IRC log for #devuan on 20190507

00:00.26gnarfaceSyllin: yea there's a second flag about local time vs grenwitch mean time(spelling?)
00:00.32gnarfacei just don't remember exactly where it is
00:00.54gnarfacei thought that "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" gave you access to it, but maybe you have to have your debconf threshold changed for it to ask that
00:01.44gnarfaceit has to do with what time value goes into the bios at shutdown or (re)boot time
00:02.02gnarfaceit can either store the literal time, or it can store it as an offset from UTC, defined by the time zone
00:02.28gnarfaceit's better to use UTC because then if you change the location of the computer, you can fix the clock by just changing the timezone offset, rather than having to shift the literal time
00:03.05gnarfacebut as you can see it's obviously not even apparent this is happening until you have to share the hardware with an OS that does it differently and then they don't agree anymore between reboots
00:05.18Syllini can't even fathom what those bytes written to the bios would be, unless it was an unsigned int representing time past the epoch
00:05.36Syllinso i'm kind of at a loss because evidently people are using some other representation sometimes
00:06.13furrywolfthe obvious solution would be not to use other OSes with broken clock systems.  :)
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00:11.19fsmithredSyllin, this one looks promising:
00:11.40LeanderI was going to post that same thread :)
00:15.29gnarfaceSyllin: i think it is actually an unsigned int representing the time past the epoch
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00:32.26gnarfaceSyllin: if you're still trying to use "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" to change between local time and UTC, look at the bottom of the timezone list for something like "etc" or "none of the above"
00:32.42gnarfacethat might give you other options on the next panel
00:33.07gnarfacei'm sure you can find a low-level, distro-agnostic way to change it, but you should be able to really do this just with debian native tools
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00:34.07booyahomg it's a furry
00:34.08booyahsezie it
00:34.14Syllini'll just change on windows for now, would be nice if it were straightforwrd either way i guess
00:34.18booyahputs on hazmat and throws large net @ furrywolf
00:34.26Syllinthanks fsmithred leander gnarface
00:34.51gnarfaceSyllin: no problem.  either way, the important part is it works.
00:37.40gnarfaceSyllin: (it also asks you at install time, if you're in expert mode.  maybe not in regular mode though)
00:37.52gnarfacejust for future reference, that might help next time
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09:05.25gouri've noticed that thunar does not provide 'create archive' option despite of having thunar-archive-plugin installed?
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13:38.24nemois there an svg version of the purple yourway?
13:38.41nemowanna see if MATE's default on lockscreen of "zoom"  avoids ugly blurring
13:38.52nemofor now I just switched my background to some gradient stuff
13:39.20nemo ← that one
13:39.43nemoavoids ugly blurring with an svg that is
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15:31.22fsmithrednemo, darkpurpy:
15:31.34fsmithredand lightpurpy:
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17:02.56nemofsmithred: thanks
17:03.17nemoshould maybe include  in the install
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17:06.44nemooh! it is already!
17:06.46nemoI'm just blind
17:06.50nemoupdates /etc/alternatives
17:08.04nemohm. well that helps. less blurry at least
17:08.17nemostill a little blurry oddly
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17:19.14fsmithredlook around and you can probably find the cinnabar bg
17:23.25golinuxHmmm . . . but I dont have the svg there.
17:24.10golinuxI could post it somewhere
17:44.54fsmithredoh right, it won't be on git until someone* puts it there. (I think that's me.)
17:45.17fsmithredgot houseguests now. bbl.
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