IRC log for #devuan on 20190524

01:03.55*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
01:21.18*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
02:08.31*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
02:17.41*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:64f:4900:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:39.22*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
04:11.38*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
04:41.27*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (
05:00.41*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
05:12.08*** join/#devuan Inepu (
05:21.40*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
05:56.25*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:08.52*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:14.45*** join/#devuan engidea (
06:20.29*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:21.13*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (
06:35.38*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:39.45*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
06:50.35*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
07:12.37*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
07:13.26*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
07:42.32*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
07:50.16*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
07:50.52*** join/#devuan engidea (
08:04.07*** join/#devuan timeless (sid4015@firefox/developer/timeless)
08:11.14*** join/#devuan FriendlyMan (
08:30.35*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
08:33.25*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
08:38.22*** join/#devuan gnu_srs1 (~srs@devuan/developer/srs)
08:38.31*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
08:45.53*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
08:49.31*** join/#devuan el_ (~el@
09:06.24*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
09:16.32*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
09:59.48*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
10:14.15*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
10:29.03*** join/#devuan hufdufhv (~Thunderbi@
10:47.42*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
10:56.55*** join/#devuan hufdufhv (~Thunderbi@
11:02.15Centurion_Danfurrywolf: I thought mozilla had removed the option...
11:15.08*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
11:26.50*** join/#devuan wyatt8760 (~wyatt8740@
11:36.45*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
11:50.22*** join/#devuan Inepu (
11:50.45*** join/#devuan ErRandir (~mhabets@
11:56.51*** join/#devuan xcm (
11:57.07*** join/#devuan JohnDoe2 (
11:57.11*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
12:14.16*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
12:20.25*** join/#devuan va7lnx (~donovan@
12:27.35*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~quassel@2a02:8070:41a4:6800:6a17:29ff:fec5:1264)
12:29.51*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
12:33.00*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
12:39.20*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
12:40.10*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
12:53.12*** join/#devuan marvn (
13:04.29*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
13:13.38*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
13:16.14*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
13:24.35*** join/#devuan james1138 (~chatzilla@
13:33.59*** join/#devuan xcm (
13:52.44*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
13:57.48*** join/#devuan james1138 (~chatzilla@
14:10.19*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
14:15.39*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
14:33.24*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
14:34.04*** join/#devuan xcm (
15:03.51*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
15:24.50*** join/#devuan xcm (
15:30.59*** join/#devuan silentjet (~jet@
15:44.26*** join/#devuan va7lnx (~donovan@
16:05.59*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:14.27*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:56.07MinceRperhaps failfox ESR still has it
17:18.55*** join/#devuan Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/sooslow/x-31376162)
17:21.52*** join/#devuan rsx (
17:31.18*** join/#devuan lingkhang (~lingkhang@
17:43.27*** join/#devuan sokan1 (~sokan@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
17:54.23*** join/#devuan ymasson (
18:06.37*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~Oldmoss@2001:67c:1350:105::25)
18:18.00*** join/#devuan Inepu (
18:24.31*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (
18:43.39*** join/#devuan LtWorf (~LtWorf@2001:9b1:4041:e000:a634:d9ff:fec6:343c)
18:59.39*** join/#devuan xcm (
19:04.35*** join/#devuan georg-gast-1 (
19:14.37*** join/#devuan james1138 (~chatzilla@
19:23.38*** join/#devuan Jasjar (Jasjar@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/jasjar)
19:45.31*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
20:17.54*** join/#devuan Unit193 (ukikie@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.unit193)
20:30.04*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
21:00.19*** join/#devuan xcm (
21:01.19enycMy Devuan Ascii system ...  MATE desktop, has decided  that  when you  Places -> [somewhere]   to open VLC  instead of  caja file manager!
21:01.35enycbeen like this for aces and i've bene maunally opning caja!   any idea how to fix it?
21:02.27enycactualyl is emem to be using ascii-backports  MATE packages
21:03.40gnarfacethere's gotta be documentation somewhere about it
21:03.50*** join/#devuan shibboleth (~shibbolet@gateway/tor-sasl/shibboleth)
21:04.06enycgnarface: hrrm how would i go about looking, or get any inkling what sort of  config files or otherwise  relate to the issue
21:08.08*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
21:16.11*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
21:17.36slvrthat sounds like a file association mismatch
21:17.51slvrremove and reinstall vlc?
21:20.26gnarfaceenyc: it's not something i use, but typically the formula is 1) check the manpage 2) check in /usr/share/doc/[package name] 3) check the maintainer's website (should be listed in the package info)
21:21.08gnarfaceslvr: there should be an easier way to change it than reinstalling stuff.  i just don't know where that config is stored
21:21.59gnarfaceenyc: oh, it could be in the "alternatives" system too (google about debian alternatives or just look in /etc/alternatives/ and trace the symlinks yourself)
21:25.29fsmithredlook in ~/.config/mimeapps.list
21:29.30enycha hahahahaha
21:29.33enycfsmithred: thankyou for pointer!
21:34.20enycOoooooo changing to  caja.desktop;  and voila  useful service restored!
21:54.11*** join/#devuan justinsm (
21:55.01*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (MwjUM8V@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
22:02.28*** join/#devuan xcm (
22:41.23*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
22:46.33*** join/#devuan parazyd (~parazyd@devuan/developer/parazyd)
22:52.43*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
22:58.50*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
22:59.06*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
23:24.12*** join/#devuan ruenoak (~chatzilla@
23:33.18*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
23:49.47*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)

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