IRC log for #devuan on 20190928

00:04.20*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
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00:18.53*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
00:18.54*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:20.33*** part/#devuan james1138 (
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03:26.52*** join/#devuan Digit (~user@fsf/member/digit)
03:27.43Digitimagines a gui tool that enables any newbie user to update a package on the server... and wonders why package managers are not already like this.
03:46.54*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
03:49.09rwpDigit, Synaptic?
03:49.40rwpHowever it is rarely just a single package these days.  "Dependencies: foo, libfoo" and all of that...
03:54.29*** join/#devuan Digitteknohippie (~user@fsf/member/digit)
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04:05.11Digitteknohippierwp: oh, synaptic lets the user update packages on the server!?  um... how?
04:06.25Digitteknohippierummages around the interface and thinks there's been a misunderstanding
04:10.39*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:11.39*** join/#devuan Ulrar (
04:18.23rwpIt's a graphical GUI tool for running apt like aptitude, apt-get, or apt but uses a graphical interface.
04:18.50rwpI am a terminal type so I don't use it but it is there for people who like to use the mouse to use.
04:19.32*** join/#devuan rdav (
04:22.46Digitbeen using debians since mid 00s, thought rwp was saying the user could use synaptic upgrade packages in the database to newer versions so newer versions are available for other users to install through the usual package upgrade methods
04:24.51Digiti'm guessing that's still something behing a commit priveledges wall or something.  something more archane than is availed to the little end user.  :/
04:25.25Digitthinks it a philosophical pedagogy design fail common to all(?) distros
04:55.29*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@
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05:01.32*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
05:10.50*** join/#devuan Ulrar (
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07:12.34onefangthinks Digit doesn't have a clue about the amount of work needed to get some packages to actually work with the rest of the operating system. Maybe if Digit wrote an AI packaging system, we wouldn't need clever volunteers to update our distros for us.
07:18.52Digitsome decade when i bring this up, n get that reply again, i'll actually do that.  next time, third time lucky.
07:30.10*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
07:42.50*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
07:46.12*** join/#devuan user844842 (user@gateway/vpn/mullvad/user844842)
08:00.03free_speechwhy should a program that I develop on a Devuan platform not work with the rest of Devuan?
08:03.18onefangDepends, maybe you developed it on an earlier version of Devuan, but some crucial library you depend on changed in some incompatible way in later versions?  And then you have to update your program to work on all versions of this library in all versions of Devuan.  This sort of thing happens.
08:05.20free_speechI bet that if I install Debian Etch (I'll mention Debian now because of its longer version history), it'll also work on Debian Buster ... didn't ever try this, but I bet it'll work fine.
08:05.35onefangIn my case the mouse options for tmux keep changing between versions, so my big virtual world project that uses tmux for running the server consoles has to pick a particular version of tmux to be compatible with.  Usually that's what ever version comes with what ever version of what ever operating system I'm currently using on my own server (Devuan ASCII for now).
08:06.19free_speechMy last sentence does not make the intended sense, so I'll correct it ...
08:06.51free_speechI bet that if I install Debian Etch (I'll mention Debian now because of its longer version history) and develop a program on Etch, my program will also work on Buster.
08:06.55free_speechThat's what I wanted to say
08:09.10onefangIt's entirely possible. But you can't always rely on external projects your program relies on to stay compatible with the way you used it.  This is why distros pick particular versions of particular libraries and stick with them for that particular version of the distro.  Maybe backports will get a more recent version, if it doesn't break too much other code.
08:10.12onefangWhich is why Digits plan to let ordinary users just update packages on the distros servers is bound to just be pure chaos.  Things WILL break.
08:14.26onefangSo it's not "a philosophical pedagogy design fail common to all(?) distros" it's just the way the world works.  Things change, you want a stable distro, you better hope the distro maintainers put a lot of work getting the particular versions of everything to work together well for that particular version of the distro, and then that they don't change anything in the particular version you installed that br
08:14.27onefangeaks anything that's important to you.
08:14.55*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
08:15.58onefangWhich is why making a big distro like Devuan is lots of hard work.  If you want to update a package, volunteer to help.
08:17.55onefangLetting "any newbie user to update a package on the server" will just result in one giant mess that doesn't work for anyone.  Not to mention it'll be a giant security mess as well.
08:19.27Digitstill seems like madness to me, to not have tooling to help package updating, upfront, so users get even just the visual cues of what's involved in upgrading packages.  just another part of this disconnect i see.
08:20.38Digitlike the many eyes making all bugs shallow, many package updaters make all packages up to date... and many a leg up sign post facilitation makes many a more would be packagers more readily become packagers.
08:22.48onefangFeel free to write such tooling.  The Devuan maintainers are too busy doing their job to write such "newbie user" friendly tools.  We do have such tooling, it's a hard job, it's even harder writing tooling to make something that hard easy for "newbie users".
08:23.44Digiti know it's not as simple as just needs 1 magic button that says "make new package, and make it nice with all other packages", and poof, a number changes somewhere and fairies take care of the rest... but i just think more bridges could be built across the package manager gui between packegers and users, bluring the distinction, encouraging participation and contribution and learning.   that kinda thing.
08:24.45onefangSoooo, write those bridges.  The fairies are too busy to write it for you.  B-)
08:25.01Digityeah, most places, if they're to cater at all to the newbie, it's in coddling, n not so much aimed to helping them towards intermediacy and excellence.
08:26.05Digitonefang: yeah, i'm on it.  ....   same as i was on it a decade ago when i last brought it up.  n_n   ack.  ok... maybe i've learned enough that i cou@#~, ack, i've learned nothing.
08:26.36onefangWhich is what I'm trying to do in my big virtual world project.  Make it easy for newbie users to run their own, to learn how it all works, to write their own stuff to make it work better for them.  That's a really big project, a distro is even bigger.
08:27.36Digitaccepts a poor workman blames his tools, a poor student blames his sourcecode.
08:29.33onefang"Hey it's easy, just write magic!" says the poor user to the poor overworked developers.
08:29.59onefangwanders off to write todays little bit of magic.
08:30.54Digityeah, just eeasily write the software that deals with the users who ask for that kind of thing, directing them to the documentation.
08:31.51Digitah, i think i could do that... i think i even did.  ... i wrote an irc bot that answered any question with an rtfg link containing the question.   problem solved.  ;D
08:32.50*** join/#devuan rsx (
08:34.17free_speechBack in my personal Windows-using times, I used to waste some of my time using Windows' On-Board - Tool "Paint" ... I personally didn't like the Paint-version shipped with Windows 7 and above, so I upported the Paint of Windows XP up to Windows 7 just by replacing the paint.exe File ... it worked as intended.
08:35.53free_speechI wondered if this worked vice-versa, so I backported Windows 7 Paint to XP the same way - it just worked.
08:38.32free_speechThis also worked with all the other tools of the Windows Userland's default
08:43.21*** join/#devuan wyatt8750 (~wyatt8740@
08:51.26free_speechDigit, are the IRC-bots debhelper and dpkg (used in the Debian Channels) your works? :-)
08:51.49Digitheh, nop.
08:54.41free_speechBut quite another question - what would I have to do to chat with whatever device (Raspberry Pi, PC, Laptop, ... whatever) using IRC?
08:54.52free_speechI think this is Bot-Stuff, isn't it?
08:58.47*** join/#devuan archetyp (
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10:59.50*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
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11:38.53emdetehi, i am playing with a raspberry pi zero, i installed devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armel_raspi1.img.xz  (which works fine) but wonder if that's the best choice. would a armhf do as well? i am not that deep into the arm archs ;)
11:45.21*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
11:46.44buZzemdete: armhf doesnt work on raspi1 or zero
11:46.54buZzarmhf is for ARMv7
11:47.01buZzraspi1 is ARMv5 iirc
11:47.39buZzoh ARMv6 , right
11:49.34Wonkathere were special softfloat distros for Pi1, iirc
11:49.58emdetebuZz: ok, thank you. i just wondered why rasbian provides hf only but maybe i'm wrong
11:50.24buZzemdete: because raspberry foundation is a bunch of idiots with closed source hardware
11:51.44emdetebuZz: what do you suggest ? i jsut need a cheap small thing to do wifi and hdmi...
11:52.04buZzfriendly-arm's nanopi line is nice
11:52.17buZzbut pizero is cheaper yeah, its subsidized by broadcom
11:52.26buZz(so they can get rid of their old cpus)
11:53.30free_speechwhat about the other <fruit>Pi's ? There's BananaPi for instance
12:03.10emdetefree_speech: banana zero looks nice: double performance, double price, double current ;)
12:07.02free_speechis there a "free and open source" SBC out there?
12:09.25free_speechI don't like this "open source" term ... but when it comes to hardware, the "free" in "free software" is even more problematic than related to software ... so ...
12:10.17free_speech"free hardware" ... I see problems coming around when using this ....
12:11.08onefang tries to be open hardware, but I've not checked their stuff for a while.
12:13.43free_speechalthough I could build "open hardware" using non-open stuff like Raspberry Pi inside ... "you don't like that my <whatever it is> is based on RPi? Just replace the RPi by another SBC" ... I'm attempted to compare this with De{bi,vu}an contrib repos on software ...
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15:17.49Simeon2palemoon wants sqlite 3.29, beowulf has 3.27.2-3  building from 'sid' sqlite3_3.29.0-2.debian.tar.xz  etc failing here
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15:59.34free_speechDoes sqlite3_3.29.0-2.debian.tar.xz have any build dependencies?
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16:00.09free_speech@ Simeon2
16:12.55*** join/#devuan GuilleST (~guille@2800:810:532:5fe::1002)
16:13.55GuilleSThello! I'm currently using voidlinux but wanted to install devuan on my desktop pc. Is it easy to change the init to runit (so that both my machines behave the same when it comes to services and stuff)?
16:14.36GuilleSTI also wanted to know if there are any south america mirrors
16:16.15*** join/#devuan zoobab (
16:16.59golinuxGuilleST: openrc is available in the "expert" install option
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16:17.50golinuxHere's the mirror list:
16:18.55golinuxOops misread.  runit is available but not an option in the installer
16:22.31fsmithredI know people have switched to runit. No idea how easy or difficult it is. Search the forum and dng mailing list, and you'll find some discussions about it.
16:23.22GuilleSTI will lurk some more to see if I find anything, but I didn't see anything about runit in the documentation. Thanks anyways, I hope it's not too hard
16:23.30GuilleSTand thanks for the mirror list :)
16:24.38fsmithredgolinux, do you know if there's video footage of the hacking session at the conference where they made their own init scripts?
16:24.48fsmithredI missed that session.
16:28.49golinuxI have never heard of it
16:28.51jaromilthe second talk by skarnet you mean?
16:29.03*** join/#devuan Evilham (~evilhamun@devuan/developer/Evilham)
16:29.17jaromilwe have still some footage to be published btw, where the audio is a bit restored
16:29.29DocScrutinizer05hi jaromil :-)
16:29.32golinuxNo.  there was a hacking session on Sunday
16:29.47jaromilmmmm if it was streamed then maybe is in the stream
16:29.50jaromilhi DocScrutinizer05
16:30.12golinuxjaromil: They hacked after his Sunday talk.
16:30.57golinuxOr at least they intended to.  Not sure if it even happened.
16:31.49jaromilok, yes, there was sitting at the table with skarnet and I recall about s6 the outcome was that it needs a good deal of scripts to be adapted to devuan
16:31.56jaromili'm not aware of any hacking on other inits
16:32.29jaromilas you probably already know a good deal of those scripts is here
16:32.45jaromilbut is not in a final form and noone besides danyspin has tested that
16:32.55*** join/#devuan petzi (
16:33.21golinuxYes,  I am aware of that project.  Just pointed someone to it yesterday.
16:34.26jaromilfor the record, i'm quite happy using supervisord in a number of projects... when headless, lovely to have the web interface
16:34.48jaromilit has improved a lot in beowulf
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17:16.42Simeon2can some1 update libsqlite3-0 to 3.29 from 3.28 (in debian sid)?
17:16.52Simeon2it not building for me
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20:16.51eyalrozI've gotten myself into a little packaging mess...
20:17.25eyalrozwith gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad (an ominous name)
20:17.52eyalrozand when I apt --fix-broken install , I get:
20:17.53eyalrozPreparing to unpack .../gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1%3a1.14.4-dmo7_amd64.deb ...
20:17.54eyalrozUnpacking gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad:amd64 (1:1.14.4-dmo7) over (1.16.1-1) ...
20:17.54eyalrozdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1%3a1.14.4-dmo7_amd64.deb (--unpack):
20:19.49eyalrozHow can I fix this weird conflict?
20:23.56gnarfaceeyalroz: looks like you're trying to downgrade - you need to find a newer version of gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad:amd64
20:32.00gnarfaceof course, this does leave some open questions like, "how did my system get this way?"
20:32.10gnarfaceusually this is caused by mixing distros, distro versions, or repos
20:32.27gnarface(backports and deb-multimedia are common culprits)
20:32.49gnarfaceit might be sufficient to just get all the gstreamer packages from the same place
20:33.06gnarfacebut from where you're at now, if you decide that's not where you want to get some of them, you will probably have to manually uninstall all of them first
20:33.20gnarfaceeither approach should kill this blockage
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20:45.17eyalrozgnarface: Well, that might not be the reason, but - I added the winehq staging repo for buster, and tried installing some of the packages there, but couldn't because of weird i386 dependencies
20:45.28eyalrozThen I removed that apt source
20:45.34eyalrozmaybe that was the cause
20:45.44eyalrozI apt-get dist-upgrade'd again
20:46.37eyalrozOh, I think I might have added deb-multimedia
20:46.55gnarfaceeyalroz: ok i perceive the possibility of multiple mistakes here cascading.  first of all, i'm guessing those weird i386 dependency issues were because you forgot to enable multiarch before switching to the winehq repos
20:47.15gnarfacesecondly, you should not be adding all of these repos at once, if you're gonna mix them, mix them one at a time
20:47.32eyalrozgnarface: I did enabme i386, and had it enabled for a while
20:47.49gnarface(as in, ONLY have the winehq repo enabled while installing/upgrading the winehq staging packages, then comment it out and "apt-get update" again with the other repos uncommented)
20:47.58eyalrozbut - let's start with: How can I remove all gstreamer packages? (If that makes sense at all and won't bring the house crumbling down)
20:48.37gnarfacewell you can try to just "apt-get --purge remove [package 1] [package 2] ... [package N]"
20:48.50gnarfacejust put all the gstreamer packages on the same line like that
20:49.00gnarfacebut make sure to carefully read the WILL BE REMOVED section
20:49.11gnarfaceif anything else you need will be removed, don't do it.
20:49.31eyalrozgnarface: "all the gstreamer" - get those from a dpkg query?
20:49.40gnarfaceyea: dpkg -l |grep gstreamer
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20:50.22eyalrozgnarface: I think I'll take another approach. Will first remove the deb-multimedia and see what that does.
20:50.38gnarfacewell you might have to remove all the packages from there
20:50.50eyalrozgnarface: I can live with that.
20:50.50gnarfacebecause they're probably all new enough to be in direct conflict with stock devuan parts
20:51.12gnarfacealternately you could try to just get ALL the gstreamer packages from deb-multimedia at once, that might fix this too
20:51.18eyalrozgnarface: Ok, that did the trick.
20:51.19gnarfacebut you'll still be in the same confused mess if you forget again later
20:51.37eyalrozgnarface: confused mess is my natural state :-P
20:52.07eyalrozAnyway, now my agdu works fine (apt-get dist-upgrade ; I have an alias for it)
20:53.16eyalrozI was going to try using winehq repos, to try and get Starcraft 2 to play,
20:53.16eyalrozfollowing the instructions here:
20:53.42gnarfacehmm, i should test that... it was just working a couple days ago, but i followed my own instructions...
20:53.57gnarfaceoh you have amdgpu?  my setup might only be relevant to nvidia
20:54.14eyalrozno, I don't
20:54.27gnarfaceagdu wasn't a typo of amdgpu?
20:55.15eyalrozalias agu='apt-get update; apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false -y upgrade'
20:55.16eyalrozalias agdu='apt-get update; apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false dist-upgrade'
20:55.45gnarfaceah i see
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22:43.10gnarfaceeyalroz: yea starcraft2 still works for me in winehq-staging.  performance is garbage without d9vk though (and a couple other associated winetricks to make it work)
22:43.29gnarfaceymmv (i'm using nvidia)
22:49.37eyalrozgnarface: Which card are you using?
22:50.10eyalrozalso - have you tried it with a virtual machine instead?
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22:58.15gnarfaceeyalroz: i have not, and the card is sufficiently ancient that i'm impressed with vulkan->d3d translation tech
22:58.50gnarface(GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost)
22:58.56eyalrozAh. I have a recent GTX 1050 Ti, so maybe it'll work better for me. But... I was disheartened by the i386 dependency troubles.
22:58.56gnarfacea 2GB card
22:59.24gnarfaceif you had multi-arch enabled right, then it must be some distro/repo mixing version conflicts, that's all i can suspect
23:00.20eyalrozI'd probably better not waste time playing it right now anyway, so maybe it's for the best...
23:00.36gnarfaceor the one other thing is you just don't have any of the dependencies already installed, and they're not in the winehq repo to get.  in that case, what worked for me is to install the wine-development package from the devuan repos then REMOVE it but leave all it's dependencies (they're mostly the same as for winehq-staging)
23:00.44eyalrozbtw - do you know when is the beowulf release due?
23:00.55gnarfacei do not.  i don't think there's any official due date yet
23:01.58eyalrozIsn't that strange, considering Buster has been out for 2 months already?
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23:05.03eyalrozOh, it looks like DebConf20 is supposed to be held in my hometown.
23:05.05eyalrozThis is bad.
23:05.23fsmithredjessie was two years late
23:05.30fsmithredascii was a year late
23:05.50fsmithredbeowulf is likely to be about six months late (maybe by end of year)
23:06.05fsmithredunofficial projections ^^^
23:06.23Simeon2why is that bad eyalroz
23:06.37Simeon2beowulf 'release' is kind of symbolic, isn't it (it just works here)
23:07.06eyalrozSimeon2: Because it violates the Palestinian academic and cultural boycott of Israeli institutions, and now,
23:07.44eyalrozI have to try and protest, and get the Debian bodies to change venue, while undermining some people whom I know and am on somewhat friendly terms with.
23:08.32eyalrozSimeon2: About the beowulf release - peopel who try Devuan will look at the release version. If it's based on Debian 9, then it's ancient package versions. Debian 10 - tolerably old...
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23:08.38fsmithredgood luck
23:08.45Simeon2that's a fair point eyalroz re releases
23:09.24Simeon2and of course it's anyone's right to boycott whatever they want
23:09.50Simeon2but the politics behind such boycotts is solidly offtopic
23:11.14eyalrozSimeon2: You mean, for this channel? Ok, sure, I won't open up that discussion here. If anyone wants to say something about it please message me personally.
23:24.40golinuxOr post on #debianfork
23:24.46Simeon2eyalroz: i grabbed a package from debian sid that i need for browser update, which isn't yet in beowulf
23:25.01golinuxeyalroz: ^^^
23:25.19golinuxLook in ceres - sid
23:25.55Simeon2i grabbed the source packages but dpkg-buidpackage fails for me (have done build-dep)
23:26.35golinuxAvailable via Devuan repos.
23:26.40Simeon2oh ceres eh ty
23:26.56Simeon2goes to show how little i know about devuan
23:27.32specingCan anyone explain why useradd makes mode 755 home directories?
23:27.51golinuxNoy I
23:27.56golinuxNot I
23:31.04Simeon2should i add experimental to sources.list?  or sed -e 's/beowulf/ceres/g' it?
23:31.41Simeon2i usually ran with 'sid'
23:36.15golinuxOnly if you want to test new Devuan packages.  I have used it once or twice
23:36.46g4570nSimeon2: add ceres repos togheter with ASCII o Beowulf, and then: apt update && apt install libsqlite3-0 -t ceres
23:37.14Simeon2oh i didn't know -t thanks
23:37.17golinuxI recommend to NOT mix releases
23:38.01golinuxBut then I'm still running jessie
23:38.02g4570nSimeon2: it's will be an FranksDevuan 😆
23:38.02gnarfacespecing: ancient linux default.  something about inter-user communication stuff (.plan files and such i think)  i change them all to 0700 myself too
23:38.11gnarfacespecing: sorry, actually ancient *unix* default
23:38.39gnarfacespecing: this software was originally designed for scientific collaboration on shared mainframes, remember
23:38.40golinuxgnarface to the rescue
23:38.42Simeon2i switched an nvidia jetson from ubuntu to devuan without rebooting :)  fun stuf
23:39.02Simeon2well in the end i did reboot but it werked!
23:42.33gnarfacespecing: note that "useradd" is part of the generic user/group manipulation set.  i think it's only there for legacy reasons (posix compatibility?) use "adduser" instead.  it's "debianized" and should have some config somewhere that you can change defaults with
23:42.55gnarface(that's the old "debianized" from before that was a bad thing)
23:43.26gnarfaceyea, /etc/adduser.conf
23:43.45gnarfaceeverything is in there, including default permissions
23:43.59gnarfaceactual base files in /etc/skel/
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