IRC log for #devuan on 20190711

00:09.15*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
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00:16.33*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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01:51.01*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
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07:06.27*** part/#devuan omnio (~quassel@
07:10.41FatPhilwhat's all this with /run/user/$UID tmpfss? Who creates those, and is it configurable?
07:12.44*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
07:18.03FatPhilThings that make you go hmmm... "/run/user/$uid is created by pam_systemd ...".
07:22.13*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
07:22.32FatPhil"Should mention that it is called $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, documented at"
07:22.49FatPhil2 blanks here:
07:22.51FatPhilroot@thotspaz:~# find /etc -type f -print | xargs grep '/run/user/'
07:22.54FatPhilroot@thotspaz:~# find /etc -type f -print | xargs grep 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'
07:23.38FatPhiland: root@thotspaz:~# dpkg -S pam_systemd
07:23.40FatPhildpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *pam_systemd*
07:47.01drawkulawould prefer eacxh user to have her own ~/tmp, ~/run, ~/var, ... and even ~/etc instead of those silly dotfiles
07:47.47drawkulasoemeday, when I'm boared to death, I might try to prototype a system that way...
07:48.10drawkulaist shure will not even be a sidenote in unix's history...
07:48.46drawkulabut the FS is self similar in several other places. I never understood why this had to stop in the users' dirs!
07:49.10drawkulaaaaaand a package manager for user packages would be nice to have too!
07:49.25FatPhilhaving it host-specific does make sense, as I'm in ~ from 5 different hosts currently, and they musn't tread on each other's toes.
07:50.06helios21hi. well I think the FHS is pretty borked anyway
07:50.12drawkulathan have hostid subdirs...
07:50.37drawkulaI gave up sharing $HOME
07:50.43drawkulatoo risky
07:50.46FatPhilI think there's some smell no matter where you put such things.
07:51.29drawkulasomeone said Kmail would trash all mail if you use a shaed home and dare to start 2 MUAs
07:51.33FatPhilprograms like firefox really don't cope well with the concept of shared home (and multiple instances of themself running)
07:51.34drawkulabut that was in KDE3 days
07:52.09drawkula$THEY trashed unix years ago
07:52.23drawkulathe console only beards only needed time to notice it
07:52.48FatPhilSome of us are still shouting at clouds...
07:54.10drawkulamy cloud is named
07:55.27gnarfacei think you guys are making a big deal out of nothing.  XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is being set somewhere to /run/user/whatever.  if you don't set it it defaults to /tmp/$USER
07:55.43gnarfaceor something like that
07:55.58gnarfacejust figure out what is setting it to something you don't like, and change it
07:56.52gnarfaceit's not being put anywhere in /run/ here, so whatever is doing it to you guys is something optional you requested yourself
07:57.02FatPhildrawkula: I've gone one up - my cloud is called
07:57.12gnarface(probably a window manager with obscene ties to would be my guess)
07:57.43FatPhilgnarface: I can't see that setting anywhere - I grepped all over /etc for it
07:58.00gnarfaceFatPhil: it might be in your WM configuration
07:58.27gnarfaceit might actually be getting set from something that your WM runs at startup
07:58.36FatPhilI do notice libpam_systemd is installed, I might try to purge that and see if it makes a difference
07:58.40gnarfaceor it might have been added to your login scripts in ~/ even i don't know for sure
07:59.02gnarfacei don't have libpam_systemd here
07:59.29gnarfacebut it is ceres so ymmv
08:01.33FatPhilthe whole concept of modifying scripts in a ~/ that is shared by half a dozen machines to be a frightening concept.
08:01.42FatPhilmodulo grammar
08:03.03FatPhilhmm, actually that package isn't installed. got led down a blind alley.
08:03.07gnarfacesure but it builds character :)
08:03.20FatPhilcould it be consolekit that's making those tmpfss?
08:03.51gnarfacei really don't know but i wouldn't bet against it.  i don't have that installed here either.  (not using graphical login)
08:05.03gnarfaceand i'm pretty sure i've never seen enlightenment (any version) or blackbox set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to anything outside of /tmp.  actually i recalled it usually being undefined and seeing a warning about it but i'm seeing here with a freshly updated ceres that something has defined it to /tmp/[some random string]
08:06.31gnarfacewhat WM are you using?  did you check it for an environment variables configuration panel?
08:07.11FatPhilI have no idea why consolekit was default selected - it brings in a whole load of crap. Seems to be pulled in by policykit, which is 'i A' on my system, apparently due to "elogind         Recommends policykit-1"
08:07.33gnarfacethat's ascii?
08:07.37gnarfacecheck the release notes
08:07.44gnarfaceit's the graphical login manager that is pulling all that in
08:08.11gnarfaceslim or lightdm or something like that
08:08.19gnarfacewhatever your window manager defaults to
08:09.12gnarfacethen it brings in some conflicting packages but you have to purge one of them
08:09.23helios21Now I found it in my training slides. Search engine (Google) completely failed me on that:
08:10.02gnarfaceFatPhil: you should really read this whole thing ^ but at least read the part under "### Session management and policykit backends"
08:10.08helios21I like the filesystem layout proposed at
08:10.50FatPhilgnarface: xdm there
08:16.07FatPhilwe don't do "Desktop Environment"s
08:21.30FatPhil{console,policy}kit gone. I don't think I need elogind either by the looks of it.
08:22.44gnarfacehmm. xdm may do something different, i'm not sure
08:22.48FatPhilAnything which says "Poettering touched me" I'm happier with it off the system. Alas the pulse cancer has metastasized too much.
08:23.02gnarfacemeh, i'm still getting by without it.
08:23.27FatPhillooks like xine and ffmpeg hard depend on lilbpulse
08:23.42gnarfaceah, but!
08:23.49gnarfacelibpulse does not hard depend on pulseaudio, the daemon
08:23.55gnarfaceso you can just uninstall or stop it
08:24.04gnarfacethough some people actually like what it does
08:24.19gnarfaceif you know enough about alsa with a couple extra shell tricks, you can get by without it for most things
08:24.42gnarfacethe one thing steam "requires" it for is pretty egregious too
08:24.48FatPhilOK, yeah, we don't have the daemon, by choice.
08:25.06gnarface(since you could basically do the same thing by piping arecord to aplay through netcat)
08:25.22FatPhilI know it solves some people's problems. You're lucky you prized OSS out of my cold dead hands and got me onto ALSA!
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09:58.49FatPhilholy jeebus, my webserver's under a completely mindless attack at the moment. the URLs being requested are seemingly random. might be hard to fail2ban this guy...
09:59.39FatPhilone thing that is common is '.php' though, but I don't like configuring too many arbitrary rules.
10:11.21gnarfaceit is free traffic
10:11.56gnarfacejust redirect all 404 errors to a page with a bunch of banners :-p
10:12.33gnarfaceif they're trying to break in, that means they're looking at responses
10:13.31gnarfaceit also means you can just session cookie them and not give them a page unless they accept the cookie, then set a timer/counter on the server-side to also throttle the rate they can retry
10:13.43gnarfaceor just give them a max hit count, or something like that
10:14.59gnarfacei mean, if someone hits three dozen 404 errors in the space of 10 seconds, they're probably doing something abusive
10:21.43*** join/#devuan Nukien (~Nukien@
10:34.27xinomilo_googlebot usually :P
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10:45.31FatPhilmost of the probes were POST, so I might just forbid that on the server that serves /
10:51.12FatPhilit even tried a sql injection in the user-agent more than once!
10:52.55*** join/#devuan meisteris (~meisteris@unaffiliated/meisteris)
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12:13.53HumanG33khello one of you is good as setup postfix+dovecot+ldap ?
12:14.05HumanG33ki need a jedi master
12:54.17*** join/#devuan infobot (
12:54.17*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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13:01.13*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
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13:37.49enycfsmithred: hrrm you aren't here ;p
13:50.50*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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15:44.57EvilhamHumanG33k: you'd do best to ask a concrete question instead of asking to ask
15:45.09*** join/#devuan petzi (
15:51.15Evilhamlol, just found this by Rick:
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17:04.46*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
17:05.28fsmithredenyc, what's up?
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17:44.09*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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17:51.39fsmithredwill check my pulse pks in minute
17:54.51fsmithredlibpulse-mainloop-glib0:amd64 libpulse0:amd64
17:55.23fsmithredblueman Depends libpulse-mainloop-glib0
17:57.08*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:23.40enycfsmithred: I have   gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 libpulsedsp pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils
18:23.50enycbut nonetheless, a  pulseaudio *session* just isn't starting!
18:26.20fsmithredI have very little experience with pulse. There should be a setting in the config file (/etc/pulse-something)
18:26.42fsmithredand check the startup apps for the desktop. I don't recall where that is in mate.
18:27.00enycwell you see if wonder if that now relies on systemd-logind or some other systemd  session manager 'thing'
18:27.20fsmithredyou have consolekit?
18:27.34enycii  consolekit                             0.4.6-6
18:27.52enycyes, and  login, logout, rebooting form menu,  mounting removables,  all works
18:28.16fsmithredwe have elogind, but it might be a pain to switch to that
18:28.23ba55is there a download for the beowulf iso?
18:28.33ba55i got an RC1 a while ago, dont see it now
18:28.33fsmithredno beowulf isos yet
18:28.49ba55ahh - i wonder if the RC was pulled
18:28.51fsmithredno, there's been no rc1 for beowulf
18:29.05ba55yeah there was lol
18:29.05fsmithredthere's been no beta for beowulf, and that will precede the rc
18:29.10*** join/#devuan hyrcan (~quinn@
18:29.11fsmithredno, there wasn't
18:29.11ba55i ran it
18:29.22fsmithredif it said rc, then it must have been ascii
18:29.27fsmithredthere was a mini.iso
18:29.29fsmithredfor beowulf
18:29.44fsmithredand I'm pretty sure it no longer works because of kernel changes
18:29.51ba55got ya oh well
18:29.54ba55i built a new pc
18:30.04ba55i cant set it up yet till this comes out lol
18:30.10ba55want to do 100% fresh
18:30.24fsmithredif you really want beowulf, which isn't fully ready but can work just fine...
18:30.34ba55nah i can wait :)
18:30.37fsmithredinstall a bare ascii and upgrade
18:30.50fsmithredor use one of the derivatives that has a beowulf iso
18:30.50ba55i'm sure it will be out sooner than later
18:31.05ba55what do u mean by that second comment??
18:31.10fsmithredyeah, we should have installer isos soon
18:31.24fsmithredsome of the devuan derivative distros have beowulf isos
18:31.45fsmithredrefracta, miyolinux, I think gnuinos, and maybe star or crows (not sure)
18:31.51ba55ahh got ya - yeah ill hold off on those
18:31.57ba55i tried antix the other day
18:31.58fsmithredlol, ok
18:32.00ba55man thats a bitch
18:32.06fsmithredin what way?
18:32.20ba55for old slow pc's i get it
18:32.22ba55but its so basic
18:32.27ba55the window managers etc
18:32.47ba55i was just isntalling vm's seeing what other deb based distros without sysd looked like
18:33.24fsmithredsometimes using just a window manager is a relief.
18:33.54fsmithredvery little to go wrong with it
18:34.45fsmithredcheck back in a few weeks and we might have a beta
18:34.58fsmithredwe might all be on vacation
18:35.58ba55im counting on a few days for the iso ;)
18:36.13fsmithredoh, you haven't been here very long
18:36.55ba55ive been around under diff nicks
18:37.03fsmithredI can probably get desktop-base put together in a week or so, but all the task- packages need to be done
18:37.24ba55so how long after stretch came out, did ASCII release?
18:37.29fsmithreda year
18:37.37fsmithredwhich was half as late as jessie
18:37.55fsmithredand I'm counting on beowulf being half as late as ascii was
18:38.02ba55well then, maybe i should just go deb for now then switch when it's released :)
18:38.10fsmithredso, I feel confident we'll have a release before the end of the year
18:38.24ba55its nice to have someone give me legit answers, i appreciate it
18:38.36fsmithredI can tell you that the system is stable long before we get the installer isos debugged
18:38.58fsmithredstable in the sense of "it works"
18:39.06ba55so stable.... say i installed ascii and upgraded... is there gna be any major downsides u know of?
18:39.17ba55i got a laptop i can test on
18:39.19fsmithreddepends on how you installed ascii
18:39.34ba55i would do it as u instruct me to :p
18:39.34fsmithredif you selected a destkop environment from tasksel in the installer...
18:39.39fsmithredyou're in for a world of hurt
18:39.47ba55yeah so this machine im on , wont work
18:39.49ba55its MATE
18:40.01fsmithredif you installed your desktop environment in individual pieces...
18:40.06fsmithredupgrade won't be too bad
18:40.24enycfsmithred: hrrm pulseaudio -D  can just start pulse manually no rpoblem seemingl
18:40.25*** join/#devuan boson_ (~boson@gateway/tor-sasl/boson)
18:40.32ba55alright so say, from fresh install - how would i do it?
18:40.33fsmithredif you install just a bare cli system, upgrade and then add desktop, it'll probably work pretty easily
18:40.35enycfsmithred: but i'm now locking-up on  vlc still,  screns black out,  etce tc
18:40.38ba55got ya
18:40.59ba55well if u feel like it, (or get time) pm me a list of what i need to do for the upgrade
18:41.04fsmithredmetapackages cause issues because not all the deps are ready
18:41.04ba55id be happy to try it and report back
18:41.27fsmithredcheck the guides for upgrade to ascii. It should be similar.
18:41.48ba55cool cool
18:43.28ba55wow it seems pretty simple
18:43.33fsmithredI've upgraded refracta to beowulf and it wasn't bad. It's xfce without metapackages.
18:43.48fsmithredI tried stretch/kde to beowulf a few days ago and it was hell.
18:44.03ba55so say i install fresh with no destop
18:44.08ba55THEN i can install mate
18:44.13ba55and it should be ok?
18:44.22enycba55: maybe ;p
18:44.26fsmithredyeah, pretty sure. I haven't tried mate in beowulf, but I think it's ready
18:44.47ba55heh well, when the rest of my parts show up today
18:44.51ba55i will be trying!
18:45.01fsmithredCandidate: 1.20.4-2
18:45.28fsmithredmate-desktop ^^^
18:45.28enycba55: for me,  "pulseaudio -D" as user isn't auto starting
18:45.40enycba55: for me, i'm having video accell issues
18:45.47enycbut these may not be  devuan specific issues
18:45.52ba55hmm i dont use pulse audio anymore
18:46.13fsmithredenyc, do you normally use non-free vid drivers?
18:46.19enycfsmithred: no
18:46.30ba55i switched to JACK
18:46.33enycfsmithred: radeon
18:46.35ba55and audio has been superb
18:46.49enycremoved the vaapi packages etc.
18:48.29fsmithredfirmware-amd-graphics is in non-free
18:48.54enycoooooooooooh hadn't considered that bit
18:49.07*** join/#devuan Sysifoss3 (
18:49.10fsmithredyeah, a few people have run into problems without that
18:49.24ba55bbiab guys, gotta get back to work :/
18:49.41enycwell, i'm not using   user/kernel  non free driver
18:50.06enycunless you go to some  ... new risc architecture etc  you are rather stuck with thins ilke  intel microcode proprietary let alonge video !
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18:50.24enycwithout  mesa/vdpau  driver whatnots,  vlc working now
18:51.10enycfsmithred: whyso wow?
18:51.32fsmithredusually you need to add that stuff to fix vid problems
18:51.51enycfsmithred: i'm going to leave it like this for now and see if other traditional issues i have had, go away
18:52.11enycfsmithred: even on ascii,  if i did alot of videos, usage, chormium, etc   iwould eventually get osme sort of  drm errors in kernel  nad general system crash
18:52.22enycwell, xorg/video crash  and genealyl reboot needed
18:52.36enycbe nice to see this new arrangement (even without vdpau accell) might actually be more reliable now!
18:52.41fsmithredI get that when I open too many browser tabs
18:53.02enycthe other thing i will re-try sooner or alter is  just phasing out chromium!
18:53.27enyca friend of mine has a sepratae cgroup/whatever and constrains chromium's ram  because otherwise it is like a gas that expands to fill all available....
18:53.51enycon my mx-linux on another disk,  i had firefox working preety well  ...
18:54.00fsmithredchoosing a browser these days is like choosing a president - whichever one you least want, pick the other
18:54.16slvrlinks has been good to me
18:54.28enycslvr: yes i used that too ;p
18:54.39enycslvr: lots of[something]  and maunalyl saving debs ;p
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19:46.33guruIs beowulf stable enough in a production environment?
19:58.12*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
19:58.22enycguru: depends on your use case i suspect
19:58.32enycguru: a lot seems to work fine,  som fun with dependencies and desktops
19:59.03enyc19:38 < fsmithred> so, I feel confident we'll have a release before the end of the year
19:59.34enycfsmithred: btw, no, i have separate  dual-pentium-III thing with  old xen and screen sessions and allsorts ;p
20:01.30enycguru: very likely to be fine i suspect!
20:01.37enycguru: try it
20:02.00fsmithredpretty sure we don't mess with apache at all
20:02.10fsmithredor nginx
20:02.16enycof course, debian buster , and consequently devuan beowulf   is tried much less in production already , so you could choose to wait for next point release, or devuan formal release ...
20:02.32guruYeah seems like I should stick to ascii to be safe
20:02.45enycfsmithred: i guess the fun could come with ... removed or outdated/broken  sysvinit  start scripts
20:03.14fsmithredyeah, I don't know if they're removing them
20:03.54enycr_state [radeon]] *ERROR* rv770_restrict_performance_levels_before_switch failed
20:03.55enycradeon 0000:01:00.0: ring 0 stalled for more than 10208msec
20:03.55enycradeon 0000:01:00.0: GPU lockup (current fence id 0x0000000000049a5f last fence id 0x0000000000049a85 on ring 0)
20:04.11enyci may well do twell to try a neewer/upstream kernel
20:04.30enycbut first  i  try  radeon.dpm=0 nomodeset
20:06.51fsmithredFWIW, I just installed apache2 onto the machine behind me (beowulf/xfce) and then connected to it with a browser on the computer in front of me. Didn't even have to get out of my chair. "It works"
20:07.40fsmithredtry installing in a VM to see if everything you need installs easily.
20:10.29fsmithredbtw, computer in front of me is still running jessie, because it works.
20:17.22FatPhili think everything I can see is running jessie (2 Pis, 1 Pi3, an Asus lappy, and an MSI cubie mini thingy)
20:21.54Centurion_Danhi fsmithred!
20:24.11fsmithredhi Centurion_Dan
20:24.18fsmithredyou back home?
20:25.58Centurion_Dannope, just back at the inlaws where I have decent connectivity and power... the campervan doesn't have an inverter and I don't have a dc-dc converter for my laptop.
20:26.31Centurion_DanIt was nice having a couple of days without the children though ;-)
20:26.39slvrget a 14 volt laptop
20:27.02gurufsmithred: so far so good thank you :)
20:27.03fsmithredhe's got a couple of semaphore flags tucked behind the driver's seat
20:27.08enycoh this is getting silly
20:27.19enyci now have some  non display related  issue entierly
20:27.28fsmithredwhat issues?
20:27.36enyceven without changig kernel command line  i now cant boot 4.19.0-5-amd64  even afer reinsatlalng package
20:27.44enycit get so ar booting and gets sotck on a mountan of:-
20:28.06enycWARNING: Device /dev/sd??  not enetialised in udev hataase even ater waiting 100000000 microseconds.   or so
20:28.17fsmithredare you in chroot now?
20:28.32fsmithredor you get that on booting?
20:28.45enyci get that on booting
20:28.51enyci can boot a 4.9.0-9-amd64
20:28.55fsmithredI was getting that error in chroot while running update-grub
20:28.57enycjust not the 4.19.0-5-amd64
20:29.09enycwich has now become broken ;-(
20:29.15enycbut only very recently
20:29.23enycdid a dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and reinstalled grub
20:29.43fsmithredok, not a uefi problem
20:29.45enycdid a --reinstall  of  the linux-image-4.19.0-5-amd64 package wahteer it was
20:29.49enycyes , not uefi machine
20:29.58enycit EVENTUALLY boots 4.19.0-5-amd64
20:30.02enycjust very very slow at first
20:30.07enyci left it for a bit...
20:30.23fsmithredyeah, I saw the same with update-grub - those messages took a long time to finish
20:30.44enycfsmithred: recent udev upgrade?  whats changed  very lately?
20:30.55fsmithreda couple months ago, I ran into that and I think I ended up mounting /run/udev to the chrooted system
20:31.09fsmithredand that made the warnings go away
20:31.58fsmithredI thought it was related to the grub-efi-amd64-signed package at the time, but I guess not.
20:32.35enycslaps enyc
20:32.36enyc[  402.700697] radeon: `o' invalid for parameter `dpm'
20:32.43enycBOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.19.0-5-amd64 root=/dev/mapper/clone_vg-root ro radeon.dpm=o nomodeset
20:32.48enyc0 not o ;p
20:32.51enycslaps enyc
20:32.56guruI'm kind of scared to upgrade from ascii to beowulf on my laptop. Should I take the plunge? ;)
20:33.04guruSomeone flip a coin
20:33.16fsmithredguru, wait
20:33.20guruSmart man hah
20:33.26fsmithredI assume you need to use your laptop, right?
20:33.29guruYup hah
20:33.38fsmithredand it's working now?
20:33.43enycguru: i took complete disk image backup on this desktop system disk ;p
20:33.50fsmithredDon't fuck with it.
20:33.56enyc+1 to fsmithred
20:34.13fsmithredstill has a wheezy server in production
20:34.15gurufsmithred: Solid advice thanks :)
20:35.34*** join/#devuan Nematocyst (
20:35.44fsmithredfor your amusement, if you're hot to play with beowulf, put this on a usb:
20:36.43guru:) I'll do that thanks
20:38.53fsmithredI think that one does not have a network manager of any kind.
20:39.01fsmithreddhclient eth0
20:39.23guruIsn't wheezy EOL?
20:39.55enycguru: ELTS for wheezy exists
20:40.06enycguru: but doesn't cover all packages
20:40.21guruDebian 8 will also receive Long Term Support for five years after its initial release with support ending on June 30, 2020. The supported architectures include amd64, i386, armel and armhf.
20:40.22guruah I see
20:40.32gurufsmithred is playing the long game :P
20:41.24enycfinally boots complexity mochinu with ... radeon.dpm=0 nomodeset ;p
20:43.52fsmithredyeah, wheezy died some time ago. I thought about updating to jessie - the main app that is needed would continue to work, but after that, there's no deb package
20:44.16fsmithredand it's lvm on raid, so I decided not to mess with it
20:44.23enyc[  356.084078] [drm] VGACON disable radeon kernel modesetting.
20:44.23enyc[  356.084138] [drm:radeon_init [radeon]] *ERROR* No UMS support in radeon module!
20:48.36*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:49.20fsmithredenyc, stackexchange says remove nomodeset
20:52.13enycfsmithred: indeed!
20:52.21enycseems like modern  radeon  requires kms
20:54.09fsmithredyou have new vid card in old machine? Or was the pIII something else?
20:55.28enycpiii/machine is that with irssi etc
20:55.34enycnothing todo with desktop with error
20:59.48fsmithredand another search hit says to add radeon.modeset=0
21:00.45fsmithredwhich I'm pretty sure does the same thing as nomodeset
21:01.27enychrrm yesand not useful with new kernels
21:02.04enycfsmithred: going to try newer kernels ;p
21:05.45fsmithredenyc, does that install have anything in /dev when it's not running?
21:07.20fsmithredall I have in the install that gave me that error message about devs not in udev database has only /dev/null
21:07.57fsmithredstandard debian install has some static links in /dev. I don't know if that would make a difference.
21:09.14*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
21:27.02enycfsmithred: hrrm good question
21:27.20enycfsmithred: booting this 5.2 kernel finally ;p
21:27.49enycssame nonsens with   not initialiezd in ude database  etc
21:28.12enycwas very helpful to boot into older 4.9 kernel,  then sort out linux kernel installs
21:28.25enycas  grub-probe  etc  semeed to have massive runtime hangups similarly
21:47.04fsmithredI'm thinking eudev is involved. Might be helpful to know what conditions trigger that warning.
21:59.02*** join/#devuan guru (~guru@2601:196:8701:e3bb:aeb5:7dff:fe95:b552)
21:59.28guruenyc: I made a backup image like you did and upgraded. Glad I did the performance is significantly better.
21:59.59enycguru: im still arguing with kernels and radeon
22:00.08enyci SEEM to have a config that works-to-a-fashion, sort of!
22:00.17enyc[ 1270.464947] [drm:radeon_uvd_cs_parse [radeon]] *ERROR* Invalid UVD handle!
22:00.17enyc[ 1270.465011] [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl [radeon]] *ERROR* Invalid command stream !
22:00.19guruDo you use yours to game as well?
22:00.55enychrrm, i add virtualbox to the mix ;p
22:03.32*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
22:05.46guruI have no idea what packages affected my FPS but I'm loving it
22:33.25*** join/#devuan Inepu (
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22:42.30enycguru: what sort of gpu do you use?  what games you play?
22:46.14enycfsmithred: i did a  bind  (not rbind)  mount of / into /bind  ... /bind/dev ... theres only liwmimted items there,  console core fd full kmem loop* mem null port ptmx pts ram* random shm std* tty tty0 urandom zero
22:46.42enycfsmithred: none of the sd??  etc that booting was complainnig about
22:55.38slvrshould a non-active /dev (such as with bind mounts) have anything in it at all?
22:57.58fsmithredthanks for checking, enyc. I don't think that's the problem.
22:58.09fsmithredslvr, you can go either way with that
22:59.38fsmithredenyc, I don't get the error if I mount the hosts /run/udev to the chroot
23:00.05fsmithredso I'm thinking in your case maybe /run/udev doesn't exist when it's needed
23:20.18fsmithredsearching the error message led me to this:
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