IRC log for #devuan on 20190514

00:00.20golinuxslvr: No need to use Debian repos directly . . . ever.
00:00.51slvrgolinux: right you are, I was looking for how they did it, noticed no systemd deps, and figured the same package name would be available.
00:00.54gnarfacereubyawn: i'm not sure about the WAV files.  try it and find out.
00:01.25slvrstarting hexchat from a terminal might give you some console message desribing the problem when the test button is clicked.
00:01.36golinuxDevuan pulls in filtered Debian packages by redirect
00:01.57slvryep, I didn't complete my thought when I linked to the debian repos.
00:02.41slvrmy mistake. :)
00:04.31reubyawngolinux, plz translate the https . . .
00:04.48golinuxDon't understand the question
00:06.04reubyawnWhat does that address you just posted do and how?
00:06.30gnarfaceit's the package search page, reubyawn.
00:06.45gnarfaceit proves the package you asked about is present in devuan
00:07.08golinuxI thought you were asking about how the redirect works:
00:07.38*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
00:23.56fsmithredthere's also gnome-packagekit which used to be called update-notifier. I haven't tried it, but it looks like it'll install in my ascii without pulling in a lot of other stuff.
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15:25.19xinomilobeowulf server, just upgraded and got hit by this :
15:26.42xinomiloas a workaround, removed all  `rm -rf /usr/share/locale/*gmo` and retried grub-install with success
15:28.23xinomilogrub2:  Installed: 2.02+dfsg1-18
15:30.36Evilhamthat's nasty
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18:25.17lrua long time ago it was recommended to me to use in my /etc/apt/sources.list... is that still true?
18:36.15buZzheh, systemd bug on all AMD cpus? :P
18:36.36*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
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18:38.45buZzlru: i got cause its where i want them from anyway :P
18:39.01buZzbut dno if either is adviced upon
18:40.37lruthanks buZz
18:48.03*** join/#devuan va7lnx (~donovan@
18:49.51golinuxlru:  pkgmaster populates the mirrors of the round robin
18:50.19golinuxpkgmater was suggested before the rr was set up.
18:51.37lruthanks golinux
18:53.31buZzdeb.devuan is the rr dns?
18:53.46buZzand TLD.deb is just limiting to a single region i guess
18:54.08golinuxyes iiuc
18:58.46*** join/#devuan grayrider (
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19:54.55_abc_Hello. Can someone remind me how I can undo an upgrade request dialed into aptitude? I hit u by mistake.
19:55.10_abc_The selection is persistent. What does one delete/edit to undo this?
20:06.35*** join/#devuan Y_Plentyn (
20:07.48Y_Plentynhi! is any1 here willing to help manning a booth at FrOSCon (Germany, St. Augustin near Bonn)
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20:20.47xrogaanI'm deeply afraid of people.
20:21.04xrogaanYou never know where they've been, urgh, filthy!
20:21.32Y_Plentynxrogaan: the cancer of the earth, I know
20:21.44*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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20:34.06golinuxY_Plentyn: Hi there
20:34.20Y_Plentyngrins at golinux
20:34.39golinuxHaven't seen you around since the conf
20:35.00Y_PlentynI am not normally at freenode
20:35.09Y_Plentyn(and barely on irc)
20:35.19golinuxAh . . .
20:35.38Y_Plentynand I try to keep my input streams manageable
20:38.52*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
20:39.55gnarfaceacknowledged, fsmithred
20:40.10fsmithredtrying to figure out what time it is
20:40.25fsmithredok, got it
20:40.41golinuxTime to look at openbox for cinnaber?
20:40.43fsmithredirc logs are in a different time zone, but now I'm calibrated
20:40.54fsmithrednope. I'm not home yet.
20:40.59fsmithredand it's not going well
20:43.04*** join/#devuan Inepu (
20:45.25fsmithredI've got a raid 1 (pair and spare) with lvm on it, was running out of space and added an external drive to the lvm. Now I'm trying to reduce it to two drives in the raid and add a second raid with two bigger drives for the full lv.
20:46.26fsmithredgonna try a reboot in 15 minutes
20:46.29golinux's head swims
20:46.55fsmithredmine too
20:47.27golinuxI figured . . .
20:48.12golinuxTake a break.  Look what I found this morning
20:48.40golinuxDoing research for the Chimeara release.
20:48.55fsmithredis that a potential mascot?
20:48.56golinuxI think I know what colors it will be.
20:49.19fsmithredyou're gonna do blue??
20:49.21golinuxI thought of that
20:49.58golinuxYup.  Might even have a ghosty chimeara in there somewhere.
20:53.36Xenguy"I can't stand it, you know what it is?  It's the smell!"
20:53.59*** join/#devuan LtWorf_ (
20:53.59Xenguy^^ Agent Smith unravelling ...
20:54.24fsmithredAgent Smith?
20:54.38fsmithredYou don't mean Winston Smith, do you?
20:54.45MinceR"Never send a human to do a machine's job."
20:55.01XenguyWS, doesn't he make guns?
20:55.18fsmithredno, that's Smith and Wesson
20:55.28golinuxXenguy: And this channel goes really OT
20:55.28XenguyThis is just plain ol' "Agent 'You all look the same to me' Smith"
20:55.31fsmithredand I don't know if that's the oil people
20:55.32Xenguyoh right
20:55.51XenguyIt's true, it's just so tempting to talk,
20:56.32fsmithredin about five minutes I might be tempted to start swearing like you've never heard (or seen)
20:57.12golinuxPlease take it to #debianfork.  ;)
20:57.29XenguyWe welcome that kind of behavior here on this channel, but only if it's On Topic
20:58.39fsmithredwell, I can't even claim that it's devuan 'cause it's still wheezy.
20:58.53fsmithredbut it will be devuan when I upgrade it soon
20:59.08fsmithredor reinstall if that's the case
20:59.50*** join/#devuan james1138 (~chatzilla@
20:59.51slvrupgrading a wheezy machine to devuan has worked very well for me so far. Done a few desktops and a few linux containers.
21:01.35buZzi wish upgrading a devuan jessie to devuan ascii wouldnt kill LXC containers on proxmox :(
21:01.55fsmithredyeah, upgrade is easy
21:01.56buZzmaybe beowulf will be better
21:02.13*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
21:02.16fsmithredascii to beowulf upgrades I've done were very easy
21:02.29fsmithredeasier than jessie to ascii
21:04.55buZzright, i just mean , if i have a proxmox lxc running jessie, if i upgrade it to beowulf its a broken system
21:05.15buZzupgrade it to ascii*
21:05.33*** join/#devuan r3boot (~r3boot@2001:7b8:3:47:213:154:229:25)
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22:04.37slvrisn't that because jessie is already systemd? I had a really hard time upgrading directly from debian jessie to devuan jessie on a desktop workstation.... in a container I think it would be even harder.
22:09.03XenguyI've always heard that it was an easy upgrade, but haven't tried myself
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22:25.54buZzslvr: upgrading devuan jessie to devuan ascii breaks a LXC container's ability to function
22:26.50KatolaZbuZz: it's just one option away in the lxc config file
22:27.12buZzKatolaZ: oooo , mind telling me which? :D
22:33.37fsmithredprimary gpt table is corrupt - everything I'm reading says it's usually the secondary that's corrupt. Is there a way to fix it?
22:34.09fsmithredI tried gdisk, p - everthing looks ok, then w, and it writes, but gparted still gives that error
22:34.13fsmithredcan I ignore it?
22:36.26gnarfacefsmithred: sounds familiar
22:38.40gnarfacefsmithred: something about replacing a MSDOS partition table that used to boot windows 7 with a GPT partition table, and gparted couldn't fully remove some random weird MSDOS partition table flag from the middle of the GPT sector because it was supposed to be untouched as per spec, maybe?  i recall after extensive googling that i found a way to clear it properly with sfdisk or cfdisk
22:38.53specingfsmithred: there is a checksum in there
22:39.01specingfsmithred: so if it says its the primary, its the primary
22:39.48gnarfacefsmithred: (using dd to zero the first couple megabytes of the disk should suffice too, but probably isn't what you want if you were trying to rescue the partitions)
22:40.25fsmithredyeah, I saw the think about old msdos partition table, but these are new drives
22:40.59fsmithredright, I copied 1.1T of files to it already
22:41.33gnarfacedid it ever boot windows 7?
22:41.45fsmithrednever booted anything
22:41.47gnarfacehmm. i got nothing then
22:41.55fsmithredok, thanks for trying
22:42.04fsmithredI probably need to start over
22:42.20gnarfacei wonder if it could actually be a bios incompatibility with the 4T drive size
22:42.51fsmithredshouldn't be - it's not that old
22:43.00golinuxEven as hardware challenged as I am, I had that thought
22:43.33fsmithredusing legacy/csm not uefi
22:44.24gnarfacei still haven't tested anything larger than 1T here
22:45.24fsmithrednow I can't remember what command I used, but in terminal it said...
22:45.47fsmithredno slashes
22:46.04fsmithredthen next line
22:46.10fsmithredthe primary gpt table is corrupt
22:46.20fsmithredbut it doesn't say which drive
22:46.36gnarfaceoh, right you said you were setting up a raid array with LVM on it, i also have never tried that yet
22:46.46fsmithreda raid array made on partitions would not have a partition table would it?
22:47.19fsmithredjust the disks would have it. correct?
22:47.29gnarfacepairing LVM with raid might be a source of additional complications, but i believe that a raid array DOES have partitions
22:47.43gnarfaceas in you are supposed to partition the raid array AFTER striping all the drives
22:47.58fsmithredthat's what the lvm is for
22:48.47gnarfacethere's a way to make it work but i don't know what it is.  i just remember that keeps coming up; raid + LVM faceplants without some extra step
22:49.12fsmithredit's been working for almost 4 years
22:49.22gnarfaceoh, really? hmmm...
22:49.36fsmithredwell, I'm sure I did something wrong
23:09.52buZzKatolaZ: why noooooot
23:10.34*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
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23:18.55slvrbuZz: my web container is running ,Devuan GNU/Linux beowulf/ceres, upgraded wheezy > devuan jessie > ascii > beowulf
23:19.17slvrI just stopped it, made a backup, and yolo'd on through with only php package issues.
23:20.12buZzslvr: :D
23:20.21buZzon what host platform?
23:20.31slvrslackware 14.2
23:20.48buZzah, just lxc from scratch then?
23:20.56buZzor virt-manager perhps
23:21.05slvrlxc template for debian containers was copied from a debian lxc host
23:21.37slvrI use lxc download to make new containers
23:36.59*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
23:50.31*** part/#devuan onefang (~onefang@devuan/developer/onefang)

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