IRC log for #devuan on 20190628

00:17.48*** join/#devuan javashin (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin)
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02:23.27*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:67b:2000:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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02:57.24*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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04:23.09*** join/#devuan nminix (
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04:27.54gnarfacehello nminix
04:29.41*** join/#devuan Evilham (~evilhamun@devuan/developer/Evilham)
04:36.18nminixDevuan has no loop devices :F (it's ok though I just created with mknod -m 660 loop0 b 7 0)
04:36.27nminixthis is by design, yes?
04:49.48gnarfacenminix: uh, yes and no.  i think you probably just forgot to install a package.
04:50.17gnarfacei think some daemon normally makes them for you but if you did a minimal install you might be missing it
04:50.45gnarfaceudev or udisks2 maybe
04:50.52gnarfacethere might be more than one option actually
04:51.18gnarfacebut obviously if you prefer to make them manually that is fine too
04:52.03nminixoh. i did ascii desktop-live from usb and used refracinstaller-yad
04:52.20nminixyeah as long as it's working as it should
04:52.25gnarfaceah, interesting choice
04:53.08gnarfaceyou get more pre-install control with a regular installation iso
04:53.39gnarface(just fyi)
04:53.57gnarfacelike one of the the netinstall images for example
04:54.30nminixi tried those first, they didn't boot on my laptop from Heads :/
04:54.42gnarfaceoh.  hmmm.  well you can probably just compare a package list with someone who did an install like that to see what you might have missed that would have normally been included by default
04:54.54nminixand in fact none of the jessie images booted, so i had to go with ascii
04:55.15gnarfacethat probably means the jessie kernel is too old for your hardware
04:57.18gnarfacecan't say for sure why the ascii installer wouldn't have booted for you but the live image would.  maybe some bios/uefi issue
04:57.31nminixtoday i built a new kernel (still Roaring Lionus :)) and compiled new loop.ko driver for loopaes support
04:57.46nminixyeah it's bios, librem 15 v4
04:58.25*** join/#devuan fleeky (~fleeky@
05:00.10gnarfacedo you have the util-linux package?
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05:01.45gnarfacehmmm, or maybe they moved it to mount
05:02.08gnarfacemake sure you have udev or eudev
05:02.32gnarfaceand make sure this returns something: dpkg -S losetup
05:03.36gnarfacei don't think you need udisks2 for this but you might for something else related you would expect to be automatic (auto-mounting and/or mount buttons in the desktop UI?)
05:05.11nminixyea i patched & built util-linux
05:11.32nminixoooo okay i forgot to make loop-control
05:11.52*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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05:16.50nminixmknod -m 600 loop-control c 10 237 should do it...
05:21.19*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
05:22.16gnarfacei dunno, but for a while i was using losetup to make them manually
05:22.19gnarfacei think?
05:23.24gnarfacebut i think udev is making them for me now
05:23.29gnarfacei haven't had to make one manually in a while
05:24.55nminixlosetup won't work properly without existing /dev/loop-control i thimk
05:25.21gnarfacevery possibly.  i do have both here
05:25.32gnarfaceand for all i know, that's what udev is calling
05:26.13gnarfaceif you're avoiding udev because of the systemd heredity, try out eudev instead
05:26.23nminixyea i have eudev installed
05:27.56gnarface"loop" shows up in these files for me
05:28.31gnarfacebut i'm sitting on an upgraded unstable system here, so it is hard to know where i got those files
05:29.02gnarfaceif they came from debian or devuan
05:29.05gnarfaceif they're before or after systemd
05:29.28gnarfaceif they're from current unstable or a previous unstable
05:30.25nminixhahha :p yeah this install on devuan is my new clean base system, on which i'll run VMs
05:31.01nminixshopping time for me now, if anyone knows how to create loop-control pls let me know! thanks
05:32.58gnarfaceall i see about it in my installed files is the man page (/usr/share/man/man4/loop-control.4.gz) but that man page says the kernel is supposed to create it
05:33.11gnarfaceso maybe it's a kernel compilation option you need to enable?
05:33.17*** join/#devuan kts (~kts@
05:33.28gnarfaceor a module you need to load
05:34.04gnarfaceactually the module might be called "loop"
05:35.06gnarfacewell there's a module called loop that is related, but i'm not sure if it's concerned with auto-generating them
05:57.49*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
06:06.31*** join/#devuan rsx (
06:24.49nminixthere are only six kernel config options which have "loop" in them. CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=n #CONFIG_NVME_TARGET_LOOP is not set CONFIG_LOOPBACK_TARGET=m #CONFIG_SPI_LOOPBACK_TEST is not set CONFIG_RC_LOOPBACK=m CONFIG_SND_ALOOP=m
06:26.27nminixdon't think it's any of the loopback ones, nor SND.
06:26.53nminixloopaes.README says we have to set blk dev loop to n
06:29.49*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
06:30.33rrqI have added "/etc/modprobe.d/loop.conf:options loop max_part=15" to allow the loop devices have .. don't remember where I got the advice from
06:30.38*** join/#devuan tGhe (
06:30.53rrq+ parts
06:42.49drawkulai have no rules for loop and "mount -oloop" works (ascii from netinstall)
06:43.26drawkulabut RL is calling... need to beam away...
06:49.39*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:52.02nminixi found through google with your help rrq and added to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="loop.max_part=31" and rebooted but no loop devices still :(
07:03.26*** join/#devuan infobot (
07:03.26*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | D1conf: #devuan-conf | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs | You may need to auth to NickServ
07:03.27*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
07:03.51*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi[m] (kmimatrixo@gateway/shell/
07:04.37gnarfacenminix: yea, like rrq says, you need CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=m too
07:07.47nminixrrq & gnarface oh umm i'm following what says
07:08.14gnarfaceis that something for encryption?
07:08.45nminixyea loopaes, baked into the loop.ko module
07:13.55*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
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07:15.48nminix"new loop.ko on 2.6.x that is installed in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/extra (2.6.x and newer kernels) directory. AES cipher is permanently glued to loop.o driver so that when loop.o is loaded it automagically has AES support built in."
07:16.09nminix2.6.x and newer*
07:17.33rrqok. my mind was in wrong context. though, hte instructions don't mention 'depmod'... is that too old-fashioned?
07:23.20nminix. /sbin/depmod -> /bin/kmod on ascii
07:38.46rrqit's a while since I built modules; I just remembered tearing hair a couple of times when I forgot to run depmod.
07:39.49rrqsorry for the noise.
07:40.13nminix?? you're helpful!
07:40.56nminixthis is my first time i've been building a kernel :)
07:45.43*** join/#devuan Refpga[m] (aynahmatri@gateway/shell/
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07:49.44nminixwelcome all
08:01.52*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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08:42.41nminixrrq & gnarface i think youse are correct. CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP should be m. i wonder why loopaes readme says "*must* ... DEV_LOOP=n"
08:43.03*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
08:48.40gnarfacenminix: is it possible the other instructions are for building an out-of-tree version you no longer need?
08:52.12*** join/#devuan xcm (
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08:54.20nminixi must be half asleep
08:54.43nminixit says what to do in the readme.
08:56.10nminixWorkaround for distros that do not create any pre-existing loop block
08:56.11nminixspecial device nodes: "
08:59.26*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
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21:30.52*** join/#devuan concatime (2d2cecc8@
21:31.58concatimeHi folks.
21:32.02concatimeI’m a big fan, continue! It’s the second time I report this issue. The mirror from Koddos is not working as expected.
21:33.18*** join/#devuan James1138 (
21:34.16*** join/#devuan javashin (~javashin@unaffiliated/javashin)
21:37.03concatimeBut using the IP directly works perfectly.
21:37.46*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
21:38.42sixwheeledbeastdns then?
21:39.35concatimeI rather think about a missing redirection.
21:41.00concatimeKatolaZ told me in November that he contacted koddos.
21:42.16sixwheeledbeastdevuan/merged/pool doesn't exist
21:44.16concatimedoes work
21:48.34*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
21:52.23*** join/#devuan rgrant (
21:53.52concatimeYeah, it’s definitely a missing redirection: /devuan/merged/pool/DEVUAN/(.*) -> /devuan/devuan/pool/$1
21:54.12concatimeDoes not work:
21:54.26concatimeDoes work:
22:05.49concatimeDoes work:
22:06.02concatimeDoes work:
22:06.18concatimeDoes work:
22:06.24concatimeDoes not work:
22:07.51onefangI just woke up, and haven't had brekky yet.  This is the sort of thing that the mirror checker script I'm writing is for.  It's at the "seems to work" stage, still needs to get to the "actually does a proper job" stage.
22:08.07onefangGimme a few minutes, I'l see what it reports for that file.
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22:09.04concatimeMen, I’m lost in all these redirections! Take your time.
22:10.20onefangMy mirror checker script specifically delves deep into the rediretions, and multiple DNS records, probing each one all the way through.
22:18.15onefangWhat results are you seeing?  404?
22:20.23*** part/#devuan romo (~romo@unaffiliated/romo)
22:25.09onefang works for me.  The official mirror list says that mirror is at  Not
22:26.30onefanghttp:// also works.
22:27.00onefanghttps:// fails, coz the certificate is for the domain name, not the IP.
22:29.42onefangAnd I just uncovered a minor flaw in my checker script.  lol
22:30.11onefangBut the above results are valid, the checker script was just not checking one of those.
22:31.50concatimeAh ok, thank you
22:33.30concatimeYou should add HTTPS to koddos in
22:35.19onefangYeah a few of those Protocols lines are inaccurate, Evilham said he'll double check them all soon.  The one for my mirror was to, but he fixed that at least.
22:35.52*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
22:35.56onefangI'm the new Devaun mirror admin, but very new, I haven't been given the keys to the kingdom yet.
22:36.58onefangOr "mirror herder" as I like to call it.  B-)
22:37.40concatimeOne last question, I should replace `deb ascii` by what
22:38.39concatimedeb ?
22:39.42onefangdeb ascii  Or for one of the other NL mirrors (mine) deb ascii
22:40.06concatime 404
22:41.32concatimeError 404
22:43.51onefangHmmm, the mirror list says devuan/devuan, and that works when grabbing the file using wget, but not when putting into a web browser, where a single /devuan works.
22:44.08onefangTry mine.  At least i can fix that.  B-)
22:44.10concatimeThat what I said
22:44.21concatimeThe issue from the beguining
22:44.45concatimeDont’t take it personal, but I prefer a company-backed mirror.
22:45.04concatimehttp:// seems to work
22:45.31onefangMight be something odd in their rewrite rules, as you suggested.
22:45.50onefangSomething my mirror checker will need to test for.
22:46.51onefangDoes devuan/devuan/merged actually work if it's in your sources.lst?
22:47.42concatimeOnly the ip one
22:48.16onefangHmm, I'll need to investigate more after I wake up properly.
22:49.07onefangOr maybe Evilham can shed more light on this.
22:49.30concatimeI think `deb` work.
22:50.18concatimedoes not
22:53.26*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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