IRC log for #devuan on 20190702

00:09.49*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
00:23.49*** join/#devuan infobot (
00:23.49*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
00:23.49*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:34.41*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:07.22*** join/#devuan OneManHateGroup (~pete@
01:11.09OneManHateGroupI'm desparately trying to get my monitors to stretch instead of mirroring. Ready with pastebin for outputs.
01:13.25OneManHateGroupthat's "lshw -c video"
01:13.26*** join/#devuan minnesotags (
01:14.55plasma41OneManHateGroup: What desktop environment are you using? In Xfce, multi-monitor settings can be manipulated with the xfce4-display-settings program.
01:14.56OneManHateGroupSorry, is this even the correct room for an issue concerning  getting multiple monitors to work?
01:15.22OneManHateGroupaight... lemme see if I got that one
01:16.47plasma41OneManHateGroup: If you don't, install the xfce4-settings package to get it.
01:23.30*** join/#devuan ericnoan (~en@unaffiliated/ericnoan)
01:26.07plasma41minty: What desktop environment were you using?
01:27.17mintyplasma41: I tried startx but no joy...
01:27.31*** join/#devuan voker57 (quassel@kvirc/developer/Voker57)
01:27.48plasma41minty: try running tasksel as root and select the MATE option.
01:28.13mintyplasma41: ok brb
01:31.11*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:37.05plasma41afk. mention my nick to get my attention
01:39.01mintyplasma41: "Unable to connect to server: connection refused"
01:39.28OneManHateGroupplasma - my display settings won't see both monitors
01:40.44OneManHateGroup@plasma41 Is there a way to re initiate the X so that it detects monitors again?
01:41.04mintyplasma41: oops! Xserver ^^^
01:41.55OneManHateGroupIt's not bad, I just  need to get multiple monitors going.
01:47.40plasma41minty: What program gave that output?
01:49.54plasma41OneManHateGroup: Try rebooting. (I know there's got to be a better way to do it, but I don't know it offhand) Make sure the video cable are properly connected.
01:50.01*** join/#devuan brocashelm (~brocashel@
02:00.59*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
02:02.00*** join/#devuan OneManHateGroup (~pete@
02:02.24OneManHateGroupplasma41 -- That is a nogo
02:02.45fsmithredOneManHateGroup, try lxrandr
02:02.52OneManHateGroupstill mirrored with crappy resoluvioun
02:03.16plasma41afk, back in ~20
02:03.23fsmithredpretty sure xfce display settings don't handle dual monitors in ascii
02:03.29golinuxfsmithred: You beat me yo it.
02:03.37fsmithredit does work in beowulf, so you have that to look forward to
02:04.02fsmithred(posted from monitor #2)
02:04.27OneManHateGrouplxrandr only sees one monitor also
02:04.31golinuxThat questionwas asked on the forum today also
02:05.03fsmithredoh, bad resolution might mean that you need to specify the driver
02:05.07fsmithredin xorg.con
02:05.22fsmithredwhat vid card do you have?
02:05.53fsmithredor you might need to install firmware
02:06.21brocashelmwhen was the last public release of devuan? and, how is progress on beowulf?
02:06.27OneManHateGroupI think it might be a problem with myasrock  board
02:06.36fsmithredmake sure xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed
02:07.10fsmithreddevuan ascii was released a year ago
02:07.45fsmithredbeowulf is coming along. Some of the major desktop stuff is working (policykit, elogind, eudev)
02:08.01brocashelmcool. i'm going to wait for that one before i make the switch
02:08.20fsmithredwhat are you switching from?
02:08.24brocashelmmint 18.3
02:09.25fsmithredif you're thinking of migrating that install to devuan, it might work, but a clean install would be a lot easier.
02:10.01brocashelmi've used devuan before. had random troubles with things like network manager and package conflicts (i was barred from mount permissions for just removing slim)
02:10.15brocashelmdidn't feel it was worth it yet
02:10.31brocashelmand i couldn't get the blazing fast mouse acceleration
02:10.42fsmithredmy personal choice is to stay away from slim
02:10.54brocashelmit came out of the box and i wanted it gone
02:11.01fsmithredyeah, I know
02:11.07brocashelmi use startx (xfce)
02:11.10fsmithredI will again petition to change that
02:11.54fsmithredok, so you'll need to either have elogind or xserver-xorg-legacy and set X to run as root.
02:12.30fsmithredthat's A or (b and c)
02:13.09fsmithredit's explained in the ascii release notes
02:19.53*** join/#devuan Sissyfoss (Sysifoss@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/sysifoss)
02:21.39*** join/#devuan OneManHateGroup (~pete@
02:24.04*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:64e:7700:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:32.53*** join/#devuan OneManHateGroup (~pete@
02:35.26*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
02:36.50XenguyAnyone know if the recent security updates for ssl and firefox will come straight through, or need to be devuanized?
02:37.50XenguyI'm assuming straight down the pipe
02:38.55fsmithredright. we don't mess with those.
02:42.43XenguyThanks, I keep adjusting my sources.list based on tips I see here in this channel
02:44.21fsmithredboth pkgmaster and packages are working properly now
02:44.47fsmithredso deb.devuan and auto.mirror should both be good
02:45.18fsmithredthere might be a couple of mirrors with some glitches
02:45.36fsmithredyou're in US?
02:45.50XenguyLook like it's currently set to auto.mirror, but I think that is redirecting to something else now.  Works fine.
02:46.18mintyplasma41: ^^^ program was startx produced "Unable to connect to Xserver: connection refused"
02:46.47fsmithredminty try startx as root
02:47.12*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:47.13mintytail of /var/log/Xorg.0.log had (EE)s
02:47.20fsmithredif it works I can tell you how to fix it
02:47.30mintyfsmithred: I did
02:47.35*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:47.43fsmithredyou got that error as root?
02:47.47mintyfsmithred: lol! TKU
02:48.08mintyor at least sudo
02:48.32fsmithredpretty sure that should work too
02:49.27mintyFATAL SERVER ERROR: 204.824 (EE) AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0
02:49.53fsmithreddid you try tasksel and reinstall mate?
02:50.07*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
02:50.31mintyfsmithred: Do you mean to uninstal it then reinstal?
02:50.47fsmithreddon't need to uninstall
02:51.07fsmithredjust run tasksel as root in terminal and check the boxes you want
02:51.27mintyWell it's installed + default + Cinnamon
02:51.54fsmithredhow did you get cinnamon?
02:52.07mintybut when I reboot I keep getting the same (EE) Error?
02:52.42mintyfsmithred: I just pressed spacebar on it
02:52.54fsmithredok, so you have mate and cinnamon installed?
02:53.16XenguyYeah, try MATE instead?
02:53.16mintyyes but the Xserver keeps refusing to run
02:53.37fsmithredyes, I understand that you can't get to a desktop
02:53.48mintyfsmithred: yes
02:53.59fsmithredyou didn't happen to notice what got removed when you upgraded, did you?
02:54.17mintyfsmithred: sorry - no
02:54.25fsmithredprobably polkit backend crap. I think those desktops might be incompatible. Not sure.
02:55.06XenguyBroken install, what else can you do?
02:55.49plasma41minty: I've found the Cinnamon task to be finicky. I couldn't get it to work as-is and replacing lightdm with slim (+ all associated deps) fixed for me. If you don't intend to use Cinnamon, I'd recommend deselecting it in tasksel.
02:56.13mintyplasma41: ok tku brb
02:57.01fsmithredyup, mate wants slim and consolekit, cinnamon wants lightdm and elogind
02:57.23fsmithredconsolekit and elogind won't get along with each other
02:59.13fsmithreddpkg -l | egrep "consolekit|policykit|polkit|elogind|libpam"
02:59.30fsmithredthen paste the output somewhere
03:04.14plasma41fsmithred: I don't make any changes to that whole group of packages outside of aptitude. Trying to satisfy all those dependencies and conflicts without aptitude's interactive resolver is a major pain.
03:09.14fsmithredit's much easier to stick to one desktop
03:09.49plasma41This is currently very true
03:09.59fsmithredand if you do want more than one, it would be easier to install all the parts instead of using the task- packages
03:10.04fsmithredbecause of dependencies
03:17.43fsmithredminty, you still here? Since you can't paste the output, redirect it to a file, and then that can be sent somewhere we can see it.
03:23.37mintyfsmithred: I found the Error online at & I am going to try & modify xorg.conf?
03:26.10minty   AddScreen/ScreenInit
03:27.09fsmithredthere's no xorg.conf to modify
03:27.34fsmithredyou can make one, but I'm not sure that's the problem
03:29.02fsmithredthere might be more than one cause for that message
03:30.25fsmithredScroll down to the section on Session Management -
03:30.35fsmithredI need to go to sleep
03:31.18fsmithredmake sure you have the right libpolkit-gobject and libpolkit-backend
03:31.40fsmithredalso make sure you're not missing any xorg package. You might have lost something during the upgrade.
03:31.46fsmithredgood luck.
03:37.43mintyfsmithred: TKU VMUCH nighty-night
03:46.01*** join/#devuan Inepu (
04:03.49*** part/#devuan FatPhil (~luser@devuan/community/FatPhil)
04:04.22*** join/#devuan FatPhil (~luser@devuan/community/FatPhil)
04:06.53FatPhilis there a problem (apart from not being recommended) with jessie-backports? g/f says she can't download any package updates on her lappy.
04:16.07*** join/#devuan xcm (
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04:32.29drawkulalooks like a problem here too
04:32.35drawkulain a jessie-VM
04:33.15drawkulanervous mouse finger
04:35.23*** join/#devuan Evilham (~evilhamun@devuan/developer/Evilham)
04:38.11*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
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05:00.43*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
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05:24.19*** join/#devuan markizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
05:44.48gnarfaceFatPhil: i think Debian is about to kill off jessie upstream
05:45.08gnarfacethat might be a good reason to get off it or quickly mirror it
05:45.43gnarfacei wouldn't expect backports or security updates to persist indefinitely
05:46.02gnarfaceit will even only be available on their servers as "oldstable" for a limited time
05:48.53*** join/#devuan Tuor (
05:48.53*** join/#devuan Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
05:55.48*** join/#devuan Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
06:10.32*** join/#devuan brett-soric (
06:14.39*** join/#devuan omnio (~omnio@
06:17.19omniofolks, does someone have some experience installing devuan on a JFS or XFS filesystem? It seems that if I choose to install on anything else than ext3, it fails to boot
06:18.29gnarfaceXFS is working for me, though i'm not sure i tried it from the installer
06:18.45omnioI'm talking about the installation DVD, not about the live one (the live one lets you choose only between ext2, ext3, ext4)
06:18.53omnioI see
06:19.11gnarfacewhat errors to do you get when it fails to boot?
06:21.04gnarfaceif you're using grub, make sure to remove "quiet" from /etc/default/grub to see the full text output of the boot process
06:22.01gnarfacealso, did you use LVM, RAID, LUKS, or some combination of the three?  it might not have anything to do with the filesystem, per-se
06:23.56omnioit seems that the classical installer (not refracta) doesn't like me much, the only successful install I made with it was on an ext3 partition. Last evening I chose ext4 and the error is now "error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found."
06:24.19omniono LVM and all that stuff, no /boot partition, just one plain ext4 / partition
06:25.32omnioI guess I'll just use the refracta installer and ext4, but I was wondering if someone else has had problems with this
06:35.43gnarfaceomnio: this is the Ascii install DVD, as in Devuan 2.0, right?
06:36.23gnarfaceshould work, but the issue rings a bell...
06:36.28gnarfacei'm wondering if you have an old version
06:36.37gnarfaceor if there's some uefi complication
06:37.54gnarfacedo you have the package "grub-pc-bin" installed there?
06:38.36omnioI don't use uefi on this old machine... google seems to show a lot of results for this error
06:39.02omniohold on, I have to boot another distro and chroot in order to check that
06:39.25*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@2601:640:7:120c:2cea:9c08:9b3a:49aa)
06:39.59gnarfaceare you sharing the machine with Windows?
06:41.17omniono, with Mageia on a different hard disk
06:42.50gnarfacehmm, so it's conceivable this issue is more to do with it's grub install than the one devuan came with?
06:43.39omnioMageia installed its grub on the MBR of its disk, and so did Devuan (on its disk)
06:43.54omnio(on separate disks)
06:44.41gnarfaceright, but unless you're changing the boot order of the physical disks in the BIOS, then the grub that loads is whichever is on the first disk the bios sees
06:45.12omnioand I'm trying to boot devuan with devuan's grub that devuan installer installed on the devuan disk :)
06:45.25omnioright, that;s what I do -> BIOS
06:45.43gnarfaceoh.  so it still fails if you tell the BIOS that the devuan disk is the first disk?
06:46.01gnarfacewell, do see about that grub-pc-bin package
06:46.47gnarfaceyou've got a devuan install from DVD that hasn't booted yet, so it's conceivable this bug has been fixed long ago and you just need to get your network up so you can patch
06:47.42gnarface(i don't know how long ago you downloaded that DVD, but FYI for the future, the netinstall is usually a better long-term solution if you plan to have a network handy, because it will patch itself during install)
06:48.41gnarfacethe DVD sets are more intended as a convenience for un-networked systems
06:49.54omnioyes, grub-pc-bin is installed. No, it's not that, I downloaded the DVD just a couple of days ago. I also did a netinstall yesterday but that fails too if I choose something else than ext3
06:50.06gnarfacedo you have grub-pc too?
06:50.16gnarfaceand grub-common and/or grub2-common?
06:50.42gnarfacefor that matter, do you see the actual file it's complaining about anywhere?  /boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod  or /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod?
06:50.58gnarfacethe real mystery here is what happened to that file
06:51.46omnioyes, I have grub-pc and grub-common
06:51.57omnionevermind, I'll just use the refracta installer on this old machine. Thanks anyway!
06:52.03gnarfaceaww come on
06:52.13gnarfaceat least finish answering my questions
06:52.19gnarfaceneither of us learn anything this way
06:52.47*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:52.49gnarfaceyou cited a boot failure ending in an error about a missing file and you still haven't even explicitly confirmed whether the file exists on your system or not
06:52.54omniohehe, sure, but it feels like some hard-to-hunt installer bug
06:53.14gnarface99% of the difficulty here is your methodology
06:53.23gnarfaceor lack thereof
06:54.00omniooh, let me check for that file
06:54.25gnarfacei see it here in both ascii and ceres
06:55.03gnarfacein fact i have TWO copies each
06:55.26gnarfaceon ein /boot/grub/i386-pc and one in /usr/lib/grub/i386-pv
06:56.02omniono, there is no norma.mod file :( as I said, and installer bug
06:56.15*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:56.36gnarfacewell, it should definitely be there
06:58.01omniosure, but I'm tired after 10 attempts to install in different combinations. So it looks like either I choose the refracta installer, or the classical installer with ext3 which seems to work
06:58.04*** part/#devuan brett-soric (
06:58.40gnarfacewell do what you want, but i'm not satisfied with your causal analysis
06:59.15gnarfacejust out of curiosity, if you run "update-grub" as root while chrooted into that install, does it start working then?
06:59.39gnarfaceat issue is figuring out how you could be having an issue that nobody else has
07:00.08gnarfacewhile it's possible entirely to be a bug in the installer, the fact most people aren't running into this issue suggests it's something different you did
07:00.36gnarfacemy google searches about this all seem to point to ubuntu users sharing a computer with a Windows install though
07:01.10gnarfaceso that suggests this is more related to grub and dual-boot installations than anything specific about the DVD installer you used
07:03.04gnarfacesorry you'd already tried beating your head against a wall 10x first
07:03.47gnarfacefyi there's the additional option of debootstrap installation too though
07:04.21omnioupdate-grub worked fine, I rebooted but I get the same error. I don't know, maybe there's something strange about the hardware of this machine
07:04.32omnioit's ancient
07:05.07gnarfaceit could be something strange about the BIOS behavior itself that is complicating this, yes.  if, for example, the BIOS re-numbers the boot drives after POST, that can confuse grub quite royally
07:05.19gnarfacethe thing about only ext3 working is weird though, i suspect just a red herring
07:06.07gnarfacein fact, i think the right changes to the grub config should fix this though it's not beyond the realm of possibility you're still missing a package
07:06.39gnarfacewhat might be causing you confusion in fact might just be unexpected interations between the two different grub installs you ahve on your separate drives
07:06.49gnarfaceyou might need to set them both up to play nice
07:07.02omnionow that you said it, it seems likely to me too that it's about the BIOS
07:07.31gnarfacei've used multiple grub installs before but usually chainloading isn't worth the trouble unless you're doing something fancy
07:07.36gnarfaceyou shouldn't need two grub installs at all
07:07.44gnarfaceyour two linux installs should be able to share a single grub
07:08.26gnarfacei admit i've still thrown my hands up and used lilo instead on some old Dell computers just because of infuriatingly misbehaved BIOSes
07:09.07omnioI'm not chainloading, I use separate grubs installed on separate MBR's to boot separate distros
07:09.31*** join/#devuan rsx (
07:09.38gnarfacewell if you can actually see that it's renaming/renumbering the drives in some bad way, fixing it might be as simple as a 1-digit change to both grub configs
07:10.52gnarfacei don't know why there's a mnemonic flag in my head about efi firmware related to this grub-pc missing file thing
07:11.30gnarfaceis this a machine that fully predates UEFI or was it one of those transitional ones that can boot in either BIOS/Legacy or (U)EFI mode?
07:12.08omnioI see. Well, there is one more test that I didn't do and it would clarify things a bit, to leave just one disk in the machine and install only devuan on it. If that fails too it seems likely to be some hardware/BIOS issue
07:12.27omnioNo, legacy only
07:12.31gnarfacethat would be a good test but if you do it make sure you start from a cold boot
07:12.53gnarfaceas in power down, unplug the power, count 10 seconds after all the LEDs go out, etc
07:13.32gnarface(misbehaved BIOSes can cache some of that hardware configuration, so stuff you've removed can still cause issues)
07:14.42omnioHeh, I see. I'll try this these days. I'm exhausted. Thanks for all the help!
07:15.24gnarfaceyea no problem.  sorry i couldn't help more
07:16.07gnarfacei strongly advise you don't give up on it though.  these types of mysteries are usually really important to solve in order to inform your future purchasing decisions
07:16.18omnio(a freakin' crappy old machine and tons of people wasting their time with it...)
07:16.39gnarfacebut figuring out why it's not working might help many others
07:18.17gnarfacethere's a limited amount of patterns of this type of misbehavior, it's really important to accurately assign blame, rather than just assuming something
07:18.41omniowell, I'm so happy that I found devuan that is actually usable (as speed) on this old machine, that I'll go with whatever install combination works :)
07:18.59gnarfacewell, if ext3 works fine i don't blame you
07:19.18gnarfacei just don't think that should have anything to do with it, so it would be valuable for me to know if it's true or not
07:19.24gnarfacealso, i really like XFS
07:19.45gnarfacei think you would too if you experienced how much faster it is on that hardware
07:20.02gnarfaceit's a worthy cause
07:20.37omnioI don't know, I chose JFS because it's said to have the lowest CPU load => probably good for an old CPU
07:21.30gnarfaceXFS has great read times, i don't know much about JFS
07:22.32gnarfaceXFS also is the only one that is multi-threaded
07:22.42gnarfacebut if you only have a single CPU core that may not help you much
07:23.03gnarfaceit's a really smart choice for a core2duo system though
07:24.15omniothe mageia install I have on the other disk is on JFS, the fs operations seem pretty fast but the os is still sluggish compared to devuan, I guess it's because of systemd. Also, they compiled "strangely" their 32 bit packages, some fail with the "Illegal instruction" error, I guess they passed SSE and SSE2 flags that my CPU doesn't have
07:24.28omnioit's not that case of devuan/debian, where everything works
07:24.35omnio32 packages, I mean
07:24.43omnio*32 bit
07:25.06gnarfaceit could be systemd at fault but it's hard to say.  a lot can be said just for default package selections
07:25.18gnarfacelike how much stuff they load you down with extra that you're not using
07:25.35gnarfacenot just systemd but other userspace daemons
07:25.45gnarfaceall that cruft that comes along with gnome or kde for example
07:26.22omnioI know, that's first thing I looked at. I just use LXQT and stopped pretty much all the daemons
07:30.48gnarfacethis place will start to get more crowded in about 6-8 hours
07:30.57gnarfacei think
07:31.25gnarfacei'll help you more with it whenever you're ready, but usually i'm not the only one here, too
07:32.08*** part/#devuan Tuor (~Tuor@unaffiliated/tuor)
07:34.14gnarfaceand don't uh... devalue that hardware in your mind.  it's a worthwhile endeavor to figure out how to make this machine behave.  hardware that predates speculative execution vulnerabilities is bound to spike in value...
07:37.23omniothanks a lot :) yeah, but the problem is that the old motherboards just die after a while mainly because of capacitor failures, so I don't know how long they'll be around...
07:37.46omnio*for how long
07:38.51*** join/#devuan xcm (
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07:42.59FatPhilgnarface: are the other devuan releases more independent on debian - being dependent on the thing you broke away from really isn't breaking away, after all.
07:44.40FatPhilI think I did a jessie-ascii upgrade on one of my boxes without hitch, I'll recommend that to her when she can afford the downtime (she's only on that old laptop because her main box imploded, and has work pressures).
07:45.40*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
07:50.36*** join/#devuan Inepu (
08:02.02omnioI guess that being completely independent would mean to have the manpower to maintain 100000000000 packages
08:09.13gnarfaceomnio: capacitors aren't supposed to fail normally.  there's just a period of a couple bad years of hardware
08:09.52gnarfacedue to an actual temporary loss of the secret recipe, according to the story i heard
08:10.24onefangAnd can be fixed.  Did that on my monitor.
08:11.17gnarfaceFatPhil: i don't really know if there's a good answer to that question but the idea was NOT to change Debian, and this is the cheapest most direct way to do that
08:11.31*** join/#devuan Inepu (
08:12.39gnarfaceright now there wouldn't really be enough resources to support a full fork, but most the packages are untouched by systemd anyway, so a full fork shouldn't be necessary unless ... Debian were to start directly blocking Devuan users from repo access or something like that
08:13.55gnarfaceand i don't know if that wouldn't happen but i would imagine they'd still make an effort to keep most the packages the same unless absolutely necessary
08:14.15gnarfacenot just to save cost, but also to maintain compatibility
08:14.33gnarfacethat's just my guess though
08:14.57FatPhilah, so was she actually attempting to hit a debian server via a devuan url?
08:14.59onefangI think directly blocking Devuan users from Debian repos would be a tad tricky.  lol
08:15.39*** join/#devuan engidea (
08:15.51gnarfaceFatPhil: that's the way it works
08:16.10gnarfaceFatPhil: amprolla is using HTTP redirects i think...\
08:16.10FatPhilah - thanks, I wasn't aware of that, I thought you were mirroring
08:16.17gnarfaceno it's not a full mirror
08:16.31gnarfaceonly the packages that are actually changed are actually on the devuan mirrors
08:16.52gnarfacethe rest of the downloads are redirected to debian servers
08:17.12onefangSome of the mirrors have a full mirror of Devuan and Debian, usually to ones that had Debian mirror already.  Others use redirects.
08:19.07FatPhilOK, I'll try to get the thing dist-upgraded to ascii sooner rather than later then.
08:19.37FatPhilDoesn't this setup mean you have to kinda run in lock-step with the debian distros?
08:20.34gnarfacethat's the idea, but in practice devuan runs a few weeks behind on major releases
08:20.53FatPhileep, I notice I'm running jessie here too. mote, plank, etc.
08:22.02*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
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08:45.12FatPhilAnyone have any idea why xrandr doesn't even list a VGA output on a EeePC lappy? I'm used to seeing such things as 'disconnected' on other machines, never not listed at all.
08:47.37gnarfaceno driver support maybe
08:47.50Human_G33kanything in dmesg related ?
08:48.28gnarfacesomething about missing firmware maybe?
08:52.56FatPhilug, g/f's gone silent for a moment, and I can't work out how to SSH in from here.
08:54.42FatPhilIt's a horribly crappy intel graphics chipset on the board, strangely behaving differently when it comes to h/w 2D scaling between debian jessie and devuan jessie, IIRC. pure junk, IMHO, but it's the machine we have, so we have to make do.
08:55.40gnarfacerecently they changed a default so it might be using the kvm driver instead of the intel driver unless you specify something in the xorg config
08:56.01gnarfacesorry, driver i mean the kms driver
08:56.18gnarfaceas opposed to "intel"
08:56.26gnarfaceor something like that
09:00.37FatPhilI'll be in the office this afternoon (and it's approaching lunchtime now) so will be able to be more hands-on with the machine (got 3 buggers to fix now, it seems like 2019 is the year of PC doom for me)
09:04.41FatPhildmesg doesn't go far enough back to boot time, alas. But when we removed -updates, we did a kernel downgrade, so a reboot is pending (and the problem may magically disappear)
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09:05.51FatPhillspci identifies it as: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Atom Processor D2xxx/N2xxx Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)
09:09.38gnarfaceoh, integrated into atom processor hmm
09:09.52FatPhilI notice lsmod shows: drm                   207600  3 drm_kms_helper,gma500_gfx
09:10.30gnarfacewell i guess i don't know for sure the intel driver even supports that one.  i know it doesn't actually support all of them, and this could be one of those.
09:10.50gnarfaceit would be pretty easy to test though
09:11.24gnarfacethere would be obvious changes to the Xorg log and the display behavior
09:13.45gnarfaceoh but wait
09:13.49gnarfacedid it used to use the intel driver?
09:13.55gnarfaceif so i would expect it would still work
09:14.10gnarfaceso in that case it's probably just because kms is the default if you don't specify anything
09:15.16FatPhilOK, off to lunch, then to office after that.
09:15.36FatPhilhmmm, I don't see anything to do with VGA in the Xorg.log
09:19.47gnarfacemake sure it's the right log file
09:20.00gnarfacecould be in /var/log or .local/share/xorg now
09:20.14gnarfacesorry ~/.local/share/xorg i mean
09:20.33gnarfacelook for modeset or kms
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10:33.47FatPhilgnarface: (EE) Failed to load module "modesetting" (module does not exist, 0)
10:34.20gnarfacewait is that after you edited xorg.conf or without any changes?
10:37.10FatPhilI don't have an xorg.conf per se, there are three default  confs in the .d directory
10:37.29gnarfaceok, that's what i wanted to make sure of, that you were getting that error stock
10:39.10FatPhiloh, we didn't do the reboot yet, as alas work still needs to be done for nagging clients.
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10:40.26FatPhilhowever, my h/w switcheroo for broken machine 2 seems to be working, so that's 1/3 for the day.
10:41.19FatPhilonce that passes a quick burn-in, it will liberate the laptop, and I should be able to ascii-fy it.
10:42.46FatPhilwhich means it's time to turn attention to broken machine 3... Again, crappy crappy hardware is to blame I'm sure. But DHCPC does seem to be at fault too. It ignores the flags I've set in /etc/defaults
10:46.41AEonFyrIs there any info on the recent openssl update? Changelog @ just 404's
10:46.49gnarfaceFatPhil: tried a different dhcp client for that?
10:49.48FatPhilgnarface: that's the next thing I'll do - I hate the default bloaty one and all its deps, so went for the busybox one instead.
10:51.04FatPhilalas this zotac dvr takes about 70s to actually turn on its ETH PHY, and the dhcpc times out before an address can be fetched
10:52.03FatPhilyes, I do power my office with junk that falls off the back of a dustcart.
10:56.05FatPhilMy oldest machine is a 32bit Athlon XP2800+ from ~2002
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11:12.34FatPhillet's call that 2/3-ish, as the ISC dhcpc did get an IP address
11:14.27FatPhilI wonder why udhcpc wasn't playing ball. the udhcpc_opts setting in /e/n/interfaces seemed to be completely ignored.
11:17.46AEonFyrresearched that the latest openssl update is to fix CVE-2019-1543
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11:47.33fsmithredAEonFyr, openssl 1.1.0k-1~deb9u1 (patched) is in ascii-security
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12:09.45FatPhilArse, 2 steps forward, 1 step back - replacement PSU didn't stop spontanious reboots, presume h/w is proper borked on machine 2.
12:21.54cehtehold caps, fscked thermal paste, graphics drivers?
12:22.10gnarfaceyea what about heat?
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12:23.57FatPhilit was freshly hoovered, and had the lid off (and with a honking heat sink and fan on the CPU, nothing was even vaguely warm to the touch.
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12:24.32FatPhilOnly started dying last week, and now it's every few hours. Might be a cap.
12:25.50FatPhilthe machine is moribund anyway, it's over a decade old.
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13:08.20HumanGeekis tor mirror down ?
13:09.13HumanGeekCenturion_Dan, you did a systemd conf file translator ?
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13:39.51AEonFyrfsmithred, thanks. I saw it there and was wondering what is being fixed, but couldn't find an online changelog. Eventually installed the update and read the included changelog to find out. :)
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15:18.22golinuxgnarface:  jessie will not be dead until 2020.
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15:22.09gnarfacenoted golinux, thanks
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15:31.52golinuxgnarface: I still keep track of the Debian forum so thank sunrat over on FDN.
15:36.34golinuxonefang: I'm curious about your statement that some of the mirrors have a full mirror of Devuan and Debian.  That may be true but is the Debian mirror actually connected to Devuan?  I have never heard of amprolla pointing to anything else than the Debian repos.
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16:51.23proteusguylibressl in-compatibilities are giving me trouble upgrading some of my core systems. I need the latest Python 3.7.x but it isn't compatible: see  and . What's the best work around for people using Devuan?
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16:54.42gnarfaceproteusguy: is it in backports?  check backports
16:58.38proteusguysorry devuan newbie here. how do I do that gnarface ?
17:00.28gnarfacesame way it works in debian
17:00.53proteusguyis also a debian newbie. I don't know what backports is.
17:01.12gnarfacewell lemme see if it's even in there first...
17:01.50gnarfacenevermind proteusguy it doesn't matter because python isn't in backports
17:02.19proteusguyis there an alternate version of ssl?
17:02.26gnarfacebasically backports is a repo of extra updated stuff that isn't necessarily as well tested as the stuff actually released as stable
17:02.34proteusguyI see.
17:03.44proteusguyI just recently dropped Kubuntu 14.04 as it went end of life and was the last version to not have systemd. So I'm really hoping I can work with Devuan. But I'm a dev and actually do need a newer version of Python than what's provided.
17:03.46gnarfaceyou can search the packages here
17:04.09gnarfacebut basically for the most part it's gonna be the same as debian
17:04.26slvrI like running the newest ubuntu in an lxc container, safely isolated from my working system.
17:04.54proteusguyhow does one get apt to point to backports?
17:04.54gnarfaceproteusguy: you can always run the unstable version to get a more recent python
17:05.37gnarfaceyou'd add it to the /etc/apt/sources.list file, re-run "apt-get update" and then add "-t ascii-backports" to subsequent apt-get and apt-cache commands
17:05.52FatPhilgeneric linux Q: having some trub changing a user's uid and (unique) gid simultaniously. Found 2 horrible workarounds, is there something simpler:
17:06.53proteusguygnarface, I see. pardon the ignorance but what actually do I add to the sources.list file?
17:07.07FatPhil1) groupmod, find -exec chown, then usermod; 2) create new group, usermod -g, delete old group, rename new group to old name
17:07.15gnarfaceproteusguy: deb ascii-backports main
17:07.30gnarfaceproteusguy: and: deb-src ascii-backports main
17:07.48gnarfaceproteusguy: (see here:
17:07.49proteusguygnarface, many thanks!
17:08.18gnarfaceproteusguy: comment it out and re-run "apt-get update" again when you're done with it.  you don't want to leave it on in general for normal upgrades
17:08.29proteusguyI se
17:08.30proteusguyI see
17:08.52gnarfaceproteusguy: and you only need it for stable (ascii).  if you were to upgrade to unstable (ceres) then you'd have newer packages already
17:09.17proteusguyis ceres fairly stable or are breaks expected?
17:09.35FatPhilproteusguy: the docs are pretty good, easily copy-pasteable, and found very easily by google:
17:09.52gnarfaceproteusguy: it breaks sometimes, just like debian unstable
17:10.01gnarfaceproteusguy: usually at the same time
17:10.39gnarfaceproteusguy: if you're a developer i think you could handle it anyway if you just keep backups
17:13.25Katnjiaproteusguy, dealt with the same yesterday; you got the choice of installing the Python version you want manually, or you'll have to consider this:
17:14.47proteusguyI found python3-openssl in the backports. hoping that may solve the problem.
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17:35.37Akuliproteusguy, do you want to install a python?
17:36.03Akulinevermind i found your first message
17:36.50Akuliinstalling a python from source is not very difficult either, if you want to do that (you just need to know a few things, e.g. --prefix=$HOME/.local)
17:37.42proteusguyAkuli, getting all the dependencies right is a PITA. Right now trying to figure out how to deal with ctypes.
17:38.10proteusguyI seem to have gotten beyond the ssl issue described above.
17:38.42Akulino, it isn't
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17:38.48Akuli$ sudo apt-get build-dep python3-minimal python3-dev
17:38.50Akulior something like taht
17:41.17Akuliother hints:  you can speed up compilation by passing -j2 to make, pass --prefix=$HOME/.local to ./configure (run ./configure again if you didn't do that), don't use sudo when you 'make install'
17:41.23Akulioh and don't 'make install'
17:41.30Akuliinstead do 'make altinstall' so it won't override the system's python3
17:41.40proteusguyI'm using make altinstall
17:42.12proteusguyhmm... looks like same issues. No _ctypes.
17:42.43proteusguyThis is python 3.7.3
17:43.39Akulilet me try to compile a python 3.7 too
17:44.44Akuliyou may need to run ./configure again after installing dependencies
17:44.47Akuli(remember --prefix)
17:45.02proteusguyyep I do a make clean and then a fresh configure.
17:45.33proteusguywhat's the --prefix do?
17:45.42Akuliit tells it to install it into your home folder
17:45.57Akuliso you won't screw up anything system-wide, no matter what you do
17:45.57proteusguyI think the make altinstall takes care of that for me.
17:46.17Akuliit makes it not create an executable called 'python3', but still installs to a place where you need sudo to uninstall it
17:46.29Akulialso there is no 'make uninstall' :D
17:47.38Akulican you show the last 30 lines or so of output from make?
17:48.00proteusguyYeah I'm updating some stuff... few minutes.
17:48.03Akulii just compiled python 3.7.2 and ran it, ctypes imports nicely
17:49.12proteusguyweird. here's my steps I've taken:
17:49.49proteusguyignore the 3.6.3 stuff...
17:50.29proteusguyAnd I do: ./configure --enable-optimizations --with-ensurepip=install instead.
17:51.58Akuliyou don't need to install it to see whether it works
17:52.19Akulican you show the end of make? it should tell you which things are missing
17:52.20proteusguyresults of my build:
17:53.44proteusguyresults of make altinstall:
17:55.22Akulisudo apt install liblzma-dev libgdbm-dev libsqlite3-dev tcl-dev tk-dev libffi-dev
17:55.25proteusguyhmm... I actually seem to have a "working" python3.7. gets me a repl anyway.
17:55.37Akuligives a repl but will not import all the stuff that is "missing"
17:55.46Akuliinstall those things and try again
17:59.25proteusguythat's much better... still missing _abc atexit pwd and time.
18:00.06proteusguysudo make altinstall was clean.
18:01.01Akulihmm i wonder why those fail to build :D
18:01.10Akuliare you sure? show output
18:01.16Akuliyou can also try importing those
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19:07.47Akuliproteusguy, it says that the modules have been built, your new python seems to be ok :)
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19:18.56proteusguyappreciate the help Akuli!
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19:21.53DocScrutinizer05FatPhil: so everything OK with IRC now?
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19:24.40DocScrutinizer05(cleaned out two legacy +V, no worries)
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20:25.24FatPhilDocScrutinizer05: it seems so, it was simply a case of leaving and rejoining. Seems like a server bug more than a client bug.
20:27.35FatPhilAnyone remember NIS? I'm having a spot of bother setting up a replacement ypserver for one of my dead crates. make in /var/yp just barfs "failed to send 'clear' to local ypserv: RPC: Program not registered"
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20:59.38FatPhilherpderp - filed to set NISSERVER=master in /e/d/nis
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22:42.22onefanggolinux: now that I've woken up, I can answer your question.
22:43.14golinuxPlease do.
22:43.40onefangWhen a Devuan user requests a package form a Devuan mirror, if it's a Debian package the request is still sent to the Devuan mirror ...
22:44.21golinuxYes to merged
22:44.24onefangIf the Devuan mirror doesn't have it's own copy of a Debian mirror, it redirects that request to Debians mirror system ...
22:44.55onefangIf the Devuan mirror does have it's own copy of a Debian mirror, it merely returns the package as requested.
22:45.03onefangIs that what you mean by "connected"?
22:45.47golinuxSo it looks for a local debian mirror before going to the official debian repos?
22:46.01onefangSome of our mirrors have both, but it's a big lot of disk space, so some just do the redirect.
22:46.09golinuxI had never heard that in all the years I've been around here.
22:46.21onefangThat's up to the mirror admin how they arrange things.
22:46.34golinuxI thought it was up to amprolla.
22:47.42golinuxAnd that it always went to to the official Debian repos.
22:48.21onefangMy mirror is of the redirect variety, coz I don't have the space for a full Debian mirror.  But if I did, I'd have a separate Debian mirror available to Debian users, then just symlink it into the merged directory of my Devuan mirror.  Other options are available.
22:49.22golinuxWhat is the advantage of doing it that way?  Seems like just more to go wrong.
22:49.49onefangI know some of our mirrors supply Debian packages without the redirect, my mirror checker scripts probes the details of redirects on all our mirrors to try and find out if there's any problems with that process.
22:50.22onefangFor me the advantage is I don't have to buy more hard disk space to hold all of Debian.
22:50.53onefangFor others they have the flexibility to do things either way.  They might also not have disk space.
22:51.50onefangFor people that already had a Debian mirror before becoming a Devuan mirror, they can just do it all.  After all, they are running a Debian mirror to help spread the load for Debian.
22:52.39onefangA full Debian mirror is kinda huge.  B-)
22:52.59golinuxOK.  I get it.  I just had no idea that was possible so learned something new.
23:06.19lyubovp/win 2
23:07.15fsmithredFatPhil, does it have to be simultaneous, or can you do it with two or three commands. I use these:
23:07.26fsmithredusermod -l $newname $oldname
23:07.39fsmithredusermod -d /home/$newname -m $newname
23:08.02fsmithredgroupmod -n $newname $oldname
23:08.26fsmithredI posted those out of order - I do the groupmod second
23:09.00fsmithredchange name, change group, change home
23:09.35fsmithredoh yeah, then there's this: for i in $(grep -r "/home/$oldname" /target/home/$newname/.config | awk -F":" '{ print $1 }'); do
23:09.35fsmithredsed -i "s/\/home\/$oldname/\/home\/$newname/g" "$i"
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23:34.09FatPhilfsmithred: I'm  changind uid and gid (moving it out of a NIS serving range), rather than user/group names.
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23:55.35fsmithredFatPhil, then you need the -u and -g options
23:55.39fsmithredfor usermod
23:56.55fsmithredyou might still need to change the home, too. files and dirs go by number, not name.
23:57.35*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)

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