IRC log for #devuan on 20190508

00:28.06*** join/#devuan panorain (~panorain@
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01:10.58*** join/#devuan asthralios (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
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01:59.24slvrHmmmm. Super glitchy graphics after upgrading from ascii to beowulf
02:01.40slvrI think display compositing got enabled.... Menus keep moving around and the edges where shadows would be are flickering....
02:02.42slvrMy solution last time was to use fluxbox but maybe I'll fix it the right way this time. Any idea how to make mate work again?
02:03.07fsmithredturn off compositing?
02:03.18slvr"comp" returns no results in control center
02:03.36fsmithredthey might have some clever name for it
02:03.43slvrlucky me
02:03.52slvrI love "clever" software
02:03.55fsmithredI don't know mate very well
02:04.07fsmithredlol, I understand
02:04.18slvrha. we're both here, after all.
02:05.01fsmithredgood point
02:05.06fsmithredthere's always xfce
02:05.20*** join/#devuan mpmc (~mpmc@unaffiliated/mpmc)
02:05.22slvroh god no that's even worse
02:05.46slvrmate is Old Gnome. XFCE is a lightweight core with lots of New Gnome bolted on.
02:06.05fsmithredyeah, it's a basic desktop. I use it mostly.
02:06.14slvrIt's sloooooooooooow though
02:06.41fsmithredoh, everyone who comes from another linux or from windows says it's fast.
02:06.45slvrI ran xfce on a pentium 133 before they started adding gnome components
02:06.54fsmithredyou got spoiled by fluxbox.
02:07.02slvrfluxbox and icewm are very nice
02:07.06fsmithredlol, it works better on newer computers
02:07.19fsmithredI ran gnome on a p166
02:07.25slvrI disagree. The computer works better. The desktop is stil la dog.
02:07.32fsmithredbut only a couple times
02:07.42fsmithredit was painful
02:07.55slvrkde 2 ran pretty ok on a pentium. 3 needed more oomph
02:08.19slvrI have a p75 here, if anyone is remotely interested in devuan running on it.
02:08.31slvrslackware works. :)
02:08.55fsmithredI'm sure you could do it. Just be selective about software.
02:09.04*** join/#devuan aqu4bot_ (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
02:09.06slvrvim took 5 minutes to start
02:09.42slvrI got it down to 30 seconds by switching to a kernel that used less memory
02:09.46gnarfaceoh they took 586 support out of the debian kernels didn't they?
02:09.56slvr686 and up now
02:10.19slvrI have a box that is SOOOOO CLOOOOOSE but not quite there. p200 mmx
02:10.34slvra year newer and it'd be a ppro
02:11.00gnarfacei think it might be a fairly easy thing to recompile it back in
02:11.07slvryeah the kernel is cake
02:11.12slvruserland.... takes a while
02:11.48gnarfacei bet with distcc you could use both of them at once
02:12.28gnarfacemaybe cut the time to compile userland in half?
02:12.46*** join/#devuan mpmc (~mpmc@unaffiliated/mpmc)
02:13.16slvrI work at a cloud provider.... Compiling on a few dozen modern intel cores at once might be faster.
02:24.26*** join/#devuan mpmc (~mpmc@unaffiliated/mpmc)
02:28.45*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:644:6100:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
02:31.26Digitwhat are devuan release names based on?    can someone remind me?
02:31.34Digitfailing to find answer expediently enough for conversation eleswhere
02:32.05Digitminor planets, nm,  got it.
02:32.46*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
02:33.08Digitamusing when you try dive deeper for the info, when it's the sort of info that's presented on the main page of the website.  n_n
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04:12.13blebfor some reason a mail sent from my new devuan install says User-Agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)
04:12.22blebi'm certain i did apt install mutt
04:12.28bleband there's no neomutt package
04:12.33blebso is devuan's mutt package really neomutt?
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04:42.43blebso the mutt in ascii is 1.7.2
04:42.55blebquestion remains why does it say neomutt in my user agent header
04:47.48blebmutt -v prints this:
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05:07.37gnarfacebleb: is it possible you inherited that value from an old config file?
05:08.56gnarface(i'm not actually using it so i don't know for sure neomutt isn't in the mutt package)
05:09.18blebnot possible
05:09.24blebi never did anything neomutt
05:09.32gnarfaceeither way, it looks like you should be able to set it to something else
05:09.55blebi don't so much mind the user agent, i'm just concerned that the mutt package is actually neomutt
05:11.59*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
05:22.49KatolaZbleb: IIRC the mutt packahe in debian has merged stuff from neomutt for quite a while
05:23.00KatolaZand IIRC, mutt is actually neomutt in Debian
05:29.43bleboh man
05:29.59blebclassic debian, shoulda known
05:30.32blebit does look like they've diverged in buster though, as there's a neomutt package
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19:15.46Hundreubyawn: Hey!
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19:17.36reubyawndoes devuan fully function using a macbook pro laptop?
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19:18.47gnarfaceprobably not "fully" but probably mostly, on some of them.  it probably really depends a lot on exactly which macbook
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19:22.11reubyawnhow could I test it on my late 2013 hardware and does ISO have the UEFI package?
19:22.52gnarfacehmmm, good question...
19:23.03gnarfacelate 2013 should be intel hardware
19:23.16gnarfaceshouldn't be a problem to just try a live image
19:23.21gnarfacebut i admit i'm not sure it'll work
19:23.23reubyawnyes, 64-bit
19:25.09gnarfacenot sure about the UEFI thing either.  some people disable secure-boot, but you can provide your own key too if the firmware allows it
19:25.33gnarfacei think the correct way to say that is that it should work with EFI but you might need to intervene manually to make UEFI work
19:26.12gnarfacebut macs are different, openfirmware might complicate things
19:26.45gnarfacetry booting this live image
19:26.47reubyawnI tried ubuntu and the mac overheated, so would like to try debian, which devuan is, correct?
19:27.31gnarfaceit's basically like debian was up through wheezy
19:27.42gnarfacethat's where debian diverged from it's own path
19:27.56gnarfacedevuan preserved the original direction
19:28.18reubyawnI did not know that, thx
19:29.15Hundreubyawn: Why did you choose Devuan over Debian then? :P
19:31.13gnarfacethere's no need to even ask.  guaranteed he asked about a mac in #debian and they were dicks to him.
19:31.45reubyawnnow, how is ISO written to a stick or does it need to be CD/dVd?
19:31.58HundI use dd.
19:32.37gnarfacereubyawn: they're all hybrid-iso format now, so you don't have to do anything special.  dd is popular, but cp is smart enough to do it too.  it should work from any usb stick just as easily as a optical disk.
19:34.20gnarfacereubyawn: assuming the live image boots, the first thing you'll want to do to verify it's not going to overheat is probably install "lm-sensors" if it's not included on the live image already, then run "sensors-detect" as root
19:34.36reubyawnwhat syntax works with dd & cp?  I recently switched from m$
19:35.13stiltrWhen I installed Kali on a MBP, I had to add a couple packages to get it to control the fans. That may be your issue.
19:35.40gnarfacereubyawn: cp [in file] [out file]
19:35.49gnarfacereubyawn: dd if=[in file] of=[out file]
19:36.53fsmithredthe amd64 desktop-live should boot on the macbook
19:37.01gnarfacereubyawn: in this case, [in file] would be devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_desktop-live.iso and [out file] would be the /dev/sdc or whatever your usb key is showing up as.  it is very important to make sure you get [out file] correct or you can easily hose your entire existing install pointing it at the wrong device.
19:37.24gnarface(there will be no safety check or confirmation of this action)
19:39.04gnarfacemicrosoft software tends to train you to expect warnings when you're about to do something dangerous.  linux generally will not.
19:39.33stiltrI like to add status=progress to dd calls. (dd status=progress [in] [out])
19:39.59reubyawnI like the debian net install concept, where ISO fits on a CD and build from there.
19:40.00gnarfaceyea since the copy will be very slow, that's not a bad idea.  cp can give progress too though.
19:40.13*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
19:41.19gnarfacereubyawn: (there are netinstall images just like theirs here  ... but i advised the live image first just as a way for you to test hardware compatibility without committing to anything first)
19:44.22reubyawnI don’t see the difference between netinstall/live?  It will fly or not.
19:44.49gnarfacelive will let you test out all the hardware more easily without actually writing anything to the harddrive
19:45.44gnarfaceit's not just as simple as it booting or not booting
19:46.14reubyawnsolved, will give live a go.
19:47.03gnarfaceaudio device support, loading the right video drivers, laptop keyboard function key mappings, etc... all that stuff is a lot more difficult to verify from the netinstall without actually completing an install first.  don't let me stop you from using the netinstall first instead, i was just trying to minimize risk for whatever your previous install was
19:47.57gnarfacei wouldn't want you to overwrite the whole thing and then realize you hate it because there's no hardware opengl acceleration available for your video card or something like that (i don't know, just an example)
19:48.22gnarfaceit's common these days to actually have partial functionality
19:48.35gnarfacelike generic framebuffer drivers or something like that in lieu of something that supports the hardware fully
19:49.11reubyawnalso, I’m new to IRC and do I sign into this room using ‘#devuan’ w/o any password?
19:49.54gnarfaceyou might want to register your handle with NickServ but that's a IRC network-level thing, not specific to this channel
19:50.13reubyawnIs that from the freenet console?
19:50.20*** join/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
19:50.21gnarfacefreenode*, yes
19:50.56gnarfaceyou can get all kinds of help with /help
19:51.14reubyawnthx, bye
19:51.21gnarfaceno problem, good luck
19:51.24gnarfacelet us know how it works out
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19:54.53*** part/#devuan reubyawn (~reubyawn@
19:57.07cosurgiquestion: what's the best way to backport latest g++ version to ascii ?
19:57.26cosurgiis the some release-backports to put into /etc/apt/sources.list ?
19:57.58cosurgiOr maybe not the latest, just a package with some relatively recent version of g++
19:58.17gnarfacethere is ascii-backports.  did you check there for it?
19:58.41gnarfaceoh, nevermind, it's probably not there actually
19:58.58gnarfacei did this once before and ended up backporting half the next release to make it work
19:59.44gnarfaceit might not be worth it, if you can get away with just installing testing or unstable in a chroot and building whatever it is you need the new g++ version for in there
19:59.52gnarfacethat's what i've been doing anyway
20:00.26cosurgiHmm.. yeah. I already have 7 chroots: bionic  buster  cosmic  disco  sid  stretch  xenial
20:00.35gnarfacethe technique is also useful for building for foreign architectures
20:00.44cosurgiand a nice script to start screen in all of them. I wanted it localy though
20:00.55gnarfacethat way you don't muck up your main install though
20:01.19cosurgiyeah. I checked. It;s not in ascii-backports
20:02.29gnarfacemixing stuff created for different releases tends to cause weird problems
20:02.37cosurgiI'll check if I can backport it with simple `apt-get build-dep` and `dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -j32`
20:03.26gnarfaceit might work, but what i discovered previously is that you have to recursively do that for all the dependencies down to libc first, and by the time you've done that, you might as well have just upgraded to the next release
20:04.02cosurgiBut did you rebuild g++ or install *deb ?
20:04.36gnarfacei was actually building something else that needed a newer [everything] including g++
20:04.47gnarfacethe dpkg-buildpackage method did work
20:05.15cosurgiif you installed the package built on local system...
20:05.17cosurgiahh! ok.
20:05.18gnarfacewell like i said, when i was done i realized i'd replaced like 80% of the installation with hand-backported packages
20:05.19cosurgiI get it.
20:05.32cosurgiAll the were linked with wrong linker version.
20:05.32gnarfaceit wasn't worth it. but i was following orders
20:05.39cosurgiSo I can't do that.
20:06.36cosurgiOK. I will export DISPLAY from chroot. And will have my gvim in there.
20:07.06gnarfacei think that will work
20:07.16gnarfaceyou could always use virtualization too, then just ssh in
20:07.23gnarfacebut that might be overcomplicating things
20:07.40cosurgiI have done a (nearly) perfect chroot automaton.
20:08.04cosurgiWill put it on some wiki somewhere later. It's worth sharing.
20:12.06cosurgioh, btw, does devuan have some wiki? I was thinking about wiki for my software:
20:12.11cosurgiI could put it on devuan wiki :)
20:12.36gnarfacethere's this forum here:
20:13.07cosurgioh! I didn't know about that. Cool!
20:13.32cosurgiI guess that wold go into a DIY section :)
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21:28.44reubyawnLIVE flies OOTB
21:30.26fsmithredreubyawn, if your hardware wants 32-bit grub, the package is in /
21:30.51fsmithredyou can install it before running the installer or else do it in chroot in the middle of the install
21:32.09reubyawnwhy 32-bit grub when LIVE/macbook is 64-bit?
21:32.25gnarfacehe said "if"
21:33.02gnarfaceit's not uncommon for some ARM hardware to be 64-bit but still need to boot in 32-bit mode.  i don't know if that's the case for macbooks
21:33.55gnarfacealso note that the live installer won't have the same flexibility as the debian-style netinstall images.  it basically just mirrors the live install to the drive
21:34.12gnarfaceso if you want more flexibility at install time, use the netinstall image
21:35.03reubyawnFor now, I’ll burnin LIVE, but can LIVE incorporate persistance, so data can survive reboot?
21:36.07gnarfacelive can incorporate persistence, but if you use the installer that's included on the live desktop, you don't need to bother with that, it will still make a regular install.  i didn't mean it literally mirrors the live image to the disk, i mean it just uses the same package selection and base configurations for those packages.
21:36.42gnarfaceso it won't ask you questions
21:37.05gnarfaceit'll just replicate (uses refracta)
21:37.16reubyawnone subtle issue is the small desktop icons. how are they enlarged?
21:38.05gnarfaceuh, i don't know.  i think that's probably a xfce setting in this case
21:38.15gnarfacemake sure your DPI is set right too
21:38.28gnarfaceor, make sure the DPI is set right first, i mean
21:38.41gnarfacebut i do think there's an icon size setting in there somewhere also
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21:39.32reubyawnI found text, but not icon zoom
21:40.18gnarfacesettings->desktop->icons ?
21:40.46gnarfacesomething like that?
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21:41.24gnarfacea quick google search suggests to me that maybe people are using the whisker menu plugin to get control over icon sizes
21:42.08gnarfacei believe it's not installed by default, but it is in the repo
21:42.29gnarfaceyou might be used to some other distro that included it by default
21:42.30reubyawnI guess DPI would be trial-n-error
21:42.31golinuxXfce does it in settings > appearance > settings
21:43.04gnarfaceeh, the manufacturer should have provided accurate screen DPI values in the user manual or the specs on the box...
21:43.19gnarfacein a worst-case scenario you can get out a ruler and do some math
21:44.21gnarfacefor something like a macbook, the internet should already know this though
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21:44.54gnarfacethat is something Apple customers care about
21:44.56reubyawnother question, which IRC app does LIVE like for this room?
21:45.15gnarfacei don't know if there is one
21:45.23fsmithredthere are icons on desktop for larger/smaller font
21:45.27fsmithredand icons
21:45.28gnarfacei like hexchat for IRC
21:46.00gnarface(it's just a fork of xchat because xchat went non-free)
21:46.14reubyawnis hexchat CLI
21:46.40gnarfaceif you want a command-line irc client, i think irssi is popular
21:48.04reubyawnthe plan is not to mess with internal SSD, only use USB 3.0 external
21:48.12FlibberTGibbetweechat is also great if you adore lots of hair-trigger options :)
21:48.34gnarfaceyou can pass simple regexp patterns to "apt-cache search" to find stuff.  try:  apt-cache search irc.*cli
21:48.43reubyawnNO bloat here
21:49.05FlibberTGibbetweechat is cli
21:49.51FlibberTGibbetit was just written by someone who found emacs to be a bit unconfigurable for their taste
21:50.09gnarfacereubyawn: note that the install feature in the live image may not even give you a choice of target disk.  it might just pick the first one it finds
21:50.44gnarfaceit would be a good idea to use the netinstall if you need to pick a specific disk and preserve another OS install
21:51.05gnarfacethough i guess nothing really is stopping you from doing a chroot + debootstrap install from the live image either
21:51.37reubyawnThen I’d want to add persistence to the existing stick, if possible . . .
21:52.10gnarfacethat'll slow you way down but it is possible.  afaik it works just like persistence on the debian live images
21:52.30fsmithredcan't add persistence to the stick if you used dd to create it
21:52.42gnarfaceoh, well you have to repartition
21:53.30gnarfacei think you could do it with gparted though, no?
21:53.53fsmithredthat works on the 32-bit isos, but not on the 64
21:54.04fsmithredhas to do with the uefi stuff
21:54.56reubyawndid you post a netinst ISO for starters
21:56.39denPesanyone here using beowolf release?
21:56.39gnarfaceyes, in here reubyawn
21:57.47denPescan i just use beowolf, or is it better to stick to ascci, when it comes to issues and stuff
21:58.33gnarfacea few people are, denPes.  i'm not sure exactly who.  you might have to wait a while to talk to them.  if you have to ask that question though, you're better off sticking with ascii and using ascii-backports for newer drivers and mesa etc.
22:00.09denPesright well, well i don't use newer hardware really, so i don't really need newer drivers. currently still using kernel 4.4.x release, and that's fine with me, it's just the software which i like to have newer.
22:01.12denPesand with buster just around the corner, it might be better to go for beowolf
22:01.59fsmithredI've got a beowulf install that I use a little bit. It works. There are a couple minor bugs in xfce that I can't recall right now.
22:02.13denPesah okay
22:02.23fsmithredit's still not finished, so even if stuff is working, we might break it temporarily
22:02.34reubyawnlively room, wishing you a happy day, bye
22:02.45denPeswell i use cwm,so not really an issue for me either
22:02.50gnarfacehave a good one reubyawn
22:02.53denPesbye reubyawn
22:02.57fsmithredgood luck
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22:13.49denPesi'll just give it a try then,thanks
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