IRC log for #devuan on 20190817

00:02.55*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@
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00:17.06*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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01:30.05nexgenhello, please let me know, what is the easiest method to copy the latest deb file for the ascii release?
01:30.31furrywolfnexgen:  I'm not sure what you're asking.
01:30.40nexgenit seems apt-mirror copied debian instead of devuan
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01:31.09furrywolfdevuan is the same as debian except for ~300 packages
01:31.28furrywolfso if you try getting everything, the vast majority of it will be debian packages.
01:31.41nexgenthere is a directory /var/cache/apt/archives/
01:31.52nexgenit is populated during apt-get
01:32.04nexgenI share it via NSF for all my hosts
01:32.26furrywolfthat should work fine
01:32.31nexgenI would like to copy all (not only installed) deb files into this directory from Devuan repository
01:32.46nexgenfrom internet to /var/cache/apt/archives/
01:32.54furrywolfno, you don't want to do that.  That would be very, very large.  :)
01:33.05nexgendoes not matter
01:33.23nexgenI do not care, it is a big ZFS pool
01:33.59nexgensometime connection lost may matter much more
01:34.05furrywolfyou can use any mirroring tool to download all the debs from a mirror into that directory.  wget, for example.  but I really think you should think twice about doing that.  if you want to run a local mirror, there are better ways than dumping a million debs into one directory.
01:35.08nexgenplease suggest one
01:36.25furrywolfmirror the entire mirror directory structure, and use it as an apt source, rather than dumping everything into the cache directory.
01:36.56furrywolfand then make it internet-accessible to repay the world for all the bandwidth you just used, too.  :)
01:37.22furrywolfyou do realize this is like 3TB, right?
01:37.56DonkeyHoteiwget is actually not allowed for that. you must use rsync instead
01:39.20nexgenplease suggest an url from which I can download packages for the ascii
01:39.55furrywolfuse the fastest mirror from the mirror list.
01:40.23nexgenbtw, apt-mirror produced only 150GB in /var/spool/apt-mirror/mirror/
01:41.14*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
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01:55.37nexgenapt-get --print-uris install
01:55.49nexgenindicates actual full URL
01:56.31nexgenbut I do not see a release name in the URL
01:56.53nexgenhow to distinguish jessie vs ascii, etc?
01:59.19*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@
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02:36.04rrqnexgen: the sources.list points identify Packages files in /var/lib/apt/lists that define the contents of those sources.lists points.
02:36.53nexgenI know which release is pointed to from my source.list
02:37.15nexgenbut I cannot understand where it is indicated in the URL
02:38.05nexgenwhere release is in the url
02:38.12rrqthe Packages files tell which packages there are
02:38.32nexgenor do all releases pull their files from the same URL?
02:38.43rrqthe packages of all distributions/variants is in the same pool of packages
02:39.32rrqit's the Packages files in /var/lib/apt/lists that define what each "distibution/section" is
02:41.13nexgencan you please refer me to a devuan package example, may be it is marked somehow in the dpkg -al output
02:41.24nexgenmost likely openrc is a good example
02:42.08rrqmy "apt-cache policy openrc" gives the following:
02:42.43rrqbecause I have manydown-pinned source.list points
02:43.29nexgenhere are no actual full URLs for which I am looking for
02:44.17nexgenhow DEVUAN vs DEBIAN part is handled at URL resolution time?
02:44.26nexgenis it some time of redirection?
02:44.34nexgensome *type
02:45.10rrqright.. yes, that's supposed to be handled by the web server's re-write rules
02:46.08nexgenmay be that is why I did not see different releases in DEBIAN pool before
02:46.10nexgennot sure
02:48.45nexgenif i try to open above /devuan/pool/
02:48.57nexgenI get not found if came via redirection
02:49.23nexgenhow to see above
02:49.32nexgenI would like to choose a release
02:50.01nexgenmost likely I have to specify actual mirror to which it is redirected
02:50.47rrqwell pkgmaster onl holds the devuan pool, not the debian pool
02:51.41nexgenbtw, do you agree with a statement that Debian was attacked by corporates and ended with a systemD without alternatives?
02:52.13nexgenso Devuan is more like olf Debian now than Debian is now
02:52.45nexgenattacked by *corporations
02:54.29nexgenwhat if the want to attack Devuan too in some way?
02:54.32nexgenfork again?
02:54.44nexgenI guess an attack is done onto the leads
02:55.23nexgenwhen they pawn the control over leads they direct the whole thing into a wrong (for the community) direction
02:55.50fsmithredthis is not the place to discuss that, but I'll say if you knew the devuan devs, you'd know how unlikely that possibility is
02:55.52nexgenand someones who did not agree have to leave and fork
02:56.06nexgenI am just a user
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08:56.12drizztnexgen: that's way more complicated
08:56.37drizztthere are alternatives in debian, but using them is a real pain
08:57.18drizztand the fork happend because when we told debian devs that many people did not want to have systemd they told that :
08:59.15drizzt- devs have the lead and are the only ones responsible for taking decisions (packagers in fact, as they are not devs, the devs are those who wrote the thouthands of softwares so they can package them, but they don't care about users, even when they are the ones who wrote the softwares)
09:00.12drizzt- there is no way (from their point of view) to know what the users want, so they (the debian packagers) don't care
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09:01.52drizzt- if someone is not happy with that (even if that breaks point 4 of the Debian Social Contract : Our priorities are our users and free software) then he should fork
09:04.04drizztso the fork finaly happened, after days and months of flame trying to get them understand that many disagreed and a barely more than 50% vote in favor of systemd
09:05.18drizztand then, many debian devs said "hey, why did you fork ? this has split the community and many devs have left debian, you should stop your fork and come back to us"
09:07.00drizztthis may be a little bit biased, but quite a good recap from my point of view
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10:58.58KjetilSomeone know how to disable elogind from logging to dmesg?
11:02.47gnarfacei think rsyslogd controls that
11:03.00gnarfaceor, some syslogd.  there are more than one, iirc
11:03.13gnarfacemaybe just two though
11:04.47gnarfaceif i'm wrong about it being a syslog daemon that controls it, just check the command-line options in whatever init script launches it
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15:10.54kreyrenrequesting devuan mirror for packages
15:11.27kreyren got it
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