IRC log for #devuan on 20190804

00:05.15gnarfaceServiceRobot: my advice is don't
00:05.35gnarfacejust don't try to cripple it before you actually get it working
00:06.24gnarfaceit depends on sysvinit stuff for compatibility purposes
00:10.49ServiceRobotit doesn't depend directly on it though. it is possible to use openrc-init. otherwise it might as well not exist
00:14.37gnarfaceagris: can you help this guy out by any chance? ^
00:16.16agrisServiceRobot, what does /etc/init.d/rcS contain?
00:19.43golinuxServiceRobot: I've heard that in Devuan you still need the the sysvinit scripts.
00:20.14ServiceRobotyes, you still need the initscripts package, but you don't need sysvinit-core I believe
00:20.35ServiceRobotopenrc-init should be able to handle it, as long as you manually install an agetty service
00:21.40*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:21.40*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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00:22.02golinuxToo bad that KatolaZ isn't around these days
00:22.15golinuxsheds a tear . . .
00:36.58*** join/#devuan xrogaan (~xrogaan@unaffiliated/xrogaan)
00:42.44golinuxYou don't have a search engine?
00:43.32ServiceRobotI mean, there's more than one KatolaZ on google...
00:46.04agrisServiceRobot, installing OpenRC in Devuan currently does not provide openrc-supervisory
00:46.57ServiceRobotbecause all the scripts are for sysvinit? I guess using openrc at all is a waste of time then?
00:47.08agrisas you'll see when a script isn't using #!/sbin/openrc-run or is overriding the start() function it's basically in sysV compatibility mode with start-stop-daemon supervisory
00:47.41agrisbut start-stop-daemon supervisory without integration into OpenRC. OpenRC does in fact have start-stop-daemon as one of the supervisory options
00:47.50ServiceRobotyeah, and from the wiki I'm on my own according to openrc. but it's still weird that it gets stuck
00:48.14agrisunless you want to maintain replacement init scripts yourself as far as i'm aware it's mostly useful for your own daemons, and having  a consistant rc-status
00:48.33agrisServiceRobot, yeah, I asked you what your /etc/init.d/rcS contained
00:48.37agrisyou still have not answered
00:48.44ServiceRobotah, sorry. let me look
00:48.50ServiceRobotI'm currently testing in a vm
00:52.13gnarfacefucking triple deja-vu!
00:52.52gnarfacei need you all to please stop trying to force me to evolve the ability to see into the future
00:53.48ServiceRobotuh what? also here it is. it's a normal bash script with exec /sbin/openrc sysinit at the bottom
00:54.26ServiceRobotit says it's called from inittab, but openrc-init skips inittab
00:54.28ServiceRobotso.... has no ads
00:55.34gnarfaceseconded on the wiki
00:57.05ServiceRobotyou want me to paste the script there?
00:59.08ServiceRobotwell here it is
01:01.28gnarfaceServiceRobot: agris went through all of this last night.  you should really listen to what he has to say
01:02.01ServiceRobotI did though. I just posted a link to the rc script I have
01:02.45agrisServiceRobot, remove the last bit 'sysinit'
01:02.48agristhen reboot
01:03.06agrisbefore you do that
01:03.09agrisrun rc-status
01:03.31ServiceRobothow can I if the system gets stuck and never reaches a tty?
01:03.31agrisit says runlevel is sysinit yes, but does it say those services are started or stopped?
01:04.20agrisanyways first try changing sysinit in /etc/init.d/rcS to nothing, and then if that doesn't work try changing sysinit to default
01:04.35agrisI've had mixed 50/50 depending on the system what works
01:04.41agrisI still don't know why yet
01:05.02ServiceRobotthat's just odd. let me try it though
01:05.11ServiceRobotI can chroot in and adjust it
01:06.57ServiceRobotnah, it still gets stuck. darn
01:09.20gnarfacewasn't there a second change you had to make too, agris ?
01:11.44agrisat this point I'm not even sure anymore
01:11.53agrissome of my containers with with sysinit
01:12.00agrissomeone of them only work with blank
01:12.09agrisothers only work with default
01:12.25agrisI do have a custom inittab in my deploy script
01:12.38ServiceRobotthat's so odd... if I'm not writing my own services, perhaps I shouldn't bother using openrc.
01:13.17gnarfaceagris: oh that's right, didn't you say something about agetty?
01:13.40gnarfaceagetty or getty?
01:13.42agrisI'm not using gettys at all
01:13.52agrisso perhaps this isn't really effecting me
01:13.55gnarfaceyou just removed them ll?
01:14.02gnarfacethat might matter if you removed them
01:14.15agrisI'm either logging in via ssh or spawning a shell inside the container
01:14.19agrisbut no, I didn't remove them
01:14.35agrisI can still get to a getty login prompt if I start my containers in foreground mode
01:14.40gnarfaceit could just be down to which startup scripts run, too
01:14.46gnarfacecouln't it?
01:15.00agrisIt looks like Devuan might do sysinit runlevel in SysV, and then do the rest of the init proccess in openrc
01:15.08agrisIt's really weird
01:15.27agrisI don't know anyone yet who can fully explain it
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01:15.56agrisi've hammered at it long enough to where it works again, but I still don't fully understand why
01:16.00gnarfacei think just building the gentoo version and installing it is an option as well, albeit unsupported
01:16.29ServiceRobotif you have sysinit-core installed with openrc as a replacement for sysv-rc, sysinit runlevel is in sysv, and then it starts openrc from there
01:16.55ServiceRobothonestly, I may have less trouble if I just do that and say screw it to openrc-init
01:17.25ServiceRobotbut then what are the advantages to using openrc+sysvinit?
01:17.48gnarfaceyou get to use either type of script?
01:17.56gnarfacebest of both worlds?
01:18.00gnarfacei am sure they had a good reason
01:18.36gnarfacebut i'm also now having a vague recollection of someone finding out you could just make a simple edit to bypass all the sysvinit stuff and just run openrc the way gentoo does it
01:19.09gnarfacelike without changing out the package
01:19.14ServiceRobotyeah, by not installing sysvinit-core, symlink openrc-init to /sbin/init, and create an agetty service. though that hasn't worked for me... hmmm
01:19.54gnarfacedoes it fail a different way, ServiceRobot?
01:20.49ServiceRobotit gets stuck at "Cleaning up temporary files..." aka it gets to that part and never continues
01:21.05gnarfacesee what that script is trying to do
01:21.13gnarfaceit might have nothing to do with the first issue
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01:24.02ServiceRobotI did. it doesn't seem like it would cause the system to freeze
01:24.14ServiceRobotand I looked at each line pretty carefully
01:24.41ServiceRobotbut just to be clear, if I'm not creating my own openrc-run scripts, it's not worth having openrc installed at all?
01:25.33gnarfaceo dpm
01:25.37gnarface* i don't
01:25.39gnarfaceeven know
01:25.42gnarfaceit might be faster
01:25.47gnarfaceit might have other benefits
01:25.58gnarfacelower attack surface perhaps
01:26.22gnarfaceeasier to understand, if you ever do want to make your own scripts
01:26.51gnarfacesome compatibility with gentoo documentation ...
01:27.48gnarfaceServiceRobot: find the exact command it is hanging on, make sure it is something that works inside a container.  it is not a guarantee that it would be.
01:27.59gnarfacewhatever you call it
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01:28.31gnarfaceit could be an entirely different bug do you understand?
01:28.59agrisServiceRobot, If you want to go about replacing the sysinit runlevel, and most daemon scripts with OpenRC-run scripts, I would like to join you in that endeaver
01:29.03ServiceRobotyes, I'm aware. every setup is different
01:29.10agrisI want an Alpine but based in Devuan
01:29.28ServiceRobotI tried alpine once. wasn't a big fan
01:29.41agrisneither was I
01:29.42ServiceRobotoh I would love to help out with that
01:29.51agristhat's why I run Devuan OpenRC container systems
01:30.00ServiceRobotbut making it not conflict with what's already in /etc/init.d would be a pain
01:30.29agrisYou think there's a way to do that without stepping on sysv user's toes?
01:30.39ServiceRobotI wish devuan was more modular. it would set itself apart from debian more. as of right now, I don't know what the difference is besides saner defaults
01:31.03agrisI would like to replace sysv start-stop-daemon scripts with OpenRC-Supervisory
01:31.10agrisor s6
01:31.20ServiceRobotsupervise-daemon. I tried s6 once. couldn't wrap my head around it
01:31.29ServiceRobotI find runit better than s6, but runit has its own problems
01:31.31agrisbut currently openrc-supervisory works well enough
01:31.41ServiceRobotI'm constantly fighting with myself wether to use openrc or runit
01:31.50ServiceRobotI've used both, but they're both different
01:32.02gnarfacewhat don't you like about sysvinit?
01:32.05agrisOpenRC provides s6 as one of the optional daemon supervisors, along side it's internal one and start-stop-daemon
01:33.08gnarfaceoh, right, that was the other advantage about openrc
01:33.10agrisgnarface, I like sysvinit, but OpenRC provides a lot of the functionality that systemd provides, without going outside the scope if init and without being a giant monolithic peice of software
01:33.11gnarfaceprocess monitoring
01:33.16ServiceRobotI'm worried about its maintainability. I'm not sure how long it will stay around. probably a while because compatibility, but openrc just feels cleaner
01:33.37gnarfaceServiceRobot: it was process monitoring, that's what that guy kept telling me about openrc, or daemon management or something like that
01:33.42ServiceRobotI rather use openrc's supervision though
01:34.02gnarfaceServiceRobot: yea, the primary value of openrc may be after it is booted
01:34.15ServiceRobotyeah, the rc-status command, rc-update, etc are very handy. easier than manually symlinking, which runit requires you to do
01:34.31gnarfaceso it is really a question of what you like
01:34.48ServiceRobotwhich is hard to support, because everyone's tastes are different
01:34.54gnarfacebut if you're having trouble with sysvinit, it might be easy for you to get help with that in here too
01:35.13ServiceRobotI'd be glad if both runit and openrc got the support they deserve, since they both are very usable
01:35.35agrisopenrc also provides easy ways to define cgroups per daemon, daemon uptime
01:35.53ServiceRobotyeah, uptime can be handy information
01:35.54agrisalso /etc/conf.d is very nice
01:36.31agristhat pic I sent is an example of openrc's internal daemon supervisor being put to use for a custom daemon in Devuan ASCII
01:36.42ServiceRobotyeah, runit doesn't have a conf.d style directory
01:36.44agrisyou also can do periodic health checks
01:36.58ServiceRobotit's incredibly minimalistic, for better or worse
01:37.06ServiceRobotdidn't know about health checks
01:37.49agriskeeps track of which daemons are part of the runlevel configuration and which daemons are running manually, but not configured as part of a runlevel
01:37.58agriswell, It comes from Gentoo
01:38.07agrisso you expect a level of competency'
01:38.12ServiceRobotbut so far, devuan has the same problems using a different init other than sysvinit as debian does. what sets apart devuan, really? just saner defaults?
01:38.17agrisI'm typing from a Gentoo system right now
01:38.22*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
01:38.43agrisServiceRobot, systemd still runs in Devuan even if you install a different init
01:38.54agrisyou can see it there in the process table
01:38.58ServiceRobotI thought it was just libsystemd0 library?
01:39.13ServiceRobotin that case, why use devuan over debian?
01:39.29agrisbecause it force you to run systemd
01:39.42agristhat attack surface isn't there
01:39.46ServiceRobotI managed to use debootstrap to not have systemd installed though?
01:39.55ServiceRobotjust as a test in a vm
01:39.58onefangThere's no systemd even installed on any of my Devuan boxen.
01:40.21ServiceRobotI really wish there was a comparison chart of what is actually different
01:40.27ServiceRobotthat would help clear up some misconceptions
01:40.37agrisyou can look at the diffs
01:40.57ServiceRobotfrom where?
01:41.04agrisalso take for example all the stupid political bs debian is dealing with now
01:41.23ServiceRobotpolitical bs? systemd related?
01:41.29agrisyou know Devuan is largly made of ex-debian maintainers
01:41.41agrissystemd somtimes related
01:41.51gnarfaceagris: false, there is no systemd running
01:42.13agrisbut take for example, removing a packages and creating a big PR nightmare that had the string 'boob' in the name
01:42.21ServiceRobotyeah, but I'm worried about development. buster was released not too long ago, and I can't find much information on when devuan will release beowulf
01:42.42agrisor how they released buster with ecryptfs broken, because they had to work around systemd's shortcomings
01:42.45ServiceRobotI'm not saying this to diss on devuan. I'm trying to get a better idea on where both distros stand
01:43.06agriswhen it's ready
01:43.10ServiceRobotthey removed a package over naming?
01:43.17gnarfaceServiceRobot: note that if agris has systemd running in devuan, it's because he installed it from a debian repo accidentally
01:43.18agristhere's a lot to un-fuck from debian
01:43.59gnarfaceServiceRobot: there is no systemd in devuan
01:44.04ServiceRobotyeah, and I can't use another STABLE distro that doesn't have systemd because a lot of game server software I want to use wouldn't work
01:44.13agrisgnarface, I don't have systemd running anywhere, I was talking about debian still have systemd helpers in the proc table even if you replace it with another init
01:44.37ServiceRobotyes, I know devuan doesn't come with systemd, but the argument is you can remove systemd from debian, or install it without systemd
01:44.40gnarfaceServiceRobot: there was an old udev version with systemd in the name (obnoxiously) but that's not systemd
01:44.58ServiceRobotyeah, I notice that sysvinit uses systemd-udev
01:44.59ServiceRobotvery odd
01:45.06gnarfaceagris: sorry i must have misread you
01:45.34gnarfaceor you typed Devuan accidentally
01:45.46agrisServiceRobot, did you actually try removing systemd from debian?
01:46.04ServiceRobotI installed it from scratch without systemd
01:46.12ServiceRobotwith openrc-init, etc
01:46.12agrisI had the same standpoint as you until I actually tried removing systemd from a debian install
01:46.16agristhen I opened htop
01:46.23agrisinstalled a RDBMS
01:46.31agrisand boom, there systemd was, back again
01:46.51agriseven though 'service' still worked, the attack surface was still there
01:46.56ServiceRobotcouldn't you modify the /etc/apt files to ensure systemd won't install back?
01:47.18agrisServiceRobot, no, not if you like databases or desktop enviroments
01:47.30ServiceRobotI plan to use it for servers
01:47.32ServiceRobotnothing else
01:47.55agrisOne of the things Devuan does is rebuild packages that link in systemd libs, to no longer do that
01:48.09ServiceRobotbut I thought devuan gave up on avoiding libsystemd0?
01:48.46ServiceRobotthis argument is used against devuan all the time on other forums when I do research
01:49.19*** join/#devuan Gnhugo (~yaaic@
01:49.24gnarfacethat's my understanding as well ServiceRobot
01:49.40gnarfacebut they do rebuild some packages that depend on systemd
01:49.41ServiceRobotpeople don't like the fragmentation devuan "caused". I understand their sentiments. I'm curious to hear from you guys
01:49.43agrisServiceRobot, Devuan ascii replaces libsystemd0 with a NOOP. Beowulf it will be completely removed
01:50.10MinceRit has given up on that, unfortunately. but in beowulf, libsystemd will be replaced with libelogind, afaik
01:50.18MinceRwhich is similar, but with a less hostile upstream
01:50.20ServiceRobotah, goold ol' elogind
01:50.27gnarfaceon the daemon, they do rebuild what packges they can that depend on systemd.  they ban the rest:
01:50.41ServiceRobotelogind has worked great for me on Artix Linux. consolekit2 has been dead for 2 years
01:50.51agrisA lot of the work that goes into Devuan comes from Gentoo
01:51.06agrisfor example
01:51.18ServiceRobotbut isn't banning packages a bit excessive? what if people need them? are their replacements?
01:51.36ServiceRobotoh i see. the list isn't that long
01:52.05agrisif people need systemd-crond and can't use cronie, crond, or any other cron implementation they can go use debian
01:52.32ServiceRobotah, I want to use beowulf right now. but debian buster also has elogind?
01:52.44ServiceRobotI currently am testing things in a vm
01:52.57gnarfaceServiceRobot: it's mostly a representation of the limitations of the work power available, but stuff is generally prioritized less if systemd is very entrenched in its functionality
01:53.13agrislike GNOME3
01:53.22ServiceRobotI wouldn't get anywhere near GNOME
01:53.34agrisI liked gnome2
01:53.50ServiceRobotI only started using linux in 2016 so I wouldn't know what gnome2 was like
01:54.00agrisbut i'm glad the "Debian is not GNOME" movement is also Devuan
01:54.24agrisIt was like a fancier version of XFCE
01:54.35agrislook up screenshots of Debian Sarge
01:54.54ServiceRobotbut that's just it though. if you're installing from scratch a minimal system with no desktop environment, what does devuan provide for me that debian can't?
01:56.26gnarfaceServiceRobot: it provides a system without systemd
01:56.48gnarfaceServiceRobot: also some various arm device support :)
01:56.51ServiceRobotright, but I've gotten debian to not provide systemd either? if I use debootstrap that is
01:57.51gnarfaceit's very possible that you can debootstrap a system that is identical in debian and devuan.  that is sort of the point actually.  what's not to get?
02:01.06ServiceRobotif I can debootstrap debian to be like devuan, why use devuan?
02:01.10gnarfacedevuan won't sneak the systemd daemon in if you upgrade to a graphical environment for example
02:01.25ServiceRobotwell I don't plan to use a graphical environment?
02:01.35gnarfacethere are scenarios where it literally won't matter, you're right.  i'm saying you're right about that.
02:01.46ServiceRobotalso won't it ask first? or does it really sneak it in?
02:01.50gnarfacemost the packages in devuan actually are the literal debian packages, unchanged
02:02.37ServiceRobotyeah, which calls into question once again. I guess it depends on use case
02:02.50gnarfacei think you can just look on the devuan repo in a web browser or something to see which packages had to be rebuilt.
02:02.54ServiceRobotmy use case is servers without systemd. no graphical environment. no xorg
02:03.15gnarfacea basic repo doesn't even mirror all the debian packages, the unchanged ones get served by redirect
02:03.21agrisOne by one more packages pull in systemd
02:03.49agriswhen you do that, while that may work today your actively working against the goals of upstream development
02:04.03agrisupstream will continue to get further away from your goals
02:04.06ServiceRoboteven without a graphical environment?
02:04.17gnarfacehmmm, dbus might do it to you i think
02:04.25ServiceRobotthat just seems odd. they still provide sysvinit
02:04.40agrissure, you particular combination of packages might not pull in systemd today, but there's no guarantee an update might change that
02:05.02ServiceRoboteven if I have sysvinit installed already?
02:05.15agrisyeah, and openssh-server now pulls in systemd for some stupid reason
02:05.21ServiceRobotwait what?
02:05.26ServiceRobotI'm going to need openssh-server
02:05.37ServiceRobotit has a hard dependency on systemd?
02:05.38gnarfaceServiceRobot: i think it will warn you which packages are going to get removed but you have to actually read it
02:05.46agrissorry, I meant to say openssh-server now pulls in dbus
02:05.54agrismy mistake
02:05.59ServiceRobotyeah you scared me
02:06.26gnarfaceit says it in all caps too
02:06.40gnarfacebut it is sandwiched between all the additions so , you know, pay attention
02:06.57ServiceRobotwell of course. that goes without saying when configuring anything
02:07.15gnarfaceyou could pin it out too
02:07.22gnarfacein the configuration
02:07.42ServiceRobotI'm just worried about development rot if I use devuan. if devuan were to focus on better init support for openrc and runit, I'd have a reason to use it
02:07.48gnarfacebut then if you forget you did that, you'll be trying to figure out later why you can't upgrade or install something
02:08.02ServiceRobotdoes it not tell me why?
02:08.13gnarfacei'm not sure
02:08.22gnarfaceaptitude might, apt-get might not
02:08.40gnarfacei forget for sure, but i think it has been a problem for me in the past, yes
02:08.53gnarfaceor the error might have just been confusing or misleading
02:11.04ServiceRobotdoes devuan have any long term plans for diverging from debian, or is development too hard pressed? If debian causes more issues with systemd and doesn't listen to people who don't want it installed, devuan would benefit from actual choice
02:11.39ServiceRobotdevelopment time is an issue, but there's got to be a way to make it simpler
02:11.50ServiceRobotit shouldn't even be this hard, ffs
02:12.33gnarfacethe plan is NOT to fork it any further, actually, if at all possible
02:12.54gnarfacebut what actually ends up getting done does depend a lot on what Debian does first, and the work power available
02:13.23gnarfacebut the project is gaining volunteers and users all the time
02:13.46ServiceRobothas there been a large influx?
02:13.54gnarfacei wouldn't say huge but steady
02:14.02ServiceRobotwell that's a good sign at least
02:14.06gnarfaceit's not big news, but demand is certainly not decreasing
02:14.42agrisServiceRobot, Devuan wants to merge back with Debian if and when Debian stops making stupid decisions
02:15.02ServiceRobotdemand would increase if openrc and runit weren't broken as hell on devuan. I have a lot of free time this summer. I'm literally willing to devote time organizing how sysvinit, openrc, and runit are packaged
02:15.03gnarfacei think systemd itself will continue to slowly whittle away at its own userbase in this fashion for years, perhaps decades, while people slowly drift one by one over to devuan
02:15.25ServiceRobotI'm willing to change packaging if it means better support, backwards compatibility be damned
02:15.42ServiceRobotnot like debian has backwards compatibility working anyway
02:16.00gnarfaceServiceRobot: there seems to be some problems with using it in a container or vm that people keep tripping on
02:16.37gnarfaceServiceRobot: you're like the 6th or so person to go through all the same phases of grief in the same order
02:16.37agrisServiceRobot, gnarface I'm already working on Devuan OpenRC containers
02:16.50agrisWe could work on it together
02:17.00agrisI could show you what I've already got
02:17.50ServiceRobotwhat have you done so far?
02:18.01agrisOpenRC isn't going to get any better on Devuan until someone works on it
02:18.30agrisServiceRobot, I've gotten a full templat and config working to auto-create containers with apparmor
02:18.40ServiceRobotwell then let's get started already. tired of waiting for devuan to provide a better experience
02:18.51ServiceRobotI don't mean that to be rude. lol
02:19.20agrisI was going to wait ti'll I figured out why that weird thing was happening with /etc/init.d/rcS but I guess I could put up a git repo now
02:19.27*** join/#devuan SofiLofi (
02:19.30ServiceRobotnever worked with apparmor though
02:19.53agrisapparmor support is imcomplete in ascii for containers
02:20.02ServiceRobotoh, so it's like lxc?
02:20.07agrisI hear Beowulf is releasing with apparmor on by default though
02:20.30agrisno, apparmor works in conjunction with lxc to further harden
02:20.35agrisand isolate
02:20.44agrisapparmor provides mandatory access control
02:21.09ServiceRobotwell I'll figure that out as I go. that's how I've always used linux so far
02:28.21ServiceRobotjust a question. have devuan in the past tried at all to cooperate with debian, and if so, was it met with a lukewarm response?
02:28.46ServiceRobotthe biggest argument against devuan from other users is that they could "just work together with debian"
02:29.32gnarfaceit seems like some of the debian maintainers started to warm up to devuan lately
02:29.37gnarfacethere is collaboration happening
02:29.59gnarfacejust not really equally on everything yet
02:30.00ServiceRobotthat's good to know
02:30.36ServiceRobotso this means in the long term devuan won't be needed, or is it here as a contingency plan if things go south?
02:31.15gnarfacei don't know that any of that has been finalized
02:31.24gnarfacebut i suspect there is miles of discussion on it in the mailing list archive
02:31.48gnarfacei think devuan will remain as long as they can afford to keep the servers on
02:32.22gnarfacewhether it re-merges back with debian or not at some distant date in the future, is probably not known
02:32.26ServiceRobotthe problem I see happening, and this is from someone who has briefly looked into this (I was following the devuan mailinglist for a while), is that debian in its goal to remain backwards compatible, won't be willing to make big changes for other init systems
02:32.50ServiceRobotI actually reported a bug with runit's stage files, and the fixes they made were less than optimal. but it's for backwards compatibility
02:33.18ServiceRobotas far as I know, if we truly want support for other inits, backwards compatibility will hinder that goal
02:34.11gnarfacei'm gonna go afk for a while, but you guys have fun patching openrc
02:35.02gnarfacesomething to make it lxc compatible without breaking anything else would have a strong chance of getting accepted upstream even
02:35.46gnarfacethere is precedent for that, for a patch getting submitted to devuan and devuan successfully getting it accepted in debian
02:38.11ServiceRobotone thing that can be worked on is init-system-helpers. helpers for openrc and runit for things like package upgrades, etc, would help
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03:35.59*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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04:43.16*** join/#devuan Evilham (~evilhamun@devuan/developer/Evilham)
05:03.04*** join/#devuan Inepu (
05:31.45*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@
05:32.07*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (MwjUM8V@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
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