IRC log for #devuan on 20190816

00:05.15*** join/#devuan Criggie (
00:11.34CriggieI'm stunned - set up a small test VM and installing Devuan Ascii, and 256 MB ram was not enough to install.
00:16.34*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:16.34*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
00:16.34*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:16.57*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
00:21.42TwistedFatehmm '-soundhw hda' freezes the machine upon boot
00:21.52TwistedFate'soundhw ac97' works like a charm though
00:22.10TwistedFate'-soundhw ac97'*
00:25.25TwistedFatei'm pretty impressed with the qemu/kvm right now O_o
00:27.24TwistedFatepreviously it was stuttery, must have been missing some flags
00:28.11gnarfacei told you so
00:28.53TwistedFatei see gnarface wrote something, but i don't see what :3
00:33.41TwistedFatenow i only need to figure out networking :P
00:36.15fsmithredme too
00:37.24fsmithredall the howtos I've seen are incomplete
00:39.04TwistedFateit's a pain in the butt
00:39.34TwistedFatei want to create a couple of virtual machines and connect them
00:39.58TwistedFateand also have them connected to the internet
00:45.09fsmithredso you want bridged network
00:45.21fsmithredI've got that working, but it's not ideal
00:45.35fsmithredif I boot two live CDs, they both get the same ip address
00:45.54fsmithredif I boot a virtual hard disk, I can set a static ip that's unique
00:46.12fsmithredthey're all getting addresses from my router
00:46.55fsmithredI tried messing with macvtap today, but I couldn't get it to work
00:49.57rrquse a vde_switch (vde2) to a tap in a bridge joined with eth0
00:50.44fsmithredthat wasn't in the instructions
00:50.44rrqalso make sure the VM's nic have different mac addresses
00:51.03fsmithredyeah, about that address
00:51.12fsmithredI get "invalid PCI address"
00:51.28fsmithreddon't look like a pci address in the example
00:51.41fsmithredlooks just like a mac address, and that's what they call it
00:52.07rrqno it's a mac address = 6 bytes starting with an byte
00:52.20rrqan even byte
00:52.21fsmithredVM's mac address needs to be different from macvtap0's address, or the same?
00:52.35fsmithredso qemu is confused?
00:52.45rrqdifferent ... "two ends of a cable"
00:52.46fsmithredor my instructions are old and don't match current options
00:53.36fsmithredis there some place that explains what I'm allowed to use as a mac address?
00:53.57fsmithredI made up one that got rejected
00:54.10rrqthere's a wikipedia page :) .. anythig starting with 02: is fine
00:54.18rrqor 04
00:54.23rrqor 06
00:54.33fsmithredwhy don't the examples start with that?
00:54.46fsmithredscratch that question
00:55.01fsmithredno way for you to know what was in the minds of the authors
00:55.43rrqactually 06 might be taken by a vendor... use 02 or 04
00:56.22rrqI think they are "private mac addresses"
00:56.31rrqthere's a wikipedia page
00:57.58rrqwith "vde_switch (vde2) to a tap in a bridge joined with eth0" you've got a local "switch" for the qemu to attach to
00:59.11rrqand their dhcp requests go out to your dhcp server, with their macaddresses
00:59.46rrqresponses channelled back by the bridge and the vde_switch
01:00.47rrqno ip for the tap, nor the bridge, but they need to be "up"
01:02.18fsmithredok, thanks
01:02.53*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:03.49fsmithredtime for food
01:11.31*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
01:13.04rrqwhile eating, you might ponder on that the vde_switch set up lets you run the qemu as non-root user(s) ...
01:14.49TwistedFatewhat? i run qemu as a non-root user without that
01:16.48rrq.. with its "user mode networking" I suppose?
01:18.24rrqalso possible with a tap, if root gives user ownership of the tap
01:21.19rrqI use the vde_switch set up on the basis it's high-performance and without further root admin
01:22.53rrq(and it lets me go crazy with other virtual cabling :))
01:40.52*** join/#devuan rdav (
01:44.12TwistedFaterrq: ehh, i guess so.. i'm still experimenting, haven't figured it out yet
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