IRC log for #devuan on 20190707

00:17.46*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:17.46*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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02:21.25gmcastilweird....the devuan installer blew away my entries in /boot that lets me dual boot the machine
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02:33.45plasma41gmcastil: Was this the debian-installer from the install iso or the refracta-installer from the live iso?
02:35.58gmcastilthe refracta-installer
02:36.05gmcastilit only took a couple minutes to fix
02:36.21gmcastilbut still, i was a bit surprised that it didnt preserve the existing windows 7 menuentry
02:38.54plasma41fsmithred: gmcastil had an issue with your installer ^
02:39.11fsmithredwhat's up?
02:39.51fsmithredgmcastil, did you select a separate boot partition?
02:41.10fsmithredit only does things to partitions you select
02:41.28gmcastili previously installed jessie and replaced it with a live install of ascii
02:41.40fsmithredbut if you let it install the bootloader to mbr, it will replace whatever is there
02:42.29gmcastilwhen it configures grub, does it look in the previous grub.cfg for the existence of other entries?
02:42.45fsmithredit just does the normal update-grub
02:42.59fsmithredso it should make entries for all the installed systems
02:43.39fsmithredactually, it might look at any grub.cfg it finds. How it finds things is a mystery.
02:43.51gmcastilhuh, well it missed muy existing entry for windows 7
02:43.57gmcastilnbd, i fixed it
02:44.03gmcastili was just surprised that was the behavior
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04:37.44*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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06:16.42*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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10:08.41enycfsmithred: yes
10:08.55enycfsmithred: I had issues relating to locally installed old packages or held packages
10:09.09enycfsmithred: therefore, couldn't really come to too many conclusions about upgradability of  ascii-native install
10:09.32fsmithredenyc, did you install a full desktop from an installer iso?
10:09.37enycfsmithred:  did a lot of  apt-get --purge autoremove   and   deborphan | xargs dpkg -P
10:09.51fsmithredif so, you might have a problem with task-whatever-desktop
10:09.55enycfsmithred: not sure,  if I did was ages ago,  before upgrade and upgrade-again
10:10.08enycfsmithred: I do NOW have task-mate-desktop  installed  and working
10:10.17fsmithreddpkg -l |grep task-
10:10.21fsmithredwill show you
10:10.33enycyes indeed i know
10:10.39enycalso can run 'tasksel'
10:11.00enycin any case, I can say I have jessie->ascii->beowulf  working via upgrade route
10:11.11fsmithredyeah, but you're better off without the task- packages right now
10:11.40enyci actually removed the task-mate-desktop and  removed lots of xfce4 and mate  stuff before upgrading
10:11.45enycand various older things and so on
10:11.47enycthen upgraded
10:11.51enycthen re-instated task-mate-desktop
10:12.06fsmithredthe beowulf version might not be ready
10:12.15enycright yes
10:12.17fsmithredmight have some wrong deps
10:12.19enycthough, it SEEMSN to be working
10:12.27enycis all i'm saying
10:12.45enycchecks some auto-mointing ...
10:14.12enycth'ts behaving...
10:14.16enycused to have problems there
10:14.40enycdeps-wise, I'd check on things like  reminders about elogind vs polkit and whatever else
10:15.27fsmithredhates pokit
10:15.45enycbut there will be people who have it
10:15.47enycand so on
10:15.51fsmithredI have it
10:16.03onefangHate it so much you can't even type it.
10:16.05enycyes, mee to =)
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13:41.09omnioguys, when I install devuan using the livecd (refracta installed) and I log in on tty1 (no X), the drawed lines in mc look odd, they have strange characters
13:41.14omnioI can overcome this by using "mc -a" but I was wondering what's the cause, maybe some env variable?
13:41.41omnioI mean refracta installer (not installed)
13:41.45fsmithredomnio, install libgtk3-perl
13:41.54fsmithredI think that's the right package - let me check
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13:43.20fsmithredyeah, that's the right package
13:43.39omniofsmithred, thanks a lot
13:44.43fsmithredomnio, that's the wrong fix
13:44.55fsmithredthat's for graphical debconf windows instead of ncurses
13:45.12omniooh ok
13:45.26fsmithredrun 'dpg-reconfigure console-setup' and change "Fixed" font to "VGA"
13:45.45fsmithredthat might not be right, but it's closer
13:45.50fsmithredneed more coffee here
13:46.30omniohehe. thank you very much
13:46.39fsmithredok, it's either VGA or selecting UTF-8 that fixes is
13:46.49fsmithredI think it's UTF-8
13:47.21fsmithredor set CHARMAP="UTF-8" in /etc/default/console-setup
13:47.48fsmithredand then restart console-setup (dpkg-reconfigure does this automatically)
13:49.46gnarfacedpkg-reconfigure locales
13:51.53omnioI'll try these things. Thanks guys, this is useful on my old machines
13:53.44fsmithredit's console-setup. It'll be fixed in the point-release.
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20:51.55concatimeHi folks. Why am I getting couldnt look up for your hostname.
20:52.03concatimeFreenode works
20:57.42concatimeLOL, sorry
20:57.45concatimeWrong channel
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23:56.04xrogaanfsmithred: my disks index restored itself after a shutdown and reboot. Mobo is fine too. Probably happened because I booted too fast after restoring the power.
23:59.50amarsh04I've had an external USB drive take a while doing internal checks after an unclean shutdown before being visible as a mass storage device on boot-up

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