IRC log for #devuan on 20190826

00:00.26gnarfacesign up to the mailing list and wait for a confirmation?
00:01.56tom_workShould I post this in the Debian or Devuan mailing lists. I definitely feel I'd get a warmer response in Devuan list, and Devuan is definitively aligned with the goal of "init-freedom" whereas Debian responses to work on init systems is often responded do with hostility or lack of interest. They have gone as far as requiring systemd in some form to always run even on non-systed systems
00:02.11tom_workbut the OpenRC package IS in fact still in the Debian repos
00:02.26tom_workalthough in a form where it's not touched
00:02.30tom_workor worked on
00:02.42tom_workand been marked 'experimental' for an extended period of time
00:02.45gnarfacei think you should present to the devuan mailing list first
00:03.11gnarfacethey might tell you to present it to debian, or they might help do that
00:04.35tom_worksounds like a good idea
00:06.24tom_workHow do you think adding openrc-run scripts to non-sid/ceres releases would work? backporting to stable and testing?
00:06.53tom_worknot backporting the program itself, just adding an openrc script to stable and testings versions of packages
00:07.34tom_workbtw, my /etc/openrc.d idea came from BSD's /etc/rc.d
00:09.24gnarfaceyes, basically you'd have to backport it
00:09.42gnarfacethey don't really add packages to the releases after the fact, the way i understand it
00:09.51gnarfaceso you'd put it in experimental, then unstable
00:09.54gnarfacethen MAYBE testing
00:10.05gnarfacebut eventually there'd be a testing freeze, before testing becomes stable
00:10.16gnarfacepast that point, you can't get anything new put in to stable
00:10.53gnarfacebut there's always unofficial backports
00:10.55tom_workeven if it's just an extra init script that's only ever used if a stable user installs the stable version of openrc?
00:11.43gnarfaceif it doesn't change the major version of the package and it doesn't fundamentally alter the functionality in a way that breaks other programs dependent on it, you might be able to get them to sneak it in
00:11.59gnarfacei don't know much about the specifics of the appeal process
00:12.18tom_work>doesn't change the major version of the package and it doesn't fundamentally alter the functionality
00:12.32*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
00:13.07tom_workyes this, for stable and testing I only want to offer the ability to use openrc natively in a stable server with stable package versions without having to wait for two more releases
00:13.53tom_worknot changing the stable programs in any way. just adding a file for the program in /etc/openrc.d
00:14.32gnarfaceyea if you're just changing a file in the package, it might fly, i don't know for sure though
00:16.17*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:16.17*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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00:25.32*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
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02:56.02systemdleteWARNING:  Kernel Errors Present
02:56.48systemdleteAll of a sudden, too.  This is after 29 days of uptime on Ascii.  Why would this SUDDENLY show up in my logs?
02:57.04systemdleteI haven't rebooted or changed partitioning in months.
02:57.31systemdlete(It's a raid1 device with two physical hard disks)
02:59.55systemdleteThis was a message for a usb stick (I forgot that I had inserted that momentarily)
03:00.19systemdleteThe stick has adelie linux on it, so I will ask them about it.
03:00.46systemdlete(Be nice, though, if the error message mentioned WHICH device it was squawking about!)
03:22.30*** join/#devuan MinceR_ (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer)
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03:37.05*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
04:14.38*** join/#devuan tom_ (
04:15.31tom_I am trying to work on resolving in Devuan ASCII but I keep running into issues trying to backport mariadb 10.3.X from beowulf into ascii
04:16.08tom_specifically, apt source -t beowulf mariadb-client doesn't work but apt source -t testing mariadb-client does
04:16.52tom_however when I actually go ahead and try to build, it looks as if I might have gotten the Debian buster instead of Devuan beowulf source because the entire build fails with the following error
04:17.19tom_# Copy systemd files to a location available for dh_installinit
04:17.19tom_cp builddir/support-files/mariadb.service debian/mariadb-server-10.3.mariadb.service
04:17.19tom_cp: cannot stat 'builddir/support-files/mariadb.service': No such file or directory
04:18.07tom_Did I somehow grab Debian sources on my Devuan system or is mariadb-client on beowulf not de-systemdifed yet?
04:18.36tom_or am I not building this package with the proper parameters
04:19.47tom_also, Is there a way to speed of compilations? Is dpkg-buildpkg ccache aware? I'm building this package on a little 1.3Ghz Intel Core2 Duo and to get to this point it literally takes all day
04:20.47tom_the sources I am working with are specifically mariadb-10.3-10.3.15
04:22.26tom_I assume when I ran apt source -t testing on my Devuan ASCII system it grabbed the sources from deb-src beowulf main contrib non-free ?
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04:27.08tom_I assume it's right? anybody have an idea what is going on here?
04:27.22rrqwith "-t testing" it'd probably use your "testing" source.list line
04:27.57tom_rrq, I don't have testing anywhere in my sources.list
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04:32.35rrqmmm my "apt-cache policy mariadb-server-10.3" suggests the beowulf package is directly from buster
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04:43.56golinuxAll packages appear to be from Debian.
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04:51.10*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
04:58.42*** join/#devuan rahalver (
04:59.24rahalverJust new to Devuan.  Have some startup questions.
05:03.57rahalverI am used to xubuntu.  I am trying to learn how to get internet connection, update, apt-get install.
05:09.32rahalverI know patience is good.  just wondering if I am in the right place..
05:10.34Jjp137yea this is the right place; just ask your questions and stay in the channel :)
05:16.40rahalverCool.  Just put Devuan on Apple.  Re-doing  now, since I realize probably 64 bit.  lscpu declares that it is 32-bit, 64-bit.  assume part of my problem was that I had installed 32 bit.
05:18.05rahalver(expecting high-5 for doing that to an Apple, and direction if that means 32 or 64 bit are both okay to use.)
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05:36.42gnarfacerahalver: you want the 64-bit install because you can still run 32-bit software in it.  some people like to still have a purely 32-bit system, but there are very few practical reasons to do that
05:36.47rahalverWhen I try the LIVE  version of 64 bit, it seems to hang up on:  ... DRM] MM:  using CRYPT of buffer copies
05:37.03gnarfacehow long did you let it wait?
05:39.08tom_rrq, golinux Do you know how the systemd-stuff was stripped out from mariadb-client on ASCII? Perhaps I could take those patches and apply them to beowulf
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05:39.21gnarfacerahalver: remove "quiet" from the kernel command-line and see if that gives you any better information.  i think you might need some other kernel options though
05:40.16tom_is it just a simple file(s) in the patch/ directory or is it a bit more involved?
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06:02.33rrqnot sure if it was, even, since the ascii version is 10.1.38-0+deb9u1
06:02.45tom_I guess I will have to wait for some help fixing beowulf's mariadb
06:06.21*** join/#devuan Inepu (
06:10.48tom_This doesn't look like a hard error, it looks like the package is already successfully built (well the binaries) but it's failing because systemd-specific folders do not exist
06:15.15*** join/#devuan Shentino (~shentino@unaffiliated/shentino)
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06:16.01*** join/#devuan rahalver (
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06:20.42rahalverlive iso seems to not "work" on my computer. regular version of 1.0.0 seems to be going forward nicely, for install.
06:25.58rahalverThe "select and install software" part failed... seems important to have that, trying again, but with no xfce
06:30.20gnarfacemaybe it failed due to missing network connection?
06:32.26rahalvermaybe.  but I told it not to do network for now.
06:33.33rahalverI don't know how to get the network going...  i use hotspot here overseas, and not sure  how that would work, as it needs password.
06:36.52buZzjust dont select any software?
06:36.58buZzyou can also re-run tasksel later
06:37.16buZz>sudo tasksel
06:37.46buZzbut you'd need some wifi tools i guess
06:37.46rahalverOk.Might it work to somehow plug my phone usb right into the computer next time?
06:38.02buZzi dont know what your phone does on usb
06:38.08buZzis that a network card?
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06:38.34rahalverI have wireless adapter, but how will computer know my password?
06:39.03buZznormally for wifi you use something like wicd or wpa_cli to enter connection details
06:40.22rahalverhm... maybe need ipa address.  wasn't sure how to find it at the time.
06:41.58buZzdhcp clients will get the ip address
06:42.21rahalverinstallation seems okay this time
06:42.49rahalverdhcp clients?
06:43.14rahalverhigh 5 -- success.
06:44.16*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:46.38buZz:) yay
06:47.01buZzyes, hotspots hand out IP addresses to their users with dhcp servers
06:47.14buZzthe clients negotiate with that to get a ip
06:50.35rahalveri thought the ipa was for the computer where I am installing distro.
06:51.34rahalverI am guessing i could figure that out when computer is working.  but i was doing an installation at the time.
06:52.38rahalverby the way, after starting up computer again, with installation complete, I am stuck at "Waiting for /dev to be fully populated..."
06:53.27rahalverseems 10 minutes
06:54.12gnarfacewas that a install from live cd or from netinstall image?
06:55.33rahalvernormal .iso, off CD;  did same for 32 bit version
06:55.49rahalvermaybe related to my iMac
06:56.17gnarfaceyea it might still need some additional kernel command-line options set
06:56.25gnarfacestuff like noacpi noapic nolapic
06:57.00rahalverI went around it by rebooting, then hitting "e" and adding nomodeset to quiet.
06:57.13gnarfaceah, and then it works?
06:57.25rahalverwill try now..
07:02.45rahalverworked.  but how can I make that permanent, so i don't need to do every time??
07:03.25buZzedit grub.conf in /boot/grub
07:04.43rahalverCan you give me a slight nudge to get me going in the right direction to do that?
07:05.01buZzsudo nano -w /boot/grub/grub.cfg
07:05.21buZzoh wait :P > # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE
07:05.32gnarfaceit is /etc/defaults/grub
07:05.41buZztnx gnarface
07:05.51gnarfaceor actually /etc/default/grub i mean, sorry
07:05.59buZzsudo nano -w /etc/default/grub
07:08.01rahalverfeeling novice. when I do sudo anything it says command not found.  also tried root
07:08.14buZzoh , yeah, sudo isnt installed by default
07:08.19buZzapt install sudo , as root :)
07:08.32buZzsu -  , to change to root from a normal user
07:09.04rahalvercool  that worked
07:09.34buZzyou dont specifically need sudo now, when you are root already , you can do nano directly on those files
07:12.47rahalverokay.  so do i just type nomodeset after quiet?
07:13.16rahalverwithin quotes.  I am just quessing
07:16.06gnarfaceyes, within the quotes that are there.  the order of the options does not matter.
07:16.54gnarfaceand you probably don't want quiet, if you want to see what is going on during boot
07:17.10rahalvererase quiet
07:17.17rahalverhow to i save it?
07:17.37gnarfacethe instructions for nano should be printed along the bottom of the screen...
07:18.12rahalverit has an up arrow and X. Does that mean Fn or ctrl or alt?
07:18.28gnarface^ is a carrot, not an up-arrow
07:18.32gnarfaceand it means ctrl
07:18.55rahalverso what does carrot mean?
07:19.19gnarfaceit doesn't matter.  it's being used out of context here, but it is a common convention
07:20.06Jjp137caret* btw
07:20.16gnarfaceheh, thanks
07:20.16rahalverokay.  what should I do to get the X activated???
07:20.30buZzrahalver: hold ctrl , press X
07:20.34buZzoh, apples
07:20.51buZzhold that clover symbol icon on your keyboard and press X
07:21.21gnarfaceit might be mapped to the apple key, i'm not sure
07:21.33buZzgnarface: i think apple stopped doing that key since 10 years now
07:21.40rahalverdidn't work
07:21.42buZzafter years of ridicule about fruit on their keyboards :D
07:21.48buZzrahalver: why not
07:21.53gnarfaceare you sure buZz?
07:22.22buZzgnarface: see;
07:22.27rahalverthe clover command key doesn't do anything
07:22.39buZzoh huh
07:22.44Jjp137try Ctrl+X then I guess
07:22.48buZzok weird, use ctrl then
07:22.52rahalverjust types x
07:22.57r3boot[x] crap keyboard found
07:22.59buZzi never saw a 'ctrl' key on a apple keyboard
07:23.28buZzguess that since they now sell x86 machines they needed ctrl for ctrl-alt-del ? :P
07:24.13rahalvercontrol x
07:24.59rahalvernovice just taught you all...  :)
07:25.59rahalverok... now, how to reboot from terminal.  There is no option to power off machine, without holding back button in.
07:26.10tom_Are you sure your not talking about the META key?
07:26.38tom_That's often what Microsoft calls the Windows Key
07:26.38rahalvercool  reboot worked via terminal
07:27.43tom_it's actually called the meta and only exists on PS/2 keyboards. Amiga, UNIX, VMS, and AS/200 keyboards do not have a meta key
07:28.23buZztom_: its a apple computer
07:28.46tom_in fact my keyboard (NortGate OmniKey Ultra Rev2) which is compatible with AT, Amiga, Atari, and PS/2 does not have a meta key
07:28.53r3boottom_: actually, I am typing on a HHKB pro type2s atm, which is a direct Sun Type 3 descendent, and that most definetely has a functional meta key :P
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07:29.08tom_It has an 'omni' key but it's not mapped to then same scan code in PS/2 mode
07:29.12rahalverI never bought an apple
07:29.24buZz08:55:49 < rahalver> maybe related to my iMac
07:29.28buZzarent those by apple?
07:30.10rahalverstuck at setting preliminar keymap...
07:35.48tom_ AS/400 keyboard layout as 24 function keys
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07:36.48buZzhigher resolution as400 keyboard
07:37.24buZzjust doubt anyone has one of these on a devuan machine ;) but i guess its doable
07:37.39tom_and because some of those function keys are on the left it makes it super convenient using make nconfig to compile the linux kernel
07:38.01buZzthe 'play' and 'record' buttons?
07:38.08buZzwhat do they do in the ncurses config?
07:38.14tom_buZz, actually I have something real similar
07:38.29r3boothmm, I need one of those keyboards ...
07:39.02buZzyeah thats a different layout
07:39.14tom_this is the first revision
07:39.19tom_I have the second revision
07:39.22buZzon the as400 one the ones on the left arent function keys like F1-F24 on the top
07:40.00buZzwhat a annoying position for insert and delete :)
07:40.10tom_I see
07:40.34tom_you get used to it
07:40.51tom_the biggest jar is the location of the backslash
07:41.20tom_the inset and delete I actually find a bit more ergonomic
07:42.52buZzMinceR: poor shift key
07:42.57buZzand missing < key aswell
07:43.08buZzoh, also missing a ton more keys
07:43.21rahalverso... i had to add nomodeset again, where it said quiet.
07:43.23MinceRwell, it's an ancient layout
07:43.36buZzMinceR: ancient stuff can still get damaged ;)
07:43.40buZz-or- taken care of better
07:43.51buZzrahalver: you didnt save it earlier?
07:44.31buZzdid you read the top line on /etc/default/grub ? it says this :
07:44.32buZz# If you change this file, run 'update-grub' afterwards to update
07:44.43buZzdid you do that? :)
07:44.55rahalvermaybe back to that later... how can i turn off my machine without holding in power button?  Normal Applic Menu, Logout doesnt give the option
07:45.06buZzrahalver: type 'poweroff'
07:45.22rahalversorry.  I need to do that.
07:45.30buZzits probably called 'shutdown' in your click menu?
07:45.40tom_You would not believe it but my omnikey was new-old stock never been opened from the box 1993
07:45.48*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
07:45.50buZzi can believe it
07:46.05buZzi've seen model m's like that aswell
07:46.15tom_northgate computers doesn't exist anymore. while they did exist history says most people bought them just for their keyboards alone for use on other keyboards
07:46.25rahalverclick menu shutdown is in light gray, not clickable
07:46.33tom_and that's why their keyboards implement so many protocols configurable via dip switches
07:46.47buZzrahalver: weird, which window manager are you running?
07:47.27buZzmaybe because of the noacpi that you added, it can now no longer manage the power
07:47.38buZznon default computers do tend to be a bit annoying to use
07:49.41rahalverbuzz and/or gnarface, can I connect to you privately?
07:49.52buZzi'd prefer you dont
07:50.14rahalverok.  get lost here in all the chat
07:52.43*** join/#devuan nexgen2 (~nexgen@
07:53.36rahalverGood news. update-grub worked!
07:54.07rahalveris terminal only choice for shut down?
07:54.43rahalvermaybe another alternate,  like key combo.
07:55.39buZzyou can configure millions of things to run that command for you
07:56.00buZz-normally- window managers do that for you , if yours doesnt , you may want to read its documentation
07:56.26buZzin contrast to osx/windows, most linux software comes with documentation , its usually in /usr/share/doc/
07:56.51rahalverokay.  i will research.  my app menu only allows for log out
07:57.15rahalverrestart and  shut down are grayed out
08:05.11fsmithredpolicykit-1-gnome missing?
08:06.06fsmithredgoes back to sleep
08:08.27rahalverGnarface...  should i still look into this if i am able to start up without previous problem?  "yea it might still need some additional kernel command-line options setstuff like noacpi noapic nolapic"
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08:12.49gnarfacerahalver: no, forget it
08:13.53rahalverok.  ran apt-get install libreoffice didnt work
08:14.22rahalveralso looking for dvd player recommendation
08:18.03gnarfaceyour /etc/apt/source.list needs to be correct, and your network connection needs to be up...
08:18.43gnarfaceand you need to remember to run apt-get update first
08:22.51rahalverokay.  lots of howework.  for now, it is strange to have my wife type su -, the poweroff.  looking for another option.
08:23.12rahalverits a mac problem i guess
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08:51.54rahalverI am back.  I have an imac, now, thankfully, with only Devuan as the OS. Problem:   When I want to poweroff, it wont let me with method 1 = Application Menu, then Logout, and no shut down option is clickable (just gray).  method 2 - Command + Option + Control + Eject doesn't do anything.  Method 3 needs me to be root, which is strange for having wi
08:51.55rahalverfe and kids use it this way.
08:53.21gnarfacerahalver: someone suggested you try adding policykit-1-gnome
08:53.40gnarfacethat was a suggestion directed at this exact problem
08:54.15gnarfacei don't know if that's the actual solution, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was that or some similar package missing
08:54.25rahalveri will try.  I was off internet for a few minutes, so missed the info
08:55.49*** join/#devuan enoch (~textual@unaffiliated/enoch)
08:59.05rahalverSo.. first, how to get on internet.  web browser does nothing, and internet does not have a wicd network adapter
08:59.32rahalverwicd network manager
09:03.40*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
09:07.30rahalverHow did anyone else get on internet, with wireless?
09:08.35buZzthere's several different methods ;
09:10.27gnarfacerahalver: sometimes it is easier to use regular ethernet first to get the wireless set up
09:10.36gnarface(usually actually)
09:23.32rahalveri see.  i have none.  i can go over to a friends house, maybe, but it seems there should be a way.
09:25.01rahalveralso, iwconfig doesn't work. command not found.. i tried the wiki rec from buzz. not working so far.
09:27.50buZzsounds like you installed too minimal a version of devuan
09:32.27rahalverit is the devuan jessie 1.0.0 amd64 iso
09:33.11rahalverit seems like others with wireless connection should have a way..
09:33.52rahalverI have a pqi pen someone gave me. i can try to figure out how to make ethernet from it.
09:34.55buZzrahalver: which iso?
09:35.05buZzthere's many different amd64 jessie isos
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09:38.29rahalverthanks buzz.  you have been very helpful.  time for supper..
09:39.45buZzwelcome and bon appetit
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10:09.08rahalverIf I get an internet connection... Can I do some kind of an update or upgrade to get missing  or additional packages  that were missing on my iso?
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11:38.28djphr3boot: yes
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15:04.08r3bootdjph: hmm? what did I fuck up this time? :P
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15:37.07djphr3boot: nah, it was me - didnt doublecheck the tab-complete
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20:31.02xrogaanWe're not going to get current xfce4 4.14 until next debian stable, that is crazy.
20:32.26xrogaan4 years old software, but new one didn't release on time so screw the user right?
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20:56.08gnarfacexrogaan: your mentality is flawed.  the point of not rushing in a new version is to not screw the user.
20:56.28gnarfacestop being a version fetishist
20:56.58gnarfacechange inherently promotes instability
20:57.23gnarfaceit's not a valid goal in and of itself
20:57.51gnarfacethey will still backport all the important security fixes
20:58.28gnarfacebesides, someone will probably put it in backports for you anyway
20:58.52gnarfaceso just, you know.  try to find something worthy to be angry about
20:59.15fsmithredI heard that 4.14 looks like a phone
20:59.34fsmithredall gtk3
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21:07.11xrogaangnarface: I don't mean to get it right away, but before we get another stable version of xfce
21:12.10drawkulahas switching to sawfish on the to do list...
21:13.11drawkulabut the list is long and full of dark energy...
21:13.42drawkulainb late debian6 days I played with sawfish and it was fun
21:21.29tom_workDebian sarge <3
21:22.02drawkulawas very happy with deb6... it was stable like a tank
21:22.15drawkulaor like woody
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