IRC log for #devuan on 20190903

00:02.34*** join/#devuan olav_ (
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00:19.59*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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15:13.46avboxOver the last weeks I created a RAM based devuan beowulf based distro AVMultimedia, see It has kernel 5.2.x and all needed apps in RAM for a power desktop (inkl. 4k editing). How can it added to devuan-derivatives?
15:20.09golinuxavbox:  Please open a thread at so Devuan users can have a look.
15:21.48*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
15:23.15avboxI try to register, but it is asking for default login manager. I answered bash. Unfortunatelly, it does not let me in.
15:23.49*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
15:25.34avboxthen it asked for the first five prime numbers (I answerd), then it asked for last name of linus torwards. I can't get in, or what is wrong?
15:26.57omniothen your answers were wrong?
15:27.56avboxFirst primer numbers: 1 3 5 7 11, name of linux founder: torwads, stable devuan release: ascii. One of the questions should be right?
15:29.41nemoavbox: well. "first prime numbers" is clearly wrong 😃
15:29.47nemooh. haha
15:29.53nemoI'm slow w/ joke
15:32.25avboxOk, first prime numbers are 2 3 5 7 and 11, but stable devuan release is ascii, or not? And I answered too ssd as solid state disk, did not work. Should it be such difficult to register?
15:33.11james1138Avbox:   Like Knoppix[?
15:36.09nemoavbox: anyway. bash is obv not a login manager ☺
15:36.21nemoavbox: did you really say "torwads" ? I'm losing track of where you're being serious now
15:36.24avboxOn second round I got it, registration was done, I will publish it there. About the question if it is like Knoppix, I don't think. I put everything on squashfs and copy all to tempfs ram, than I mount it with overlay. You don't need the stick after starting up and I can put al the stuff (actually 6gb) into 3gb of ram.
15:37.55*** join/#devuan ymasson (
15:38.09avboxnemo: Frankly spoke, first I'm not native english speaker, second (my problem) I'm not so eager to answer such questions, but as I already said, I managed it (I consulted web and wrote the right name of linus). No problem anymore.
15:40.11nemoah ☺
15:40.31nemoavbox: 'sall good.  "torwads" and "1 3 5 7 11" seemed like deliberate joke wrong answers is all
15:40.58avboxnemo: It is serious, really no joke, but it might be that I'm a bit tired (was a huge job to get it all working).
15:41.15nemoavbox: Deutsche ou Français? ☺
15:41.29avboxEven more worse, Swiss German
15:41.48nemoheh. 'sall good. french I learned was belgian so I pronounce my numbers all wrong
15:48.35*** join/#devuan james1138 (47de852a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:56.19*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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17:40.15*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
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18:59.34*** join/#devuan Infiltrator (~Infiltrat@unaffiliated/infiltrator)
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19:43.41helios21another grave systemd security issue: [oss-security] CVE-2019-15718: Missing access controls on systemd-resolved's D-Bus interface
19:44.14Wonkawhat could possibly go wrong...
19:46.25KjetilNothing. Nothing ever goes wrong with STD
19:50.54fsmithredHere's the link. Google doesn't know about it yet.
19:53.38Lydia_KI'm just so glad they put so much effort into making a rounder wheel for us all </sarcasm>
20:04.14r3boot#debianfork people, this channel is about devuan
20:15.40golinuxr3boot: Thank you for stating the obvious,  Appreciate your help.  :)
20:24.23*** join/#devuan _CcCcC_ (~c@
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21:08.32tha1hello folks. quick question does Devuan get around sysd compatibility and the like in the same way as MX linux in thta there are still sysd files on the system or is Devuan devoidof all sysd files?
21:09.00tha1also is there a way to dl ceres
21:09.09tha1or i just add thos erepos
21:15.47*** join/#devuan james1138 (47de852a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:15.48gnarfacetha1: there are still systemd runtime libs but they're assumed to be vestigial in this state
21:16.50gnarfacetha1: there's no ceres installer but you could always use debootstrap instead of upgrading from an older release
21:17.28golinuxtha1: No.  MX still allows users to switch to systemd if the want.  IOW all the systemd hook remain in place. That is not possible in Devuan.
21:18.19golinuxWe have a blacklist of packages that are uninstallable because of systemd dependencies.
21:19.32*** join/#devuan izh_ (~izh@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
21:22.22james1138I agree with GoLinux - and found out the hard way that MX still has systemd... it is just "disabled".
21:23.22golinuxThey are still using a version of the systemd-shim
21:23.55james1138After finding out the reality about MX - could not re-install Devuan fast enough for my taste.
21:24.08tha1thank you i just wanted clarification.  i appreciate mx linux posting it clearly on their page i just wanted to mae sure the absense of that disclaimer here didn't mean it just wasnt being disclosed  ;)
21:24.41tha1glad to hear there is no accomidations made
21:24.51*** join/#devuan Unit193 (~ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
21:26.30james1138I think "MX" new nickname should be "Muddy" due to the mix-mash of systemd and systemd-free parts of Debian.   <grin.
21:27.05tha1yea i am not a fan of that either f not because i don't have the expertise or coding skill to evaluate the solution
21:27.17james1138...or "MX"  equals "Mixed-up".
21:27.39tha1i am looking for a pure sysd free os like parabola or gentoo but debian
21:27.59r3bootWell, there is Free/Open/NetBSD ofcourse
21:28.13tha1yea ik lol
21:28.27james1138Tha1: the choices are Knoppix or Devuan.
21:28.32r3bootthose are guaranteed systemd free, but they do use shims for things like gnome (afaik, I run mine with xfce4)
21:28.32tha1i mean if time was not of the essence i would use gentoo all the time
21:29.28tha1void is interesting with the package manager that compiles to and i havent heard knoppix in a while thta is is old sysv ig?
21:31.01james1138Thumbs up on XFCE.
21:31.12gnarfaceknoppix just released a new version with much fanfare that is once again systemd free
21:31.29golinuxThere is no shim in Devuan
21:31.30tha1yea long time xfce fan myself.  lx stuff was always buggy
21:31.32*** join/#devuan Burek (~Burek@unaffiliated/burekzfinezt)
21:35.54golinuxHow can knoppoix do gnome3 and KDE without systemd?
21:36.27golinuxsystemd isn't even mentioned on that page. So I'm confused . . .
21:36.56golinuxBut this discussion should probably move to #debianfork . . .
21:36.56tha1yea i was just reading that link looks pure sysd to me
21:37.06tha1oh sorry
21:37.42*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
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