IRC log for #devuan on 20190723

00:12.17*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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00:16.26*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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04:07.38slvrIs there a way to force a display resolution in mate display settings? I am stuck at 1045x768 with an "unidentified display" but it is a 1280x1024 display.
04:08.30slvrerm. 1024x768
04:21.37golinuxslvr: Try lxrandr
04:25.05slvrnah, no help. I think this adapter might have a bad pin or something for edid.
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08:15.20xinomilono need for lxrandr, mate has its own.. control center -> monitor
08:17.48r3bootunderneath those things is still the XRANDR extension, which can be controlled via a gazillion number of tools. Personally, I prefer xrandr
08:18.13r3bootugh .. flashbacks to Xinerama :r
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08:56.54jaromilarandr is a nice lightweight gui
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13:48.51*** join/#devuan James1138 (47de852a@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:52.13James1138Question. I heard recently that Firefox has "experiments" and "telemetry" running hidden in the background - does Debian/Devuan?? If do - anyway to disable it?
13:53.33James1138"If does" - sorry
13:55.19*** join/#devuan Mithrandir__ (~Mithrandi@
14:05.15xinomilofirefox telemetry data can be turned off in preferences -> privacy & security
14:08.12James1138xinomilo... is there telemetry in Devuan?
14:09.34*** join/#devuan F_Sauce (
14:09.35xinomiloin devuan os you mean?
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14:10.08James1138Sorry - yes the OS
14:14.16xinomilonot 100% sure, but no. devuan team can confirm this, but i haven't seen any "strange" traffic so far.
14:20.07fsmithredno dev would last five minutes with this crew if they suggested adding telemetry
14:20.33xinomilogood to know :)
14:21.35fsmithredof course, there is the optional package survey, same as in debian, but I'm not even sure if that's working in devuan.
14:22.57*** join/#devuan linemein (~benw@
14:24.23drawkulashould work even without mailer by delivering the info via http(s?)
14:25.23drawkulabut some stay paranoid
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14:28.03fsmithredlooks like it has current data
14:28.17drawkulaam I the last uster of "batch"?
14:28.41drawkula-t ... user
14:29.23xinomilocalled "paranoid" before snowden, now just sane ;-)
14:31.12drawkulavariant of at
14:31.32drawkulabut just queueing... not executing at a given time
14:31.47drawkulajust a queue of stuff to do somewhen
14:31.53drawkulawhen load permits
14:32.16drawkulalike corn & at, errors are mailed
14:32.23drawkulaso sure I do want a local mailer
14:32.55*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
14:35.28xinomiloused ssmtp in the past (seems abandoned), msmtp now, as a local mta
14:38.36James1138Thanks for the popcon tip. I did not think about it but with Beowulf in the works - I do not think I need it running anymore. It was turned on.
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