IRC log for #devuan on 20190521

00:12.02gnarfacebarrett9h: you're not using a local DNS server, are you?  if you are, make sure that machine has ntpd running too...
00:46.37Xenguygnarface: Do you use unbound at all?
00:49.53Xenguyfsmithred: I hope you are a proud fellow, I remember the pictures I saw of you folks, and it was just lovely to see
00:49.54gnarfaceXenguy: no, just using bind9
00:50.58Xenguygnarface: OK, just checking, I'm looking at this unbound DNS tool which claims to be a caching DNS thingie
00:51.19gnarfaceXenguy: i used to use dnsmasq for that
00:51.46XenguyYeah, this unbound sounds more recent/NG
00:52.12XenguyFor better or for worse
00:55.37fsmithredI think I'm using unbound
00:56.01fsmithredI believe I installed it and forgot all about it
00:56.43fsmithredok, it's installed and running. How do I know if it's helping?
00:57.40gnarfaceDNS lookups will be nearly instantaneous
00:58.07gnarfacewhereas your common cheap ISP might have overloaded DNS servers that easily add 50-100ms to lookups
00:58.27fsmithredI can run nslookup to check that?
00:59.28fsmithredtime says 0.294s
00:59.43gnarfaceyou mean ms?
01:00.27fsmithreddifferent number 'cause it was a different run
01:00.38fsmithredhow is that read?
01:01.00gnarfacehmm. maybe nslookup isn't the best test
01:01.45gnarfacewhere you'll typically notice a big difference is stuff like log parsing involving reverse name lookups in batches and such
01:02.15gnarfacebut like i said, if your ISP's DNS servers are really slow, you could actually notice the difference just clicking on links in firefox
01:02.31fsmithredwell, I think they suck for other reasons than slowness
01:03.28fsmithredbrowsing in firefox has seemed unusually slow for about the last year or so. Maybe a little longer.
01:04.25specingfsmithred: do you have nscd?
01:05.15fsmithredok, I just clicked on some links I haven't been to in a long time, and they loaded very quickly.
01:05.33fsmithredno ncsd
01:05.37fsmithreddon't know about it
01:06.00specingfsmithred: its glibc's resolver
01:06.35XenguyEnough, I'm watching the last ever episode of GoT
01:07.43XenguyThe soap opera we're all allowed to talk about
01:12.53*** join/#devuan xcm (
01:17.52*** join/#devuan hufdufhv (~Thunderbi@
01:24.23barrett9hslvr, gnarface: other machines on my local network work ok. even my own machine, running a liveusb distro.  so the problem is with the software on my pc, not the router or my ip. (and no, i'm not using a local dns. and the problem is not the dns anyway)
01:24.44*** join/#devuan Diagon (~DiagonalA@unaffiliated/diagonalarg)
01:25.54barrett9hmaybe I'll try this tcpdump thing later. I really have a lot of work to do now..
01:39.42*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
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02:02.20*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:598:0:3381:f53:861f)
02:06.28Syllinanyone know how to get sftp:// working with thunar? all the docs online i see are for gnome
02:06.47Syllinpresently, i get a red "no way" icon when i type "s"
02:09.42*** join/#devuan ffurrywol (~furrywolf@
02:13.31gnarfaceSyllin: i don't use thunar, but could it simply be a plugin or module of some sort that is in another package you need to install?
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04:21.28systemdletedoes devuan always install systems for sudo rather than su, if taking all the instalation ISO defaults?
04:21.49systemdletehas it always been that way on devuan, at least ascii?
04:22.15systemdlete(silly question I know, but I'm puzzled by something here)
04:25.04gnarfaceit has been so long since i've done a non-expert-mode install that i honestly don't know
04:25.08gnarfacein expert mode it asks you though
04:25.24gnarfacewhether to create a root account password or not
04:25.27gnarfacei'm pretty sure anyway
04:26.04systemdleteok, thanks.  That might be the difference.  I installed test box with root account and this box without it (I am guessing)
04:28.59systemdletegotta take down my connection for a moment...
04:47.18*** join/#devuan systemdlete (
04:50.19golinuxsystemdlete: su is the default in Devuan/Debian.  You have to configure it to use sudo (which I never have)
04:50.53systemdleteI used the installer, but not in expert mode.  Somehow I have sudo, not a root login
04:51.21systemdleteI don't recall being asked.  I only installed ascii on my main box a few days ago (friday I think)
04:52.22systemdletebut actually, I am more interested in my vbox question.  What prevents me from installing the debian version from
04:53.15gnarfaceprobably requires systemd
04:53.25systemdletewhat I figured...
04:53.31gnarfacei think the sudo thing might really be linked to whether you create a root password or not.  i think it infers what you want from that
04:54.04systemdletesure.  I don't remember if it asked me for a root password, only for the admin user password, during the install
04:54.32systemdletethe only "expert" task I performed during install was the partitioning step.
04:54.44systemdleteEverything else I more or less chose defaults.
04:55.07gnarfacemaybe it's that it asks whether you want to create a non-root user, and infers from THAT
04:55.10gnarfacei am not sure
04:55.31gnarfacei don't remember it ever being that confusing though, i'm sure if you go through it again paying attention to that step it'll make more sense though
04:56.07systemdletewell, this is really a bit of a nit  I can always run passwd in a "sudo bash" (which is how I get a root env anyway)
04:56.14gnarfacepeople in here have a solution to the virtualbox thing too
04:56.26systemdleteit's called libvirt and KVM
04:56.28systemdleteI know.
04:56.50systemdleteor xen, maybe.
04:56.54gnarfaceno no, i think they actually have a virtualbox solution, though it may be just to use the wheezy version.
04:57.15gnarfacemy advise is to use qemu-kvm though, yes
04:57.35gnarfacethough i never liked libvirt and quickly grew out of it while trying to debug it
04:57.53systemdleteeh, no.  I wouldn't.  For one thing, getting vbox support will be an uphill battle.  And sometimes you have to get support for hairy issues, ones only they can help you with.
04:58.35systemdleteIf you're more than about 2 or 3 point releases behind either 5.2 or 6.0 (or whatever versions they are supporting), they will push you to upgrade.
04:58.45gnarfacesomeone might have built a updated non-systemd version
04:58.52gnarfaceof virtualbox
04:58.56systemdleteSo I prefer to stay somewhat current.
04:59.16systemdletesomeone at devuan?  Or someone somewhere else?
04:59.36gnarfacewell, someone who hangs out in this channel
04:59.44systemdleteoh, ok.
05:00.04gnarfacei just remember that it has come up before
05:00.40systemdleteI think the worst I've seen installing from are some horror messages about systemctl not found.  But it completes without incident and the tool runs fine.
05:00.45*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
05:01.27gnarfacesometimes the bigger risk is just package dependency breakage
05:01.43gnarfacelike, it might work fine now, but sabotage a later update/upgrade of other stuff
05:02.11gnarfaceespecially if you accidentally get other stuff from their repo
05:02.24gnarfacelike if it replaces some additional devuan native packages with the debian ones
05:02.28systemdleteI don't have any of that with the other distros, like CentOS.  I installed the generic version (which is really CentOS) on hyperbola (which is nonsystemd arch linux) without a problem
05:02.55gnarfacewell it often doesn't become apparent until you're upgrading to a new release
05:03.06systemdleteIt doesn't do that.  It only offers their package, built against the various platforms
05:03.16gnarfacethis is general advise against mixing repos and distros, i have no virtualbox-specific experience here
05:03.36gnarface(the debian sid version of wine-staging works fine on devuan ceres too)
05:04.08systemdleteFirst off, builds its software package against "standard" distros, and even downstream spins work OK with it
05:04.14*** join/#devuan petzi (
05:04.28gnarfaceeh, as long as you're sure, just try it
05:04.36gnarfacebut don't forget i recommended you make a backup first :)
05:04.55gnarfacei've nuked a couple debian installs in my day
05:05.01gnarfacecavalierly mixing repos
05:05.13gnarface(and it's rarely obvious until months later)
05:05.26systemdleteI mean, I could ask them.  But, see, this is where the chicken-and-egg comes in.  They won't be thrilled to assist me in installing an old point release
05:05.42golinuxsystemdlete: I have in my sources.list and it works just fine.
05:05.42gnarfaceyea and they'll probably give you attitude for not using debian
05:05.44systemdletevirtualbox doesn't really provide a repo, per se
05:06.09*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
05:06.44systemdleteHow did WE become the Unix weirdos?  It's the systemd crowd that should be made to cower, not us.
05:06.57gnarfacewe don't have a megacorp funding us
05:07.23golinuxThis is getting into political OT guys . . .
05:07.30gnarfacegood point
05:07.46systemdletegolinux: It's really about support.  Sorry for getting OT
05:08.15systemdletebut really, it's the whole reason we are here, and there is a distro.
05:08.49systemdletebut golinux.  I'll try adding that to my sources.  I wouldn't think there'd be a problem.
05:08.50golinuxYeah I know.  I've been at it here for over 4 years.
05:09.06systemdleteIs virtualbox a package in debian also, or just devuan?
05:09.11golinuxI have non-free and contrib enabled too
05:09.50golinuxIt comes directly from Oracle.  At least that's where I get it because I need usb support.
05:10.14golinuxI think that Devuan has a version in contib or backports or both.
05:10.37golinux is your friend.
05:11.29systemdleteThe repository ' ascii Release' does not have a Release file.
05:12.22systemdletemy sources.list line I added:
05:12.42systemdletedeb ascii main non-free
05:12.56systemdlete(I have no idea if that's even half-right
05:14.15rrq stretch/contrib
05:14.28systemdletefor ascii?
05:14.31systemdleteok, thanks
05:14.37rrqthat gives you 6.0.8-130520~Debian~stretch
05:14.58rrqthere's also ceres/contrib
05:15.10rrqwhich gives 6.0.8-dfsg-4
05:15.18golinuxLook in backports in ascii
05:15.34rrqyes that's 5.2.24-dfsg-4~bpo9+1
05:15.39golinux[ascii-backports] virtualbox-5.2.24-dfsg-4~bpo9+1
05:15.49golinuxYou're too fast . . .
05:16.04systemdleteso now my deb line is:
05:16.07rrqor jessie/contrib which is 4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1
05:16.17systemdletedeb stretch/contrib
05:16.31systemdleteit fails with a syntax error or something.  It doesn't like that
05:16.46golinuxNo / between stretch and contrib
05:17.14rrq(gnarface mentioned backups)
05:18.01systemdletebackups of what -- GBs of VM images?
05:18.17systemdletenot likely. At least not here.
05:18.56systemdletegood advice in most circumstances, but here I'd only backup the xml and other config files.  I don't have space for the images
05:19.44systemdleteI've used the VirtualBox versions from their site on other distros without problems in the past.  I doubt there could be that much incompatibility.
05:20.20systemdleteBesides, I've actually just copied all my VMs from another RAID so there are plenty of copies that are only a few days old anyway.
05:20.48systemdletenow, it is complaining that there is no public key and it can't authenticate
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05:26.39systemdleterrq:  vbox 4 is no longer supported and hasn't been for a couple of years
05:27.06systemdletethey only support their latest version and one back.  As soon as they put out a new version, like 6.0, they kill 4.
05:27.43systemdleteI would not recommend anyone use that old a version of vbox given their support policy.
05:36.18systemdleteOn the page, it might be helpful to include the debian release number.  I sometimes forget which is which, given I am not a longtime debian user (I'm a pre-RH7/CentOS7 refugee)
05:36.36systemdleteso I am not as familiar with the release numbers and need a head jogger sometimes
05:36.42systemdletejust a suggestion
05:39.11systemdletethey give a link for the debian 8 public key, but not debian 9
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07:52.59systemdleteprinter test page (cups) still shows debian logo.  No biggie, just saying.
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10:11.38*** join/#devuan GyrosGeier (~geier@
10:12.11GyrosGeierI have a Debian box and would like to use pbuilder to compile packages in a Devuan chroot
10:13.02GyrosGeierin principle, if systemd isn't available, regular debootstrap should find a working installation set from Devuan sources
10:13.16GyrosGeierbut it's missing an installation script for "ascii"
10:14.06KatolaZGyrosGeier: get the ascii script from the devuan package for debootstrap
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10:14.45GyrosGeiercan that package still bootstrap Debian images?
10:14.51KatolaZsure it can
10:15.08GyrosGeierbecause if I don't break the autobuilder that way, I can just take the whole debootstrap package from Devuan
10:17.10GyrosGeiercool, seems to work
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11:05.46Evilhamsystemdlete: you can propose changes to the webpage in the form of 'Merge Requests' :-D
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13:32.45man_in_shackwaddles around
13:32.55man_in_shackanyone use adb on devuan in here?
13:46.46rrqit happens, yes
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14:19.55man_in_shackwhee netsplit
14:20.12man_in_shackso i'm getting an error with adb
14:20.20man_in_shackerror: could not install *smartsocket* listener: Cannot assign requested address
14:20.36man_in_shackanyone encountered this before?
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16:42.56golinux_<systemdlete> said: printer test page (cups) still shows debian logo.  No biggie, just saying.
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16:44.05golinux_Someone prepared Devuan printer test pages some time ago.  No one has taken up the task to fork and maintain the cups pkgs required to fix it.
16:45.22golinuxCosmetic changes are not a high priority.
16:46.14EvilhamI find branding-only package forks silly where not strictly necessary, it opens the door for unmaintained old debs that are full of security bugs fixed somewhere else
16:46.33Evilhamso, if that's the only issue with cupsd, that's fine :-p
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18:34.28Syllinanyone else having problems with wifi disconnected when waking from sleep or suspend?
18:34.42Syllini have to manually go in and reconnect in the wicd UI
18:36.02Syllinman_in_shack do you mean android debug bridge? try `sudo adb kill-server; sudo adb start-server` to make sure the daemon is running as root
18:38.07fsmithredSyllin, yeah lose connection when I suspend
18:38.24fsmithredI think it happens with wired connection, too
18:47.02golinuxMy wired connection comes right back up
18:54.02*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
18:54.24furrywolfwicd is very bad at automatically reconnecting to anything, ever.  for sleep/suspend, I find it only reconnects if it's _not_ open at the time.
18:54.38furrywolfI've been looking for something else to use.
18:55.18fsmithredI've heard good things about connman
18:55.34furrywolfconmen always say good things about themselves.  :P
18:55.39specinguse badvpn-ncd
18:57.48golinuxfurrywolf: wired wicd works just fine here
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18:58.41furrywolfheh, I had to explicitly make wicd not touch my wired interface, by giving it a fake interface name, because its incompetence-by-design broke my wired if I let it touch it.
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19:33.30MinceR> wicd is very bad at automatically reconnecting to anything, ever.
19:33.36MinceRnot as bad as networkmanager! :>
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19:39.29slvrmanaging wpa-supplicient configs manually works well if wicd is a pain
19:41.22MinceRwpa_cli crashes a lot, though
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22:57.57man_in_shackSyllin: turns out my loopback network device somehow wasn't getting an ip
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23:04.22djphlo shouldn't "get" an IP
23:07.48jonadabDoesn't it normally get ?
23:20.50man_in_shackwhat jonadab said
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