IRC log for #devuan on 20190810

06:14.01*** join/#devuan infobot (
06:14.01*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
06:14.01*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
06:16.22*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
06:44.44dacav_drizzt: Thanks for your help.  Yes, I've stumbled into a couple of articles about settings for the shared UART... The Pi3 image is a vanilla image, downloaded from the devuan site. But I'll read up the link you sent me.  Thanks :)
07:16.55*** join/#devuan agris (
07:17.18agrisHello, How do I generate a backported package?
07:18.06agrisI want to install cgit v1.2.1 but all that exists in stable is 1.1 and apt-get install -t ascii-backports cgit doesn't seem to change anything
07:23.39*** join/#devuan nexgen (~nexgen@
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07:38.39drawkulagrab debian's deb-src of it and rebuild it on ascii?
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07:44.52agrisand anybody have any idea why I can't set any ip6tables?
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08:21.44*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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09:08.19drizztagris: you can also try to change your source.list to add unstable, update the latest version, and switch back.
09:08.54drizztOr you can download the .deb and install the package using dpkg -i
09:12.28drizztagris: and for iptables, the people handling iptables packages seem to have a big personnal problem ... they replaced the content of iptables by nft
09:13.30drizztinstead of creating a new package which does not break every system
09:13.58agriswhat the fuck
09:14.05drizzttheir new solution is not yet fully functionnal, so they had to impose it on everyone
09:14.13drizztthink about systemd ...
09:14.21drizztyou hopefully should have /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy
09:14.27agriswhat is this? gtk3 but for network administrators?
09:14.40drizztremove the link /usr/sbin/ip6tables
09:14.42agriswho did this? netfilter or debian?
09:14.49drizztand ls -s /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy /usr/sbin/ip6tables
09:14.59drizztand ln -s /usr/sbin/ip6tables-legacy /usr/sbin/ip6tables
09:15.04drizztnot ls
09:15.39drizztwho ? don't know ... don't have time anymore to argue with debian maintainers
09:15.53agrisiptables isn't even stable yet, how can we be switching?
09:16.17agrisip6tables doesn't handle connection filtering on FF02 addresses 100% correctly yet
09:16.33drizztthey will always tell users that thezy know nothing, that it's not their fault but another package fault, or such kind of things
09:16.53agrisso is this it? Is debian kicking everything they stood for in the bucket?
09:17.38drizztagris: nft is the new framework in the kernel from what I understood, in order to solve many ip/xt/nf tables problems
09:18.01*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (~amarsh04@
09:18.19drizztbut it's not yet a replacement of ip/xt/nf tables as some parts are not working yet
09:18.31drizztand it's a new tool, which needs to be tested
09:18.48agrisIthat's not the debian way
09:18.49drizztand the command syntaxe is not compatible with iptables one
09:19.41drizztbut they say it's simpler (the syntax) ... but it's not the case from my point of view
09:19.47drizztit's unreadable
09:20.48drizztoptions do not have dashes anymore, so you get long lines and no clue to what is an option name and what is the option argument
09:21.49agrisi'm all for getting a PF like syntax for Linux but not being the beta tester of an experimental implementation
09:22.11drizztand the worst is the fact that being unable to make somthing good, they had to replace a working tool by their new shit to force others to test and use it, breaking all machines using it
09:23.28drizztbut debian doesn't care anymore about users.
09:24.19drizztBug reported : won't be fixed
09:25.11drizztsystemd creator even writes that they wont fix until somone manages to make an exploit of the bug :
09:25.26drizzt(one they notice ...)
09:26.03drizztthat's how they think security works ...
09:26.30drizztanyway, gotta fo, have fun :)
09:27.14*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
09:34.44EvilhamHum, I've actually used nftables quite successfully since ascii/stretch
09:35.36EvilhamBut I was indeed surprised to see that it was being pushed that way for buster
09:40.43*** join/#devuan poontangmessiah_ (~poontangm@unaffiliated/poontangmessiah)
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10:39.07drizztEvilham: ho, it's far from unusable, but nft websites states that some parts are still missing
10:39.34drizztand breaking systems to force them to move to nft is stupid
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10:39.59drizztmany (most ?) people will do the exact opposite
10:40.48EvilhamYup, it was a bit rushed
10:46.06drizztsame as systemd ... seems to be the new debian way (or same for all major distributions ?)
10:46.13*** join/#devuan DarkUranium (
10:46.45drizztmakes me feel it's as good as systemd ...
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17:36.25grayriderwhy is "nethack" installed by default??
17:38.54Jjp137by any chance, did you select the console productivity task during install? for some reason, nethack-console is a recommended package of task-console-productivity, and iirc recommends are enabled by default
17:38.59Jjp137otherwise, I have no idea
17:41.05*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
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17:51.56grayriderlook at the source code for nethack.  Disguised as dungeons and dragons.
17:52.04*** join/#devuan Akuli (
17:52.13*** join/#devuan cd (~cd@unaffiliated/cd)
17:53.08grayriderI think I did select console productivity now that you mention it.  Live and learn.
17:54.37grayriderLooks like a typical trojan
18:03.52jonadabNetHack is a game.  Not sure why it would be recommended by a productivity package.
18:04.05jonadabI mean, it's a _good_ game, but I'm not sure how that qualifies as productive.
18:05.15jonadabRather the opposite, if anything.  You start playing, and five years later you realize you haven't done anything productive ad interim.
18:12.41*** join/#devuan devuan (~devuan@2a02:8070:1ae:c900:a2ed:cdff:feaa:f345)
18:13.02devuanHello, i have problem with xfce4-terminal.It simply does not dispaly the output of w,who and users command.Any idea what is wrong?thanks
18:34.42*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
18:50.54retakdoes it output from other programs like ls? ^^
19:01.22*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
19:14.20*** join/#devuan devuan (~devuan@2a02:8070:1ae:c900:a2ed:cdff:feaa:f345)
19:14.59devuan1Hello, i have problem with xfce4-terminal.It simply does not dispaly the output of w,who and users command.Any idea what is wrong?thanks
19:17.33retakdevuan1, what is with commands like ls? ^^
19:19.24devuan1retak: everything is all right with other commands.Just the mentioned three commands does not work in xfce-terminal and mate -terminal.In xterm and uxterm they are working
19:20.01retakstrange. this commands does nothing special else then the others
19:20.17retakmaybe no user is logged in? :D
19:21.16Akuliseems like 'who' shows a list of xterms that are currently running, but mate-terminals don't show up in the list
19:21.27Akulii opened multiple xterms and saw them all in 'who' output
19:22.57fsmithredwho gives no output here (ascii) but w does.
19:23.02devuan1retak:When i encountered this behavior i tried to reset both terminals, it worked once, i could get the correct output,but afterwards it just stoped.This is what i get
19:23.09fsmithredsort of...
19:23.19fsmithred0 users
19:23.24Akulitry opening up a bunch of xterms
19:23.41fsmithredi guess I don't count
19:24.13devuan1Akuli: it works in Xterm and Uxterm but xfce-terminal and mate-terminal nothing
19:24.14fsmithredfrom the current terminal or from somewhere else?
19:24.41Akulidevuan1, open 3 or so xterms and uxterms, then while they are open, run 'who' in mate-terminal
19:25.03Akuliif i don't close or open terminals, i always get the same output in every terminal
19:26.00fsmithredyeah, mine lists the tree xterms
19:26.24fsmithredxfce-term is not counted, even if I run 'who' from the xterm
19:26.25devuan1Akuli:Yes now i can see the output in xfce-terminal
19:26.31*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:26.49_abc_Is the firefox on devuan ascii mainline immune against the exploits mentioned here: ??
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19:27.09devuan1Akuli: as said just tree xterms no xfce-term
19:28.30Akulii think the terminals are starting bash differently
19:28.41Akuliif i log in from a tty, i see it in 'who' output
19:29.48_abc_bash started withouth - is not a login shell and not in who
19:30.22Akulix session works without a login shell?
19:30.36_abc_x session itself usually logs itself as a "login"
19:30.43devuan1As i said at the begining it displayed the output twice but since then it does not show anything
19:30.46_abc_terminals have the choice to do that too or not
19:31.28_abc_f.ex. now I'm on ascii and w shows no-one home, only X11 session is on, with several xfce4-terminals open
19:31.39_abc_This is in fact a failure of the system but a small one
19:32.17_abc_Also last and lastlog lie in that a lot of people did never log in.
19:32.31fsmithred_abc_, ^^^ firefox-esr
19:32.45_abc_fsmithred: but are they fixed in esr? I'm on the latest esr
19:33.17_abc_stretch is ascii no?
19:33.20fsmithred60.8 in ascii is fixed
19:33.23Akuli$ firefox --version
19:33.24AkuliMozilla Firefox 60.8.0
19:33.36_abc_I also have 60.8.0esr
19:33.51_abc_fsmithred: can I /query you?
19:33.52Akuliarray.pop lol
19:34.06fsmithredit's in ascii-security
19:34.12fsmithredand also jessie-security
19:34.21fsmithredyes, pm please
19:38.33devuan1So i guess its a bug and should be reported
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