IRC log for #devuan on 20190821

00:16.27*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:16.27*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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07:31.41eyalrozHello everyone...
07:31.41eyalrozI was wondering if anyone else has experienced mysterious crashes of Chrome extensions recently.
07:32.10eyalrozAfter my latest apt-get dist-upgrade, my uBlock Origin and EFF Privacy Badger crash on startup, and immediately after being reloaded
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08:59.35*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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15:57.50klaushi all
15:58.37nemoou.. bonjour.
15:58.47klausbonjour :)
16:00.13klausi was wondering if runit was easy to switch to in devuan and if that was a working choice at the moment, or more like a work in progress ?
16:01.45klausand also, is it possible to use kernels from mainline kernel ( ) and if not, does devuan have something similar, to be able to install recent kernels ?
16:03.09James1138Yes. I use the kernel all the time to update.
16:03.56James1138Right now I am using v4.9.189 kernel from the website.
16:05.14klausi was thinking more like 5.2.x or even 5.3.x.rc
16:06.04klausJames1138: but so, you mean it's possible for devuan to install those kernels from kernel-ppa/mainline ?
16:06.11klausif yes then that's good
16:08.11James1138Correct Klaus. After installing, run "sudo update-grub" from terminal before reboot. Then remove the older kernel (I use Synaptic to completely remove) and the run "sudo update-grub" again for good measure.
16:08.35klausvery good
16:08.44James1138I meant to say "remove older kernel after reboot".
16:09.47klausright now i'm testing artix (arch without the virus, i mean systemd) but i'm also tempted by giving devuan a try. what you tell me is encouraging
16:10.03klausyes i understood
16:15.34James1138Klaus... over many ...many years, I tried Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Linux Mint, straight Debian, WattOS, and even ZorinOS.  However, I found Devuan XFCE the most stable of the bunch and with XFCE desktop - my Lenovo Thinkpad T500 feels really responsive.
16:16.54klausi'm an i3 user, i like tiling wm, i remove the display manager, log into tty then usualy configure .xinitrc and startx from there
16:17.25klausi tried many distro too over the years, what you say about devuan sounds nice
16:18.01klausi'll have to get the iso and try to see if i keep sysvinit or if i try to use runit
16:21.22James1138Klaus, here is the link to the ISO -
16:21.47klausJames1138: well thanks i think i gonna do that right now
16:22.48klausyou meant "devuan" though, no ?
16:23.00klausyou wrote debian
16:24.10James1138MY BAD!!  Klaus... just wondering - are you installing Devuan on laptop or desktop
16:24.44klausa bad one at that .. it's a macbookpro (2015)
16:24.52klaususing linux as single os
16:26.53*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
16:27.12klausit is possible to use a minimal-live and install, build up a working system from that ?
16:27.43klausi mean rather than getting a full desktop-live, install,  and removing everything from there
16:28.42buZzklaus: yes
16:28.47klausif minimal-live is installable, and have apt working ..
16:28.48buZzimho its the recommended method :)
16:28.53klausthanks buZz
16:28.57buZzi wouldnt use a live distro to install though
16:29.00buZzbut netinst
16:29.00klausvery good then :)
16:29.12James1138Laptop - I suggest XFCE desktop - it is the least demanding on the laptop hardware. My T500 was made back in 2008 - but I can stack it next to more moden stuff.
16:29.23buZzJames1138: fluxbox uses less cpu cycles
16:29.34buZzopenbox even less
16:29.37klausi just hope my wifi chip will be working (brcmfmac)
16:30.26klausi3 ..
16:30.43James1138XFCE gives me more options than Fluxbox or Openbox - weather indicators, alarm clocks, etc.
16:31.01buZzJames1138: those -all- take cpu cycles you could use to run your webbrowser faster
16:31.48James1138Klaus - get the full desktop ISO. Easier to remove stuff you do not want if accidently installed rather than trying to add it later on.
16:31.58buZzJames1138: he doesnt want that ;)
16:32.41klausi use i3blocks and dunst for having those indicators
16:33.39klausi'll try the netinstall then if that doesn't go well with my wifi chip i'll try using desktop-live and remove the bloat later
16:35.20klausso there is two choice i see ? ascii or jessie ?
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17:05.51klausi need to manually download this driver:
17:06.57klausi can't see a download option on that page, the minimal installer doesn't offer the broadcom-sta (wl) driver but it says i can plug external disk to get the driver from it
17:07.12klauswhere can i download that ?
17:07.36golinuxIt should be in the non-free section of the repos
17:07.50klausthe wifi chip on that other machine is a bcm4360
17:08.10klausgolinux: i don't have access to the repo yet, i'm at the installer
17:08.39klausfrom the installer i can get a shell, but since it's the wifi driver i'm missing i don't have internet
17:09.20klausi can use another machine to try to get the driver on an external drive maybe that's what i'm trying to do
17:09.24fsmithredklaus, the firmware package for that broadcom only contains an installer
17:09.32fsmithredyou need internet to install the actual driver
17:10.01fsmithredif you search the dng mailing list archives, you can find an account of how to do this without an ethernet cable
17:10.16klausfsmithred: i have another machine, maybe i can do something from it ?
17:10.39fsmithredsorry I don't have more concrete information
17:11.17klausit's already good to know something can be done, thanks for telling
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17:12.44fsmithredI might even have the file you need. Checking old email.
17:13.02fsmithredif not, there are several places to download it
17:13.39klausfsmithred: i'd be interested if you find the file or a link to get it
17:14.00klaus(x86_64 here)
17:15.15James1138Here is a possible source for Broadcom drivers...
17:15.30fsmithredand here's another:
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17:19.12klauswould getting the debian deb package for it works with devuan ?
17:19.30klauslike this one for debian 10
17:22.26fsmithredit's the same package. We merge the debian repo with our own, so most of the packages are identical.
17:22.38fsmithredback in 15 min.
17:23.40klausso i can try to give that package to the minimal installer via external drive ?
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17:34.07klausthat other laptop i'm trying to put devuan on requires more drivers than the minimal installer have.. the touchpad also doesn't seem to work, too bad for the minimal install. i'll try with a full desktop-live.
17:34.57klausi know that laptop is a bit exotic..
17:36.16fsmithredklaus, I'm pretty sure the driver you need is not in the live isos
17:36.46James1138Klaus... still looking for Broadcom driver??
17:38.31fsmithredand when you say "minimal install" do you mean the netinstal iso or the minimal-live iso?
17:38.34klausbut i'll need a touchpad driver too..that old laptop is a pain..(macbookair 2013)
17:38.43James1138Okay - here is a link with a big list that should work on Debian/Ubuntu...
17:39.25klausapparently the minimal installer doesn't take debs from the external drive
17:39.56klausam i suppose to unpack the deb or something ?
17:40.30James1138Yes. There is also for touchpads...
17:40.32klausfsmithred: i mean the netinstall iso
17:40.38fsmithredok, thanks
17:40.39klaussorry for the confusion
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17:40.50fsmithredhappens all the time
17:44.31golinuxWhy do you keep posting links to repos external to devuan?
17:44.44fsmithredso he can download the firmware and install it
17:45.21fsmithredsome broadcom drivers require that you have an internet connection to get the driver that gives you an internet connection
17:46.09James1138I had to do the same with my Thinkpad T500. Keep in mind Golinux - our laptops are OLD. Firmware updates are required.
17:46.24fsmithredWe would have included it in the live isos except the license agreement requires us to pay for any legal expenses that come up.
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17:47.16klausfsmithred: maybe put a link to it and explain how to have it ready on an external drive, for the netinstall to get and use it ?
17:47.16James1138I personally had to also install Intel Microcode as well as firmware to be safe.
17:47.19fsmithredthe easiest solution is to use an ethernet cable and install from repo
17:47.37fsmithredbut not everyone can do that
17:47.55klausi mean, trying to avoid to pay and letting the users how they can manage the problem, best of both world ?
17:48.07fsmithredyeah, that might work
17:48.19James1138You hit is on the nose Klaus.
17:48.30fsmithredI have an email that contains instructions, but it's long and also contains a lot of unnecessary commentary
17:48.35klausyes, i have two laptop none of them has ethernet
17:49.05James1138ouch! My laptop is over 10 years old and has ethernet!
17:49.57golinuxI have never used wifi.  Always wired
17:50.04klausi can say, the netinstall, i also tried the graphical mode, just to see, and it's there i noticed the touchpad wasn't working. on the desktop-live iso, it is working well though
17:51.27fsmithredif you can find an earlier desktop-live iso (maybe at you might get one that has the driver installed.
17:51.38fsmithrednot sure if that was beta or rc1
17:51.59James1138But... usually xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package should handle the issue of touchpad... most of the time.
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18:07.09buZzohh, i wonder if i'm using that?
18:07.21buZzi am not :O
18:08.04buZznice featurelist
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18:23.04fsmithredklaus, this one might work:
18:24.27klausfsmithred: thanks, i look
18:26.58klausiso isn't downloadable from wayback machine
18:27.07klausthey just have the html page
18:29.14klausi went and installed the system anyway, now i try to gather the needed packages to manually install with dpkg
18:30.02klausif there was an iso with working driver i'd use that and reinstall, but in the meantime i was trying like that
18:30.51klausi see the package broadcom-sta-common_6.30.223.271-10_all.deb just contain docs and a .conf file for the module
18:31.06klausbut no actual module
18:31.25klausmaybe i need another package, a firmware-something
18:31.41klausi don't know yet.. i'm trying stuffs
18:34.48klausJames1138: yes i have those 3 packages (all, source, and dkms) but they requiere me to find and gather a few others they depend on
18:35.09klauslike the dkms one wants well, dkms, and the source one wants make and gcc
18:35.13klausand such
18:35.36klausi'm back in the 90s gettings packages needed manually one by one ;)
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18:38.22James1138dep: dkms (>= Kernel Module Support Frameworkrec: wireless-toolsTools for manipulating Linux Wireless Extensionsrec: broadcom-sta-sourceSource for the Broadcom STA Wireless driverrec: module-assistanttool to make module package creation easierdep: debhelper (>= 8)helper programs for debian/rulesdep: makeutility for directing compila
18:38.23James1138tionalso a virtual package provided by make-guiledep: xz-utilsXZ-format compression utilitiesrec: module-assistanttool to make module package creation easier
18:39.49klausapt-cache depends <package> gives a shorter list, but yes xz-utils, module-assistant, make, make-guile, debhelper,
18:40.02klausi think that's it
18:40.48klausi hope all those packages don't have too much depencies themselves
18:41.30*** part/#devuan divansan` (~user@
18:41.31klausit would have been simplier to do this from a running debian machine
18:41.46klausi could have got all the needed packages in one shot
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18:42.05klausput them on external drive and done
18:42.34fsmithredit's not the packages you need, it's the actual driver you need.
18:42.46fsmithredthe packages just download the driver
18:44.48klausfsmithred: then i don't know what to do in that case ?
18:45.37klausi have the broadcom-sta-dkms, and broadcom-sta-source, i thought that if i get dkms installed it would build a working module, no?
18:47.11klausit's just that for dkms to build a working module i also need make and a few other packages, am i doing something wrong ?
18:47.27klausif you have a better idea, i'm all ears
18:48.31klausor the expression is : 'i'm all hear' .. 'i'm all ear' i dunno well you see what i mean ;)
18:49.57golinux"i'm all ears" is the winner
18:50.38golinuxI wish I could help but I've never had to deal with wifi.
18:51.41fsmithredklaus, I'm going to paste that long email for you. It was meant to be a post to dng mailing list, but it never got there, and the rest of the discussion has been deleted.
18:52.56klausfsmithred: thanks if you want i can give you my mail in /query
18:53.17klausor you can paste it on some pastebin, you'll tell me what you prefer
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19:01.48golinuxOMG . . . the line didn't wrap!
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19:25.18klausi wonder if it wouldn't be simplier to get ubuntu iso, mount the squashfs file and get the firmware from there
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19:35.31klausis there a way to install build-essential  from the desktop-live iso ?
19:35.38klausi haven't seen it ?
19:38.35kompowiec2when i try mounted whatever i have error "not autorized to perform operation" and i must mount manually from terminal. I tried to remove applications which in theory that could block it as like gparted, mate but to no avail. This is not a coincidence with the modified package policykit?
19:39.01kompowiec2if yes, what should I change in it?
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19:47.51klaushmm the desktop live should contain make and dkms this is too bad it isn't available
19:50.19klausi can't build the module without it, if i try to build from another system is won't work
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20:01.27klausfsmithred: what should i do with those files created with: sudo b43-fwcutter -w ./firmware1 ./broadcom-wl-5.100.138/linux/wl_apsta.o
20:01.56kompowiec2lib/firmware ?
20:02.03klausi have an installed system, should i place them in /lib/firmware or something?
20:02.28kompowiec2i have broadcom and remember that lib firmware was
20:02.29klausyes but where exactly ..?
20:03.06kompowiec2b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware /linux/wl_apsta.o
20:03.17kompowiec2modprobe b43
20:03.19kompowiec2and reboot
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20:04.12klausthat command (b43-cutter) create 150 files
20:04.33klausshould i just dumb them like that in /lib/firmware ? that seem wrong ?
20:05.48kompowiec2I used to do this and it worked. In slackaware in slackbulid blurs marks with the help of strp command
20:06.17kompowiec2strip command*
20:06.21klauswell, ok i'll try
20:08.37kompowiec2klaus: from what I remember officla devuan installer iso have non-free firmware included by default - and I didn't have to deal with installing the drivers for broadcom
20:11.04klauskompowiec2: apparently it doesn't have this one or i missed something
20:11.53kompowiec2but i know that b43 package should be
20:12.58klausit's broadcom-sta (wl) for me
20:13.55kompowiec2oh well
20:14.03klausand putting all the firmware in /lib/firmware didn't help, the adapter is not recognized, i can't modprobe wl, and nothing works ;)
20:15.16klausit works on ubuntu and debian
20:15.35kompowiec2does exists some packages for broadcom
20:15.58klausyes, it exists the "broadcom-sta" packages
20:16.11kompowiec2dmks ;)
20:16.15klausi can't
20:16.27klausi have no internet and make isn't installed
20:16.37kompowiec2broadcom-sta-dkms internet required? Thats sucks
20:16.47klausit require make
20:16.52klausand gcc
20:16.58klausand few other things
20:17.06klausthat are not installed by default
20:17.51kompowiec2It works for me and have gcc and make
20:18.39kompowiec2tbh without compiler you won't do much unless
20:19.06klausi have no compiler because it is not installed from the iso
20:19.28klausif i had make, then dkms would work
20:19.40klausno make -> no dkms
20:19.47klausno internet -> no make
20:20.12kompowiec2i remember when first install slackare and noto install compiler, ugh
20:20.22kompowiec2slackware and not*
20:20.47klausi tried android usb tethering, it doesn't work either
20:20.57kompowiec2I couldn't get to the internet without it.
20:21.45kompowiec2i think that the worst option remains: connect via ethernet
20:27.27klausah finaly android usb tethering works
20:27.50kompowiec2nice to hear that
20:27.52klausnow i need to enable non-free repo
20:28.06klausif there is such q thing
20:28.15kompowiec2etc sources.list and add non-free
20:30.21klausit is : deb http://----devuan---- ascii-non-free main ?
20:30.45klausor "ascii non-free"  ?
20:32.07klausor "ascii main non-free" maybe ?
20:32.42klauswould that work: sudo apt-add-repository non-free  ?
20:34.04buZzdeb ascii main non-free contrib
20:34.08buZzthats what i got
20:34.11buZzand works
20:34.52klausthanks buZz
20:35.12*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
20:36.54James1138Klaus.. also (using Synaptic), go to "settings" and "repositories" - then add url ""     distribution  "stretch-backports"  sections "main contrib non-free"
20:38.35klausi prefer without synaptic
20:38.41klausbut thanks for telling
20:38.53*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
20:39.20klausit was a bit of a chicken and egg problem
20:39.41klausno make -> no internet, no internet -> no make ;)
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20:59.24klausfsmithred: maybe idealy something could be made, like a script on any working computer to grad the firmware from debian or ubuntu and make an iso out of them, ready to be burned to an external disk with dd,
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20:59.52klausthat iso should probably have a fat32 system from what i read
21:00.50klausso : "dd if=./that_file.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M" and you have something ready to feed to the netinstall
21:02.17klaus*grad -> GRAB i meant
21:03.49klausso that way, you get these files from debian or ubuntu, you are not requiered to pay fee, and the devuan users get a convenient way of having support for their non-free devices
21:04.08klausit's just an idea ..
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21:06.03TwistedFatecan i disable that interface up check thingy during the boot?
21:06.17TwistedFatethe way it slows down my system boot if the network is down is absolutely disgusting
21:06.41TwistedFateand who even implemented that
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21:15.31TwistedFatewhy is this an issue, even years after devuan's release?
21:15.50TwistedFateit's a simple change in the file (hopefully), but can this be modified please?
21:15.57*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
21:16.41TwistedFatesystem boot should not depend on the network status
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21:16.55gnarfacepeople would disagree with that
21:16.59gnarfacejust change the file you baby
21:17.46gnarfaceanyway the problem is neither setting works for everything
21:17.48TwistedFatei fail to see the logic behind waiting on the network to boot the system
21:18.04gnarfacethat's fine, because you're not using it for work
21:18.40gnarfacebut like i said, the issue is neither setting works for everything.  it's down to a difference in hardware/driver features.
21:19.00gnarfaceit probably should be auto-detected in a fair world, but as i understand it, the issue is that the auto-detection is problematic
21:19.15TwistedFatein other distributions i used, the network starts automatically and doesn't affect the boot times
21:19.59gnarfacethen they were configured the other way.  why is that a mystery?
21:20.37gnarfacealso, on the other distros, you weren't using DHCP.  you switched to static IP addresses.  remember?
21:20.51gnarfaceDHCP could be causing a second and completely unrelated delay here
21:21.39gnarfacethere's also a possibility you are missing in your /etc/hosts
21:21.57gnarfaceand i walked you through ALL of this before
21:22.08gnarfacedidn't you keep a backup of /etc from then?
21:22.19gnarfaceit would have been helpful for your reference
21:23.24gnarfaceyou don't even have to have any network configuration in /etc/network/interfaces other than this:
21:23.27gnarfaceauto lo
21:23.27gnarfaceiface lo inet loopback
21:23.49gnarfacethen you could just run a script to configure network after your window manager starts
21:24.22gnarfaceit's not how i would do it, and it's not how you'd want a server configured, but there's nothing stopping you
21:24.30TwistedFateof course, but i was talking about when i used other distros with dhcp too
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21:25.45TwistedFatefor your "average joe" users, things like this would make a bad impression and turn them away from devuan
21:26.03gnarfacebut you aren't "average joe" anymore.  don't be lazy.
21:26.04TwistedFateadmins and such, they already know how they want their network and can easily modify a file
21:26.07TwistedFateor files
21:26.23TwistedFatei'm not, i'm just annoyed that this is still a default after all these years
21:26.29golinuxThat's exactly why there are other distros
21:26.57TwistedFatein times like these, you need the userbase
21:27.01gnarfacethose other distros would have behaved the same exact way, configured the same way.  don't let him blame this on anything other than his lack of attention to detail.
21:27.03TwistedFateespecially now with this systemd disease
21:27.26gnarfaceTwistedFate: this is clearly a mistake you made yourself
21:27.48gnarfaceTwistedFate: i guarantee if you set those "other distros" up in the same fashion then unplug the ethernet cable at boot, they'll do the same thing.
21:27.57TwistedFateyou surely jest? this is the system default
21:28.04gnarfaceit's not though
21:28.12gnarfacethis stuff is all chosen by your choices at installation
21:28.33TwistedFateyes, but default system settings for such a choice
21:29.33gnarfaceit does exactly what you told it to do, and every other distro behaves the same.  the differences are in the steps you took.
21:29.57gnarfaceyou need to have better analytical skills than this knee-jerk trolling
21:30.20TwistedFatewe agree to disagree, i'll leave it at that.
21:32.13gnarfacewell you haven't taken the steps to prove even to yourself that it's not a self-inflicted issue, and you've professed a complete unawareness of that possibility, so i cite that your logic is fundamentally flawed.
21:33.03gnarfaceand this is the second time we've had this argument.
21:33.10gnarfacei'm getting sick of having arguments with you twice.
21:33.35golinuxDeep breath . . .
21:33.43gnarfacetakes a walk
21:34.00golinuxGood idea :)
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21:34.31TwistedFateshame that a walk won't fix a bad default setting.
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21:34.51golinuxHi pekman!
21:35.12pekmanhi golinux
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22:02.59klaushmm trying to install kernel 5.3 gives an error, it says: linux-image-unsigned-5.3xxx-generic depends on linux-base >= 4.5 however version of linux-base on system is 4.5
22:03.52klausi'm trying to install the 5.3rc5 from mainline kernel
22:04.10fsmithredwhat versions of linux-base are available?
22:04.37fsmithrednormally, you just tell apt to install linux-base from the same repo as the kernel you're installing, and it's happy
22:04.48klausdpkg -l |grep linux-base  says just that: "4.5"
22:04.58fsmithredyou in beowulf or ascii?
22:05.54klausi haven't added that ppa, i did like i usualy do on ubuntu, i download the 4 deb i need and i do dpkg -i *.deb
22:06.21fsmithredsee if the same repo has linux-base
22:06.30klaus(linux-image, linux-header-all, linux-header-generic , linux-modules)
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22:08.09fsmithreddid you check debian experimental to see what kernel is there?
22:08.56klausi get them from there
22:09.10klausfsmithred: no, how do i do that ?
22:10.00fsmithredyou can search at
22:10.07fsmithredbut I tried and got nothing
22:10.15fsmithredhowever, 5.2 is in sid/ceres
22:11.00fsmithredlinux-image-5.2.0-2-amd64 in ceres
22:11.26klausalso about the method you pasted earlier for the broadcom-sta drivers, apparently it won't work with more recent kernel,
22:11.33klausi did find this though:
22:11.44klausit is patched for more recent kernels
22:11.56fsmithredI think there were a couple of methods mentioned in that email
22:12.16klausthey all more or less relied on b43-cutter thing
22:12.48klausthere's an 'all' too much now ;)
22:12.53fsmithredI thought it was possible to get the driver and copy it into /lib/firmware/b43/
22:13.09fsmithredonce you figured out which one was right for your hardware
22:13.14klausi did try that without success unfortunately, but
22:13.28klausthanks for the help, the email pas te and all
22:13.35fsmithredanyway, to answer your other comment about making an iso...
22:14.08*** join/#devuan Xenguy__ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
22:14.42fsmithredyou could boot the desktop live on a computer that does have network, install the driver you need, create a live-iso with refractasnapshot, and use that to install on your system
22:14.56fsmithredyou'd need a second usb or some other storage space to make the iso
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22:17.49klausthe margin for error is large, and the necessary steps too, but why not.. all i'm saying is maybe having a page on devuan detailing the action needed to get support for non-free hardware would be nice
22:18.22klauseither this solution you suggest or another, but something explained so users could follow that procedure
22:19.40klausidealy something that package all the non-free in one big batch seemed to me a fool proof way of doing that
22:20.04klausinstead of trying to explain all steps for each different non-free stuffs
22:20.37klauspackaging it all, have user plug that into the installer and off they go ..
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22:24.02fsmithredwe already do that with the ones we can do
22:24.15fsmithredbut we can't distribute that one
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22:25.18fsmithredas I said before, the broadcom firmware packages just download the driver. It's not included in the package like it is for other firmwares.
22:25.25fsmithredfor licensing reasons
22:27.33klausyou must have missed the point where i was saying: release just a script
22:27.45klausso you don't have to pay for nothing
22:27.56fsmithredthere's nothing to pay
22:27.58klausi never said package the non free stuffs
22:28.12klausyou were the one speaking of fees earlier
22:28.15fsmithrednon-free refers to the freedom to see the source code
22:28.26plasma41I've never understood the logic of companies restricting redistribution of software they release gratis.
22:28.51fsmithredyeah, the license agreement says whoever distributes the driver gets to pay for broadcom's lawyers if broadcom gets sued
22:29.03klauswhatever the reason, i was just arguing, there's way to support non-free without packaging it
22:29.40klausnamely: from a script that grab the stuff from others and make a iso of it. it's all from the user side.
22:30.21klausand when i say "make an iso" i'm not speaking of actualy build a full system iso
22:30.55klausjust a iso that contain the nonfree stuff, that can be given to eat to the installer from external drive
22:31.19fsmithredthe installer already has the ability to take a driver from a usb stick
22:31.44klausyes and like you where saying in your email paste, it's really clunky and cumbersome
22:31.47fsmithredbut I guess it's not so easy to use. I've never tried it.
22:32.15klausit need a fat32 filesystem and specific directory structure apparently
22:33.15klausthe installer
22:33.44fsmithredwe're talking about supplying broadcom driver on a usb stick for the installer to use
22:34.16fsmithredspecifically, the broadcom driver that requires you to have an internet connection to get the driver that makes your internet work
22:34.29klausit accept loading stuffs from and external drive, but the drive need to be fat32, and files placed in a directory and all other whims and shortcomings from the installer
22:35.01klausby the way i loved how it looked, it's dialog based right?
22:35.40klausi thought it was home made
22:35.41fsmithredI think so. I know it uses ncurses
22:35.42rrqso give it a loop-back fat32 image to play with, then (?)
22:35.52fsmithredno, refractainstaller is the home made one
22:36.31fsmithredwell, you still need to transport the file on some physical medium
22:36.46klausmy other laptop won't be so tricky its hardware is better supported and free
22:37.13klausit's just i wanted to try devuan a bit before installing it on my main laptop
22:37.28klausso far it's nice
22:37.30fsmithredoh, there might be a way to do it using both laptops
22:37.51klauslike how?
22:38.40fsmithredoh, no. You'd need ethernet ports to connect the two laptops with what I'm thinking
22:39.22fsmithredif you have a sata-usb connector, you could pull the hard drive and plug it into the working computer
22:39.24klausmaybe the android tethering would work from netinstall ?
22:39.35fsmithredand then mount it and chroot in to install the driver
22:39.44klausif yes then that the simpliest
22:41.15klauswhat you said coyld work and would have been more simple, i hadn't tought about it
22:42.42klausanyway, apparently these ubuntu kernels from ppa mainline can't be used
22:42.56klausi tried another one and it failed too
22:43.02klauson the same error
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22:43.45klausi need to look for a new source of fresh kernels
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22:47.06rrqah? you need a new/special kernel as well as a networing driver?
22:47.39fsmithred4.19 in ascii-backports
22:48.23fsmithredthe 5.2 in ceres might work
22:48.44fsmithredyou can download debs from
22:48.50klausrrq: i don't need a special kernel, i just would like to use a newer one, something froom the 5.x
22:49.10klausfsmithred: i look
22:49.21fsmithredsearch in unstable release
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22:49.29klausthanks for the link.. i realize i'm more used to ubuntu than debian
22:49.51fsmithredyeah, there are some differences
22:52.21klausthe file listing is a bit weird on
22:52.42klausi'd prefer something like a plain html index
22:52.51klausdirect file listing
22:53.16fsmithredgo to the package page and at the bottom are links to the packages
22:53.37klausi'm looking at:
22:53.47klausin there i see there is 5.2
22:53.52klausis that correct?
22:54.48klausthanks for the linux
22:54.51klausi mean
22:54.54klauslink ;)
22:55.05fsmithredyou could add a ceres line to sources.list, update, install linux-image-5-whatever and linux-base
22:55.13fsmithredand then get rid of that line
22:55.15klausthat would be good
22:55.27klauswhat would the line look like ?
22:55.34fsmithredsafer if you know how to pin it to a low priority, so you don't accidentally get stuff from ceres
22:55.45rrq(don't forget the pinning!!)
22:55.46fsmithreddeb ceres main
22:55.57klausrrq: well, i have never done that
22:56.18fsmithredhang on and I'll give you an example
22:57.01fsmithredput the following in a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d/
22:57.04fsmithredPackage: *
22:57.04fsmithredPin: release n=ceres
22:57.04fsmithredPin-Priority: 50
22:57.13fsmithredname it what you want
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22:57.31fsmithredthen when you install the packages...
22:57.41fsmithredapt-get -t ceres install blah...
22:59.12klausthank's great.. i test
22:59.45fsmithredI actually read it the way you meant it.
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23:10.37klausworked well
23:11.06klausi make a note of all that
23:14.06fsmithredit's generally safe to selectively add packages from unstable/sid/ceres into testing
23:14.26fsmithredbut right now, our testing is debian's stable, so ceres and beowulf will diverge over time
23:16.18klauswhat the difference between ceres and beowulf ? these are both devuan unstable distro for testing ?
23:16.50klausi mean, the putting together the future release ?
23:17.07klausbut then why 2 (ceres and beowulf)
23:20.08klausthat link contain neither word ceres nor beofulf
23:20.17klausand beowulf also :)
23:20.33drawkuladeVUan uses the stable/testing/unstable scheme like deBIan does
23:20.47klausah i see
23:20.51drawkulaso apart from different release names that text mostly applies
23:21.18gnarfaceexcept deVUan falls behind a bit after deBIan releases, which is the current state of things
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23:21.24klausok so i'll read that link you pasted to learn about the differences between testing and unstable
23:22.11drawkulahad a looooong day and >6½hrs with an awk beginner... normally I'm a bit more verbose than now
23:23.31klausi mean i've read the differences
23:24.31klausabout you last sentence, no worries i understand and also thanks for the link
23:25.53klauswell.. it's a great day today..
23:26.04klausmy home is finally systemd free
23:26.36onefangHave you checked your toaster, microwave oven, and washing machines?
23:27.01klausi mean, he got the benefit of the doubt for years.. now it's enough with his sh...
23:27.38klausone yea.. better double check we can never be too prudent
23:29.15klausthat dude he can sneak crappy services just in about any corner
23:34.56drawkulaapropos... I stumbled today over
23:35.06drawkulasystemd-free again
23:35.52debdogtotally fogot about that tihngy
23:36.02debdogafter grml, which went systemd
23:36.55debdogthink even systemrescuecd went systemd
23:37.01klausknoppix used to be popular a few years ago, maybe a decade
23:37.41klausthen it faded a bit, did he take a long pause and slipped out of the radar?
23:39.03gnarfacei think all the major distros just copied what he was doing so it wasn't needed anymore
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23:41.32klausi see..
23:42.02klausdistrowatch lists: knoppix-autoconfig instead of systemd
23:42.37klausthat's about the only clue i could get that it wasn't using it anymore, there's not a single mention of it on his site as far as i could tell
23:43.35fsmithredyeah, he got rid of systemd. There's discussion about it on forum.
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23:46.26fsmithredthe video was interesting
23:46.58fsmithredbasically, what it came down to is that he didn't need that complexity for a live DVD
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23:47.30klaushe's just being polite ;)
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