IRC log for #devuan on 20190708

00:06.00*** join/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
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00:18.25*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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06:50.15FatPhilAnyone know of any reason why a recentish lenovo (X250/X260) shipping with Win10 would not be convertable to boot Ascii?
06:51.04FatPhilvague murmerings on teh internets did mention things along the lines of microsoft having the machine well "locked down".
06:52.20FatPhilI'm running it happily on my X240, but g/f needs a new laptop to replace a dead desktop
06:52.49man_in_shackprobably "secure boot" stuff
06:55.46*** join/#devuan \0xc0ffee (~chuck@freebsd/user/-0xc0ffee)
06:57.42gnarfacebasically if you can't disable secure boot or add your own keys to it, you're SOL
06:58.31gnarfaceit should be illegal, IMO.  but sadly it is not...
06:58.53gnarfacecheck the BIOS settings anyway
06:59.31*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
06:59.35gnarfaceif there isn't info onscreen at boot time there should be info in the motherboard manual at least of how to access it
07:00.02gnarfaceer, system manual or whatever, if it's a laptop
07:00.18gnarfacefind stuff about accessing firmware settings
07:00.45gnarfaceit is entirely possible they don't give you any access i don't know actually
07:02.50FatPhilOK, I'll ask to be taken into the bios settings and look for "disable secure boot". My custom-spec x240 came without an OS, IIRC, but all vendors here sell all off-the-shelf boxes with crapware preinstalled.
07:04.14FatPhilI'm gonna get cheeky, and demand a discount to the value of an OEM Windows licence, obviously, as that shit ain't staying on my machine any longer than the length of the busride back to the office.
07:08.41gnarfacewell, you might want to wait at least until you find out whether your have driver support in linux or not before you make that decision
07:08.48gnarfaceassuming you can get it to boot
07:09.20gnarfacemaybe try the live image
07:10.44gnarfacebut in theory you can still use secure boot if it lets you add your own key
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09:27.54FatPhilahhhh, now installing Ascii on my not-so-shiny not-so-new X250.
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09:31.06gnarfacethe win10 laptop?  it's working?
09:31.18gnarfacecongrats man
09:31.30gnarfacehope for kernel support
09:31.47gnarfaceat least for the video card part
09:31.57gnarfaceyou could always use a usb ethernet device
09:33.13FatPhilasked the g/f what she wanted the hostname to be - and, no joke, she chose "thot".
09:33.44FatPhilyeah, win 10 wiped.
09:35.23FatPhilI always do bare bones expert install, then do some scripted configuration, and pull in only the packages I need, so we haven't dropped into X yet.
09:35.47gnarfacedid it boot right up or did you have to mess with firmware settings?
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09:59.38FatPhilfortunately it was already configured to not use secure boot, and everything just worked.
09:59.56FatPhillenovo have always been pretty linux friendly.
10:01.32gnarfacegood to know
10:03.06fsmithredI just installed linux on a friend's T430 recently and had no serious problems. Had to fiddle with it to get the speaker buttons to work.
10:03.46fsmithredIt was a refurb with win10 and it was already set to legacy boot.
10:08.57FatPhilall hail refurbs!
10:09.11surrounderpets his refurbished x220
10:19.27jaromilreal hackers use refurbs
10:20.41gnarfacehey guys
10:20.47gnarfacetoshiba satellite 4015CDT
10:20.54gnarfacejust took the ascii update successfully!
10:23.40gnarfaceeh, too bad video support has been deprecated since jessie...
10:25.50gnarfacethe cirrus logic driver
10:26.33omnioI use deprecated video too and I had to compile xf86-video-sis on ascii. on beowulf it doesn't even compile anymore
10:30.25gnarfaceDonkeyHotei: abandoned
10:31.21jaromilgnu_srs1: good question on the packages needing attention for beowulf, anyone willing to make a list, can help a lot. all tests seem pretty smooth from what I read
10:31.25drawkulaDIY has to strik back...
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10:53.32Guest8854jaromil: Pls add upower to "your" list for "needing attention for beowulf" (if not already)?
10:55.36Guest8854jaromil: ...and the dependencies conflict for b/c of slim/lightdm if task-xfce-desktop is installed with recommends [libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0]???
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12:56.02FatPhilnow writes the single most complicated makefile he's ever written, because 2 hours of scripting configuration can save 5 minutes of manual configuration!
12:57.07FatPhilIt's a modification of the single most complicated makefile I'd ever written, which was definitely write-only, but alas my requirements have got more intricate.
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14:14.52FatPhilanyone know how to get a gnu to use -R -r behaviour (no builtins) using a directive in the makefile itself?
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14:21.23FatPhilinfo pages imply, through absense, that it's not possible.
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.