IRC log for #devuan on 20190815

00:19.06*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:19.06*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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00:33.15*** part/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)
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01:14.50aslansorry, i just got out of the hospital last week and still adjusting to being home.
01:15.58furrywolfhas an aslan jaguar, and wonders if the nick is any relation...
01:17.53aslanfurrywolf: think c.s.lewis
01:18.30furrywolfI never read much fiction...
01:18.30aslangnarface: beowulf out by end of year?
01:19.21furrywolf(I've never read any of c.s. lewis's works)
01:19.26aslanfurrywolf: c.s.lewis, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe. Narnia Series
01:19.48aslanfurrywolf: watch the movie.
01:20.23aslangnarface: how have you been?
01:20.35furrywolfI don't like movies.  lol
01:20.35aslangnarface: long long time no read
01:20.43furrywolfin any case, oh well, nothing to do with my favorite toys.
01:21.16aslanlaying in a hospital movies and audiobooks are all I had to keep me sane.
01:21.44gnarfaceaslan: i haven't heard anything official.  last i heard they were still casually polling for an inventory of broken packages
01:22.20gnarfaceaslan: i don't think the end of the year is impossible, but i don't think the process is that easy to predict because volunteer time fluctuates so wildly
01:22.29aslanah. okay. I have been out of circulation since last December
01:22.48gnarfaceseveral people have reported beowulf works fine for them
01:23.17gnarfacei think there are some known breakages with permissions backends and gui login prompt stuff still (the usual suspects)
01:23.36aslangnarface: is there an installer for beowulf?
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01:24.23gnarfaceaslan: last i heard no, aside from an unofficial build of the mini.iso
01:24.53gnarfaceaslan: people are mostly just doing a clean ascii netinstall and then upgrading from that
01:25.05aslangnarface: how would I go about to install beowulf on  a test disk?
01:25.26aslangnarface: ah, i see you answered it.
01:25.33gnarfacewell you could use debootstrap instead
01:25.39gnarfacethat is also an option
01:25.42*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:26.03aslangnarface: is there a new installer for ascii?
01:26.12gnarfaceyea that has been available
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01:28.03gnarfaceaslan: all under here:
01:28.17gnarfaceARM stuff in the embedded subdirectory
01:28.36gnarfaceregular installers in the installer-iso directory
01:28.58aslani lost two hard drives the day after i was released from the hispotail. ComEd "blinked" the power twice at 23:00 hours. the hard drives were spin down when power was restored and they started to spin up then it "blinked" again. the hard drives just gave up
01:29.48gnarfacepower is quite unprofessionally managed here too, so i just started putting everything i care about on battery backup
01:30.07gnarfaceover a long enough time frame i learned it actually saves money
01:30.22aslancrashed all my machines. the macs and raspberry pi recovered fine. the intel/amd boxes not so well
01:31.47aslani need to get 6 deep discharge marine batteries for the inverter.
01:32.25gnarfaceso, this keeps coming up, but someone once told me that there is nothing different about marine batteries except the housing.
01:32.35furrywolfheh, I have 40 golf cart batteries.  batteries suck.  :)
01:32.48aslanI would like to get a few of the 24volt or 48volt telephone company batteries.
01:33.30gnarfacei.e., marine batteries just cost extra because they can survive being on a boat at sea for longer, which is a very harsh environment with high temperature fluctuations.  theoretically just regular generic car lead-acid batteries should work just as well for deep cycling as long as you keep them out of the sun
01:33.50furrywolfgnarface:  a starting battery has lots of thin plates.  they provide lots of current, but wear out quickly if cycled.  a marine battery has a medium number of medium thickness plates.  they provide moderate current and can be cycled a few times.  deep cycle batteries have big thick plates, which makes it so they can't put out much current, but you can cycle them a bunch before the plates crack, dump off all the lead paste, etc.
01:33.59aslana friend has those but they are large and heavy. not easy for a person in a wheelchair to deal with.
01:34.09furrywolfno.  a car battery gets about a dozen deep cycles before you have scrap lead.  heh.
01:34.11gnarfacethat's just something someone told me who claims to have tested themselves in their garage, i haven't tested this theory myself.  i'd make sure to have some sort of plastic acid-proof mat or bucket in case of ruptures
01:34.54furrywolfmarine batteries still aren't good for repetitive cycling, but they'll handle it better than a car starting battery.  for repetitive cycling, you should get a proper deep cycle.
01:35.01gnarfacefurrywolf: that's interesting information.  the person who told me they were the same though did claim to have cracked several open to check
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01:35.40furrywolfand he's wrong about the one difference he says...  the cases are exactly the same.  lol
01:35.49furrywolfsame polypropylene cases as everything else
01:36.27gnarfacei'll have to see if i can get him to give me some specific brand names he tried this comparison with
01:38.03furrywolfit's possible that some brands are putting shitty starting batteries in cases with marine stickers stuck to them...  would not surprise me one bit.  but a proper marine battery is halfway between a starting battery and a deepcycle battery.
01:38.42aslanfurrywolf: you need some tesla batteries
01:38.55furrywolfmarine batteries are combination starting/cycling batteries...  and not really good at either one.  all proper setups use starting batteries for the engine and deep cycle batteries for the house loads.
01:40.23furrywolfonly place I use marine batteries is my subaru, because it needs to both start the engine, and be able to run my inverter and such without damage.  otherwise I use seperate starting/house banks for everything.
01:40.42furrywolfnot much room to put a row of L16s in the subaru.  :)
01:41.32aslanwell i have to go, it is morphine time.
01:41.38aslanbye for now
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14:04.16nemofurrywolf: huh. interesting. I assumed marine batteries were mostly about corrosion resistance and avoiding shorts due to salt air
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14:48.22furrywolfno.  other than including studs as well as sae posts, their construction is identical.
14:48.26furrywolf(external construction)
14:52.03nemofurrywolf: since you know something about batteries clearly
14:52.14nemosomeone I know bought a cabin, out in middle of nowhere so he put in solar panels
14:52.42nemofurrywolf: he was hoping to improve the usefulness of them with something like musk's "solar wall" but I guess home made
14:53.14nemofurrywolf: trick is, he's not there very often, the cabin is in middle of canadian wilderness so temperatures in winter would be often far below freezing
14:53.56nemofurrywolf: was wondering what the tricks were for ensuring batteries continue to charge in a situation like that.  large temperature swings, often below 0°C
14:54.06nemoI'm guessing you can't just insulate without risking overheating in discharging
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15:32.32djphnemo: what battery chemistry?
15:33.58furrywolfinsulation combined with a vent fan
15:34.40furrywolfmake sure you have enough solar to keep them fully charged; discharged batteries freeze at a much higher temperature than charged batteries.
15:35.24furrywolfmany charge controllers have an option to switch on a vent fan during charging to vent hydrogen.  heating during discharging is pretty much a non-issue.  if discharging is making your batteries hot, you have a severely undersized battery bank.
15:35.34Evilham:-D can this move tpmo the OT channel?
15:35.54Evilham#debianfork IIRC
15:36.51EvilhamItll make it easier for those who catch up with the channel history
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17:53.30AlexLikeRockgood morning
17:55.48AlexLikeRocki have duplicate signals at KDE-Network manager
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23:24.03TwistedFatewoah, '-enable-kvm' speeds qemu quite a bit
23:24.25debdog: true
23:24.40rrqis also using -cpu host
23:25.07TwistedFaterrq: does it emulate cpu unless that flag is specified?
23:25.17rrqI believe so
23:25.42TwistedFateit does, drat >.<
23:26.26rrqthen I'm also using "-smp cpus=4,cores=4" since I don't do anything useful on the host anyhow
23:30.24TwistedFateweird, it still emulates the cpu when i specify -cpu host
23:31.29rrqok. didn't know that.
23:33.34DonkeyHoteii typically invoke "kvm" rather than "qemu"
23:34.01DonkeyHoteithey are the same executable, but the former assumes '-enable-kvm' by default
23:34.23DonkeyHoteimakes the full command visibly shorter
23:37.59rrqI'm typically using ./$ as I'm too lazy to try to remember the particulars for each $VM :)
23:39.21DonkeyHoteiyes, but ./$ invokes a command
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23:42.07rrqindeed. and I shouldn't pretend to be too old to learn... though I haven't got/set the kvm link (yet)
23:44.21DonkeyHoteirrq: apt-get install qemu-kvm
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