IRC log for #devuan on 20190403

00:22.05*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
00:24.40*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
00:39.03*** join/#devuan kelsoo5 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
00:46.52*** join/#devuan mdrights (
01:10.45*** join/#devuan Milo22 (~Sysifoss@
01:11.17*** join/#devuan ferdy- (~ferdy@funtoo/contrib/ferdy-)
01:11.31*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
01:12.21*** join/#devuan TigerbotHesh_ (
01:12.24*** join/#devuan dos11 (~dos1@neo900/coreteam/dos)
01:15.44*** join/#devuan mns`` (~androirc@
01:17.51*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
01:22.13*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
01:23.12*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
01:38.28*** join/#devuan xinomilo (
01:50.49*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
01:52.24*** join/#devuan ashleyk (~ashleyk@gateway/tor-sasl/ashleyk)
02:13.27*** join/#devuan xcm (
02:21.30*** join/#devuan ijneb (
02:28.55Digitgot my firefox held at an older version to keep using the policeman addon (not willing to be forced to ublock or whatever alternative).  faaaar from ideal.  itching to find other again.  got a midori i sometimes use, and wonder/dream about imbuing it with that policeman/ublock alike features.  uzbl also on my radar, but when browsing, often want something lazy-clicky not needing exotic keybinds for everything.
02:35.08plasma41Digit, I've been eyeing Waterfox as a candidate for my next web browser.
02:39.50*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@
02:45.34Digitdoes an apt-get update and apt-get install waterfox, to be greeted with "E: Unable to locate package waterfox", ending his lazy poke of trying it.
03:21.38*** join/#devuan Tashtari (~tashtari@unaffiliated/tashtari)
03:34.02*** join/#devuan Inepu (
04:03.43*** join/#devuan abcabc__ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
04:15.58*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
04:22.03*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
04:27.21*** join/#devuan djph (
04:27.21*** join/#devuan djph (~dpurgert@devuan/community/dpurgert)
04:33.33*** join/#devuan guido_g (
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04:50.10*** join/#devuan eady (
04:50.44*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
05:00.46*** join/#devuan LtWorf (
05:07.08*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
05:07.41*** join/#devuan pav5088 (
05:21.23*** join/#devuan watchcat (
05:56.14xrogaanthat mike individual is slowly starting to get on my nerves.
06:06.37Jookiadevuan doesn't have ARM installers, only images?
06:15.23*** join/#devuan eady (
06:25.11*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
06:28.08*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
06:30.13*** join/#devuan hightower2 (~hightower@unaffiliated/hightower2)
06:42.08*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
06:45.21*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
06:50.01*** join/#devuan eady (
06:50.57*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
06:54.38Wonkaxrogaan: that Lennart individual is still worse :p
06:58.45*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
07:03.33*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
07:05.20*** join/#devuan HalfWord (~halfword@unaffiliated/halfword)
07:10.46*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
07:14.14*** join/#devuan \0xc0ffee (~chuck@freebsd/user/-0xc0ffee)
08:17.17*** join/#devuan r00tobo (~r00tobo@unaffiliated/r00tobo)
08:21.57*** join/#devuan zer0 (
08:42.54*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2001:67c:288:1::201)
08:49.33*** join/#devuan mdrights (
08:56.00*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
08:58.20*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
09:04.32*** join/#devuan unixman_home (
09:04.33*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
09:29.29*** join/#devuan g0zzy (
09:44.59*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-nlwrqlyvpxsfvtfb)
10:20.48*** join/#devuan pav5088_ (
10:40.07*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@
10:44.15*** join/#devuan xcm (
10:44.39*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
10:48.44*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
11:06.05*** join/#devuan mns`` (~androirc@
11:06.19*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:55a0:7cc1:41ae:fe8f:11cb)
11:18.27cosurgiQuestion: was that a hack or a stupid april fools joke?
11:25.42hightower2cosurgi, a very inappropriate april fools joke
11:42.50*** join/#devuan hightower3 (
11:53.24*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
12:04.37*** join/#devuan justinsm (
12:10.44*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:13.30*** join/#devuan hightower3 (~hightower@unaffiliated/hightower3)
12:14.55hightower3MinceR, while I don't agree at all with overly lengthy discussions about it on the mailing list and everywhere, the inability to reach a general agreement that this "joke" was terrible and should never happen again is genuinely disturbing.
12:15.24MinceRit disturbes those who believe that it was terrible and should never happen again, though
12:15.39MinceRthen again, it would be pointless to make the same joke again, so i guess i agree with that part
12:17.03xinomilothe inability to reach a general agreement that this "joke" was funny and should happen again is genuinely disturbing.
12:18.11xinomilowe're all right, let it go and move on with something serious
12:18.45hightower3by 'never again' I meant to include everything that would be similar as well. One of serious problems with this "joke" was that I was reading about it in the morning/noon hours of Mar 31st (i.e. not April 1). Also, some people tried to explain that if anyone visited they could see that there was no actual javascript in the page and that it was a joke. However, I didn't visit because I have no business visiting sup
12:18.45hightower3posedly compromised websites. Also, I came here to check if the incident was genuine, only to see people from the Devuan team acting legitimately concerned. And finally, it caused me great unrest thinking about which systems did I have with "automatic updates" enabled.
12:19.13MinceRwell, the timing was a bit off
12:19.30MinceRstill, it became clear to me pretty quickly that it was april fools
12:20.14MinceRnot only because of the timing but because gopher is something devuan's enemies wouldn't like and the gopherhole had too much content
12:21.24hightower3I didn't go to visit any of the (supposedly) compromised content. The only clue I had about this being a joke is that last month I visited parazyd's website and there he had a sentence like (paraphrasing) "stop using obsolete protocol http. Switch to gopher".
12:23.56hightower3a much more appropriate/harmless joke would have been a note about e.g. devuan switching to systemd. Or if that one would have been too obvious, they could have made a joke about e.g. Microsoft striking a deal to employ all key devuan developers, or that Microsoft wants to create a Linux distribution based on Devuan, or something of that nature...
12:24.39MinceRthose are probably all too obvious and worn out
12:25.08hightower3well... with all the effort and persistence in the security incident joke, they sure could have figured something else too
12:25.41*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
12:36.58*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
12:38.41MinceRand you would complain about that too
12:40.51WonkaI thought this was a nice April Fool's Joke.
12:42.02Wonkawell, no, I still think it was a good joke.
12:53.38*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2001:67c:288:1::201)
12:59.25*** join/#devuan xcm (
13:02.10*** join/#devuan James1138 (
13:04.15xrogaanIt's not about the joke not being funny, it's about the joke being too serious.
13:04.37xrogaanAh ah, I get it, a fack pwned page. Great. Can I work now?
13:05.07xrogaanwork or find information or whatever.
13:06.58xrogaanswitching to systemd is too obvious for a April 1st. Would have been better to announce that Xorg would be deprecated in favor of devuan's own fork of wayland.
13:07.59xrogaanAnd claim that it will revolutionize the linux world by bringing much needed changes.
13:43.53*** join/#devuan xinomilo_ (
13:50.26*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
13:55.02*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:83e7:5b3b:5f59:a639:abc4)
13:58.30*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
14:08.36*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
14:19.00*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
14:33.00*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
14:42.32*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2001:67c:288:1::201)
14:43.38*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:44.25*** join/#devuan xcm (
14:53.50*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
14:57.48*** join/#devuan mns` (~mns@
15:00.23*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
15:01.34*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (LEISUyCm@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
15:02.46*** join/#devuan mns` (~mns@
15:15.51*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
15:22.25*** join/#devuan msiism (~msiism@2001:16b8:577c:f00:ee08:6bff:fe1c:ed28)
15:24.22*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
15:26.40msiisma while back i noticed a strange behavior of pmount when using tab auto-completion on the device name, namely that it would hang when you hit the tab key and require you to hit ctrl+c zu "unhang" it in order to type the rest of the device name.
15:26.50*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
15:27.00*** join/#devuan xcm (
15:27.12msiismwhen i mentioned this in a discussion about pmount in this channel, no one seemed to have seen the problem and i wasn't able to reproduce it. however, it just happened again. so, there is some problem, obviously.
15:27.25*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:28.49msiismto be more specific: the device i'm trying to mount is /dev/sdb1, when if type `pmount /de` and hit tab, it will hang. the same goes for hitting tab after `pmount /dev`.
15:30.12gnarfacemsiism: completely normal.  if the possible completions in their pretty simple algorithm exceed what is in the filesystem cache, it has to go back to read the hardrive to refresh the cache.  if there's a lot of possible completions, you will notice some delay
15:30.35gnarfaceyou can customize the auto-completion behavior in bash but i've never really messed much with the defaults
15:30.45gnarfacepeople who want more control over it use zsh instead
15:33.12msiismi believe this is not what this is about. there's no delay. it simply hangs until you hit ctrl+c, and then fills in what it should have filled in when you hit the tab key.
15:33.22gnarfacehmm, that is weird
15:33.42msiismalso, if this was a bash auto-completion issue, it would be easily reproducibale, i guess. this problem however isn't.
15:33.45ashleykuse another terminal to check resource usage while its hanging
15:34.02ashleykor figure out how to use strace
15:34.07gnarfaceyea, if it was a harddrive cache issue, you'd expect the I/O light to blink
15:35.48msiismas for temrinals: all instances of urxvt on the same user account have the problem now. however, on my other user account the problem is not reproducible (both users were logged in before the device was plugged in and both use urxvt).
15:36.30gnarfacecould it be some weird whitespace character in a custom prompt that shouldn't be there, or something like that?
15:38.31msiismthe prompt is the standard one, as far as i can see in ~/.bashrc
15:38.50msiismalso, pmount is the only command for which i have ever seen that problem.
15:39.34msiismjust tried xterm. same result.
15:39.40gnarfacehmm. weird
15:39.48gnarfacei don't have pmount installed
15:40.00gnarfacebut i wonder what makes it get treated differently
15:40.31gnarfacedo you have anything weird listed for it in /etc/bash_completion.d/ ?
15:41.39msiismfile `pmount` exists there, interesting...
15:41.55gnarfacecheck it
15:42.10gnarfacemaybe it will be ... computationally heavy somehow
15:42.16msiismare you running ASCII?
15:42.27gnarfaceyes just not on this machine i'm on right now
15:43.05gnarfacehmm, but i don't have pmount on the nearest ascii box either
15:43.11msiismwell, this file was last touched on 18 may 2014. i have never modified it.
15:43.14gnarfaceit must not be a required package
15:43.26msiismno, it's totally optional
15:43.38gnarfacewell maybe the contents of /dev changed in some way though that affects it
15:43.58gnarfacei don't have anything else matching /d* or /de*, for example either...
15:44.20msiismstill, it shouldn't hang at `/dev`, since the only thing it would have to do there is adding a slash.
15:44.21gnarfacedo you have anything else in your / that starts with "d" ?
15:44.29*** join/#devuan tradar (~tradar@gateway/tor-sasl/tradar)
15:44.44gnarfaceif it's hanging at /dev instead of /de, then it would make sense that it has to be the contents of /dev it's not happy with
15:45.12gnarfaceand a kernel change or just plugging in a bunch of usb devices might change the number of things showing up in there, as well as the amount of nested directory recursion required to cache it all
15:45.35gnarfacei wonder if there could be a weird character in a filename in there it doesn't like
15:46.41msiismhanging on `/dev` (without the trailing slash) already is quite strange, though. i mean, there's really just a slash to add.
15:46.57msiismand this ia also what pmount does on the other user account.
15:47.04gnarfacedoes it do the same thing if you type out /dev/ all the way then hit tab?
15:48.30msiism`/de`, `/dev` and `/dev/`all lead to the same problem.
15:48.47gnarfaceit does suggest the contents of /dev/ are what it doesn't like
15:49.07*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
15:49.17*** join/#devuan sokan (~sokan@unaffiliated/totaloblivion)
15:50.02msiismif i hit tab on `/dev/` in the other account it just reacts normally, saying: "Display all 158 possibilities? (y or n)"
15:50.45gnarfaceso that's interesting
15:50.53gnarfacecould it be a permissions issue somehow?
15:51.01ashleykread this crap:
15:51.26msiismgnarface: i don't think so.
15:51.59gnarfaceit would be a file that has no read access in there for one of the users, or a directory that is missing read and execute, for just that one user.... i think
15:52.28msiismgnarface: but that should not affect autocompletion in any way.
15:52.44gnarfacei guess i don't know that for sure
15:52.55gnarfaceif it's trying to recurse directories in there to tab-complete
15:53.22ashleykdo it
15:55.08msiismgnarface: well, i don't think it does and still, if it would, /dev/sdb1 would no need such recursion. i just hope this is a problem related to the autocomplete script, not to pmount.
15:55.19msiismlet's see if i have zsh installed
15:55.54gnarfaceso if you type pmount /dev/sd and then hit tab, does it still delay heavily?
15:56.19gnarfacei wonder if it's just a variation in drive response times to respond with the partition counts
15:56.41ashleykdoes pmount vs mount make a difference in the auto complete?
15:56.46msiismgnarface: it's not about delay. it stops completely, like being stuck in an endless loop.
15:57.04gnarfaceright, right.. hmmm...
15:57.17ashleykwhy not strace a bash
15:57.28ashleykand blindly do the bug, and see what it spams endlessly
15:57.57*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
15:58.02msiismok, zsh on the account there the problem occurs does not have the problem. going back to bash in the same temrinal gets me back to having the problem. that's a strong hint towards the problem being with the completion script.
15:58.44ashleykwhy settle for hints when you can find out for sure
15:59.06msiismashleyk: right. so let's use strace. how is that done?
16:00.14msiismreads `man strace`
16:05.13ashleykwell probably just strace /bin/bash, and then blindly, as i said, recreate the bug, and most likely (if it traces the completion script) it will be spamming something over and over again
16:05.28ashleykand that will be what it is stuck on
16:05.53msiismhere we go:
16:06.43ashleykhmm, so it doesnt get stuck in a loop then?
16:06.48ashleykjust prints that once, eh
16:07.45msiismyes, that's all it gives me after hitting tab.
16:07.59tuxd3vHello guys
16:08.01msiism...and then after hitting crtl+c
16:08.09tuxd3vstill stuck eith Uboot
16:08.28tuxd3vdoesn any one knows what is the default baudrate for seryal?
16:08.45gnarfacetuxd3v: the max is the default these days
16:08.52tuxd3vcould I be correct: 1500000
16:08.52ashleykis it 150000
16:08.57gnarfaceuh no
16:09.01gnarfacethat's way above the max
16:09.24gnarfacetry it with 115200
16:09.37tuxd3vIt doesn't show up
16:09.44gnarfaceoh, hmmm
16:09.52gnarfacewell on my pine book that's what wokred
16:10.04tuxd3vwhat I did:
16:10.06tuxd3vdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1k count=1023 seek=1
16:10.15tuxd3vdd if=/home/rock64/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=8
16:10.23ashleyki got devuan on my nanopc-t4, so im happy :)
16:10.27ashleykdidnt try serial
16:10.50gnarfacetuxd3v: drop bs, count, and seek from your first dd if you're trying to actually zero that whole sd card
16:11.16tuxd3vI am trying to zero the first 1MB or so
16:11.22tuxd3vwere fits the ubbot
16:11.28gnarfacebut you skipped over it
16:11.36gnarfacei think...
16:11.39*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
16:11.43gnarfaceor at least the first block
16:11.47gnarfaceanyway i'm not sure that' what you want to do
16:11.50gnarfacejust zero the whole thing
16:11.51ashleykskips the first 1k
16:12.22gnarfacefor my pinebook the last thing stopping the serial terminal from working was just that i wasn't aware i had to actually add a kernel command-line variable to define it
16:12.27gnarfaceand i think something to /etc/inittab?
16:12.44gnarfacei forget now, i gotta stop doing that stuff drunk, or just keep better notes...
16:13.01ashleyktaking notes while drunk sounds realistic
16:14.07gnarfacebut for sure the kernel command-line parameter was needed
16:14.21ashleykgnarface, where did you set that?
16:14.53gnarfaceum, good question.  it would be /etc/default/grub on a pc.... but for arm hardware...
16:14.55ashleykdoes uboot pass that, or is it built into the kernel
16:15.05gnarfacesomewhere in uboot i'd have to guess
16:15.13ashleyki know how rpi and odroid work, but im not sure about this uboot stuff
16:15.19ashleykk thx
16:15.23gnarfaceor somewhere in the /boot partition at least, yea
16:15.34ashleykheh, i think /boot is blank
16:15.42ashleykprobably getting more common
16:19.18gnarfaceah yes
16:19.36gnarfaceboot.scr, that's where the kernel command line goes on my pinebook, ashleyk, tuxd3v
16:19.57ashleykwhere is that file?
16:20.18ashleykon a fat partition or in /boot on a linux partition or in the uboot build dir... heh i dont know the basics
16:20.48gnarfaceit's one of the files you have to dd to the early sectors of the disk manually, for my pinebook.  though it would be different for other arm devices.  on rpi devices for example, you just add it to a text file in /boot
16:21.48gnarfacearm stuff doesn't seem to have settled on standard behaviors for this type of stuff.  it's quickly one of the first things you miss about a PC is having a proper BIOS
16:22.13tuxd3vyes boot.scr is the compiled version of boot.cmd text file with kernel boot args
16:22.32tuxd3vbut some use Uenv.txt
16:22.38gnarfacehmm. yea
16:22.42gnarfacei did it with the boot.cmd
16:22.47*** join/#devuan msiism (~msiism@
16:22.47tuxd3vothers use boot.cmd
16:23.01ashleykheh, right on, thanks
16:23.20tuxd3vthen you need to pass the boot.cmd from text to bynary
16:23.29tuxd3vwhich will be boot .scr
16:24.59gnarfacesetenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 root=/dev/mmcblk2p2 net.ifnames=0 rootwait panic=10
16:25.08gnarfaceso here's the kernel command-line i put in there
16:25.15gnarfacenote "console=" defined twice
16:25.19gnarfacethe first one being the serial one
16:25.45gnarfacefor the *pinebook* 115200 was what i was told was the maximum, though i didn't test at higher speeds
16:27.49gnarfacei thought that was actually the maximum standard value but my google searches tell me that later, faster speeds were added to the standard
16:28.03gnarfaceyou may still have trouble going faster than 115200 over gator clips to coat hanger wire though....
16:35.35*** join/#devuan xcm (
16:37.39ashleykheh are you remote viewing tuxd3v
16:52.39*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
16:56.40tuxd3vonly black
16:57.02*** join/#devuan watchcat (
16:58.46tuxd3vI added bl32 from arm
16:58.50tuxd3vfor secure boot
16:59.01tuxd3vmaybe that its messing with something here..
16:59.17gnarfacewell it has to be the right version
16:59.27gnarfacethere's basically two major branches going
16:59.47gnarfacethere's the commercial branch based on some ancient 3.x kernel using official firmware, which is what all the commercial vendors still use because of android
17:00.01gnarfaceand then there's the "mainline" branch going for more modern kernel support
17:00.07gnarfacebut all the little bits inbetween aren't cross-compatible
17:00.26gnarfaceu-boot and all it's dozen or so forks included
17:01.05tuxd3vI am on mailine kernel plus master branch of uboot
17:01.16tuxd3vthe standard..
17:01.20gnarfaceso you have to make sure you're getting atf, bl32, dtb, and whatever else, are for the exact right versions
17:01.49gnarfacei'm using someone's 4th party patches for a 3rd party fork of u-boot called "das u-boot"
17:02.04gnarface(and accompanying dtb and kernel patches)
17:02.26gnarfacewhen i set it up, there was no mainline support for the hardware though
17:02.42gnarfacei think it's been recently merged or will be merged soon into kernel 5.x but ymmv for your hardware
17:02.45*** join/#devuan Stacker- (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
17:02.49gnarfaceyou might still need some 3rd party patches
17:03.22tuxd3vyeah it could be the case here
17:03.26*** join/#devuan ymasson (
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17:10.54enycdevuan mirror failing?
17:10.56enycE: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found [IP: 2001:4ca0:4300::1:22 80]
17:11.00enycE: Failed to fetch  404  Not Found [IP: 2001:4ca0:4300::1:22 80]
17:11.12enycErr:1 ascii-backports/main amd64 linux-compiler-gcc-6-x86 amd64 4.19.28-2~bpo9+1
17:13.07gnarfaceenyc: maybe, or maybe it's just in the middle of an update. is a round-robin though, so i wouldn't panic unless it happens twice in a row
17:13.36gnarfaceif you just try again, it should pick a different mirror and work
17:15.38*** join/#devuan rsx (
17:17.44stiltrgnarface: I was pretty sure "das u-boot" == "u-boot"...?
17:18.31gnarfacestiltr: i thought i had read otherwise, but it's possible nobody is using the original for mainline support anymore
17:18.47gnarfaceor i could have just read it wrong
17:19.13*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
17:19.31stiltrYou could be right. I don't know for sure.
17:22.23stiltrAccording to wikipedia they're the same...
17:24.54enycgnarface: happened 3 times so fa...
17:25.16gnarfaceenyc: hmm.  that's disturbing.  your sources.list is right?
17:25.31*** join/#devuan melemont (
17:25.38enycdeb ascii-backports main contrib non-free
17:25.38enycdeb-src ascii-backports main contrib non-free
17:25.44enycand same for -updates -security -main
17:25.55*** join/#devuan cyteen (
17:26.00enyc-proposed is in /devual/ inshead
17:26.42enyctho when i 'apt-get update'  it only talks about  rather than gb. ...
17:27.38enycand indeed when you do the 'get' it downloads various -security pfilesa nd he 2 -backpots packages, fail ...
17:27.44enycit may be backports specific issue, possibly.
17:28.32gnarfaceyea, the country-specific redirects are not customized yet to countries, i don't think
17:28.36gnarfacethere's only like 13 mirrors
17:29.07gnarfacebut you do want to make sure your dns is up to date on them
17:29.40enycI don't have any local dns overrides or special extra dns caching
17:29.59enycjust, normal compliant dns resolvers
17:30.02enycand forwarders
17:30.06*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
17:30.45enycdebian mirrors carrying linux-compiler-gcc-6-x86_4.19.28-2~bpo9+1_amd64.deb ok
17:31.02enycaaah  it seems like the undperpininng  debian morrir is not updating the  backported package hrrm
17:32.49enycdoes not list at all ....
17:33.17enycso either theres' some multi level redirect going on that i don't understand   or   devuan directing to an undelpful debian package mirror
17:35.05*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
17:36.47gnarfaceenyc: well, there is redirects.  the devuan servers redirect to debian servers for unchanged packages
17:36.56gnarface(which is still most of them)
17:37.07enycgnarface: which debian services and which devuan personnell manage that?
17:37.22enyci suspect a fault or  somehow got 'stuck' on wrong target or so
17:37.38gnarfacecan i see your sources.list?  can you paste it to
17:37.53enyci already gave you relevant lines above but
17:37.53gnarfacealso make sure you don't have anything extraneous in sources.list.d/
17:38.01gnarfacei just wanna see the whole thing to be sure
17:38.08gnarfaceyou're probably right, it's probably a down mirror
17:38.24gnarfacebut there should be plenty to go around unless your ISP is blocking the majority of them somehow
17:38.45gnarfacein fact, you might want to just try it with instead to be sure
17:40.44*** join/#devuan Kizano (markizano@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fec8:382d)
17:47.15*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
17:49.13enyc^^ as gnarface confirms  looks like devuan issue with redirctor
17:49.23enyc-> -> devuan-dev channel?
17:50.14gnarfacemaybe, or just ask KatolaZ or Centurion_Dan if they know about it
17:50.14msiismenyc: sure, you can try.
17:50.26gnarfacenot sure if they're around right now
17:50.44gnarfaceenyc: did you try it against instead of ot see if it works differently?
17:51.33enycgnarface: no ... can try
17:53.56enycgnarface: successful rertrieve via Get:1 ascii-backports/main amd64 linux-compiler-gcc-6-x86 amd64 4.19.28-2~bpo9+1 [241 kB]
17:54.47*** part/#devuan primalz (~primalz@unaffiliated/primalz)
17:54.52gnarfaceenyc: vaguely suggests to me a DNS problem upstream of you.  you're using your ISP DNS servers, right?  they could have implemented abnormally high caching for load reasons
17:54.58*** join/#devuan ExtraCrispy (~ExtraCris@gateway/tor-sasl/extracrispy)
17:55.25enycgnarface: no, not that sort of isp
17:58.55*** join/#devuan rhizome (
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18:24.38ashleykthat phoronix thread about the devuan dev conference is a shitshow
18:28.19specingsomebody contact green hat hackers about it :)
18:28.36*** join/#devuan sunshavi (~user@
18:29.16ashleykah i see a post from tuxd3v :D
18:31.46*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
18:33.51ashleykwhere do these people come from
18:33.54ashleykwatch what i can do
18:33.58ashleyk"I think at this point it's clear to see that mental illness and anti-systemd behaviour are related. No valid argument against it has ever been presented to this day.
18:34.11ashleyk"I think at this point it's clear to see that mental illness and anti-ObamaCare behaviour are related. No valid argument against it has ever been presented to this day."
18:35.28*** join/#devuan Inepu (
18:36.06ashleyksorry, its a devuan thread, but i guess these people are from california or something because they all sound the same
18:37.13gnarfacespam bots
18:37.15gnarfacepaid shills
18:37.31*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
18:37.45ashleyksome of them sure seem paid, or otherwise like full on communist sympathizers
18:38.21*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
18:38.38ashleykits just annoying when people say stuff like "the science is settled" or whatever
18:38.43gnarfaceonce you recognize how hard they are trying to squash it and how hard they are trying to make it look "natural" it's easy to see how bad they are at pretending to even be human.  unfortunately, the stupider 70% of the population will latch on to this and go with it due to the perception that it is peer pressure
18:38.44redrickCalifornia folk snakker det samme?  (California people all sound the same?)
18:38.45ashleykand no one can question anything they are forcing on everyone
18:40.10ashleykchange for the sake of destroying what is good
18:40.16redrickAnyway, trolls gotta troll, and Web reader comment threads are, in general, where souls go to die.
18:40.18ashleykseems the trend
18:41.19ashleykits like the monsanto internet defense team got redirected to defend redhat
18:42.17gnarfacewell in all likelyhood they are in fact hiring the exact same guerilla PR agency
18:43.46ashleykand btw, the centos and rhel irc channels are some of the most elitist authoritarian irc channels on freenode
18:44.24ashleykibm buys redhat, bayer buys monsanto   all scum
18:45.20ashleykbayer sold aids infected childrens medication on purpose, and ibm programmed the holocaust machines on purpose
18:45.34ashleykmonsanto sold glyphosate (carcinogen) on purpose
18:45.38ashleykredhat created systemd on purpose
18:45.55ashleykjust the facts
18:46.52ashleyktbh glyphosate is far worse than a carcinogen, but do your own research on that, they are just losing lawsuits for it being a carcinogen as a smokescreen from its worse effects
18:49.37gnarfaceashleyk: you're probably not wrong, but you should rant in #debianfork instead of here
18:50.43ashleyki know, but cant delete from irc...and didnt want to leave out anything :p
19:00.58*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d725:83e7:5b3b:5f59:a639:abc4)
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19:07.06specingibm is cool, power9 cpus are by far the most open you can get
19:07.10specingeven foss microcode
19:07.21msiismashleyk: don't get what this all has to do with communism, though. it might have with your idea of it, ok. but, imho, it's not the most clever thing to throw these things out in public.
19:07.49MinceRibm ceased to be cool when they bought red hat, if they were cool before that
19:08.13ashleykmsiism, sorry for ranting, but also keep an eye on what is going on in the rest of the OSS "community"
19:08.18ashleykand tell me im wrong
19:08.50msiismashleyk: no thanks.
19:09.28ashleykok then be uninformed
19:11.00ashleyknext they will takeover the kernel, then force code of conduct on everyone (which is very hypocritical), then continue ranting about the meritocracy and patriarchy or w/e, but hey, just defend them :)
19:11.41gnarfacewell, IBM actually might care more about CPU security than Intel
19:11.47gnarfaceand that might actually be a reason to side with them for now
19:11.51msiismashleyk: just let it go, i'm not gonna enter into such a debate. i have better things to do.
19:12.01gnarface(not on the redhat thing, but at least on the power9 thing)
19:12.44*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
19:12.45ashleykmsiism, good one
19:12.54gnarfacei don't think IBM is actually the driving force behind what RedHat is doing, i think they are just opportunists.  i could be wrong though.
19:13.18msiismashleyk: if you want to troll, choose another channel.
19:13.21*** part/#devuan msiism (~msiism@
19:13.54ashleykliterally derp
19:14.05*** join/#devuan Inepu (
19:14.22unixmanmakes popcorn
19:15.17ashleyktry to control someones speech, then say you dont want to debate it, then call someone a troll, then /quit
19:15.53ashleykgnarface, well ibm saw the value in redhat only recently i guess...
19:17.12unixmanWell, TBH, this is not the channel for that debate / discussion, ashleyk. If it is Devaun related, Devuan support question for example, that goes here. Otherwise, not.
19:17.39ashleykunixman, yeah i know, quit bringing it up unless you want to debate me in PM
19:17.55ashleykor just /quit if you want to be a troll
19:18.22unixmanashleyk, Red Hat and IBM for example are not Devuan.
19:19.43ashleykunixman, pm me if you want to discuss
19:20.39MinceR03 211254 < gnarface> i don't think IBM is actually the driving force behind what RedHat is doing, i think they are just opportunists.
19:20.43MinceRneither did they stop it
19:20.58MinceRthen again, wikipedia says it's "(pending)"
19:21.02MinceRso maybe i jumped the gun here
19:21.14unixmanI don't care about the Red Hat, et cetera, "discussion", frankly. Anyway, I'm just driving by to see why the channel is highlighted. BBL
19:21.50MinceRi want red hat to be wiped from the face of the universe
19:22.53ashleykunixman, yeah my bad, i was just ranting / drawing correlations between the tactics used by anti-(init)-freedom people in the devuan developer gathering phoronix thread...the tactics are the fingerprint
19:25.04ashleykHi there, This is already something that is on our radar. We see this as an opportunity for a non-systemd distro which would be a great alternative to what we currently offer.  We don't have any definite plans yet but hopefully we will soon. When that happens we'll make a public announcement. Regards, AJ de Leon Linode Support Team
19:25.07*** join/#devuan aitor (~aitor@2a02:a445:f18c:1:1e4b:d6ff:fe83:12ae)
19:25.35ashleykmy linode ticket got a response
19:27.23ashleykand i didnt even mention systemd
19:28.26ashleykapparently they "get it" :)
19:30.37*** join/#devuan Inepu (
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19:52.50*** join/#devuan aroli (5699f578@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:12.30Digitlol.  the april fools gopherhole got some folks upset?!  XD  and still causing fallout?  XD lol.  less funny was the suggestion: " a much more appropriate/harmless joke would have been a note about e.g. devuan switching to systemd."  noooooo.  gopher was whimsical.  dont want pro-systemd misinformation perchance taking root in the soft minded.
20:14.22rwpI think it was the statement that the devuan site was p0wned that was most worriesome.
20:14.54rwpIt Trust is hard to gain but easy to lose.
20:14.59rwp*Trust is hard to gain but easy to lose.
20:20.19gnarfaceit goes both ways though
20:21.11gnarfacepeople still parroting as fact that it was a real breach, months in the future, will expose themselves as enemy agents or pawns of them
20:21.25furrywolfmy april fools day joke was sending a fake email to all our drivers announcing the truck wouldn't be in until 4:01pm, each person had 401 stops, the forecast was for 4.01 inches of rain, and from now on in addition to a signature, every delivery would need social security number and date of birth.  the last words of it were "april fools".  at least one person believed it.
20:21.37furrywolfsoft-mindedness is not rare, sadly...
20:22.01unixmana. One hears that Devuan web site was pwned. b. One wobbles. c. One hears it was an April Fool's joke. d. One recovers. If "d." doesn't happen then One has a personal problem.
20:22.58furrywolfspeaking of which..  bbl, work.
20:24.32*** join/#devuan metti (
20:58.26*** join/#devuan Beerbaron23 (
21:01.41ashleyksigh, devuan mailinglist is marked as Junk Mail.
21:02.05*** join/#devuan zyliwax (~zyliwax@unaffiliated/zyliwax)
21:07.56tuxd3vNeed to get 2X4GB ddr2 asap..
21:08.41tuxd3vmy Xeon is killing me with only 4GB
21:11.03nemotuxd3v: yeah, you definitely need more. memory is dirt cheap these days
21:11.09*** join/#devuan melemont (~mo@
21:11.21nemoHDs are much snappier w/ like 16-32 gigs of commonly accessed stuff in RAM ☺
21:12.29ashleykmy laptop has 16gb, and its barely enough
21:16.24tuxd3vyeah It will have another life
21:17.14tuxd3v(GB its the minimum nowadays, I have in my desktop 32 Gb, and its awesome
21:17.31tuxd3vbut for compiling code, I like this machine
21:17.54tuxd3vwith 4GB its almost madness to compile big projects here
21:18.34tuxd3vBut Ram is also danger...becasue of the cache..
21:18.48tuxd3vWhen you moove big amounts of data
21:18.53*** join/#devuan unixman_home (
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21:19.07enycx201-tablet with 8gb ram max bah!
21:19.34tuxd3vI still prefer a Xeon :)
21:23.54*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
21:25.25enyctuxd3v: =)
21:26.12tuxd3v<ashleyk>, I saw you talking about phoronix thread..
21:26.28tuxd3vI was too naive, in a lot of aspects..
21:26.46tuxd3vit was dirty, but I lerned the lesson
21:27.06ashleyki didnt read the whole thread yet...just saw your first post in it
21:29.11tuxd3vrecently gentoo guys suceded in freeing Gnome 3 from systemd last piece also with elogind
21:29.38ashleyki havent given gentoo a thought since like 2005
21:29.59MinceRtoo bad elogind stinks
21:30.21MinceRit at least used to kill processes when you logged out, which was fucked up when systemd did it too
21:42.49*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
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23:26.05Digitsaw this image, and thought of the fuss here about 04-01
23:27.03tuxd3vWell, it his partially true
23:27.11tuxd3vthanks for sharing
23:27.43tuxd3vBut we should look around and check what options exist and what fullfills the better one for our Society
23:27.51tuxd3vChoice is Freedom
23:32.53*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
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23:57.14*** join/#devuan xcm (

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