IRC log for #devuan on 20190415

00:00.15tuxd3vSo I am not going to do my Backend in Makefile
00:00.17ashleyk_but why a gui
00:00.21tuxd3vI love M;akefile
00:00.40ashleyk_why does it need a gui
00:00.42tuxd3vbut all of this in a Makefile...crazy, I am doing it in Lua Tables
00:00.50tuxd3vSome sort of JSON
00:01.22tuxd3vIts more pratical, and for people that doesn't understand much
00:01.27tuxd3vI think its better
00:01.43tuxd3vA taste of the backend:
00:02.16ashleyk_are there a lot of people that want devuan but dont know a lot?
00:02.28ashleyk_and cant use the embedded images from the server?
00:03.13tuxd3vThe problem is that there are a lot of boards not supported yet
00:06.54tuxd3vin the server
00:07.04tuxd3vAnd this option is to cover that Boards
00:07.09tuxd3vAn example?
00:07.21tuxd3vBoards with octacore nexel cpus
00:07.36golinuxAll this is a bit OT.  Not really Devuan support.  Might be better to head to #debianfork
00:08.21golinuxNot good to stuff the logs with "stuff" that folks have to wade through.
00:08.56tuxd3vI was asking for help with colors for the menus
00:09.04tuxd3vto stay fidel to Devuan
00:09.48golinuxThat is not a technical Devuan question.
00:10.08jellygolinux: is this a technical-only channel?
00:10.37XenguyIntended as such, AFAIK
00:10.48golinuxIt's a technical support channel to get Devuan working.
00:10.55Xenguy#debianfork is freely OT, which is nice
00:11.12golinuxThis ^^^
00:12.24tuxd3vI am sorry for the trouble..
00:12.31XenguyNo worries
00:13.05Zhuangzi-TaoJust learned something new.  :)
00:18.22tuxd3vme too :)
00:22.20ashleyk_now lets talk about why openarena is the best foss game
00:22.44specingOA is awful
00:23.23specingUnvanquished is probably the best FOSS shooter - no players of course
00:23.27ashleyk_its got its own community and culture
00:23.59ashleyk_unvanquished is just wolf ET?
00:24.19specingalso totaly forgot wolf ET, that game is great
00:24.20ashleyk_oh, smokin guns right?
00:24.26golinuxPlease take OT to #debianfork
00:24.32specingbut unfortunately wolf ET is a security nightmare and not going anywhere
00:24.38golinuxThis is a support channel
00:24.44*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
00:25.27jellygolinux: you might want to s/discussion/support/ in the topic, make it clear if you're going to enforce it
00:26.30ashleyk_who is going to read these logs besides spies for lennart
00:26.42specinggolinux is going to gohammer us
00:26.56fsmithreddevs read it
00:27.31golinuxAnd it's a pain to have to slog though irrelevant chatter
00:27.36tuxd3vfsmuthred, Was exactly becasue of that that I put my questions here...
00:27.44tuxd3ver, becasue
00:27.53tuxd3vnever mind
00:28.11gnarfacejust try to keep the editorializing in the other channel
00:28.16gnarfaceand try to use less newlines
00:28.39ashleyk_or just only join if you have a support question
00:29.10ashleyk_or are waiting for someone to ask a question so you can help...
00:29.18fsmithredfor more in-depth talk about embedded stuff there's an arm channel (#devuan-arm?)
00:29.51gnarfaceyes, it's #devuan-arm
00:30.49*** join/#devuan user302965 (97efb060@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:31.12tuxd3vHave you guys saw that #devuan-arm ...
00:31.20tuxd3vOnly has a penguin there...
00:31.45ashleyk_no, its you and me
00:32.02tuxd3vsorry you are not there
00:32.03ashleyk_and gnarface and parazyd
00:32.18tuxd3vno I am the only one there
00:32.45gnarfacecould be some net split problem i think, but double-check your spelling tuxd3v
00:33.23fsmithredI see a big list of names there (big ~ 20)
00:33.27tuxd3vI typed "#devun-arm"
00:33.32tuxd3vmy mistake
00:33.48fsmithredmaybe that's French
00:38.52golinuxI think you have to be subscribed to join #devuan-arm
00:39.05golinuxPing parazyd
00:39.21ashleyk_no, theres no problem
00:39.54fsmithredI got in ok and saw that tuxd3v entered
00:40.16golinuxIt was locked during the spam blitz
00:40.32golinuxBath time for me
00:40.41fsmithredenjoy it
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13:46.17telmichkjg: welcome!
13:47.59*** join/#devuan ferao (~ferao@2a0a:e5c0:2:12:0:f0ff:fea9:c42e)
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13:52.17telmichjinguk: you might also be interested in #devuan-dev
13:56.43jingukDoes anyone know where ascii-backports is?
13:56.51jingukE: The repository ' ascii-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
13:59.12furrywolfdeb ascii-backports main contrib non-free
13:59.12furrywolfdeb-src ascii-backports main contrib non-free
13:59.30fsmithredjinguk, try instead of
13:59.35fsmithredfurrywolf types faster
13:59.42furrywolffurrywolf copy+pastes quickly.  :P
14:00.08fsmithreddidn't you have to type "cat /etc/apt/so"?
14:00.51fsmithredjust think, in a few years we can have brain implants so we don't have to type
14:00.59fsmithredI can't wait
14:01.09fsmithredbrb, need coffee
14:05.32jinguki got this message.
14:05.33jingukE: The repository ' ascii-backports Release' does not have a Release file.
14:07.30furrywolffuck off and die?
14:10.04telmichfurrywolf: what is wrong with you?
14:10.53furrywolfI answer someone's question, and they just repeat it?
14:11.05furrywolfwhy bother asking if you're not going to read the responses and just ask again?
14:11.35telmichfurrywolf: I'd assume a "I answered above, please check" would have done it
14:12.03furrywolfyou might assume wrong.  :)
14:12.36jinguki changed source.list.
14:13.45*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
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14:17.31fsmithredrun apt update after changing sources.list
14:19.13jingukyes, i ran apt update after changgin sources.list.
14:19.32jingukbut i got a message
14:19.42jingukE: The repository ' ascii-backports Release' does not have a Release file
14:31.05golinuxHi jinguk!  Nice to see you here.
14:31.21jinguknice to see you, tto
14:31.28jinguknice to see you, too
14:33.05golinuxHi to telmich too!
14:33.41jinguki solved it. i removed files in source.list.d
14:36.40golinuxYeah.  "stuff" in there can cause problems.
14:38.08jingukthank you, furrywolf
14:38.33jingukthank you, fsmithred
15:08.44*** join/#devuan pukka (
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16:00.08Evilhamjinguk: :-D
16:00.14Evilhamgood to see you around!
16:00.37*** join/#devuan kelsoo5 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
16:00.47Evilhamjust FYI: you should probably update the opennebula images, so that they use as mirror by default
16:01.11Evilhamor even better: you can use
16:01.25Evilhamsince that's right there in your infra
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