IRC log for #devuan on 20190906

00:13.34*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
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00:19.44*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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00:40.07*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
00:41.24minnesotagsI'm trying to install stupid notepadqq from their add-repository packages, but it flakes out because "not debian". How do I fake it out?
00:43.50gnarfaceminnesotags: it's probably a bad idea.  don't they have a source archive you can compile?
00:44.11gnarfaceyou can easily make simple packages from a source archive with checkinstall
00:47.50fsmithredID=debian in /etc/os-release
00:48.08fsmithredwill probably work. It seems to be fooling grub.
00:56.58minnesotagsI suppose I need to learn to compile shit eventually....
00:57.21*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
01:09.06*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
01:12.59gnarfaceminnesotags: most stuff is pretty easy to compile.  it is a good way to gauge the quality of the software, actually.
01:13.40gnarface(Xorg and the kernel being historic exceptions to that rule, Wine, however, is not)
01:27.58furrywolfby far the worst thing to compile that I've ever found is python.
01:28.28furrywolfwine is easy!
01:33.35gnarfaceeh, not as easy if you're trying to build the dual-arch 32bit+64bit wine
01:33.41gnarfacenot on debian anyway
01:34.01gnarfacebecause a bunch of the dependencies aren't multi-arch safe yet
01:34.33gnarfacestill possible, just complicated
01:34.46gnarfacea lot more complicated than just doing ./configure && make && checkinstall make install
01:38.58*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
01:40.53*** join/#devuan xar- (xar-@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe24:4661)
01:42.10furrywolfI compiled multi-arch debian wine on this box.  the only hard part was...  python.  heh.
01:43.28furrywolfnote, I compiled unstable's source packages, which may be a lot easier than upstream's source.
01:45.30gnarfaceeh, maybe you got lucky and tried it when it worked
01:45.35gnarfaceor i'm talking about an entirely different wine version
01:45.41gnarfaceone that there aren't src packages for
01:46.05gnarfaceat this point i think wine 1.6 is actually pretty well hammered down
01:46.17gnarfacebut things get sketchier when you're trying to play WoW :-p
01:46.54furrywolfwine-4.0 (Debian 4.0-2~bpo9+1)
01:47.26furrywolfhrmm, looks like I actually put the backports version on this box.
01:47.30furrywolfI may have my boxes confused.
01:49.10furrywolfohh, I remember, on this one I wasted a whole bunch of time compiling gtk:i386, because of python.
01:49.10gnarfaceoh that's right, wine stable is up to 4.0 now, i remember.  i had forgotten that
01:49.27gnarfacewine-development and wine-staging are different creatures though
01:50.13furrywolfI compiled gtk myself to get recent bug fixes, but that meant when I went to install the bpo wine, I also had to build gtk for i386...
01:50.57furrywolfand building gtk (for any arch) is a nightmare because of python.
01:59.09*** join/#devuan kelsoo2 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
02:05.42systemdletealmost have the laptop installed now.  It asks me which kernel to install -- recommendations?
02:06.24*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
02:06.28systemdlete(defaults to inux-image-amd64)
02:06.44systemdleteshould I take the default?  Is there any real difference?
02:06.49furrywolfshould be good
02:07.24systemdleteok, thx
02:09.27*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:647:2700:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:09.28gnarfacesystemdlete: "linux-image-amd64" is the meta-package that will ensure the kernel keeps getting updated along with all the rest of the system updates, so that is probably the one you usually want
02:09.36systemdleteI hope something can be done for future releases wrt the installer:  My laptop comes up in portrait mode rather than the expected landscape (because it IS a tablet after all).  There should be an option.  I tried various combinations of grub boot options, with no luck.
02:09.44systemdletethanks gnarface
02:10.16gnarfacesystemdlete: portrait mode in the gui, or also before Xorg starts?
02:10.36systemdleteduring install
02:11.32gnarfaceduring install even
02:11.42gnarfacehmmm, well ... there might be a way to fudge it
02:11.44systemdleteyes.  Haven't gotten far enough to tell you more
02:12.07gnarfacesome video drivers do support screen rotation natively, and you could define that in a xorg.conf snippet
02:12.42systemdletexorg.conf is way ahead of the game
02:12.48systemdletethis is during install
02:12.52gnarfaceand if the text console is supported by modesetting aka "kms" then i know you can set resolution for that in grub, so maybe it supports screen rotation too, but i don't know for sure, you'd have to consult the docs
02:13.03systemdleteI'm sure there is a way to fix it after the system is up and running on its own.
02:13.47gnarfacefor the installer itself, i think your only options is kernel command-line parameters but none come to mind.  you honestly might just have to tough it out through the installer
02:14.53systemdletewell then, I guess I am getting really good at toughing it out
02:16.07systemdleteuh-oh.  I forgot about this part... where it asks which packages
02:16.54systemdleteI had serious problems last time with this step.  If I pick the defaults here, will I get a working X11 with Xfce?  Or do I have to select xfce (which says it is default)
02:17.09gnarfacesystemdlete: don't select anything.  install what you want after
02:17.16systemdletegood idea!
02:17.30gnarfacesystemdlete: it doesn't actually specify that, but "nothing" is a perfectly acceptable choice
02:17.44gnarface"standard system utils" probably never hurt anyone though
02:17.48systemdletespecify what?
02:17.58gnarfaceit doesn't tell you that you can pick nothing
02:18.11gnarfaceit sorta infers you have to choose SOME of those checkboxes, and i think even checks some for you
02:18.16gnarfacebut you can actually just uncheck all of them
02:18.26gnarfaceyou should still get a bootable system
02:18.37systemdleteis that damage from debian, or new damage from us?
02:18.46gnarfaceit has always been that way
02:18.47systemdlete(the installer clumsiness)
02:18.52systemdleteso it is debian then
02:19.15gnarfacethis is the new and heavily improved, super user-friendly overhaul of their notoriously difficult installer
02:19.29gnarfaceyou should have seen it back in the potato days :-p
02:20.02gnarfaceyou get used to it though
02:20.13gnarfacein expert mode, it has usefulness that other installers lack
02:20.43systemdletethis install is going better than I figured... after several false starts due to how this machine boots up under linux
02:21.17systemdletedidn't get that i8402 error again, but I did have a hang when it was detecting the emmc card... twice.
02:21.35systemdletebut several reboots, prayers, and rain dances seems to have worked.
02:22.08systemdletenow if it will just complete the installation without incident... and make the laptop boot into linux, I'll be content.
02:22.41systemdleteI'll be able to use linux on my new laptop convertible tablet while watching tv in my recliner.  Like the old fart I am quickly becoming.
02:23.56gnarfacesystemdlete: cheers to that
02:24.06gnarfacesystemdlete: a newer kernel may help the eMMC stability problems.
02:24.29systemdleteyeah, but sadly, that seems to be an after-install task.
02:24.36gnarfacethat's fine
02:24.49gnarfaceit just has to complete the install and boot first
02:24.58systemdleteso I have to put up with these stability issues during the install process.
02:25.06systemdlete(right, right...)
02:25.22gnarfacewell, just for now.  the next release's installer will undoubtedly fix at least that problem
02:25.26gnarfacebecause it was already fixed in the kernel upstream
02:25.32gnarface(i assume, anyway)
02:25.42systemdleteemmc problem?
02:25.52*** join/#devuan Kohlrabi (
02:26.19gnarfacei've been hanging out in some ARM device channels, and yea i think i remember hearing them talking about fixing multiple eMMC stability problems and throughput speed issues (also applying to USB stuff) *after* kernel 4.9 which is in ascii
02:26.42gnarfaceso in theory all you should need is to grab the backport kernel once your install completes
02:26.45systemdletethis IS ascii i'm installing btw
02:27.05gnarfaceascii-backports i think has 4.19 or later now
02:27.12gnarfacewhich is much more current
02:27.21systemdleteI thought 4.19 was not stable...
02:28.02systemdlete(trying to recall where I heard that uttered.  Was either here or over in #adelie...)
02:28.49gnarfacewell i think 5.2 is out and it's not stable either
02:28.50gnarfaceso ymmv
02:29.08gnarfaceit might not necessarily mean unstable for everyone
02:29.13systemdletewell, if this system (laptop) is stable after install, I might leave well enough alone
02:29.21gnarfacethat wouldn't be a bad idea
02:29.34gnarfaceafter all, the installer could be using a kernel even older than 4.9 for all i know
02:30.01systemdletein any event, I will look at 4.19 and see what it has to offer.  My only worry is that it might brick my laptop somehow (unlikely, but these cheap imports are not exactly robust)
02:30.37systemdlete4.9.0-6 (from console)
02:33.45systemdleteit's eating grubs now...  (almost done)
02:34.08furrywolf4.14 here, seems to work fine..
02:35.11systemdleteefi shadow copy or no?
02:35.18systemdletethe default is "no"
02:35.25systemdletebut this IS an efi laptop
02:35.55systemdleteand it's a 32 bit EFI on a 64 bit laptop
02:37.53systemdleteadelie channel people told me they had never tried an install to this mixed platform
02:38.25systemdletethey seemed to be concerned that it might not work.  On the other hand, my adelie usb stick did boot the laptop, so there must be some hope there
02:38.59systemdletealso, this is a eMMC drive, not SSD.  I undestand that eMMC is not as sturdy as SSD
02:40.20systemdleteI think I'll take the option (not default) here
02:40.32systemdletesee what happens.   ::EYEROLL::
02:42.53systemdletefurrywolf:  What kind of hw are you running there?  My laptop is brand new, it's a ASUS transformer (T101A), it has a eMMC card, something called an i8402 that sometimes causes hangs, and on and on.
02:43.05systemdletebut it's nice to know it works, at least nominally
02:44.00systemdletewho-hoo!  booted to login prompt
02:44.09systemdleteall sideways...
02:45.17furrywolfsystemdlete:  toughbook cf-52 with i5-540m
02:47.07furrywolfit's not brand new, but it's not ancient
02:48.55systemdleterotated the screen, but now seems all locked up
02:51.04systemdletewell I can still get a console
02:52.25systemdleteafter reboot and logging in again, the display is landscape and whatever rebooting did, seems to have fixed the weirdness
02:56.17furrywolf"fixed".  :P
02:57.43gnarfacesystemdlete: so you're at a text prompt with no gui?
02:57.58systemdleteno, I have xfce
02:58.05systemdleteno worries
02:58.12gnarfacealright, so you got it?
02:58.12systemdletecan't get online though
02:58.25systemdleteI used wireless during install
02:58.36systemdleteand it still sees my home wifi
02:58.38gnarfaceopen /etc/network/interfaces in a text editor
02:58.49systemdleteyeah, was getting ready to do that next
02:59.06gnarfacedid you get the full dvd set?
02:59.20gnarfacethe non net-installer?
02:59.30gnarfaceat least the first CD or DVD?
02:59.35systemdleteI did a net-install
02:59.58gnarfaceeh, i'm confused now
03:00.39gnarfaceyou ended up without a gui network config tool in xfce?
03:00.52furrywolfyes.  ascii does that.
03:01.02gnarfacethat's not the part i'm confused about
03:01.17gnarfacei'm trying to figure out how he got xfce without a net connection
03:01.31furrywolfI've mentioned at least a dozen times, roughly correlated to how many times I've installed it, that the installer reallllly needs to copy over the installer wifi config to the install.
03:02.13gnarfacehmmm, i thought it did...
03:02.17systemdleteI did a net-install, as I said above, and I used wireless during install, as I said above
03:02.26furrywolfthe installer has wifi.  it doesn't transfer over the settings to the installed system.  and unless you select the right tasks, no wifi manager gets installer.  have to manually set up wpa_supplicant if so, and it's a fucking pain in the ass.
03:03.29furrywolfsystemdlete:  so you didn't get wicd?
03:04.17systemdletewicd is there.  Otherwise, how could the desktop network widget list all the network SSIDs?
03:04.32furrywolfoh, I mis-understood the problem.
03:04.53systemdleteI said above, it still sees my home wifi
03:05.05furrywolfyou must have installed some of the task packages.  :)
03:05.09systemdlete(sorry maybe I type TOO MUCH...)
03:05.40systemdletewhat is supposed to happen when I select one of the networks listed?
03:05.42gnarfacei thought the problem was that it's set to the WRONG wifi and you had done a bare-bones install and were just missing some packages
03:06.16systemdleteisn't it supposed to pop a dialog to enter my pass phrase?
03:06.34systemdleteor am I missing something as furrywolf suggested a bit?
03:06.44furrywolfif you select a network, click connect, enter a passphrase (can be non-obvious, make sure you have the right type selected), and connect again, it should connect...
03:07.12furrywolfno, you should have all you need.  I thought you ended up with the same problem I get too often with ending up with nothing other than wpa_supplicant installed.
03:08.59systemdleteif I RIGHT click the widget, I can see the networks.  Selecting one won't work... but if I LEFT click the widget, I get a UI and I can configure my network here
03:09.44systemdleteso now I am ONLINE folks!!!
03:10.04systemdleteSo now it is time for some fun
03:10.25systemdletelike...   separating the keyboard
03:10.47systemdletehoohoohahahahah!  bwahhahahahhah!
03:10.53gnarfacei would recommend doing a full update if you haven't already, and then making a backup, first
03:11.00gnarfacethat's what i'd recommend
03:11.25gnarfacemaybe stopping to upgrade the kernel if it crashes during that
03:11.36gnarfaceto the ascii-backport kernel
03:11.42furrywolfnetinst should end up with current packages
03:12.04systemdleteexcept for the kernel though?
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03:12.43gnarfaceeverything depends on if it as unstable as it was in the installer
03:12.45systemdletewell, that behaved well.  I separated the keyboard, the mouse pointer still responded to my finger but there is no way to actually key anything in
03:13.04gnarfacemabye it already has the fixes in the current kernel
03:13.08gnarfacethey've patched it a bunch of times
03:15.07systemdleteI can already see I am going to need a hub
03:15.28*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
03:16.26furrywolfI don't know if xfce is intended for touch-centric devices...
03:16.57systemdleteit works, furrywolf
03:17.28*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
03:17.43systemdletewell, some touches work
03:18.14systemdleteduring install, I noticed that touch worked in the full graphical install version
03:18.45furrywolfI mean, things like popping up an onscreen keyboard when appropriate, pinch zoom, and other things than basic pointing.
03:18.46systemdletedoes ascii use wayland?
03:19.17systemdleteso do I need synaptics driver?
03:19.33gnarfaceyou might want it if it can support your touch pad
03:19.50gnarfacei mean probably will want it
03:19.58systemdlete(I want to enable double-tap as left click and maybe other useful things)
03:20.31gnarfacesounds like that's what you want then
03:20.41gnarfacethere's only really that one
03:20.46gnarfaceand the various mouse drivers
03:21.07onefangIs this a touch screen, or a touch pad?
03:21.40gnarfacegood question
03:22.23gnarfacei assumed the device has both
03:22.41gnarfacei don't know if synaptics would handle a touchscreen
03:22.45onefangI was using a touch screen based computer for a while, it worked no matter what operating system I used.  Much to the surprise of the manager that was looking over my shoulder while we worked on a document together.  She kept touching the screen to point out something while I was typing, and I kept having to undo all my letters being scattered at random spots in the document.
03:23.31systemdleteit has a touch pad and the screen is a touch screen
03:23.43systemdletethis is state-of-the-art junk from China here!
03:23.52systemdletemost of it seems to work
03:24.15systemdlete$300 + $60 spills and chills + $40 tax
03:24.23systemdleteabout $400 in the hole with this
03:24.23gnarfacedid you install lm-sensors ?
03:24.23furrywolfone of my toughbooks has a touchscreen...  I never use it.
03:24.34systemdletenot yet, good idea thanks gnarface
03:25.01systemdletefurrywolf is that because YOU are so tough?  Afraid you'd break it?
03:25.30systemdlete(I picture large, strong hands and fingers on the 'wolf)
03:25.33furrywolfheh.  I have personally jumped on top of a toughbook without damaging it.  :)
03:25.50furrywolfI just don't see the point to waving my whole arm around awkwardly to do simple things.
03:25.52systemdleteI think cheap junk from china deserves that
03:28.47systemdleteI've rebooted about 3x now and it comes up faithfully.   Unfortunately, the greeter (dm) is sideways, but the desktop is landscape
03:29.35onefangSo just login before you get out of bed, problem solved.  B-)
03:30.27systemdleteit's surprisingly quick rebooting
03:33.28systemdleteonefang:  LOL
03:33.36systemdletekeep it bedside huh?
03:33.58systemdletedouble tap works with the synaptics driver
03:45.04*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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04:00.40systemdletegnarface:  poor touch screen support so far
04:02.12systemdleteI'll hack at this later... I've been sitting here for hours and haven't moved
04:02.41systemdlete(and thanks for everyone's help or hilarity, as they both made it easier and fun)
04:03.10furrywolfI wish I could go to bed.
04:03.26furrywolfI'm not allowed to sleep until my pot grower neighbors pass out drunk and thus stop making loud noises.
04:05.40*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (MwjUM8V@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
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09:01.56systemdleteanyone know why apt autoremove wants to remove something like 200 packages all of a sudden?  The list keeps getting longer every time, and includes packages like wicd and openoffice which I need!
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09:03.07onefangWhere they manually selected, or did they get included as suggestions / recommendations?
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09:03.30systemdletethey were automatically included, but I need them!
09:03.40systemdlete(well, most of them anyway)
09:03.47onefangManually select the top level ones you need.
09:04.14systemdleteHow do I "select" them?   I'm not too ept on apt
09:04.30onefangUsually I do that with synaptic.
09:05.42systemdletethat's what I figured, but was not sure.  thanks
09:06.13onefangWhere you highlight the package, go to the Package menu, turn off Automatically installed.
09:06.40systemdleteactually, I selected the defaults in the install -- I didn't touch anything, just agreed to the suggested configuration of packages and hit continue
09:07.27systemdleteto my own way of thinking, anything that was selected there should have been considered manually selected.  But that's just me.
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09:14.19onefangOne last thought before I eat dinner - my guess is that the apt solution is - apt install package.  It'll tell you it's already installed, but may mark it as something you actually asked for, rather than something that came along for the ride.
09:16.38systemdleteOh, I understand that.   What I don't get is why all these packages which were installed as part of my "selections" during the system installation are now considered not manually selected.
09:16.45*** join/#devuan hightower3 (~hightower@unaffiliated/hightower3)
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09:17.32systemdletetbh, I have never fully understood the deb/apt philosophy.   Redhat's RPM solution, along with yum, just seem much clearer (though it has its weirdness too, admittedly)
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09:22.29systemdletethanks again, enjoy dinner
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09:54.03xrogaansystemdlete: aptitude unmarkauto [packages]
09:54.20xrogaanor apt-mark
09:54.59xrogaanapt-mark allows you to list manual/auto and mark them as manual or auto
09:55.28systemdleteok, thanks.  I'll try that
09:56.25xrogaanyou still need to know the name of the packages you want to keep
09:56.39systemdletewell, for the most part I do
09:56.49systemdleteI've narrowed down the list significantly so far
09:57.16systemdleteis this typical after a new install ?
09:57.28systemdleteI'd think people would have been going nuts by now.
09:57.49xrogaanI have a file named /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05disable-suggests that contains `APT::Install-Suggests "0";'
09:57.50systemdletehow is this normally handled (presumably by people who know debian well)?
09:57.58xrogaanso that apt doesn't automatically install suggested packages.
09:58.18systemdletehow do you do that at system install time?
09:58.38onefangI'm guessing at some point you installed a task-* package (task-desktop?), then removed it.
09:58.52xrogaanand a `APT::Install-Recommends "false";' too
09:58.53systemdleteI dont' think so.
09:59.04systemdletethe only task package I removed is lightdm
09:59.31systemdletewell, actually, I just removed lightdm
09:59.38systemdletenot a task
09:59.38xrogaancheck the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ directory and see if the recommends and suggests install are turned off
09:59.52spoonovitchi like to use "apt-mark showauto" and "apt-mark showmanual" to sort this kind of mess
09:59.55systemdleteI don't mind the suggests and recommends.
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10:00.38systemdleteIn fact, I find it useful.  The point is just that I figure any packages selected (even by default) at system install time would be marked as manual.
10:00.55hightower3systemdlete, if you want to reduce the amount of installed packages, install and run 'debfoster'
10:01.18systemdletejust the opposite -- trying NOT to remove packages!
10:01.25hightower3so where's the issue then :)
10:01.50hightower3ah you wanted to run 'autoremove' and not remove packages that you use?
10:01.54systemdletehightower3:  apt autoremove is giving me a long list of packages, many of which are critical (like wicd, without which I cannot operate)
10:02.52hightower3that's a good question... usually when I see it happen, I just manually do apt install <name> for a couple of largest/biggest packages, who then in turn keep installed everything else.
10:03.12hightower3I never tried it, but I guess that when you installed packages during install, you selected "tasks" (packages which depend on other packages)
10:03.24hightower3if for some reason your selections weren't marked as manual,
10:03.29hightower3just do apt install <task name>
10:03.34hightower3like someone above mentioned
10:03.50systemdleteActually, I didn't really "select" ANYTHING -- I just took the suggested configuration as it was, making no adjustments.
10:03.58xrogaanyou can force the recommends using aptitude: aptitude install -r package
10:04.11hightower3yes, well, it installed some "tasks" which in turn depend on all other packages they installed (that's how they got installed in the first place)
10:04.29onefangThe suggested configuration was stuff like - desktop, server, web server, ...?
10:04.30xrogaanor is it aptitude -r intall?
10:04.36hightower3yes, those are tasks
10:04.53hightower3tasks packages
10:04.54systemdleteright.  But for an initial install, the system installer should assume I mean make all the installed packages marked manual
10:05.02onefangThe point I was about to make.
10:05.06hightower3yes I understand
10:05.17hightower3I am simply telling that maybe you don't need to now mark all those packages as manual
10:05.20systemdletebut, noooo... it does NOT work that way
10:05.22hightower3but only the tasks packages
10:05.38systemdleteok, will try that
10:05.57hightower3I don't remember offhand how they're called, someone above hinted at the name
10:06.03systemdlete(which should have been done FOR ME when I did the system install... sheesh)
10:06.10fsmithredif it's a new install, there shouldn't be anything on the autoremove list
10:06.18fsmithredunless you removed something
10:06.25systemdletefsmithred;  YAY!    Yes, I agree.
10:06.35systemdleteSo why did autoremoves suddenly appear?
10:06.38xrogaanbtw, is it alright to upgrade from ascii to beowulf?
10:06.54fsmithredxrogaan, depends on what you've got installed
10:06.56xrogaanaren't the existing issues with migration or new install?
10:06.57systemdletexrogaan:  I did that in a VM
10:07.16systemdlete(but that was months ago)
10:07.27fsmithredI've upgraded refracta (ascii, xfce, no metapackages) very easily to beowulf
10:07.28xrogaanfsmithred: is it? Do you have a list of known issue somewhere? Maybe the forum...
10:07.50systemdletefsmithred:  I have not removed anything so far.
10:07.54fsmithredthere's no list of issues
10:08.19fsmithredthere are a few discussions about upgrades to beowulf on the forum, some are old and obsolete.
10:08.22xrogaanI believe I have some meta packages, how do we list them?
10:08.54fsmithredI don't know a way to show just the metapackages
10:09.11fsmithredpossibly: dpkg -l |grep metapackage
10:09.14xrogaanit's the task- things right?
10:09.21onefangThe sudden list af autoremove is due to you removing ... something ... that removed the package/s that suggested or recommended the things you wanted to keep.
10:09.25fsmithredyeah, that will find the worst ones
10:09.36onefangYou said you removed lightdm.
10:09.39fsmithredbut most of the desktops have their own metapackages
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10:10.13fsmithredtask-*-desktop all depend on some display manager
10:10.40fsmithredif you try to remove the dm, it breaks the task package and wants to remove the whole desktop
10:11.07xrogaanI don't believe I have task-xfce-desktop, just task-desktop
10:11.15fsmithrednot sure, but maybe 'apt install lightdm && apt remove lightdm' would fix it
10:11.25xrogaanbecause I use lightdm with xfce.
10:11.40hightower3ah yes
10:11.45hightower3he might have uninstalled some package
10:11.48hightower3this also uninstalled task
10:11.57hightower3then all other packages remained with no dependant on them
10:12.03xrogaanis going to grab an iso just in case
10:12.21fsmithredsystemdlete, without the task packages, the installer would need over 1000 checkboxes
10:13.43fsmithredif you're coming from suse or redhat, you might expect the installer to look and work more like synaptic
10:14.02fsmithredbut it's not.
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10:14.55onefangEven synaptic can turn off suggests and recommends auto inclusion.
10:15.05onefangThat's the way i run it.  B-)
10:15.51systemdletefsmithred:  It should be easy for the installer to mark all the dependent packages of the task packages as manual
10:16.20systemdleteit's an automation step, that's all
10:16.42fsmithredI guess someone decided they shouldn't do that, and there's a way to do it afterward if you need it.
10:17.17fsmithredMost people who want a more customized installation un-check everything (or almost everything) at the tasksel screen.
10:17.24systemdleteas far as the dm, I am only removed lightdm, which I had installed and decided I didn't want
10:17.24fsmithredThen add what you want after reboot.
10:17.35fsmithredthat's all it takes
10:18.13fsmithredthe task- package requires lightdm. Without it, you can't have the task- package.
10:18.40fsmithred...unless you mark it as manually installed first
10:18.53systemdleteok, so that's how MOST people do it.  You see, I had gotten bitten at that step a whiles back when installing to a different system (I think it was my testbox) and wanted to avoid the trouble.  (I forget what it was that went wrong, but I think it stalled the whole process of system installation)
10:19.10systemdleteSo I decided to just accept the whole slew as is.
10:20.37fsmithredso try manually installing and uninstalling it.
10:20.56systemdleteso I just re-installed lightdm
10:21.15fsmithredwhich desktop do you have?
10:21.16systemdlete(I thought the system came with another dm besides lightdm)
10:21.22systemdleteand the others
10:21.27systemdletemate, cinnamon, etc
10:21.30fsmithredslim is default for xfce
10:21.41fsmithredthis is ascii or beowulf?
10:22.12fsmithredxfce was not the first one?
10:22.15systemdleteI just barely got ascii installed on this laptop
10:22.24systemdleteyes, it was, and it was the "default"
10:22.53fsmithredso slim must have been replaced when you added another (cinnamon?)
10:23.11systemdleteno, I manually installed lightdm myself actually
10:23.26fsmithredoh, so then that shouldn't be the cause of all the autoremoves
10:24.05fsmithredand btw, you may run into other conflicts because the different desktops use different policykit libs.
10:24.06systemdleteI think xrogaan's explanation pretty much clears it up
10:25.09systemdleteIIRC, fsmithred, the problem was that when I tried to choose just, say, xfce or maybe a few others as well, the installer croaked
10:25.15systemdleteor got very angry at me
10:25.57systemdleteI got caught in a loop where I pretty much had to accept ALL the packages, as is.  I think it did let me drop ssh or something
10:26.06fsmithredyou chose multiple desktops during the instal?
10:26.07systemdletebut it was very strict
10:26.26systemdletemultiple but not all, and again, this was months ago for a different install.
10:26.46fsmithredwell, let's stick to talking about this install
10:27.18systemdleteok, but my point is that I wanted to avoid all the fuss.  So I just took the defaults, which gave me a gob of software and a lot of desktops
10:27.28systemdletewhich is fine.  I have plenty of disk space for them
10:27.56fsmithredused to be that you could install all the desktops you want. That's not the case in devuan.
10:28.23systemdlete"used to be?"   Like back in potato days?
10:29.29fsmithredno, like up until jessie
10:29.34systemdleteah, I see.
10:29.42fsmithrednot sure, but maybe you still can do it in debian
10:30.05systemdletewell anyway, I am manually reinstalling what I want in the autoremove list
10:30.11fsmithredsee the section on session management and policykit backends:
10:30.13systemdletebut there are a lot of libraries also
10:30.25systemdlete(ok, will do, thanks)
10:30.42fsmithredthe libraries should come in automatically if you install anything that uses them
10:30.53systemdleteshould... ok
10:30.57systemdletesounds good to me
10:31.22systemdletepush comes to shove, I can just reinstall the laptop from scratch, take the 1st attempt as a trial run
10:31.52systemdleteIt was a pain due to the hw issues with the eMMC (a known issue per numerous internet posts)
10:32.05systemdleteit's very intermittent
10:32.18fsmithredoh, I hate intermittent problems
10:32.21systemdleteme too
10:32.59systemdletethere ought to be a law.  Bugs should be well-behaved.  None of these "heisenbugs" where the bug disappears when you go looking for it in a debugger.
10:33.47systemdleteIf your gonna write vexing bugs, at least be respectful to the people who have to de-bug them!
10:34.04systemdletewe need some order in disorder, really.
10:37.59fsmithredI agree
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10:44.00systemdleteok, I cleared all that out.   What I did is copy-pasted the list into a vi buffer in bash and arranged to apt install all of them.
10:44.10systemdleteso now I don't get any more lip from apt
10:45.57systemdleteI've never used xfinitywifi on a tablet before (I've used it on my android phone though)
10:46.38systemdleteit works OK, after I figured out which mode to use to connect.  But I have to log in to their network every single time I start a session.
10:46.57systemdletethis is bothersome.   A security step I suppose, but still pretty annoying.
10:47.31systemdletethere is no Internet service until I pull up a browser and log in --> the browser prompts me to do that.
10:47.32fsmithreddoes your xfinity keep track of when you open doors in your home?
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10:48.01systemdleteI don't have xfinity home.  In fact, I don't even have their gateway.  I am using a surfboard modem.
10:48.09systemdleteI own it.
10:48.53fsmithredI'm confused. Where does xfinity come into it?
10:49.07systemdleteI save $10 a month on comcast's already overpriced 60mbps service by not renting their gateway.
10:49.37fsmithredoh, spectrum only charges $5/month to rent a router
10:49.45systemdleteI subscribe to xfinity's HSI service; xfinitywifi hotspots are free with the subscription.
10:49.49fsmithredok, we're drifting OT
10:49.58fsmithredah, ok
10:50.12systemdleteso why not take advantage of it.  I just didn't realize it would be a pain.
10:50.49systemdleteI guess I could use my phone as a hotspot and connect to that instead.  The phone is already all set for xfinititywifi hotspots
10:51.02systemdleteI always take my phone with me.
10:51.14systemdleteOT, indeed.  sorry.
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10:51.57systemdletewell, off to test cinnamon -- supposedly it supports touch screen.  We'll see.
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14:23.00james1138Question about Devuan. I see "Epiphany-browser" installed. When I try to remove/purge - it automatically wants to install Firefox-ESR.  Is there anyway to dump Epiphany??
14:33.32Death_Synsounds like a metapackage is requiring something that provides a web browser
14:35.37james1138Never mind. I think I did it via terminal - thanx anyway.
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14:50.11fsmithredg4570n, do I know you? Your name looks familar.
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15:01.21g4570nfsmithred: I do not think so, I participate here, in the list and I participated in some corrections in the translation of the documentation in Spanish of devuan
15:02.42fsmithredok, thanks. I'm probably thinking of a similar name I saw.
15:03.01fsmithredyou're not aitor, right?
15:03.08onefangAll 4570's look the same to me.
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15:07.18g4570nfsmithred: no, I'm not aitor 😆 He used to come to # Devuan-MX too, and I haven't seen him participate in the mailing list for a while.
15:09.56g4570nI know I was focused on the development of simple-netaid
15:11.55g4570nI know he was focused on the development of simple-netaid* sorry my \bad english
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15:17.00fsmithredhis website is down and he hasn't posted on dng for a few weeks
15:17.23fsmithredand his email is, so that doesn't work, either.
15:21.48g4570nit may be that he is away from home for summer vacations
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15:48.29james1138Hello from Indiana/USA. General question about Devuan and mail clients. Besides Evolution, Claws Mail and Thunderbird - are there any other email clients that have calendar and RSS feed support??
15:50.34sixwheeledbeastIs there a reason to bundle three features into one program?
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15:54.45Wonkawell, receiving invitations to appointments by mail and adding those to the calendar from the mail client can be seen as useful
15:55.05Wonkahaven't used RSS feeds much, yet
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16:01.41sixwheeledbeastDo one thing and do it well?
16:09.44james1138Sorry for the delay. Evolution does it ok. But since the upgrade of Evolution mail client - the RSS plugin crashes when I do a "global send & receive". If I update email accounts by themselves - no problem. If I update individual RSS feeds no problem.. If I up
16:10.24james1138Google search says it is a bug - so I was looking for alternatives to Evolution.
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16:16.40_abc_Erm there's a nasty exim exploit out, gives remote root. Patch or disable exim asap.
16:16.51hightower3lol exim again
16:17.45james1138_abc: will update/upgrade exim help?
16:17.46_abc_It really tries hard to catch up with Outlook servers in features. It's a very nice email server but I'd like to see it simple not complex.
16:18.05hightower3hm hm, more problems on ppc64le with policykit. Now doesn't want to install xfce4 due to libpolkit-gobject-1-0
16:18.07_abc_james1138: I don't know. The devuan archives may not have the patched package yet.
16:18.44_abc_james1138: check you have exim version  4.92.2 or later, then you are safe.
16:19.35james1138I just looked - 4.92.8 - I should be okay
16:20.20sixwheeledbeastI use Liferea for RSS myself.
16:20.50hightower3what's a good alternative for a mail server that's not exim nor postfix?
16:22.47furrywolfsendmail.  :)
16:23.25james1138sixwheeledbeast... thanx for the tip. If I must - I sooner just go to Thunderbird and install Lighting and RSS plugins instead of completely to separate apps.
16:24.27sixwheeledbeastI still prefer the do one thing well approach to programs but ok
16:24.46hightower3looks like there is courier
16:26.25james1138To my thinking... fewer separate apps mean fewer total dependencies - equals less complexity and fewer demands on system hardware.
16:34.32sixwheeledbeastIt's not that simple tho, would vary depending on which you use.
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16:36.05_abc_would have voted for postfix but it has been like 17 years since I last touched that.
16:36.09james1138I looked at Claws Mail - OMG!  All the extras that a person need install just to come close to Thunderbird or Evolution - even before considering calendar and RSS support!!
16:36.28_abc_james1138: does it have massage support? If no, meh.
16:37.09james1138"massage support" - where is that app?!  Sold!   <grin>
16:38.08_abc_Boobies on the box are good for sales. Every high performance gear maker knows this.
16:38.48golinuxAhem . . . please stay on topic
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16:46.04fsmithredI don't think that comment was meant for you, james1138
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17:09.00onefangOn my Devuan server I use Courier, coz it does cover all of the email server types.  On my Devuan desktop I use Claws-Mail, but some day I'll test out the text console based email clients and switch to one.  I have already switched RSS from Claws-Mail to Liferea
17:13.38enyconefang: i have an ongoing old courier arrangement!
17:13.58enyconefang: I think there are some snags that need fixing in debian courier package, default key sizes oforl ssl or other such annoying niggles
17:14.11enyconefang: but, it largely behaves!
17:14.41enyconefang: some like 'mutt' with lots of customization
17:14.55onefangI've been using it since before I switched to Devuan.
17:15.11enyconefang: with the 'maildir patch', re-alpine  can be useful, in that it can directly read the courier Maildir , without needing the imapd overhead or re-entering password.
17:15.29onefangMutt is on my list to check out.  I just have to either get the time to get around to it, or get more annoyed at Claw--Mail. lol
17:16.07onefangSo is re-alpine.
17:16.21onefangBut for now, it's 3AM.  I should sleep.
17:16.28enyconefang: i may tnot be abroun much/ocnsistently  but happy to compare notes on  alpine config
17:17.05fsmithredis alpine a descendant of pine?
17:17.20enycfsmithred: yes, changed to apache-license
17:17.33onefangI think it's pine -> alpine -> re-alpine.
17:17.41fsmithredmakes sense
17:18.20onefangheads to bed.
17:18.20enycfsmithred: unfortunately, lots of useful alpine patches, provided by  Eduardo Chappa ,  hasn't/won't/etc release under apache license, and so  aren't in debian package
17:19.05fsmithredtoo bad
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17:22.32_abc_alpine is/was under some University license, no?
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17:22.54_abc_alpine is the descendent of pine, a rewrite by the same people iirc. re-alpine may not be
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17:23.15_abc_I used pine for email client for about 10 years 1990s-200s
17:24.16_abc_pine is probably a great example for why one should not use an ascii menu program for complex things. At the end the config screens were interminable and the probability to get everything right tended towards zero.
17:25.17_abc_I did not get to use re-alipine
17:25.49enyc_abc_: pine was uni license whatnot, alpine is when it became apache-license
17:25.59enyctranspires, re-alpine died, and debian package follows alpine ;p for pine and alpine, then forked on sourceforge in 2009 as re-alpine
17:26.31enyc  as the patches e.g. bmaildir,  that work ontop of debian package,  have rebuilt with maildir for example.
17:27.12_abc_ does not contain the word 'license'
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18:09.37MinceRinb4 someone forks re-alpine and calls it unre-alpine
18:12.00_abc_At this point the best way to improve re(n)-alpine in my opinion is to simply rewrite it from scratch in the spirit of old old alpine, which was simple and easy to set up and hda a small options screen (relatively speaking)
18:12.28_abc_Perhaps someone nostalgic for the old times will do it.
18:13.09_abc_I never understood why these programs were ever ported to windows. Who would use alpine on windows?
18:14.36_abc_And I confused with Old pine was created at and had a suitable license from them. I believe they used it on their own campus etc.
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18:18.05_abc_It's still alive just hard to find, the original project:
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18:25.08golinux_abc_: #debianfork is for non-Devuan support related chat.  ;)
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19:24.32_abc_well said golinux
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20:42.53james1138General Devuan question. Any suggestions for a "startup disk creator" for USB??  I do not see UNetbootin or anything like that in the repos so far.
20:47.00gnarfacejames1138: you don't need unetbootin anymore.  most machines made after about 2006 should be capable of booting a USB key as a regular harddrive, so you can literally just install to USB now with the normal installer and then boot from it
20:47.43james1138Sorry gnarface: I meant make my own USB boot from ISO.
20:48.10gnarfacethere are devuan live images available too though if you want something a little more static
20:48.57gnarfacei'm not sure what you mean by making USB boot from ISO... you can do that with something like the grub boot iso and chainload to USB , but like i said it should not be necessary anymore
20:49.36gnarfacethe existing devuan iso images are all iso-hybrid, which means they'll work on optical or USB
20:49.49gnarface(or anything really - but remember, BIOS support required)
20:50.20james1138Humm I thought to copy a ISO to usb to make it into a boot disk required something like unetbootin
20:50.57gnarfacefor the old basic ISOs that was true.  someone came up with a new trick
20:51.07gnarfaceseveral years ago now actually i think
20:51.20gnarfacethey call it "iso-hybrid"
20:51.32gnarfacebut pretty much all linux distros' ISO images default to that setup now
20:52.10gnarfacebasically just dd the ISO to a USB key and try it
20:52.17gnarfaceit should work
20:53.01gnarfacethe newest machine i've got that can't do this is a pentium II
20:53.39gnarface(its BIOS only supports USB keys formatted as floppy disks)
20:54.26gnarfaceunetbootin should ostensibly still work but it hasn't gotten any easier to use or any better supported since it is basically not needed anymore except for really legacy hardware
20:56.25james1138Ahh okay... one of the reasons I ask is that when I tried unbootin - it was going to also install syslinux and syslinux-common and I did not know if that was good ot bad.
20:57.01gnarfaceyou don't need any of that shit now
20:57.28gnarfacejust dd and some patience
20:59.51james1138what is "dd" is that a command or an actual application?
21:00.55gnarfacei don't see a meaningful distinction between those two terms but i assume you mean to ask whether it is a graphical application or a console application.  it is a console application.
21:01.07gnarfacebut it is really easy to use
21:01.14gnarfacedd if=[input file] of=[output file]
21:01.24james1138ahh  ok
21:01.53gnarfacejust be really careful you don't accidentally put the wrong thing for output file
21:02.01gnarfacethere is no safety
21:02.09gnarfaceit will overwrite anything you point it at without hesitation
21:02.13gnarfaceincluding physical hardware
21:03.06gnarfaceso [input file] would be the ISO here, and [output file] would be the /dev/whatever file that represents the physical disk (USB key or harddrive, it doesn't care) you are trying to write to
21:03.25gnarfaceand it won't hesitate to overwrite your install if you point it at the wrong disk
21:03.34gnarfaceso you know, make sure you double check and don't point it at your face :)
21:08.53james1138Playing a "little" safe - found a GUI front-end for DD to help reduce my making MAJOR problems...‘dd’-command-with-a-simple-gui/
21:09.35specingjust read its manpage and you'll be safe
21:12.56fsmithredanything between me and dd sounds scary
21:13.06fsmithredI want to see it with my own eyes
21:13.18fsmithredusually after I see the output of dmesg
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21:16.04golinuxEven I can dd (with sweaty palms though)
21:17.48james1138golinux:  I am not as good or as surefooted as you are around stuff like dd....   ;D
21:18.15golinuxDo not make assumptions.  ;)
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22:10.29drawkulaoverwriting the wrong partitions or drives with a clicky coloured tool would not feel better than making mistakes with dd
22:13.26golinuxEven as clicky-loving as I am, I wouldn't do that either
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23:06.46drawkulastill gets adrenaline tsunamis from dd-ing to partitions or disks...
23:07.54golinuxgets sweaty palms and palpitations
23:08.54drawkulafor critical commands there is only one way to do them...
23:09.10drawkulalook at them long enough before hitting enter...
23:09.49drawkulamaybe start typing those lines with a # to avoid accidentally launching them
23:10.33golinuxTriple check over several hours
23:10.55drawkulasome really focussed minutes should do...
23:11.15golinuxSometimes I unplug unmounted drives
23:11.26golinuxI am old and move slowly
23:11.28specinguse the links in /dev/disk/by-id, not /dev/sd* directly
23:12.16drawkulacomparing /proc/partitions to the expected drive/parition size can give hints...
23:13.11drawkulai often sit too long in front of screens ... overtired ... hit shappens! bit i try my best to minimise it
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23:49.14rdavdrawkula: do a "tail -f /var/log/messages" and pop the disk out and then back in and you will see the correct /dev/sdX the kernel has given
23:51.20drawkulanah... usb plugs are to *hity
23:51.35rdavalso can use the bash auto-complete to check out the devs that are available for dd to use ie "dd if=foo of=/dev/sd[leave this blank]"  and hit tab to see the /dev/sdX available
23:52.02rdavI use hotplug sata in a box for this
23:52.02drawkulaheyyy... I'm using unix for +7- 3 decades now
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23:52.25drawkula7 -> /    (shitty shift key)
23:52.40drawkula____( Trust me, I know what I'm doing. )
23:52.44rdavhmm my first unix was in .... 1980?
23:53.07rdavI know the feeling after dd wrong disk some yrs back
23:53.27rdavso I take these extra steps to double check
23:55.58drawkuladd HAS to feel dangerous... that's a security feature1

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