IRC log for #devuan on 20190427

00:00.34specingrwp: it is only one Gentoo container having all of the servers inside
00:00.55specingthe servers share data, so containarising would be difficult
00:01.16rwpNot to denigrate vservers but I think also LXC at the time was seen as a replacement for them.  But then LXC became rather in need of attention too.  So that may have led to vservers being orphaned and removed.
00:01.45gnarfacei think qemu-kvm was coming up around then too
00:01.50gnarfacei don't know much about LXC
00:02.01gnarfaceit might be similar... para-virtualization?
00:02.13rwpI am a huge user of kvm via libvirt.  But I'll be the first to admit that is heavy compared to an lxc container.
00:02.51rwpI think vservers, lxc/lxd, docker, and those have more in similar than in difference.
00:02.52gnarfaceyea kvm is fine if you have hardware level acceleration support and you're not overbooking your RAM banks.  otherwise it tends to drag hard.
00:03.13rwpAnd then xen and kvm are in the heavy full virtualization circle.
00:03.41rwpAnd simpler than vservers, lxc/lxd, docker are chroots that only have a different file system and nothing more.
00:03.58rwpBut chroots are extremely useful and zero overhead so when they are fine then why not.
00:04.53rwpI use a lot of chroots too.
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01:01.44*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
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02:12.37Syllini think i missed installing some fonts in my install process? anyone have any tips for these unicode boxy characters?
02:12.53Syllini'd like them to be their corresponding UTF8 values :)
02:16.15gnarfaceSyllin: apt-cache search '^ttf-|fonts-'
02:17.29gnarfaceSyllin: (if that is terminal output, you'll also need to make sure your terminal itself can also handle unicode characters and note that is not actually a common feature, but i recommend rxvt-unicode-256color)
02:17.56Syllinhm i assumed it had better support these days
02:18.04Syllini'm using xfce4-terminal juts because thats the first one i found on the system
02:18.08Syllinbut i've used xterm before
02:18.17Syllinbut yes, terminal output is also derpy
02:18.44*** join/#devuan Jay (~jay@unaffiliated/jay)
02:18.58Syllinworks in xterm!
02:19.03Syllinwithout changes from me. interesting
02:20.59gnarfacei started using rxvt-unicode-256color (aka. "urxvt") before any of the others actually had the support for it, but i imagine it will slowly make its way into all the terminals eventually
02:25.01Syllinpretty crucial these days if you do any application development
02:25.30Syllinmodern developers love putting fancy prompts and TUI  loading bars, etc
02:25.40gnarfaceyea, but you'd be surprised how many people using linux aren't developers
02:26.07gnarface(and you'd probably be horrified at how many of those developers wouldn't know where to start on proper internationalization)
02:46.09Syllinthat first thing is a pleasant surprise
02:46.17Syllinglad it has some mainstream usage
02:46.24Syllincan't beat the price
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05:25.39redrickurxvt has struck me as pretty ideal, ever since I gave up on 'If ASCII was good enough for Isaac Newton, it's good enough for me.'  The Unicode Xterm in De??an is very not bad, too, but rather larger.
06:14.04*** join/#devuan Oldmoss (~oldmoss@2001:67c:1350:106::15)
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06:23.41xrogaanI'm not a developer. I'm a wanker who happens to know how to code.
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15:01.13*** join/#devuan sepisoad (~sepisoad@
15:02.17sepisoadhow to list services and stop/start/restart them in devuan(ascii)
15:02.45sepisoadand how to make a service/daemon run at start automatically
15:03.09sepisoadand where can i find devuan documentation on the offical site?
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15:36.34pitrisssepisoad: devuan uses standard sysv init.. so you can list services by listing correct runlevel directory in /etc
15:38.10sepisoadI am trying to figure it out, however I am still confused
15:38.43sepisoadI have installed docker manually (following official docker documentations) on devuan ascii
15:38.58pitrisseg. ls -la /etc/rc2.d/
15:39.08sepisoadnow I want an easy solution to start/stop dockerd(docker daemon)
15:39.56sepisoadpitriss, there are many directories like rc2.d under /etc
15:40.02pitrissNot sure if docker have sysv init script.. But you will find many articles all around the internet about how to create one
15:40.19pitrissYeah rc<runlevel>.d :)
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15:41.43sepisoadpitriss, what do these mean?
15:42.37pitrissS is service started when system enters to this runlevel, K is shutdown of the service.. All these "files" should be symlinks to the scripts in /etc/init.d
16:02.45sepisoadpitriss, thanks
16:02.57pitrisssepisoad: you're welcome
16:03.14*** join/#devuan drmbls (
16:03.22sepisoadBTW, where is devuan official documentation?
16:03.37nemosepisoad: for like... what?
16:03.47nemosepisoad: it probably overlaps pretty heavily with debian
16:03.49sepisoadfor everything
16:04.05nemosepisoad: I mean. it's basically just debian with systemd removed, so only point of variation would be service management
16:04.09nemoand whatever else the cancer absorbs
16:05.00nemosepisoad: and hell, for services you could just use as a reference debian pre-systemd
16:05.12nemoor arch or gentoo or any other init system's documentation
16:05.47sepisoadgentoo and arch have detailed documentations, maybe I should read those instead
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16:12.48pitrisssepisoad: sysv init is really simple and easy to understand.. Thats why I prefer it over systemd which is bloated and do many things but it doesn't do any of these things correct
16:14.01nemosepisoad: yeah probably. or debian's ☺
16:14.26nemosepisoad: I don't think devuan has deviated enough from debian to warrant extensive documentation, but maybe they could crib debian's old sysv documentation for posterity
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17:24.07banisterfiendfurrywolf thanks bro
17:24.11banisterfiendworks great
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