IRC log for #devuan on 20190924

00:04.00*** join/#devuan xcm (
00:07.11*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~user@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
00:07.32fsmithredmy jessie is dying. :(
00:08.31fsmithredcan't get to the desktop. It starts to load, I see background image and panels start to come up, then the monitor tells me that it's shutting down
00:08.36fsmithredI can ssh in
00:09.33fsmithredI can drop to console with crtl-alt-F1 before I log in (using lightdm) but not after I log in. (or after the screen goes black.)
00:09.51fsmithredmagic sysrq keys don't work.
00:16.53*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:16.53*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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01:09.16*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsr@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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01:31.15buZzfsmithred: possibly a gpu issue?
01:33.07*** join/#devuan xcm (
01:35.59fsmithredonly happens with one user
01:36.15fsmithredmight be xrandr
01:36.24fsmithredI'll disable it and try again
01:41.13fsmithredthat worked.
01:42.25fsmithredand running xrandr again to separate my two monitors kills them again
01:43.23*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
01:43.42fsmithredbut it didn't do that when I rebooted into ascii/openbox, and I'm sure I didn't have mirrored monitors.
01:45.08buZzmaybe you configured xrandr in your xorg conf?
01:47.28fsmithredno xorg.conf
01:48.04fsmithredit runs from .config/autostart/lxrandr.desktop in xfce and from .config/openbox/autostart in openbox
01:48.22fsmithredsame settings in both systems
01:49.47*** join/#devuan FriendlyMan (~IceChat9@
01:50.09gnarfacemaybe a tiny bit of bad video ram?
01:50.50gnarfacemirrored mode uses less video ram i think
01:50.58fsmithredpsu fan is kinda noisy.
01:51.25fsmithredthe noise comes and goes in a regular cycle
01:53.04*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
01:54.31*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
01:57.50fsmithredthis thing has wonky graphics anyway. It does not like a grub background image. It posterizes them.
01:58.04fsmithredI think its code name is skylake
01:59.24golinuxSkylake is known to be Linux unfriendly
01:59.42gnarfaceyea that's another one that needed a newer kernel
01:59.54gnarfaceyou said that was jessie? i didn't even know that kernel would boot it
02:00.23golinuxThere is an early post on the form that talks about it.  All the *lakes have similar issues.
02:00.45fsmithredwhen it was new, only xubuntu-14 worked
02:01.37fsmithredseems ok with ascii.
02:02.28fsmithredI can put the drives back in the other box, which is more appropriate for winter.
02:03.20fsmithredsleepy time.
02:03.28*** join/#devuan FriendlyMan (
02:03.44fsmithredprobably should sign off, too.
02:04.13fsmithredsee y'all tomorrow or so
02:09.56*** join/#devuan qbmonkey (~SockMonke@2600:6c46:4f80:1c00:20b:97ff:fe94:9aa2)
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02:44.51*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
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03:05.05*** join/#devuan Fersure (Maybe@unaffiliated/fersure)
03:18.26*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
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04:06.13*** join/#devuan gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
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06:25.49*** join/#devuan chomwitt (
06:26.00chomwitthi from greece.
06:28.08chomwitti am a virtual private server nomad... bytemark , hosteurope now a greek company that wont allow me to install on my own a new os on my cloud server, an on top of all that i d like to run devuan, so are there any server providers suggested?
06:37.13gnarfacesomeone definitely has an answer to that
06:39.30golinuxchomwitt: Maybe
06:39.31*** join/#devuan rdav (
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06:40.43onefangI use and recommend  The let me install my own OS, which is Devuan.  They where looking at providing official Devuan support.
06:42.10chomwitti also check
06:42.34chomwittbut the currency may be an issue
06:43.54MinceRseems to be automatically converted upon paying with debit/credit card
06:44.21onefangLast I checked Yisp accepts Euros (what I pay them with), US$, and Bitcoin (I think).
06:44.56onefangAnd yes, credit / debit cards and PayPal usually automatically convert currencies, for a small fee.
06:47.06MinceRwhat sort of technology is built on?
06:48.12yeti <<< high performance? page took >15 sec to load...
06:48.28onefangI've been with them for a long time.  Started on a VPS, now I'm on a Supermicro Xeon server.  Things might have changed.
06:49.24onefangWhen I switched, I ended up with twice the RAM, better performance, and cheaper rent.  B-)
06:50.20MinceRwell, at least with a dedicated server, you know your stuff doesn't have systemd underneath
06:51.00onefang is my server, one of the Devuan mirrors.
06:54.03chomwittbitcoin is cool in case of problems in euroland, in the greek crisis i couldnt pay bytemark with a bank transfer!!
06:55.01*** join/#devuan kimotori (~amnesia@
06:55.47*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
07:00.06chomwittonefang: does Yisp offers a web interface to select from a list of OS images to do a 'format' anytime i want or i have to ask it ?
07:01.27*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
07:01.59onefangI'm not sure.  My last OS "format" I asked for a temporary disk to be installed, and did a debootstrap Devuan ASCII install on it, then swapped over, coz that's what I wanted to do.
07:06.44onefangAh they have a "(Re)install" button, I'm not gonna click on it to see what it does.  I'd guess it'll give you a choice of operating systems to install or re-install.
07:09.29onefangI had written a debootstrap based script that I extensively tested at home before I unleashed it on my server, to install exactly the Devuan setup I wanted.
07:10.04*** join/#devuan kimotori_ (
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07:12.03*** join/#devuan user844842 (user@gateway/vpn/mullvad/user844842)
07:29.46*** join/#devuan rdav (
07:31.51*** join/#devuan kimotori (~amnesia@
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07:33.26xinomiloif you don't mind asking for format each time, there's a small greek coop that offers vps with debian/devuan.
07:35.44*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
07:39.06chomwittxinomilo: interested, since i also value low latency and pingtime on a server for greek visitors
07:40.29chomwittin my current cloud server i have debian 9. could i transform it to devuan without asking the hostcompany
07:41.59onefangDebian Stretch to Devuan ASCII upgrades are well supported by Devuan.
07:43.50xinomiloit's on germany based data center, unmanaged. remember this a small coop not big cloud provider...
07:44.02xinomiloif you're interessted message me, i don't like ads
07:49.05*** join/#devuan rdav (
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08:37.56*** join/#devuan misgender (~misgender@unaffiliated/misgender)
08:41.55*** join/#devuan r00tobo (~r00tobo@unaffiliated/r00tobo)
08:45.01*** join/#devuan infobot (
08:45.01*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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08:46.16*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
08:47.45*** join/#devuan rdav (
09:02.47*** join/#devuan spoonovitch (~spoon@
09:08.32*** join/#devuan nexgen (~nexgen@
09:11.12*** join/#devuan avbox (
09:12.47avboxJust for your information, I made a new version of AVMultimedia, the full desktop (around 6 GB uncompressed) starts now in 10 seconds, have a look here:
09:13.16*** join/#devuan petzi (
09:13.39avboxUnfortunatelly obs does not capture the first splash screen, but yes, it is realtime and I get this startng speed to on a normal notebook, on very old ones it is about 30 seconds, but not mor.
09:41.01*** join/#devuan rdav (
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10:42.08*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
10:43.23*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8742)
10:44.48*** join/#devuan free_speech (~free_spee@unaffiliated/neppnepp)
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11:42.34*** join/#devuan free_speech (~free_spee@unaffiliated/neppnepp)
11:43.22*** join/#devuan FatPhil (~luser@devuan/community/FatPhil)
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11:49.50*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
11:56.04*** join/#devuan xo0111 (~xo0111@
12:18.11*** join/#devuan Inepu (
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13:40.34zoobabI guess everybody here saw SystemD eating /home
13:41.37onefangThen went off to #debianfork to discuss it.  I hope.  B-)
13:42.28onefangThe story has been posted here a couple of times.
13:43.07onefang#debianfork is the better place to discuss it, this is a support channel.
13:45.51*** join/#devuan xcm (
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13:56.20*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
13:56.52nemognarface: apt-get -t ascii-backports install linux-image-4.19   ?
13:57.21nemoonefang: used to be a general gossip channel so understandable people get confused
13:57.49nemoonefang: and... occasionally used to discuss distro planning, so how things like debian or systemd could impact its maintenance is relevant, but I guess clearly we are mostly looking to gossip
13:59.46onefangDevuan planning stuff has it's own channels now.  Which also got that story posted there before.
14:00.32nemoin any case, even if this channel still was into gossip he's late to the story 😝
14:00.45nemohaving trouble selecting a backports linux kernel
14:00.49*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
14:00.51nemoanyone know how one does that in debian?
14:00.55nemowas reading
14:01.01nemoso I tried the apt-get line above
14:01.03nemoresulted in:
14:02.57nemoah. looks like:
14:02.57nemoapt-get -t ascii-backports install linux-image-amd64
14:03.03nemois the correct name
14:05.36nemohm. wonder if the devuan backports are simply incomplete
14:10.11xinomiloapt install  linux-image-amd64/ascii-backports ?
14:10.28xinomilosometimes "-t" flag isn't working well
14:10.48xinomiloshould be the same
14:16.08nemono change
14:16.27nemowelp. lemme see if linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 exists in the devuan package search
14:17.12nemois that "unsigned" a problem?
14:22.01xinomilonot a problem that's just the name
14:22.44nemodoes not have unsigned
14:22.58nemoand, presumably it does indicate something about the package 'cause synaptic notes it as (unsigned) in the packagel ist
14:23.27nemoshrugs. anyway. can't seem to install it, apt-get install -f isn't indicating any breakage..
14:24.15nemoI guess I could just try downloading the .debs and installing 'em that way
14:24.24xinomilosuppose you run `apt update`  ?
14:24.29nemoseveral times
14:25.04nemowish it would give me a bit more detail as to *why* linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 is not installable
14:25.17nemooh. hm.
14:25.23nemoE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
14:25.26nemoI fail at reading 😃
14:25.41nemobut... but... I held a package? whaaat?  maybe back when I manually installed to get this thing working
14:25.49nemowelp. let's see if I can find out what packages have hold flags
14:26.36nemoapt-mark showhold returns nothing
14:27.09nemonothing in dpk -l either
14:27.25xinomilook, watching it here as well
14:28.09xinomiloapt install linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64-unsigned
14:28.15xinomiloskip linux  metapackage
14:28.19xinomiloprobably trouble there
14:29.25xinomilolinux-image-amd64 is a metapackage depending on the actual kernel deb
14:30.43*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@
14:30.44xinomilowhich is currently in ascii-backports :  linux-image-4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64-unsigned
14:34.51nemoxinomilo: that part is implied by what apt is doing, I was wondering what "probably trouble there" meant - did you find somethin?
14:35.18xinomilothis is the correct package :
14:35.55nemooh. so the metapackage is pointing to a bad name string
14:36.22nemoso... how do I install it cleanly. extract every package listed in the meta and install them one by one?
14:37.15*** join/#devuan Inepu (
14:39.09xinomilometa tries to install kernel deb without "-unsigned" in the end. and it fails
14:40.39xinomilosame in debian, probably bug there
14:40.47nemowhy is bpo.5 signed and bpo.6 unsigned?
14:41.17nemoalways a bit worrying to me to see a key package have a word like "unsigned" in it ☺
14:41.31nemoeven if I have no idea what it means in practice for the kernel
14:41.57xinomiloprobably because of this :
14:42.11xinomilodon't really know
14:43.28xinomilothere it is :
15:00.49*** join/#devuan retak (
15:14.39*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@
15:23.36nemoxinomilo: oh. good.  I guess I just have bad timing
15:23.39*** join/#devuan r00tobo (~r00tobo@unaffiliated/r00tobo)
15:23.48nemoxinomilo: been waiting for this kernel for a year and I pick the day they break the backport )
15:25.02xinomiloyou can still install the unsigned package without trouble
15:25.33nemoxinomilo: just have to do it all manually
15:25.48nemoxinomilo: future upgrades will proceed normally?
15:25.52nemothere's no other packages in the meta?
15:27.01*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
15:27.02xinomilono future upgrades need to be done by hand, untill meta is fixed
15:33.58james1138General question about Devuan in its beginnings. Not a complaint - just wondering. Why the decision to make LXQT as one of the options for a desktop on Devuan instead of LXDE??
15:37.48*** join/#devuan engidea (
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15:57.20*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
16:01.15*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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16:16.26FatPhilany ideas why my raspi refuses to enact the changes that ntpd tells it to make?
16:16.38FatPhilIt keeps saying stuff like "adjusting local clock by -149.744902s" in syslog, as it just drifts further and further from reality.
16:17.47FatPhilsome time in the past a restart of openntpd forced it to fix itself, but even that didn't work today.
16:18.16r3bootis this xntpd or openntpd? And is bursting enabled?
16:18.18*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
16:18.35FatPhilopenntpd, and I don't know what bursting is.
16:19.04FatPhilabsolutely stock .conf
16:19.15r3bootif your time is N seconds off from ntp time, the ntp daemon will step towards the wanted time in small increments. xntpd knows burst/iburst, which allows you to set the time right w/o needing to step
16:20.10r3bootSounds like openntpd does bursting @ startup tho... Dont have a lot of experience with it tho, avid xntpd user here
16:21.10FatPhilI don't particularly care how it gets to the correct time, whether gradually or in one step, as long as it actually does it. the daemon wakes up often enough for less than a jiffy's new drift.
16:21.56FatPhilyeah, with no battery/rtc on the pi, it has to burst at boot time. I'm curious why it didn't do anything on a daemon restart.
16:22.29*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:22.31r3bootmaybe bc the clock is drifting harder then ntpd can correct for
16:22.41r3boothave seen  that on quite a lot of esoteric hardware myself
16:22.55r3bootSee if you can adjust the step size
16:23.04r3bootand/or the polling intervals
16:24.03golinuxThere is a post on the forum about this:
16:27.20FatPhilIt's only drifted .4 s during the day today, so that's not much to keep up with.
16:29.10FatPhilYes, because it last actually changed its time about 50 days ago.
16:29.34FatPhilIt's now logging "adjusting local clock by -150.127659s"
16:30.00FatPhilit's almost certainly due to cranky h/w on the pi
16:30.13r3bootyeah, drift issues are usually caused by crappy hardware
16:30.28r3bootand ^^ is reason enough to *NOT* use a rpi as a time server :)
16:31.04*** join/#devuan amesser (
16:34.02FatPhilI notice xntpd isn't an available package for me presently (still on jessie), so I'm a bit stuck with openntpd.
16:41.18FatPhilOuch! "When ntpd receives a SIGUSR1 signal, it will write ... to syslog" didn't seem to work - it killed the daemon!
16:47.45*** join/#devuan omnio (~omnio@
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16:48.34FatPhiltrying rdate...
16:48.44_abc_Reading news: Poettering wants to modify / update the home dir...
16:51.00FatPhilrdate -n worked fine
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16:55.32golinux_abc_: Old news. Please take it to #debianfork
16:55.50*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
16:56.07FatPhilI don't want to criticise the little thing, it normally behaves fine, but this ntpd thing is beginning to be a drag. I really ought to dist-upgrade, and see if things magically fix themselves.
16:56.09_abc_Does it impact devuan in any way?
16:56.13_abc_^ golinux
16:57.07golinuxWhen it does we'll let everyone know.
17:01.40*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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17:27.45_abc_Is there a step by step upgrade guide from ascii to err what's the next one called? I see the handy table with versions vs debian versions has moved from the front page of
17:29.16_abc_This is the one to follow, right?
17:29.30*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
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17:30.24_abc_What was the next step called ? Beowulf? No
17:31.10_abc_I see only jessie and ascii in mirrors. Where is Beo?
17:31.54yetiimages arent out yet... maybe except in some pseudo secret places...
17:32.15_abc_I find ascii has some really ancient packages in it, it's upstream's fault, but I really need the SSL enabled irssi for irc @freenode
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17:32.54_abc_Is that linked from the top index of
17:33.06yetino idea...
17:34.34_abc_Is it okay to mention one is on devuan on #debian and ask for info / advice on packages there?
17:34.43_abc_I.e. what is the common practice for this?
17:35.26Jjp137btw, there seems to be a more recent version of irssi in ascii-backports if you want to go that route first
17:35.54_abc_"more recent" than what. I have ascii-backports in my sources.list and it does not want to go higher than it is now
17:36.20_abc_irssi 1.0.7-1~deb9u1 (20180213 0139)
17:36.35Jjp137ascii-backports has 1.2.0-2~bpo9+1
17:36.49_abc_Strange. Let me try to pull it in. Brb
17:37.06Jjp137ascii-backports never has priority over ascii unless the current installed version is from ascii-backports itself (or something else broke)
17:37.20_abc_It does not even show it. Just a sec.
17:37.33yetiapt-cache policy irssi
17:37.35Jjp137(or more technically, it has a pin priority of 100)
17:38.38_abc_aptitude shows me only 1.0.7-1~ as above
17:39.06_abc_So what is the way to make it upgrade to irssi-1.2.2 ?
17:39.26_abc_I updated the packages list and backports was in the list of updated items.
17:39.46yetiaptitude should list the different versions
17:39.57yetiloot at the details if irssi
17:40.04_abc_It does not. Let's see if aptitude is at the highest version 1st
17:40.15Jjp137yea go to the bottom and it should have the list of available versions there
17:40.44_abc_golinux: ?
17:41.01golinuxTo find if we have a package
17:41.03_abc_Ah now it shows it as 'p"
17:41.10_abc_Let's see if I can upgrade it
17:41.29_abc_yay yes. Brb
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17:44.14_abc_Re. Ok I'm on 1.2.2
17:44.36_abc_Why did it work when I selected upgrade in the versions in the package info and not when I tried + on the package name in the main list?
17:44.53_abc_Will it not upgrade over major (?) version numbers in such cases?
17:45.22Jjp137b/c the ascii version had higher priority than ascii-backports
17:45.28_abc_I did not know this. I need to check a number of packages I tried to upgrade with '+' in the main list.
17:45.52_abc_Jjp137: is this not a little counter productive? Also, I hope security has higher priority than the base distribution?
17:46.17Jjp137well you're meant to pick and choose from backports and not install everything from it
17:50.21Jjp137oh and apt-cache policy by itself shows that, at least for me, ascii-security and ascii both have a priority of 500, but in that case then the most recent version applies
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18:30.22_abc_Ok, your advice helped me upgrade a bunch of things from backports.
18:30.42_abc_Had to do it manually one by one but I think I covered the important things.
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18:33.11_abc_For now.
18:36.32buZz_abc_: or just distupgrade to beowulf? :D that doesnt have backports yet
18:36.39buZzi think ..
18:39.05_abc_Some day
18:42.08*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
18:44.56buZzi upgraded my main workstation some while ago, its nice to suddenly have a whole pile of up2date(r) software
18:45.10buZzit had ~4000 packages installed, so it was quite an upgrade
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18:50.18gnarfacenemo: yea there's some known issue and you gotta use the unsigned one for now.  it's working for you though, right?
18:50.57gnarfacejames1138: if it is different from debian's options, it probably had something to do with availability of non-systemd patches and volunteer help leading up to launch
18:51.23gnarfaceFatPhil: uh, the rpi needs some patched ntpd that allows it to do that immediate jump at boot time.  not sure how you don't have it.
18:52.07gnarfaceFatPhil: (but you could use ntpdate to set it once yourself then start ntpd and watch it to see if it behaves right.  maybe you had just lost the wifi connection to the ntp server or something like that?
18:52.10buZzgnarface handling backlog like a pro
18:52.47yetiand the forwardlogs?
18:53.33yetiaren't logs always "back"? (unless your ntp goes postal...)
18:53.57gnarfaceunless your irc client can see the future...
18:54.00buZzbacklog is a term describing open questions from previous
18:54.03gnarfaceFatPhil:        -g     Normally, ntpd exits with a message to the system log if the offset exceeds the panic threshold, which is 1000 s by default.  This option allows the time to be set to any value without restriction; however,  this  can  happen
18:54.27gnarfaceFatPhil: (setting that is supposed to do it)
18:55.14gnarfaceFatPhil: (i don't know if that patch ever made it from raspbian to upstream ntpd but it did make it into the devuan ascii image for rpi1)
18:56.13gnarfaceFatPhil: i have never had a problem with it but i am also not using wireless
18:58.32gnarfaceyeti: when i try to handle the forwardlogs people get all gripped out and start yelling weird stuff at me like "get out of my brain!  shut up!  you're not God!"
18:58.34yetiwouldn't openntpd's -s be enough to fix it?
18:59.03yetiset time from ntp at boot
18:59.06gnarfacei don't even know if that is openntpd or the bsd one...
18:59.13gnarfaceon the rpi image
18:59.24gnarfacei just remember raspbian had to do something weird to it to address this
18:59.34*** join/#devuan Kobaz (
18:59.59yeti"the foundaion" sometimes does weitd things
19:00.27gnarfaceFatPhil: uh, yea so that's a breakthrough.  openntpd *does* show up in the repos but that is *not* the one i'm using
19:00.34yetia while ago they disabled fsck because it would confuse the user if bootimg sometimes would take longer
19:00.41gnarfaceFatPhil: i'm just using the one called plain old "ntp"
19:01.23gnarfaceand i'm using a local time server elsewhere on my LAN to reduce outside influence on the drift and jitter rates
19:01.55gnarfaceyeti: ugh.
19:04.06buZzyeti: lol wtf
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19:04.21buZzkeep in mind, raspbian is -not- a raspberry foundation creation ;)
19:04.33buZzthey only appropriated it to themselves later :P
19:04.37yeti"a while" was belittled... some years ago would be better wording
19:04.51buZzyou can run plain debian or devuan on a pi -easily-
19:05.01buZzand always could have, almost
19:05.15buZz-only- the pi1 had such ancient cpu that it wasnt supported
19:05.19yetiI had 2 PIs committing suicide under debian few weeks ago
19:05.33yetiunbooatble after update
19:05.37buZzby having /var on SD? :P
19:05.38yetione pi1 and one oi3
19:05.45buZzah, cute
19:06.04yetiI'm waiting for newer deboian images before I retry
19:06.37yetiI wantred to understand debian's kenrel updates to patch that into my devuan pis
19:07.09yetibut lost drive when they fell apart on the 1st update
19:07.42yetimy cubies run fine... started as debian and then transgraded to devuan
19:08.22yetiok... time for some kilojoules...
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19:33.57_abc_yeti: what foundation disabled fsck?!
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20:01.04phillipsjk_abc_, I have had systemd time-out on a fsck (with debian): they probably assumed everbody is using journalling fielsystems now.
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20:19.36_abc_I understand a journal replay on an unclean umount on a 1-2TB disk is quite long too.
20:24.38gnarfacei hear that meme alot, like complaints that it takes hours but i haven't managed to get anyone to prove to me that happens when you're not using a shitty raid array that boots in PIO mode
20:24.48*** join/#devuan FriendlyMan (
20:26.49gnarfacebut i have been able to prove there are some conspicuous misbehaviors in the e2fsprogs tools in certain versions
20:27.47gnarfaceand the only clear motive for sabotaging everyone's boot up process seems to be to frame that mistake for the cause of a filesystem corruption glitch that would have happened anyway but someone is trying to astroturf over
20:28.42gnarfaceext4 was just not ready for prime time but raspbian project leads seemed to respond as though they had been paid to hide the evidence from noob users
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20:29.30buZzhehe PIO mode :D
20:29.40gnarfaceat the time i just assumed arrogance and incompetence and a pathological inability to own up to even trivial errors in their own judgement, but now i frankly wouldn't be surprised if they were actually paid
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