IRC log for #devuan on 20190823

00:10.05*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
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00:16.48*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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00:42.44*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
00:53.57*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
01:08.33*** join/#devuan scuti (
01:08.56scutihi, can i ask a quick question? i have to leave in about 20 minutes
01:09.49scutii cant get wicd-gtk to display wireless networks; i can get wicd-curses to display wireless networks, but none appear on wicd-gtk
01:10.26scutiabout the last months i've used this devuan install, i had to use iw to get wireless on my laptop
01:10.45poontangmessiahsudo apt purge wicd
01:10.52poontangmessiahsudo apt install network-manager
01:11.14scutiso, just dont use wicd?
01:11.18poontangmessiahthis is the only advice i can give because wicd is truly trash on every distro i used
01:11.57scutii suppose since i'm having to much issues with it currently
01:12.10scutionly used it since it came with devuan's dvd install i recall
01:20.16scutiok thanks this is less hassle than wicd
01:38.01*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
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01:42.53gnarfacepoontangmessiah: at least make sure they're updated first.
01:43.08gnarfacepoontangmessiah: known bugs have been fixed, and it's not like network-manager doesn't also suck.
01:44.19*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
01:44.24golinuxnetwork-manager sucks more
01:45.07poontangmessiahgnarface golinux explain why
01:45.20poontangmessiahi've never had netman screw up on me, not even once
01:45.42poontangmessiahexcept maybe once but that was my router's fault anyway
01:51.37gnarfacei used to be a redhat user from back when they first introduced it.  i think you just don't have enough experience to fill the chart with enough data points to draw accurate lines.
01:52.16gnarfacemost the issues users have had with wicd have been self-inflicted
01:52.47gnarfacethat said, i'd advise users to learn to manipulate the /etc/network/interfaces file directly instead of either
01:53.49gnarfacei mean, if you're going to take a stance based on reliability, take the right stance at least
01:54.27onefangThe only issue I have with wicd is that it'll reorder lines in it's own config file each time I reboot, which wouldn't be a problem except I also use etckeeper.
01:54.27gnarfacebut it's really important to make sure people have at least got the latest updates and try to diagnose the problem if it's unknown
01:54.47gnarfacebecause now we don't actually know if there's a new issue with wicd or not
01:55.33gnarfaceand it's something that enough people have used successfully that it was very problably either self-inflicted or a really weird corner-case
02:03.18*** join/#devuan panorain (
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02:24.10onefangThough scuti wanted a quick answer, coz they had to leave in 20 minutes.  Scuti got a quick answer that satisfied them.  shrugs
02:26.55*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a00:79c0:65f:8000:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:31.11gnarfacewell, i was thinking maybe just user error, like not turning the wifi on first, or maybe there was actually a bug but one that had been fixed in the repos, and he just hadn't updated yet
02:31.47gnarfaceit rang a bell, like something that other users had gotten confused about
03:03.57*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
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03:56.17*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (~LtWorf@2001:9b1:4041:e000:a634:d9ff:fec6:343c)
04:20.22klauswhat would be the equivalent of /etc/systemd/logind.conf on a systemd free system ?
04:20.45klausi used to use that file to modifiy behavior of my power key: HandlePowerKey=ignore
04:21.13klausin case of me pressing it by mistake so the system wouldn't go to immediate shutdown without warning..
04:22.47gnarfaceklaus: should be handled by acpi
04:23.32gnarfaceit feeds off bios defaults though, so you might be getting this behavior even if it's not installed
04:24.08gnarfaceand it's typical that this is a feature you can change in the bios too
04:24.35gnarface(some really old machines use apm for this)
04:24.56klausi don't have bios access on this machine, it's a macbook
04:25.08gnarfaceoh, well that makes it trickier
04:25.28klausyes, mac are a pain about that
04:26.11klauson a systemd system i can use that systemd file logind.conf and define: HandlePowerKey=ignore
04:26.47klausi'm searching equivalent .. but nothing pops up as evident substitue
04:30.40gnarfacedid you look in /etc/acpi or /usr/share/doc/acpi ?
04:30.53klausnot yet, i do now
04:32.58klaussomeone forgot to delete a line in /etc/acpi/ , last line i see is:
04:32.59klaus# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 ft=sh et:
04:35.31klausthis /usr/share/doc/acpi path doesn't exists, the closer i have is /usr/share/doc/acpid/  and there's nothing in the beside changelog, readme, todo
04:36.09klausnot sure yet i'm reading
04:36.12*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah_ (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
04:37.21klaushum, no, it's just log input lines
04:38.01klausoh hey :)
04:38.21klaus--> /etc/elogind/logind.conf
04:39.18gnarfaceoh, the gui login manager could take over that maybe
04:39.24gnarfacei had forgotten
04:39.28klausi don't use one
04:39.38klausi removed the display manager
04:39.40gnarfacethen that might not help you
04:39.43klausi log to tty
04:39.56gnarfacebut the readme in /usr/share/doc/acpid might actually be useful
04:40.08gnarfacehere, i have a /etc/acpi/ though, not sure why you don't.
04:40.22gnarfacethis could be new or old cruft
04:44.22*** join/#devuan klaus (
04:44.42klausturns out trying to restart elogind was a bad idea
04:45.20klausbut otherwise it worked
04:45.49klauspressing my power key doesn't immediately shudown the system without warning anymore
04:47.11gnarfacewell that's good
04:47.39gnarfaceif you don't have a graphical login, you don't need elogind
04:47.44gnarfaceyou could just uninstall it
04:47.53gnarfacethough then you might get new and exciting behavior
04:48.18*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:49.33klausbut that's the one thing that change the behavior of my powerkey, if i remove it i'll get back to that behavior of immediate shutdown if i press it by mistake ..
04:50.38gnarfacewell, i'm not convinced that this couldn't be done with acpi, too
04:50.46klausi'll try out things a bit, if i can remove it and find a way to prevent that behavior then i'll remove it, but meanwhile i find an alternate way i'll just keep it
04:50.56gnarfaceyou might need some other package too like acpi-support-base or something
04:51.43klausi'll try it out, thanks for the help !
04:51.54gnarfaceno problem
04:52.19gnarfacewhat's important is that it works how you want it to
04:54.57klausdevuan is a blessing, i should have gone that way sooner
04:55.44klausi like artix too, it's arch without systemd
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10:35.29FlibberTGibbetWindows Subsystem for Devuan still behaving very well on my work Windows laptop :D
10:49.56*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
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13:30.15poontangmessiah_gnarface: it's been some time since i've used devuan, does startup ifup still hang when the ethernet cable is unplugged?
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15:10.34Walexpoontangmessiah: there are various tools rthat detect cable presence and run 'ifup' or 'ifdown' depending.
15:10.57poontangmessiahWalex: that doesn't answer the question
15:20.35*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
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15:57.53Bureknew devuan when?
16:02.44jonadabBurek: As soon as Perl6 reaches the point where we can drop Perl5 support.
16:03.10Burekkk, thanks
16:13.55*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
16:24.28golinuxjonadab:  Where did you get that?  If we had the (wo)man power to do the remaining work it could be out next week.  But alas . . .
16:24.56golinuxBut we want to do an ascii point release before beowulf.
16:25.37r3bootjonadab: :D :D :D
16:25.43golinuxMaybe your response was sarcasm.  Dunno . .
16:26.41r3bootgolinux: it's sarcasm; Perl6, eventhough ppl have been writing for it for eons, is still not released
16:27.19r3booterr, *has not replaced perl5 yet
16:30.09Burekwow i got bamboozled
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16:44.14djphBurek: eh?
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17:31.27golinuxknows very little about perl except for Netanel Rubin�s Perl Jam 2 talk at CCC a few years ago.
17:35.25koollmanI intend to try installing devuan on a rather modern laptop (t495). what's the current 'best' installer, refracta from a liveusb ?
17:35.28golinuxIt was hysterical!
17:36.03golinuxDepends what you want to have installed
17:36.38koollmanhm. what are my options ? :)
17:37.40koollmanI suppose I want devuan ascii, with a few things from backport. and I want to have at least Xorg running
17:38.14fsmithredlive installer gives you what is in the iso - full xfce desktop
17:38.19fsmithredand takes 10 minutes
17:38.45fsmithredinstaller isos give you more software choices and take a lot longer to install (usually 1-2 hours for me)
17:39.10koollmanI'm fairly sure installer iso won't work on this laptop. Although I could try and open bugs :)
17:39.15fsmithredshould say full desktop for the desktop-live
17:39.45fsmithredif you think the hardware is too new, live iso probably won't help.
17:39.57fsmithredwhy do you think it won't install?
17:40.43koollmandetection process. as I remember it, devuan installer is rather basic. I remember it getting stuck in various situations when there are no cdrom and it cannot find the usb key
17:41.08koollmanI mean, I can try it right now, should be fast :)
17:41.15fsmithredoh, ryzen. You might need a newer kernel
17:41.22fsmithredI have something for that.
17:41.35fsmithredkinda old, but should still work.
17:42.34fsmithredThis is ascii with backports kernel and a minimal desktop:
17:42.40koollmanand ... yeah. doing basic text install, get stuck on 'detecting cdrom'. and doing default graphical install, no touchpad, but also get stuck on detecting cdrom.  :)
17:42.48koollman(from netinst iso)
17:42.56fsmithrediso is on a usb?
17:43.05fsmithredyou can play tricks with finding the cdrom
17:43.13koollmanshould I try mounting it before the detect step ?
17:43.19fsmithrednot sure if I can remember exactly, but I'll try
17:43.46fsmithredI think you have to let it fail to find the cdrom, then switch to another vt BEFORE you dismiss the error screen
17:43.59fsmithredthen make a symlink
17:44.13koollmandoesn't get to an error. it is just 'stuck'. no logs on alt-f4 terminal
17:44.14fsmithredthen go back to vt1 and tell it to try again
17:45.13fsmithredother option would be to boot the refracta iso I just posted above and do a debootstrap install of devuan
17:45.21fsmithredthen you really get to choose what you want
17:45.47koollmanwell, that would be equivalent to doing a debootstrap install from any other env, right ? (assuming recent enough kernel)
17:46.25fsmithredyeah, with devuan's debootstrap. Not sure if that makes a big difference.
17:47.29fsmithredyeah, ascii has a devuanized debootstrap. The debian version doesn't include us in any of the scripts.
17:48.07fsmithredThere might still be a working beowulf mini.iso.
17:48.19fsmithrednot sure if the kernel has updated since the last build.
17:48.50koollmanI can probably manage to do that. I remember doing install from debootstrap a while ago. I'm still going to try the live iso first
17:50.23fsmithredok, here's the last mini.iso that was made, in case the live doesn't work:
17:52.47koollmanlive is promising ... reached xfce desktop :)
17:55.05koollman(still probably a few bugs given the delays in boot/udevd and errors mentionning iommu : )
18:00.40fsmithredif it booted, it should install no problem
18:02.27*** join/#devuan cp (
18:06.07koollmanI think there are some problems with udev,still. I can see 'udevadm settle' (launched by gparted on validation) that was stuck for maybe 4/5 minutes. but gparted seems to continue now. (udevadm was polling /run/udev/queue I think)
18:09.17koollmanoh ... it's going to do it for each partition. that may take a while :)
18:09.46koollman(guess I will pre-partition next time :) )
18:10.52fsmithredgpt or msdos partition table?
18:11.09koollmanand, it's not the disk that is slow. nvme :)
18:11.15fsmithredmake sure to create the bios_grub partition
18:11.37fsmithredat least 1mb with no filesystem on it, with bios_grub flag
18:11.44fsmithredunless you're using efi
18:12.06fsmithredthen you just need efi partition
18:12.43fsmithreddo you know if you booted uefi or bios?
18:13.31koollmanuefi. and I'm reusing existing efi partition
18:13.54fsmithredI've noticed that gparted is very slow on a gpt disk with many partitions
18:14.01fsmithredslow to come up.
18:14.13fsmithredonce it's up, it's fine
18:14.23koollmandifferent problem there, I think
18:15.28koollmancame up fast, but writing partitions is very slow. And if I look at what gparted is doing, it's waiting for 'udevadm settle', which takes a few minutes, then do one operation, then call it again
18:16.07fsmithredgdisk might work better
18:16.09koollmanmaybe I will kill it and start over doing partitions with another tool first
18:16.40fsmithredif you pre-format, make sure to select "Do not format" in the options menu.
18:17.45fsmithredand I'm talking about making the filesystems, not just the partitions.
18:18.31koollmanok. took 30s in cgdisk :)
18:18.38koollman(and that was mostly human time)
18:18.50fsmithredthat's sounds better
18:19.08koollmanstill indicates a bug in udevadm or gparted in the live image
18:19.57fsmithredI think gparted
18:20.13koollmanwell, it was really a long-lived udevadm process that was slowing it down.
18:20.26fsmithredI've had some trouble with partitioning on uefi with it. Can't remember specifics, but I tend to use gdisk now.
18:20.28koollmanalthough it is clearly a bug to call that from the main thread in a graphical application, too ...
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18:32.54fsmithredkoollman, when you get to the window for grub install, you might want to go to a root terminal, chroot /target and then add backports to install the bpo kernel
18:33.08fsmithredthen go back and let it install the bootloader
18:33.22fsmithreddon't choose the chroot button
18:34.17koollmannah, I was impatient. now it's booting on the newly installed devuan. But, yeah, I will get new kernel first thing after boot is finished. seems to get some slowdowns like the liveusb (which I expected)
18:34.24koollmanand ... login prompt \o/
18:34.44fsmithredconsole login?
18:35.01koollmanyeah. but that's ok. I can work from there :)
18:35.12fsmithredgood :)
18:36.00*** join/#devuan ymasson (
18:36.03koollmanhm. the generated fstab is wrong, though
18:36.41koollmanI suppose since I preformatted everything, I was not asked which fs to pick ... so the fs column is missing
18:37.50fsmithredI will look at that now
18:38.05fsmithredpretty sure it pulls the fs type from blkid
18:40.29koollmanand ... rmmod pcspkr. I forgot how loud it was in this laptop :)
18:42.46fsmithredit should have printed the fs type in fstab
18:43.05koollmanmaybe I did mess up something. but it's fine, easy to correct on my side
18:43.24fsmithredlook over the log. Should be in your home dir.
18:44.03fsmithredif [[ $no_format = "yes" ]]; then
18:44.03fsmithredfs_type_os=$(blkid -s TYPE "$install_dev" | awk -F"\"" '{ print $2 }')
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18:45.55koollmancurrently booting with backports kernel. still seem to get a delay at boot. I will investigate that later. once it is booted I'll try blkid command
18:46.51fsmithredfind that place in the log and make sure that it saw the type
18:47.19koollmanbut, hey ... now I get to a graphical login manager :)
18:47.37koollmanand xfce is working.
18:48.38koollmanso ... yeah. not detected when it ran
18:49.40koollmanI will probably try some more installs. I suspect it was my fault. And if I run it now it does gives back 'ext4'
18:49.48koollmanmaybe at least add a check for empty string
18:50.16fsmithredand have it do what?
18:50.33fsmithredopen fstab in a text editor?
18:50.50koollmanthat's an option. or error with an option to re-run detection maybe
18:51.31koollmannow I need to find out why I lose 2 minutes with no logs in the middle of my boot. although I do strongly suspect unsupported hardware and udevd :)
18:52.23fsmithredif you're going to do more installs, you might consider installing beowulf
18:52.42koollmanmaybe, yes
18:53.01fsmithredupgrading to it with full xfce desktop right now would be tricky, because some of the task-* packages aren't ready
18:53.45fsmithreddo standard system install then add desktop parts individually (xfce4 metapackage should be ok)
18:53.52fsmithredbut don't select it from tasksel
18:55.17koollmanif I do standard install I generally don't even bother with X during install. it comes later. and if ion3 is working I'm all set :)
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18:58.05koollman around lines 1007, 1008, 1009 ... looks like two pauses, of about 1 minute each. do you have any idea what would fail with a timeout of 1min ? (or maybe two minutes ... but with a udevd message in the middle)
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18:59.03koollman(and of course before that, I have at least one problem with a null dereference in kernel. which is ugly but maybe need a much newer kernel for this cpu/chipset :) )
19:02.22fsmithreddo you know what device is cited there?
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19:03.48koollmanwhat pci id would that be. 05:00.0 ?
19:04.22koollman10ec:522a, realtek card reader RTS522A
19:04.49fsmithredsdmmc... is that your nvme drive?
19:05.34fsmithredyes, look for that number in lspci output
19:05.48koollmanit was the line just after my question ;)
19:05.55fsmithredyeah, finally saw that
19:06.08koollman(first bit is pci id if you want exact model)
19:06.09fsmithredmaybe you could turn it off in bios
19:06.24fsmithredand wait for a few kernel updates
19:06.35koollmanwell, I can try a more recent kernel, too
19:08.20koollmandoesn't seem very new, though
19:08.58fsmithredthe card reader or the kernel?
19:09.03koollmancard reader
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19:11.34koollman(by the way thank you very much for all the help :) )
19:12.40koollmanand I even got my wireless card working. great :)
19:13.15koollman(although having an ethernet port is pretty great when trying this kind of things. was hard to find a decent model that still had one)
19:13.17gnarfacepoontangmessiah: the answer is it never did, if you set it up right.
19:14.23fsmithredkoollman, lsmod |grep rtsx
19:15.24koollmanrtsx_pci is loaded
19:15.59fsmithredI'm out of ideas
19:16.41koollmanI'll probably try a few kernels to see if something bleeding-edge behaves the same way
19:17.07fsmithredyou could probably run the 5.2 from ceres on beowulf
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19:43.14koollman(and blobwars run. my work laptop is finally ready ;) )
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20:23.36jonadabgolinux: Made it up out of whole cloth.
20:24.23jonadabAs a rule of thumb, any answer followed by "HTH.HAND." is probably not actually the real answer.  This has been true since usenet was invented, I think?  Or for most of that time, anyway.
20:37.44golinuxHave never run across that (that I can remember) on any Devuan channels.
20:39.30drawkulaI see that for the 1st time now
20:40.49golinuxAnd you've been around a veeeery long time.
20:43.22drawkulamaybe jonadab and me read different groups...
20:43.53drawkulaglobalising own experiences is often ... hmmmm ... misleading
20:44.55drawkulaor our memory is cheating... lossy data compression in our grey matter...
20:47.37jonadabgolinux: Eh, I didn't get on the internet until 1993.
20:47.48jonadabThere are folks who have been around way longer.
20:48.52jonadabBut yeah, I thought "HTH.HAND" would be understood in technical circles.  I guess I should switch to saying "kappa" like the gamer kids.
20:49.14golinuxDon't know that one either.  I play solitaire.
20:49.19jonadabOr just stop making jokes.
20:49.35Akulii play solitaire too <3
20:49.44jonadabI think "kappa" originated on Twitch?  Which is a change of pace, because most of the really terrible memes come from 4chan.
20:49.52Akulii wrote a curses-based solitaire that i can play with terminal
20:50.03Akuliit draws the cards with unicode line-drawing characters, and it even has colorz
20:50.19golinuxProbably not a good idea to joke about official Devuan news
20:50.22jonadabI have seriously thought about writing a terminal-based turn-based shmup.
20:50.54golinuxCan we please take this over to #debian fork?
20:51.09golinuxno space
20:51.54golinuxThat's the chat channel
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21:05.59r3bootghe, hth.hand, thats old :D
21:23.49drawkulaits k3wl 2 b cryptic
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