippsi'm just tired of broken shit
17:21.36Lippsi tend to hate new shit
17:21.41Lippsunless it's not broken
17:21.52Lippsthat's the only metric, golinux
17:23.04*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
17:23.40r3bootActually, I think you should be able to get most if not all new linux SNS working under devuan with a bit of effort
17:24.36r3bootbarring effort, I still recommend OpenBSD as a desktop. Slow, Sluggish, but reliable and predictable
17:25.52*** join/#devuan Demosthenex (
17:26.11Demosthenexhey folks, seen a php7.1 for devuan? i checked backports, doesn't seem to be there
17:26.41Lippsi want dark themes to work
17:26.54Lipps"Minix, the most used operating system in the world, without anyone knowing it" < lol
17:31.54r3bootLipps: btw, xfce4 themes are fixed by d/l'ing a theme from, extracting to ~/.local/share/themes, and selecting it in the settings
17:32.12Lippswhich one works?
17:32.18Lippsdark theme
17:32.24r3booti use solarized-dark
17:32.24Lippswhich one works?
17:32.58r3bootxfce 4.14 btw
17:33.26Lipps  this one?
17:33.57*** join/#devuan amesser (
17:34.19r3bootyes, that one. Got that running under openbsd/xfce 4.14 btw, not devuan
17:35.07r3boot(not that that matters, since xfce4 looks in specified theme directories)
17:38.51Lippsdeliver a fucking dark theme with xfce
17:39.03r3bootsend a mail to their mailinglist!
17:39.11r3bootdid you get it to work btw?
17:39.22Lippsi'll try now
17:39.47r3bootxfce4 does come with dark themes btw, if you install the xfce4-themes package ofc
17:39.58Lippsthey are broken
17:40.04Lippsor gtk is broken
17:40.26r3bootcould be anything. You will know once you get the output of xfwm ;)
17:40.53r3boot(or just blame it on gtk and the world :P)
17:41.11Lippsmv Solarized-Dark-GTK .local/share/themes
17:41.28Lippsnot appearing in xfce appearance
17:41.36r3boottry restarting xfce4
17:43.25golinuxNot dark enough for you?
17:43.36*** join/#devuan Inepu (
17:44.14Lippscopied over my old ~/.config and now i got no xfce-desktop
17:44.55r3bootnice and clean golinux :)
17:45.39*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
17:45.48Lippslook at that white shit
17:46.30golinuxTo each his own
17:47.05Lippsi swear to fucking god i will fucking force gtk apps to dark
17:47.32Lippsfirst order of business is delete every light theme
17:47.35Lippson the system
17:47.37Lippsevery one
17:48.44*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
17:50.17r3boot <-- my current driver
17:50.52Lippscan i delete Daloa, Default, Default-hdpi, Default-xhdpi, Kokodi, Moheli  from /usr/local/share/themes or are any of them dark?
17:51.25r3bootSure, but they are part of a package, and if you remove the files manually, you break the package
17:51.34Lippsthe package IS broken
17:51.44Lippsgtk is broken
17:52.26Lippseither that or i have the usual suspects in my system
17:52.30r3bootlook, this is getting old. This channel is for devuan support. If you want to continue ranting, please take this to #debianfork or somewhere else
17:52.32Lippswhich is also likely
17:53.32r3bootThe wise thing to do in this case, is to file a bugreport with the xfce4 people, to figure out whats going on
17:53.54r3bootthat'll get things sorted the quickest
17:54.20r3bootif your reaction is to randomly delete stuff from your system b/c you think it's broken, you will actually break stuff, eventually
17:54.48Lippsit's gtk
17:54.58r3bootwhy do you think so?
17:55.20Lippsbecause i've been dealing with their shit since the 1990s
17:55.51r3bootso then you know you need to capture debug output and/or an actual error message before you can even start to make such a claim ;)
17:57.12Lippsscreenshot is enough
17:57.37r3bootno, not at all actually :)
17:58.11Lippsstarting a new user
17:58.34*** join/#devuan wyatt8750 (~wyatt8740@
17:59.41r3bootyour session manager (xfce, gnome, mate, whatever) should (and can be made to) log its output to a file. In that file, you can find the actual thing that is keeping you from being able to do $whatever. Find that file, analyze it, fix stuff, rinse, repeat.
17:59.59r3bootsomething you should know after having survived atleast two major gtk updates ;P
18:00.29*** join/#devuan tierce_ (
18:02.01Lippsno man, this is a 'you had one job' situation
18:02.06Lippsi can't drill down into everything
18:03.07r3bootlook. You've spent atleast an hour ranting about it on irc .. Sure you can find a spare minute for egrep -i 'error|warning' /some/log/file | less
18:04.29Lippsi rand on the side
18:04.32Lippson a working machine
18:05.26Lippsyep see
18:05.32Lippsi select adwaita-dark
18:05.46Lippsand xfce has no window borders anymore
18:06.00Lippsit's locked into some bright theme
18:07.36*** join/#devuan m3tti (
18:07.43g4570nDemosthenex: try with repos
18:08.30Demosthenexg4570n: those are compatible with devuan?
18:11.02g4570nwhy not? try, there are jessie (jessie), stretch (ascii) and buster (beowulf) versions
18:11.24*** join/#devuan engidea (
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18:20.15Lippsapt-get install libxnvctrl0
18:20.15Lippslibxnvctrl0 is already the newest version (430.50-1)
18:20.47Lippsok i have a simple question
18:21.02Lippswhy does a package maintainer specify = and not > ?
18:21.29r3bootthat depends on the package manager and output format; ssome do
18:22.37Lippsshould i email Debian NVIDIA Maintainers < and tell them to not fucking require libxnvctrl0 (= 418.74-1) ?
18:24.05Lippshow about a patch to apt that will accept higher version numbers even if the fucking package specifies a particular one?
18:24.17r3bootlol, no, read what it said. nvidia-settings is linked to an old version of libxnvctrl0, so blame nvidia
18:24.49r3bootor even better, update (or deinstall) nvidia-settings
18:25.17Lippsi removed and reinstalled
18:25.20Lippsbuilding from source now
18:28.06golinuxLipps: Settingds > Window Manager to choose the window frame cannot open shared object file
18:29.01*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
18:29.09Lippsnah i'm back to fluxbox
18:29.18Lippsit works
18:29.35*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
18:36.11Lippsany of you running nvidia-settings on ceres?
18:39.52Lippscp src/_out/Linux_x86_64/  /usr/lib/  fixes the install btw
18:40.04Lippsand same with gtk2
18:41.00Lippscan i help devuan by packaging this?
18:41.34*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
18:41.41Lippsi'll tell nvidia what they fucked up first
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