IRC log for #devuan on 20190419

00:00.18tuxd3vWell, for know I followed fsmithred, advice and just 'cat' from 'skel' path to my home
00:00.35tuxd3vI will let this shell open, just in case I remember something..
00:17.01*** join/#devuan Xenguy_ (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
00:17.15stiltrtuxd3v: Not to beat a dead horse, but was there anything interesting in set? I'm mostly curious if it's doing something different on my box than yours.
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00:22.13tuxd3vit depends on what you want, your configs and such..
00:22.40tuxd3vfor example I now remember that I had a HISTSIZE=60000
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00:23.00tuxd3vby default you only have 2000 lines
00:25.11tuxd3vone simple sulution woulçd be to set a git server in my NAS server, and commit every half-day or so
00:25.19tuxd3ver, would
00:26.03stiltrI'm not sure I follow. What I'm saying is that everything I have in my .bashrc can be found in the output of set.
00:26.51stiltrSure, a git repo for configs isn't an uncommon solution.
00:31.43tuxd3vI will save set output, since its big, and then will diff it with the one in new session..
00:32.09tuxd3v<stiltr>, nice hint
00:35.11stiltrHope it help!
00:36.22Hurgotronstiltr: good hint. Why didn't I think of it... I should go to bed, I guess.
00:37.32stiltrThanks! = )
00:40.39*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
00:44.00tuxd3vThanks to fsmithred, _abc_, Hurgotron, stiltr, gnarface for the help on this.. great community! thanks again!
00:44.28gnarfacei didn't help much but you're welcome
00:46.48stiltr: )
00:47.06tuxd3veveryone of you helped a lot, I already recovered some things
00:47.31tuxd3vthe rest will be 'like the first time'
00:47.52tuxd3vlessons learned..whats the first thing to configure? right backups..
00:48.10gnarfacehaha yep
00:54.39stiltrfeels the need to start a backup immediately
00:55.32fsmithredis staring at the empty 2T external hard drive on the desk
01:05.30stiltrwonders if fsmithred is looking over his shoulder
01:06.45fsmithredI'm figuring out how to create a torrent
01:09.09fsmithredok, I made the torrent file, now what?
01:10.26stiltrPresumably, upload it to a tracker.
01:10.39*** join/#devuan mdrights_ (
01:15.51buZzget all yr buddy to download and seed it
01:19.25fsmithredI can just send them the torrent file?
01:21.55*** join/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
01:22.09buZzjust the .torrent is fine
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01:22.30buZzyou could also send them the full file, so they can start seeding directly, but there's no need specifically
01:22.38stiltrI've only used a tracker, but I believe with DHT, the .torrent file will be enough.
01:22.38fsmithredit's 3.2GB
01:22.52fsmithredand it's already on a server
01:23.20buZzwith DHT, you can even just give the infohash :P
01:23.29buZzand it'll figure everything else out
01:23.31buZzits pretty cool
01:23.36stiltrOh, nice!
01:27.38*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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02:34.11fsmithredwould somebody like to test a torrent file and tell me if it works?
02:39.51va7lnxwhat kind of torrent file?
02:40.03fsmithredit's for a usb-hdd image
02:40.13va7lnxah. you just want to see if I can download it?
02:40.18fsmithredmulti-boot all the devuan live isos
02:40.18va7lnxor actually run it?
02:40.23fsmithredjust download
02:40.38fsmithredI'll pm you a temporary link to it
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03:25.02averagefsmithred: you can test it yourself..
03:25.07averagebut anyways ..
03:25.24fsmithredit's working
03:26.02fsmithredI don't understand why I'm not seeding
03:26.42fsmithredif I pause and resume, I get a connection for a few seconds, and then it disappears
03:27.03fsmithredoh, three now
03:27.28fsmithredok, I'm seeding one now
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03:41.37tuxd3vfsmithred, it his working nice for me
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04:58.00gouri just submitted bug report using 'reportbug' and mailing it via my mailer (claws), but similarly to the last time, i do not see report, although i've found same problem - pulseaudio not starting (with the same solution) in the tracker, so just wondering what is going on with devuan's bug tracker?
04:58.31furrywolfI couldn't get reportbug to report a bug to debian due to mailer issues.  reportbug seems...  buggy.
05:02.13gourwell, i just wonder how people report bug to devuan then? my report was sent to Devuan Bug Tracking System <>
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05:16.24gourotoh the original report for the same problem which encountered was submitted on Dec 29th, fix was posted on Jan 29th, but still not applied :-(
05:21.13golinuxUse email directly to report bugs to
05:21.57golinuxThere are instructions on the site.  Don't use reportbug
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06:05.09gourgolinux: i used reportbug just to compile report, it was sent to the correct address containing required fields in the body etc., but can't find it
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06:17.28gourahh, now i see it
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09:23.08Evilhamgour: it does take a bit to show up
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09:33.51gourEvilham: ok, got it ;)
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20:55.49_abc_Hi. fsmithred ? I did some work on the unclean shutdown issue. Still working on wheezy but it's the same generation as ascii in the scripts. I have a solution. Are you here?
21:06.16_abc_fsmithred: I will go soon, if you read this: edit the /etc/init.d/halt in your persistence volume to use this final action instead of poweroff or whatever: shutdown -h -n now ;; this does the crucial umount of all volumes even if it is a forced one. The outcome is, both the sdb1 and sdb2 respectively vfat and ext2 made with r2u are found to be cleanly umounted after reboot.
21:06.33_abc_fsmithred: the next step is to add fsck to the persistence mount phase at boot time, in the initrd.
21:06.38_abc_I will do that on Sunday.
21:07.53_abc_fsmithred: it is not clear if the cretins from the systemd camp are responsible for this failure too, apparently halt relies on things which happen in the background to umount the disks, does not do that itself, as shutdown does.
21:08.37_abc_The way I remember it, it used to halt and poweroff cleanly in slackware days, including from live media. This was in the early 2000s
21:08.46_abc_</end of communication>
21:10.14fsmithred_abc_, I tested the script you sent me awhile ago, and it seems to be working
21:11.29_abc_See above about unclean umounts on live fs's.
21:12.31*** join/#devuan wyatt8740 (~wyatt8740@
21:12.39fsmithredI'm getting clean shutdowns on reboot and halt
21:12.43fsmithredtesting in beowulf
21:13.48_abc_Maybe something changed. I don't know. I have to do this to get ascii to shutdown clean after live+persistence session: in /etc/init.d/halt:
21:14.09_abc_Sorry oops.
21:14.12_abc_That was supposed to be a pastebin link.
21:14.38fsmithredyou got lucky
21:14.41_abc_Would be interesting to know if there is a change in the /sbin/halt source from ascii to beowulf
21:14.43fsmithredyou're still here
21:14.58fsmithredmultiple lines can get you auto-bounced
21:15.22fsmithredoh, not as harsh as the alternative
21:15.35fsmithredspammers were pretty bad for awhile
21:15.46_abc_kickban! Undernet style. By continent prefix :) I know, I remember those times.
21:15.47fsmithredI think I still have a wheezy here
21:16.10fsmithredso I can check /sbin/halt on wheezy, jessie, ascii and beowulf
21:16.25fsmithredwill you be around later today/tonight?
21:16.28_abc_I am tinkering with wheezy because the nice people at released their live edition on wheezy live. That's what I then wedged into a stick with r2u alongside devuan ascii and other things.
21:16.50_abc_I'll be around, just remember my TZ is like 10 hours ahead of you. I need to sleep now and then :)
21:17.05_abc_It's 00:18 hours here.
21:17.09_abc_Maybe 8
21:17.23fsmithredafter 5pm here now
21:17.27koollmanneed to sleep ? what's that? ;)
21:17.56_abc_Oi, I got to be over 50yo and my brains still work. It's worth taking care of it after all this :)
21:17.59fsmithredIf you go get 5-6 hours of sleep, I can greet you at your morning coffee
21:18.33_abc_It's more like 8 I need, and weekend, but I'll work on something else tomorrow in "my" daytime.
21:18.50_abc_fsmithred: what do you plan to do?
21:18.50koollmandamn. I don't think my brains will still work when I'm 50yo
21:19.04fsmithredcompare four versions of /sbin/halt
21:19.37_abc_fsmithred: ok, what package is it in? I'm looking at the one in ascii, don't know the version on the one in wheezy.
21:19.43fsmithredkoollman, take good care of your brain - the rest is no good without it
21:19.49_abc_Looking a bit for debian versions online.
21:20.29fsmithredchecking apt-file
21:20.58fsmithredalso in systemd-sysv, but we don't have that
21:21.36_abc_I told you I suspect something is amiss related to systemd having their own halt/poweroff now
21:21.53_abc_They probably ripped something out of the normal halt on the way, and it no longer umounts.
21:22.18fsmithredthey really should just fork off of gnu/linux and call it something else
21:23.20fsmithredbetter yet, they should get over the whole concept of brand identity
21:23.39_abc_wheezy scrolled out of the package system, but wheezy is systemd free (or was) since old.
21:23.48_abc_I wonder what the hell is going on for real.
21:24.28fsmithredredhat increases complexity to get more service contracts
21:24.30_abc_how does one list the package version, as installed
21:24.41fsmithreddpkg -l <package>
21:24.42koollmandpkg -l ?
21:24.51fsmithredor pipe it to grep <pattern>
21:25.00fsmithredI like the display better that way
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21:25.11_abc_fsmithred: I read some pieces about how people are allowed to write free software while employed, ip laws, and such. I do not like what I came up with. Will write it up as a 2 page essay some day soon.
21:25.38_abc_ascii running here has sysvinit-core  2.88dsf-59.9 i386
21:25.44_abc_what do you have on beowulf?
21:26.57_abc_fsmithred: can you look in your beowulf, the end of the relevant function in /etc/init.d/halt at the halt call, does it resemble what I pasted above?
21:27.24fsmithred2.88dsf-59.9+devuan2 in ascii
21:27.35_abc_As I said
21:27.54fsmithredhang on, I'm going to diff all the versions
21:28.03_abc_the script, halt, does it resemble exactly what I pasted at "halt" above?
21:28.13fsmithredI will check
21:28.14_abc_halt -d -f $netdown $poweroff $hddown ?
21:30.41fsmithredno, it looks like this: @^@<C4>^B^@^@^@^
21:31.04fsmithredwhere is the script? if it's /sbin/halt, it's not a script
21:31.12_abc_You're looking at a binary? Kidding? :)
21:31.23_abc_fsmithred: /etc/init.d/halt
21:32.20_abc_^^ that's from ascii and is identical with wheezy's
21:32.51fsmithredyes, same
21:33.12_abc_So there has got to be a change in the binary or in something else which runs upstream of this
21:33.35_abc_With live and persistence, the persistence volume is remounted ro in /lib/live/
21:33.57_abc_which is called from /etc/rc0.d/K11live via /etc/init.d/live
21:34.12_abc_This works in wheezy and in ascii, no questions asked.
21:34.39_abc_iow the media and the persistence volumes are mounted ro by the time init.d/halt runs
21:34.59_abc_Yet they end up unclean with ascii and wheezy, and you say clean on beowulf?
21:35.14fsmithredonly with your script
21:35.31_abc_Remind me which one please? I've pasted several these days.
21:36.25fsmithredJune 13
21:36.40_abc_oh that one
21:37.29_abc_Hmm I really don't remember that one.
21:37.47_abc_And can't see it in that form on the disk. Can you paste it or a link?
21:38.04_abc_I retract the part about the brains still working...
21:38.56fsmithredone minute
21:40.38gnarface_abc_: i think your observations matched mine.  intermittent failure to wait long enough for proper umounting... started in jessie or later iirc.  someone in #debian told me it was not directly related to systemd compatibility, but rather just related to their developers getting impatient and not giving a shit about unclean shutdowns (because they were developing entirely on disposable VMs)
21:41.15_abc_gnarface: I feel vindicated
21:41.20_abc_fsmithred: I got the link, looking
21:41.47fsmithredI can believe it. Too bad.
21:41.56_abc_Need to search a backup volume I changed systems since then fsmithred. Takes a while.
21:42.07fsmithredgoes along with the sentiment that we're all using solid-state drives
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21:42.34koollmanthat's ... sad
21:42.36_abc_Well I am still on spinning rust. Which is actually Cobalt-Nickel but spinning rust sounds great.
21:42.54gnarfacewhat i've been doing is just running this before i reboot:  sync && sync && sync
21:43.02koollmanmaybe I will have to do multiple checks for shutdowns/poweroffs on my backup servers. They cannot stop quickly
21:43.11EvilhamOn that note, climbingturtle reminded me of that LVM + LUKS bug where shutting down / rebooting takes forever
21:43.30_abc_gnarface: old init scripts used to do something like sync; sleep 5; sync; sleep 3; sync;
21:43.31fsmithredyeah, that's a pain
21:43.38_abc_gnarface: with killall -9 in between
21:43.45EvilhamI think I have a patch somewhere that has tobe tested
21:43.51fsmithredEvilham, there are patches for that, but I guess you'll lose it on upgrade
21:44.01fsmithredactually, there are two changes to be made
21:44.16fsmithredone for shutting down lvm and one for shutting down an encrypted volume
21:44.19_abc_There should be a new repo in devuan "patches against systemd collateral breakage"
21:44.22_abc_as .debs
21:44.33fsmithredwe sorta started something like that
21:44.38fsmithreddevuan-sanity package
21:44.44_abc_Something like that.
21:44.45gnarfacei can think of another fix to go in it
21:44.50EvilhamAnyway, \o nighty
21:45.08fsmithredwhat's the third fix?
21:46.01gnarfaceoh, well i discovered this unclean shutdown problem coincidentally with another "improvement" (regression) in the /sbin/fsck.reiserfs script, which should simply be deleted and replaced with the symlink to /sbin/reiserfsck that was previously there
21:46.29gnarfacei've mentioned it before
21:46.39fsmithredthe kids wrote a "better" script?
21:47.05gnarfacewithout testing the existing functionality, they wrote a script to "properly handle -y, which systemd passes by default to all scripts"
21:47.13gnarfacewhich unfortunately the script doesn't actually do
21:47.16gnarfaceand the binary already did
21:47.19gnarfaceso it's obvious sabotage
21:47.36fsmithredI need some food. Back in a few minutes.
21:47.39gnarfacebut if you bring it up you get accused of murdering han's wife
21:47.43fsmithredsabotage or ignorance
21:47.51fsmithreddeliberate ignorance
21:48.50fsmithredreally, don't talk about anything not nice
21:49.48gnarfacereiserfsck will simply ignore "-y" and always has, because that its it's default behavior.  the wrapper script they replaced it with simply chokes and fails, despite the claim that it was put there because reiserfsck wouldn't handle "-y" correctly (at best an untested and harmful assumption)
21:50.55gnarfacethe two of those bugs combined will hose your filesystem on reboot if you were unlucky enough to be using reiserfs, whether you were smart enough to avoid installing systemd or not
21:51.07_abc_fsmithred: re-reading the notes and the script, the script achieves the same goal as today's edit in /etc/init.d/halt roughly
21:51.34_abc_gnarface: oh I did not know fsck.reiser ignores -y
21:51.40_abc_I still have reiser somewhere.
21:51.53gnarface_abc_: it's *supposed* to ignore -y but what it actually does is error out
21:52.22gnarface_abc_: reiserfsck however does ignore -y, which if they'd tested that, they'd have realized they didn't need to write a wrapper script at all
21:52.55gnarface(i hold onto my suspicion that they *did* test it and pushed the change forward on purpose anyway)
21:55.47gnarfaceanyway it's an easy thing to fix but it falls into the category of "debian upstream will definitely persistently continue to overwrite this fix with their vandalized wrapper script"
21:56.51gnarfacethey did some similar garbage to xfs but in that case there's a semi-legitimate excuse
22:01.04_abc_How does one list the real-root in mounts if it is not shown? I think my rootfs is reiser
22:01.17_abc_Why is it not in /proc/mounts at all!?
22:02.00_abc_Who is coming up with these cretin ideas breaking fundamental stuff like / mount being in mounts?!
22:02.22gnarfacei'm not sure about that... are you running without a fstab too?
22:02.35_abc_of course not. I have mtab and fstab and so on
22:03.13gnarfacehow does the output of "mount" compare to the contents of your /proc/mounts file?
22:03.16_abc_this is ascii, unmodified, installed to hdd from live media using r2u or such
22:03.58_abc_gnarface: they are identical
22:04.07_abc_And root is missing from both
22:04.20_abc_Tell me about it.
22:04.22_abc_Just a second
22:05.47_abc_Wow, I really have too much stuff on my disks.
22:06.16_abc_Just finished finding the script fsmithred pasted, it is called something else here... . I linked it to the "new" (old) name so I can find it easily.
22:06.54_abc_Back to root mount.
22:07.19_abc_ relevant
22:07.31_abc_Comments?  Do you see / mounted in your mount output?
22:07.55_abc_And indeed I get a mount in df
22:08.03_abc_for /
22:08.46fsmithrednope. It's not in mount output.
22:08.54fsmithredI'm looking in jessie now
22:09.32*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
22:09.47_abc_I sugest we organize a trip to a deserted island for all developers and ensure only those who do not break POSIX return...
22:09.54_abc_I am really pissed at these things.
22:10.25koollmaneasy trip to plan. just need one-way tickets for everyone ;)
22:16.01_abc_ok, now it is in /proc/mounts
22:16.06_abc_What did I do?!
22:16.18gnarfacelemme know if you figure it out
22:16.28_abc_And I am relieved no more reiser here. I was on reiser for 10 years on an etch system
22:16.42_abc_gnarface: I assume symlink vs file copy?
22:16.51gnarfaceoh, maybe
22:17.37gnarfaceyea, probably that
22:17.42_abc_Btw sad about Reiser, the man. There seems to be a spate of bad luck for developers in USA lately? Look what happened to the Debian founder too.
22:18.06_abc_Lately, in the last few years.
22:18.15gnarfaceit shouldn't even matter here, is the thing.  the filesystem didn't kill anyone.
22:18.48_abc_It would have benefited from a few fixups, perhaps from the original author? Even if in jail. The poor man could use some activity for sure.
22:18.50gnarfacethe same can't be said for the rocket models every nation's space program are based on
22:19.18gnarfacenevermind, we're dangerously close to going offtopic
22:19.55gnarfacethe important part is that we CAN prove that reiserfs is innocent
22:20.07_abc_1:20AM here. Will drop out in 10.
22:20.08gnarfaceand that it has been framed
22:20.15_abc_fsmithred: what else did you want to do?
22:20.30gnarfaceand the same can't be said for ext4
22:20.44_abc_gnarface: I don't know about that. It's clear he developed a "Russian mail wife" problem. The rest is details.
22:21.14gnarface_abc_: re-read previous statement.  i typed "reiserfs"
22:21.25_abc_Ah ok
22:21.37_abc_I should have written mail-order
22:21.46golinux<gnarface> nevermind, we're dangerously close to going offtopic
22:21.54golinuxThis ^^^
22:21.58gnarfaceeverything that this sabotaged wrapper script has ever caused reiserfs to do to me, ext4 has done all on it's own.
22:22.13_abc_Ah ext4 is worse, you say?
22:22.49gnarfacei can't say whether it's worse right now, but when it first appeared as an installation option in debian and raspbian, it was definitely worse then.
22:22.58_abc_I am quite conservative, and I run old hw. So I am very slow to adopt new things. I let others be the guinea pigs, sort of. My motto is, the early bird gets eaten. One of my mottos.
22:23.18gnarfaceyea, ext4 was pushed into service prematurely, the tools just weren't reliable enough
22:23.27_abc_Makes sense.
22:24.06fsmithred_abc_, get some sleep. I'll diff /etc/init.d/halt
22:24.11gnarfaceand i never really had any problems with ext3, it was just slower than reiserfs, that's all.
22:24.26_abc_fsmithred: I think you said it's the same. Only that last command matters.
22:24.37gnarfacebut with improved sane defaults, xfs is much more viable now than it was then too
22:24.52_abc_My laptop I am using with ascii is so slow the ext2 rootfs does not matter :)
22:25.08_abc_Ok, we'll pick up the discussion some other day, thanks and bye
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