IRC log for #devuan on 20190706

00:01.08*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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00:17.35*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
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07:07.00*** join/#devuan enyc (
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07:12.32enycHrrm, what testing useful for Beowulf ?  beta testing of this ready?
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16:32.39*** join/#devuan akaizen (
16:32.58akaizenhi any updates on 3.0 release
16:33.14akaizendebian 10 / buster became stable today
16:34.52fsmithredwe should have installer isos soon-ish
16:35.06akaizenegg-cellent, very excited
16:35.42akaizenwhat can i do to help get them proven and "stable" faster?
16:36.05fsmithredtest them when they become available
16:36.48akaizensounds good, got a nas, firewall and webserver
16:37.03akaizenwill verify on a test server first before moving to prod
16:37.06fsmithredyou could test upgrades and migrations if you want
16:37.13fsmithredjust don't do it on a system you care about
16:37.36akaizeni have a config system so its easier to do clean installs
16:38.00*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
16:38.02akaizenpoint tftpd to a new iso :)
16:38.13fsmithredthe upgrades I've done from ascii to beowulf were easy.
16:39.25akaizencool, sadly my systems arnt running devuan at the moment
16:39.42akaizena mix of ubuntu, debian, arch and gentoo
16:40.06fsmithredif you have a spare partition or space for a VM try migrating from debian stretch or buster to devuan beowulf
16:40.59akaizensure, all i have to do is point to the dvuan apt mirrors and run dist-upgrade ?
16:41.18fsmithredPretty much that. There are some guides here:
16:41.58akaizenk i can give that a try, where should i post logs and submit any bug reports forum or dng mailing list
16:42.45fsmithredfor now
16:42.53fsmithredpackage bugs go to
16:43.16akaizencool, is there a offline server install image, the wiki/site says netinstall but that seems silly for cluster installs
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16:43.39akaizenis the dvd iso appropriate?
16:43.42fsmithredno install isos yet
16:44.41fsmithredyou can use an ascii netinstall iso and do one of two things: either install base system and upgrade or choose expert install and you get to select beowulf. (I think that's in the current netinstall isos)
16:44.47akaizenok, which one i should look out for
16:45.00fsmithredwhat do you mean?
16:45.57fsmithredif you already have ascii dvd, you can use that
16:46.04akaizeni dont run a local apt mirror so a netinstall would waste bandwidth/time
16:46.26akaizenyea i figured the dvd would have most everything for a server install
16:46.44fsmithredif you want beowulf, everything will have to be downloaded (a netinstall)
16:47.04akaizenill wait for the isos :)
16:47.10fsmithredor cheat and use one of the derivative distros that have beowulf isos
16:47.43akaizendownstream already has isos ? seems a bit out of order
16:48.02fsmithredyeah, but easy to do
16:48.35fsmithredeither through upgrade, debootstrap install, live-sdk build
16:48.47fsmithredprobably some other ways to get there, too.
16:48.59fsmithredsome of us are impatient
16:50.26akaizenhaha i know the feeling
16:52.59enycfsmithred: testing new isos yes,  but whta about testing update  of ascii to beowulf  on MATE desktop ?   particuar fairuere erros with updates of  elogind  and  usb automating and  udev stuff etc.?
16:53.45enycuerm, wondering if there are particular areas in the latter which might be suspect of issues on upgrades
16:54.36*** join/#devuan wcdsc (
16:55.56fsmithredenyc, yeah, if you test mate upgrades, please report so others will know what to look out for.
16:56.05fsmithredand maybe there are bugs we can fix.
16:56.15*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
16:56.33fsmithredThere might already be some discussions about that at the forum. I have a tendency to ignore the mate threads.
16:56.36akaizenwhats the u in uva?
16:56.58akaizener vua
16:57.13fsmithredVeteran Unix Admins
17:03.12*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:05.06akaizenthanks fsmithred, see you on the forums
17:05.41*** part/#devuan wcdsc (
17:08.53*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
17:10.36enycfsmithred: not found anything, just .. but have found your comment about  beowulf  stable enough to move to
17:16.40*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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17:27.40enyc  In my view could do with link to the whateever-it-is page that shows you  what packages devuan  customizes/patches
17:28.33enycthis leads to related question,  what is the state in beowulf with additional packages not yet sorted-out, are they  to be held at older ascii versions, or  won't install because of broken dependencies,  or what will happen in practice  for beowulf-unfinished?
17:34.36*** join/#devuan petzi (
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17:39.27*** join/#devuan Defender1031 (
17:57.19*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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18:04.48golinuxThe beta release of beowulf will find the remaining bugs. When stable is released it will be "finished".
18:11.52*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:11.58phogggolinux: is that page supposed to show anything? Or is most stuff hidden from anonymous?
18:17.32*** join/#devuan retak_ (
18:18.07*** join/#devuan Inepu (
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18:24.37*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
18:25.16phogggolinux: nevermind, figured it out. Too much aggressive JS blocking.
18:32.31*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
19:01.12*** join/#devuan jathan (~jathan@
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19:19.57*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@
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21:28.20enycgolinux: =)
21:29.15enycgolinux: still, interesting ed in ... what happes if i upgrade into beowulf now
21:29.28enycgolinux: might i end up with systemd-dependent packages or what?
21:29.41enycbacking-up disk-image right now ...... ;p
21:34.10*** join/#devuan bpmedley (~bpm@2600:1700:eb20:6050:ed46:883:4213:1d60)
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21:55.35*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
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22:09.35golinuxenyc: Here's the list of banned packages
22:10.36golinuxSo that's not an issue. But depending on your usecase, there could be some bugs not systemd related.
22:11.44*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
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22:13.39fsmithredenyc, did you try the upgrade yet?
22:19.59*** join/#devuan Acacia_ (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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22:33.37drawkula$ ncomm packages.destiny packages.devuan3-amd64 packages.devuan3-i386 | fgrep -i systemd | wc -l
22:34.17drawkula2 VMs and one netbook... with XFCE and no systemd found in their packages lists
22:35.50drawkula(here VMs are named after the OS+arch, real hardware has real names...)
22:40.05*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8642)
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23:04.21*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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23:17.26*** join/#devuan gmcastil (2d298669@
23:18.35gmcastiljust reinstalled the latest version of devuan ascii - in addition to ascii, ascii-updates, and ascii-security what other repos should i add as well?
23:21.09*** join/#devuan booyah (~bb@
23:21.54gmcastilis there a commonly used repo for things like chrome?
23:22.03fsmithredgmcastil, that covers it unless you need something from backports
23:22.28fsmithredchromium is in main, chrome I guess you would get from google.
23:22.33gmcastilwhen i first used devuan a couple years ago, i seem to remember having to add other stuff
23:22.51gmcastilbut we dont include the debian repos right?
23:22.58fsmithredmaybe had to remove some stuff too
23:23.14fsmithredno, just use devuan. amprolla will merge the stuff from debian
23:23.29fsmithredthrough a filter that's not shaped like a D
23:23.34*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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23:53.39*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (

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