IRC log for #devuan on 20190401

00:02.41*** join/#devuan pankerini (~pankerini@
00:13.17*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
00:17.48*** join/#devuan melemont (~mo@
00:19.11mns`by this time, i hope the devuan domain have been pointed to another server ...
00:19.30KatolaZmns`: have a look at /.
00:19.48KatolaZand at the calendar
00:22.11mns`Is it a april fools joke?
00:22.27*** join/#devuan Tazy (
00:23.20KatolaZmns`: date -d @1554080659
00:23.32mns`because I'm not laughing
00:23.35mns`i saw that
00:23.57*** join/#devuan radikal (~radikal@
00:24.55*** join/#devuan opal (~wowaname@gateway/tor-sasl/opal)
00:25.15opalglad to see devuan has switched to gopher Kappa
00:31.35golinuxmns`: I'm not laughing either
00:38.13bluemarlinyou sure those two primes aren't a hint - like you should construct private key from them and access the servers?
00:39.03KatolaZbluemarlin: date -d @1554080659
00:41.34*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
00:42.25*** join/#devuan Human_G33k (~HumanG33k@
00:47.46*** join/#devuan mdrights (
00:50.49se7enSo is this or is this not a joke by devuan
00:50.58se7enOr is it by a malicious hacker for april fools day
00:51.40KatolaZse7en: wazzup?
00:51.55se7enis this a joke by Devuan or is it by a malicious actor for april fools day
00:52.02se7enI know of hacking groups hacking websites for april fools day
00:52.02KatolaZ$ date -d @1554080659
00:52.15se7enYeah, I know
00:52.19KatolaZse7en: do you have any contact with green hat hackers?
00:52.28se7enI have never heard the term befoee
00:52.36KatolaZI see
00:52.44se7enI am just unsure if this is a joke by Devuan or if it is by another party
00:52.52KatolaZ$ date -d @1554080659
00:52.52bluemarlini would expect them to operate from underground irish pub though
00:53.03se7enKatolaZ: yeah I know
00:53.09se7en[17:51 se7en@lappy ~] > date -d @1554080659
00:53.11se7enSun Mar 31 18:04:19 PDT 2019
00:53.13se7enApril Fools Day
00:53.15se7enI know
00:53.20se7enBut is it by you
00:53.22KatolaZbluemarlin: you never know, it could be from a lagune
00:53.22mns`by now, i guess its a 'inside job' joke
00:53.23se7enor is it by a hacker
00:53.42KatolaZse7en: the pwned page says "Green Hat Hackers"
00:54.02KatolaZso it must be form some hacker of sort
00:57.33KatolaZbluemarlin: if anybody asks, just tell them `date -d @1554080659`
01:00.15se7enKatolaZ: you need to add a -u to that
01:00.40KatolaZse7en: I just need a good sleep ;P
01:02.48Tazygood jolly, even set up a gopher server.
01:04.01bluemarlinKatolaZ: enjoy sleep, you got a twisted sense of humor :)
01:08.25roo^ysorry to spam, but it was working fine before i ruined it with -u (or where exactly does the -u go)
01:08.45roo^ydate -d @7779847
01:08.45roo^yWed Apr  1 11:04:07 AEST 1970
01:08.45roo^ydate -d -u @7779847
01:08.45roo^ydate: the argument ‘@7779847’ lacks a leading '+';
01:08.45roo^ywhen using an option to specify date(s), any non-option
01:08.46roo^yargument must be a format string beginning with '+'
01:08.46roo^yTry 'date --help' for more information.
01:09.16*** join/#devuan pankerini (~pankerini@
01:09.23Tazytoo bad only the main site is accessible ;)
01:09.52roo^yi got a flooding warning, so i'm not sure if my 7 lines posted. i'll leave it at that
01:10.09*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
01:11.10*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
01:12.44redrickroo^y: Your seven lines of wisdom were transmitted.
01:13.03roo^ythx :)
01:15.39redrick-u is for UTC.  (I for one welcome our Greenwich overlords.)
01:16.13redrickNot that there's anything wrong with AEST.
01:17.31redrickThough in many ways, truth is longitude-dependent, you may perceive.
01:18.57Jjp137roo^y, try: date -ud @7779847
01:19.57redrickI mean, if I observed AEST, at teatime it'd be the previous night, and that would never do.
01:20.05roo^yok. we go back to AEST in a week. currently at the end of AEDT, after summer
01:20.44roo^ydate -ud @7779847
01:20.45roo^yWed Apr  1 01:04:07 UTC 1970
01:21.00roo^ythis works!
01:21.34redrickWelcome to Greenwich.  There's a pedestrian tunnel to the Docklands for your convenience.
01:23.48redrickroo^y:  The AEST -> AEDT changeover date was presumbly earlier in 1970, FWIW.  Date calculations are a special kind of hell for coders.
01:25.27roo^yi wrote these 6 lines to answer repeated questions
01:25.43roo^yIt was worked out as typing the following into the terminal, populates april fools days
01:25.43roo^ydate -ud @1554080659
01:25.43roo^yMon Apr  1 12:04:19 UTC 2019
01:25.55roo^ydate -ud @7779847
01:25.55roo^yWed Apr  1 11:04:07 UTC 1970
01:25.55roo^y*note: the 4mins can represent Apr, & 19secs represent year. 70secs can't be populated, so 7secs is the next best thing
01:25.57redrickEt voila.
01:26.16watchcat.oO(green wich... green hat... another clue...)
01:26.52redrickΕύρηκα!  So to speak.
01:27.45redrickI was hoping it'd be questions like 'What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?'
01:29.29*** join/#devuan Dsbeerf (~Dsbeerf@about/networking/
01:29.40*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
01:30.02watchcati propose that hencforth, the gopher should be the official devuan mascot.
01:30.38redrickAnd Minnesota the official Devuan Place to Not Go on Holiday.
01:31.26redrick(The protocol was named for the U. of Minnesota's mascot, in case the joke was too obscure.)
01:32.20Dsbeerfso those iso can be compromised ?
01:34.23roo^yDsbeerf: the ISOs are safe (unlike the incident that happened to linux mint several yrs ago
01:34.58Dsbeerfroo^y, ok that what i was refering to
01:35.04redrickDsbeerf:  It's worth learning how to check gpg signatures on ISO checksums, then you wouldn't need to ask.
01:35.14mns`golinux: :|
01:35.55Dsbeerfredrick, i admit
01:36.08redrick(URL illustrating how.)
01:36.24Dsbeerfredrick, thanks
01:36.31redrickSeriously, worth picking up the knack.
01:37.13*** join/#devuan xcm (
01:38.12redrickThe one bit of humbug in that transcript is where I skip over how I found the signing key.
01:46.07redrickI Web-searched around and found references to that key, chose to believe conditionally that the mentions weren't fraudulent, and fetched it from a keyserver.  More ideally, one would be able to verifying key authenticity using gpg web of trust, but I evidently need to attend more keysignings for that.
01:47.13redrickBack in the 1990s, when the Linux community was small, we used to joke about keysignings letting us play 'Six degrees of Ted T'so.'
01:48.40redrickAnyway, even if signing key verification's a weak point, it's IMO always worth trying to vet ISO checksums.
02:04.41*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:14.15Dsbeerfyeah well is more that nothing
02:21.11redrickWell, it'd require a heck of a plan to get away with having a bogus key in the public keyservers for e-mail address, especially for significantly long.
02:24.55redrickHuh, just checked my verification transcript, and saw that the SHA256SUM file was signed with KatolaZ's key, not the Primary Devuan signing key.
02:25.57redrickBut, anyway, as you say, a lot better than nothing.
02:32.34*** join/#devuan unixman_home_ (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
02:35.49RyushinAre the Devuan servers that got hacked VMs or physical hardware?
02:38.04*** join/#devuan benjikun (
02:38.12benjikunis this a meme
02:39.13furrywolfis your question nonsensical?
02:40.02benjikunseems like a brash april fools joke
02:40.33xrogaanIt is.
02:40.47benjikunalright, thanks lol
02:41.08Leanderthis 1st april thing has to die
02:41.15RyushinFrom the Devuan team or the hacker group?  Not so sure about it being from the Devuan team.
02:41.36xrogaanAt least they're not going political:
02:41.44*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
02:41.57xrogaanRyushin: there is no green hat.
02:42.07*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@
02:43.14opalthanks for trolling me
02:43.29opalim gullible v.v
02:43.37RyushinWell, reading on #devuan-dev, they don't seem to be impressed.
02:43.42benjikuntime to actually start using gopher again :^)
02:44.00RyushinLets go back to 300 baud BBS.
02:44.04opalgopher doesnt strike me as well-engineered; imo we just need a slimmed-down http
02:46.21plasma41opal: like HTTP/0.9?
02:47.38opalnot sure. i definitely think http/2 and beyond are too geared toward webapps, hacks upon hacks, to be any good
02:48.03opala lot of http/1.1+ headers for security can probably be easier managed with saner browser defaults, idk
02:48.22furrywolfI've been really tempted to write a news article about Trump and Pelosi's surprise marriage announcement for tomorrow.
02:48.38opali think content security policies are their own brand of complexity that could cause as many issues as the things theyre trying to prevent
02:49.06opali think anyone would agree that information such as useragent and referer are entirely arbitrary to keep in the protocol
02:49.06plasma41I like that both Gopher and HTTP/0.9 are stateless protocols. No cookies
02:49.22opalcookies/auth is a good point
02:49.33opaldo you think all of http should be authless and stateless
02:49.56opalim trying to move my stateful stuff off of the web browser. i use mail in its own client, irc obviously, xmpp
02:50.04plasma41auth: yes. all other forms of state: no
02:51.16*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
03:21.31*** join/#devuan Tom-_ (
03:28.59*** join/#devuan xcm (
04:02.50*** join/#devuan ephemer0l_ (~ephemer0l@pentoo/user/ephemer0l)
04:06.31*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
04:45.27*** join/#devuan Beerbaron23 (
04:53.08*** join/#devuan guido_g (
04:55.04Beerbaron23The website is now a GopherH0le!!
05:02.34*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
05:03.23*** join/#devuan Inepu (
05:16.38*** join/#devuan watchcat (wc@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/watchcat)
05:27.58*** join/#devuan mdrights (
05:43.21*** join/#devuan takesi (
05:50.31*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
06:02.59*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
06:05.57*** join/#devuan unixman_home (~unixman2@unaffiliated/eracc)
06:10.22*** join/#devuan djph (
06:10.22*** join/#devuan djph (~dpurgert@devuan/community/dpurgert)
06:25.26DocScrutinizer05  yeah! ;-P
06:26.52*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
06:28.30*** join/#devuan Inepu (
06:29.42*** join/#devuan mdrights_ (
06:29.56*** join/#devuan bluemarlin (~bluemarli@unaffiliated/bluemarlin)
06:33.22*** join/#devuan mdrights1 (
06:37.00*** join/#devuan Jasjar (Jasjar@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/jasjar)
06:38.05guido_gglad you mentioned it, noone else did in the last 24h
06:43.05*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
06:43.52*** join/#devuan Jasjar (Jasjar@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/jasjar)
06:46.08DocScrutinizer05indeed, I'm really fast today ;:-)
06:51.17*** join/#devuan HalfWord (~halfword@unaffiliated/halfword)
06:51.31*** join/#devuan AntoFox___ (~AntoFox@
06:59.04*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
06:59.04*** join/#devuan rafalcpp (
06:59.41*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
07:07.49*** join/#devuan mz` (~mz@gandi/mz)
07:07.54*** join/#devuan cp-- (
07:09.44*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
07:12.02watchcatyay. it just seemed to be too funny and benign to be real. :)
07:18.12*** join/#devuan cp-- (
07:21.50*** join/#devuan rafalcpp_ (
07:26.14ralpheeeelost me as an end user ...good luck !
07:26.24*** part/#devuan ralpheeee (
07:26.57*** join/#devuan xinomilo (
07:27.19DocScrutinizer05@ ralpheeeeee
07:27.34*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
07:28.32DocScrutinizer05KatolaZ: excellently pitched and designed. And good "PR noise"
07:29.36MinceRwell played
07:33.04DocScrutinizer05KatolaZ: one thing that gave it away for me (after I bothered to really investigate) was the rewrite, no hacker would go to such length to establish a defacing
07:38.34*** join/#devuan ruenoak (
07:40.14*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
07:43.46*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:50.34*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
07:54.35*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
07:56.28watchcathey but can we really adopt the caddyshack gopher as devuan mascot now?
07:57.41guido_gstupidity at it's best
07:58.35*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
07:59.04GoatAvengeris/was the Devuan crack legitimate?
07:59.11GoatAvengerOr was/is it an april fools joke?
08:01.30*** join/#devuan cp-- (
08:06.05GoatAvengerApril fooolsss...
08:07.13ruenoakI do like the ascii art
08:12.01watchcatsomebody needs to make ascii art of a gopher wearing a green hat.
08:16.12*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
08:19.30DocScrutinizer05it should wear a red hat, just because...
08:21.47*** join/#devuan kelsoo2 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
08:23.16*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
08:23.28*** join/#devuan cp-- (
08:26.31ruenoakDoes anyone if the Devuan Conference will be recorded at all? I would love to go but sadly I live at the bottom of the globe and it's a bit far.
08:29.29*** join/#devuan kelsoo2 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
08:35.26KatolaZruenoak: it will be streamed and recorded
08:44.10*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
08:57.09*** join/#devuan sauvin (sauvin@about/linux/staff/sauvin)
08:58.09sauvinCan anybody comment on Has it really been pwned?
08:58.38*** join/#devuan errandir1 (
09:00.21Unit193sauvin: You might want to look at the date,
09:14.01*** join/#devuan sardonico (
09:15.52*** join/#devuan AntoFox___ (~AntoFox@
09:32.37*** part/#devuan sardonico (
09:33.25*** join/#devuan cp-- (
09:42.26*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d724:b20d:2a4:154c:7fd7:cef1)
10:02.14*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
10:04.49*** join/#devuan mss (~mss@
10:05.30mssis the current state of the a joke or did the site really get pwned?
10:06.55mssi see.
10:11.11*** join/#devuan kelsoo3 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
10:11.46*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
10:21.05*** join/#devuan va7lnx (~donovan@
10:25.06*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
10:25.30_abc_So, is everything back to non green hat normal?
10:25.52*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
10:30.25DocScrutinizer05>> It all works, but it limits Linux processes to a mere 512GB of virtual address space. Such limits are irksome to the kernel developers when the hardware can do more, and, besides, somebody is likely to release a web browser or office suite which runs into that limit in the near future.<<
10:31.03DocScrutinizer05   Posted Oct 14, 2004
10:33.28*** join/#devuan mdrights1 (
10:38.47*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
10:39.26*** join/#devuan kelsoo3 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
10:40.48djphwait, what
10:41.33djph512GB (Virtual) Address Space is a limit ?
10:41.40_abc_KatolaZ: poisonne` en Avril...
10:43.06*** join/#devuan kelsoo5 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo) makes me puke. I hope this is an april's fool
10:44.59DocScrutinizer05mousepointer throwing candy for sure is
10:50.46rafalcppit seriously lacks animated background
10:50.50*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
10:50.51*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
10:52.16*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
10:52.45_abc_Everyone pulled out all stops for April's fool day. Why? Halloween was meh.
11:11.10*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d724:b20d:2a4:154c:7fd7:cef1)
11:15.13*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
11:27.42*** join/#devuan puria (~puria@
11:31.18*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
11:32.46*** join/#devuan Inepu (~Mithrandi@
11:39.33*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
11:47.49*** join/#devuan Ulrar (
11:48.03UlrarCongrats on the new site, I like it
11:48.33UlrarI wonder how many people will get it
11:49.03*** join/#devuan romo (~romo@unaffiliated/romo)
11:49.50*** join/#devuan justinsm (
11:51.51*** join/#devuan m4rcu5 (
11:52.41*** join/#devuan mns`` (~androirc@
11:53.02*** part/#devuan mns`` (~androirc@
11:53.51*** join/#devuan mns`` (~androirc@
12:05.54*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
12:17.22*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:17.44*** join/#devuan Humpelstilzchen (
12:18.15*** join/#devuan Madda (
12:23.37*** join/#devuan kelsoo3 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:23.41*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
12:31.28*** join/#devuan mith__ (~Mithrandi@
12:36.34*** join/#devuan kelsoo4 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
12:37.55*** join/#devuan system16 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
12:41.21*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@2001:b07:a15:9ecb:202:6fff:feb9:34ee)
12:41.49*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
12:42.56premobosshello, i have problem with date. i am located in italy, now it is 14:39 but the clock report +2 hours, I try to select the location with tzselect, but no way. also try to use command "date" to set the clock, but no way. what am i doing wrong?
12:45.39rrqI always have to go to "man tzselect" to remember it, you should do: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
12:46.11nailyk is that true ?
12:46.53buZznailyk: read -all- the emails
12:47.36buZzspecifically ;
12:47.44nailykso it was a time stamp problem :p
12:47.52premobossrrq, i done, but:
12:47.59buZznailyk: just read the link
12:48.02premobossCurrent default time zone: 'Europe/Rome'
12:48.09premobossLocal time is now:      Mon Apr  1 16:44:55 CEST 2019.
12:48.15premobossUniversal Time is now:  Mon Apr  1 14:44:55 UTC 2019.
12:48.28premobossso, the time is still +2 hours.
12:48.34nailykthks buZz ;)
12:48.43rrqpremoboss: yes, CEST is +2 right now .. according to my tzdata as well
12:48.57buZzpremoboss: apt install ntpdate; ntpdate
12:48.58buZzor something
12:49.01premobossok, but now, in itali, is 14:46
12:49.11premobossnot 16:46
12:49.40premobossso, or italy dont follow CEST time rule ot tzdata os wrong about italy.
12:49.58premobossbuzz i do.
12:50.08buZzpremoboss: you have your system on UTC, and in the wrong time
12:50.23buZzyou configured the UTC of your system to the correct time in italy
12:50.29premobossbuZz, how to set my tine the right one?
12:50.45buZzntpdate with correct TZ selected should already fix it
12:51.19premobossBANG! gone ok. thanks.
12:52.11premobosson otyer side, to be 1 hour ahead gave me always on time at meetings:)))
12:56.52*** join/#devuan James1138 (
12:59.45*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
13:05.41*** join/#devuan Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)
13:05.58*** join/#devuan puria (
13:12.41*** part/#devuan Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)
13:13.45*** join/#devuan polocho (~polocho@
13:15.13*** join/#devuan Y_Plentyn (
13:15.45Y_Plentynhm. is it still possible to register for the devuan conference? and how?
13:15.54*** join/#devuan Jookia (~Jookia@gateway/tor-sasl/jookia)
13:16.08JookiaWho did the april fool's joke?
13:16.10*** join/#devuan polocho (~polocho@
13:18.28buZzJookia: someone with bad taste
13:19.56Jookia says a 4/5 consensus is required for major decisions
13:20.31Evilhamnot the case I'm afraid
13:21.09Jookiaso katolaz did this on their own?
13:21.36tuxd3vI am a bit sad, it went so far..
13:22.40tuxd3vAt least they could have done something like
13:22.54tuxd3vStackOverFlow did
13:23.13EvilhamJookia: I didn't say that
13:23.42JookiaEvilham: no, i'm just assuming based on the circumstances
13:23.59Jookiawill we ever know who did it
13:24.14buZzwell, KatolaZ was first to deny it was a april fools
13:24.21buZzand the only one i've seen defending it
13:25.41Jookiabut then they also said it was an april fools joke
13:25.50Jookiain the email
13:27.24buZzKatolaZ: was there really 4/5 concensus for this joke?
13:28.27buZzalready numerous ppl that moved away from devuan over it :)
13:28.36*** join/#devuan desperek (~draco@wikipedia/desperek)
13:29.01gnarfacei think anyone who didn't realize it was a joke as soon as there was no javascript in that html and wasn't willing to wait until after april fool's to jump ship probably is dangerously irrational anyway
13:29.06KatolaZwow, so faithful devuan users we have...
13:29.23gnarfacei mean gopher, really?
13:29.23KatolaZanyway, it's all explained in the email
13:29.39buZzgnarface: well, ppl that administrate many servers dont usually kid around with such security issues
13:29.59Jookiagnarface: the devuan infrastructure admins were saying they were hacked and denying it was an april fools joke
13:30.18gnarfacewell, i'm not one of them, but i did say that might not be taken well
13:30.20buZzadmin* , i havent seen anyone 'back' the joke at all, beside KatolaZ
13:30.27Jookiai don't think it's fair to say they're dangerously irrational for believing it
13:30.36gnarfacei was silent about it when i should not have been
13:30.50buZzeven 1 hour of actually hacked could mean millions of backdoored systems
13:31.28Jookiakatolaz apologized and that's about all that can be done
13:31.52Jookiabut its just kinda weird to me that one person can make such huge modifications to a trusted server like that
13:31.52gnarfacereal villains would definitely have put tracking scripts on that page
13:32.14desperekKatolaZ, aaaaaa!
13:32.35buZzits just beyond bad taste, imho
13:32.45Jookialike if someone stole katolaz's ssh keys could they actually hack the site
13:32.56desperekyou also need a password for ssh Jookia
13:33.02Jookiassh session then
13:33.22despereki dont think you can stole ssh session
13:33.33Jookiait's a little bit scary to think that there's not a barrier with oversight for the entire website
13:33.45Jookianot just the contents but also the infrastructure itself
13:34.45Jookiausually with tech projects you see websites in github with merge requests handling changes
13:34.46buZzwell, infrastructure wasnt affected, all pkg mirrors etc were still up
13:35.17Jookiai guess it is here:
13:35.22*** join/#devuan Guest49 (8ae8ece4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:35.33Jookiabut they changed the website without going through that review? idk
13:37.16*** part/#devuan Guest49 (8ae8ece4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:39.40Jookiaalso does devuan use debian's repos with its own packages on top? or its own entire mirrors
13:41.23debdogY_Plentyn: do not know myslef but all you need to know should be in this thread:
13:42.53debdogKatolaZ: sorry, I do not understand?
13:43.38gnarfaceJookia: mostly redirects from debian mirrors (because most packages so far are not changed)
13:44.05*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
13:44.39JookiaIs there a list of changed packages?
13:45.25gnarfaceuh.. yea somewhere...
13:45.53gnarfaceno that's the banned packages
13:46.23debdogoh, assumed they were basically the same
13:46.31*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
13:46.39gnarfaceno those are ones that need to be forked still to just work
13:46.48gnarfaceso they're currently excluded
13:47.40gnarfacethere is somewhere in the gitlab you should be able to get the list, but also if you just search for "devuan" in, all the forked packages have devuan* in the version string
13:50.27gnarfaceKatolaZ: well, you made the front page on Slashdot, so mission accomplished, i guess
13:53.48*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
13:53.57*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
13:54.24*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
13:54.47buZzcould have done that with actual news
13:54.59buZzlike 'devuan moving to gopher servers'
13:55.10buZzinstead of causing panic for the yolo
13:55.35gnarfacei think this is KatolaZ's way of protesting being left in charge of the web servers during the conference
13:56.05buZzto ignore the 4/5 consensus needed for webpage changes?
13:57.59*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
13:58.28_abc_Do you see polkitd taking load up to 0.6-0.7 for no reason?
13:58.53gnarfaceisn't using it
13:58.57buZzthat package isnt in devuan
13:59.24_abc_Ahh. systemd fun, without systemd this time.
13:59.39_abc_The package is in wheezy. I am trying to port linuxcnc user land to devuan ascii.
13:59.44buZzyou dont need policykit
13:59.53_abc_No success so far, missing packages which do not exist in devuan repos?
14:00.03_abc_Will be back about this.
14:00.12_abc_[not polkitd]
14:00.14gnarfacestuff has been renamed since wheezy
14:00.18_abc_I know.
14:02.24_abc_Made a stick with refracta2usb testing it now with persistence, using live linuxcnc wheezy 2.7 iso as source
14:03.28*** join/#devuan pium (
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14:18.02*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
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14:20.34DocScrutinizer05 TIL, quite interesting
14:21.59Y_Plentyndebdog: thank you
14:23.12buZzi wonder when Klipper will get 'random ass CNC' support
14:23.21buZzit makes a lot more sense to me than LinuxCNC
14:23.49Y_Plentyn... but that not contain recent information - for example if and how it is possible after early registration
14:23.59Y_Plentyn... to register
14:28.32*** join/#devuan zeph1ro (
14:32.34debdogY_Plentyn: maybe there: or contact
14:32.58Y_Plentyndebdog: i know the first...
14:35.25Y_Plentynand justr mailed the second ;)
14:37.23*** join/#devuan z (~z@
14:37.38zeph1ro@KatolaZ, zuzurellone... got the time to tag and release d1h? i need the fix u made 7mo ago... ;)
14:40.04unixmanKatolaZ, I thought the joke was funny. I presumed it was a joke from the start. I love the fact that gopher actually works. :D
14:40.29desperekyea leave it like thatr
14:40.33Y_PlentynI liked the joke, too, and I like gopher ;)
14:41.08*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
14:41.20unixmanhad to install a gopher client to check and was pleasantly surprised :)
14:44.24*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
14:49.11unixmanJust finished reading scrollback. Some folk need to get a sense of humor. Good grief. :P
14:56.29*** join/#devuan puria (
15:00.05*** join/#devuan hightower2 (~hightower@unaffiliated/hightower2)
15:02.23dethaOther folks haven't spent 3 months getting use of devuan approved by corporate security in a windows-centric company. Know what the knee-jerk reaction of ITSec types to this sort of stunt is?  :P
15:08.38*** join/#devuan mns``` (~androirc@
15:09.17*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
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15:11.12silverwillowmeh. IPSec peeps have no sense of humour. They don't count :P
15:11.43buZzdetha: yeah i've seen many ppl not respond nicely
15:11.58buZzway more then expected by the 'prankster' i bet
15:12.46dethasilverwillow: count or not, they control their firewalls. And if they say 'no', you either comply or can the project.
15:20.37_abc_<almost systemd bashing>while looking for solutions for my current project, I found two nice links
15:20.39*** join/#devuan m68000 (~m68000@unaffiliated/m68000)
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15:21.55_abc_detha: itsec suits get alarmed by an amber light on a junos box (local management ethernet down usually), jokes like the website put them into hyperventilation state, need ER.
15:24.02premobossKatolaZ, i read you did a minimal devuan CLI version. how to get it?
15:24.54KatolaZ <- premoboss
15:25.17premobossKatolaZ, thanks.
15:25.57KatolaZpremoboss: yw
15:31.04*** join/#devuan ymasson (
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15:40.49furrywolfI too was impressed that at least www. had working gopher.  checked last night.  :)
15:41.22m68000the port 70 revolution
15:47.05_abc_368MB for a cli only minimal edition is huuge :) But it's not your fault. Thanks for that KatolaZ.
15:50.27*** join/#devuan pulsar (~Mutter@2600:380:9256:9a09:fc97:ba64:ce0e:314d)
15:52.01KatolaZ_abc_: it's not "just a minimal image"
15:52.08KatolaZit has a lot of stuff in there
15:52.29KatolaZbut still boots in a quite small footprint
15:52.37KatolaZand gives you a fully functional system :)
15:53.00KatolaZI agree it's not as minimal as "tomsrtbt" though ;)
15:54.31*** join/#devuan puria (
15:57.57gnarfaceit's as small as you can reasonably expect a debian-compatible derivative to get though
15:58.21KatolaZwell, it could be really made slimmer, by removing some stuff
15:58.37KatolaZanyway, it should be pretty straightfoward to customise it using live-sdk
15:59.07KatolaZ_abc_: shout if you need help with that
15:59.11xrogaanApparently IBM is to start a non-free version of RHEL. They had enough of not being able to properly use xkbcomp with wayland.
16:04.20*** join/#devuan izh_ (~denis@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
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16:05.40unixmanIIRC there is already a "non-free" version of RHEL. Try getting patches for an unregistered, or unpaid, or expired, RHEL subscription.
16:05.59furrywolfI want un-RH linux.
16:07.21buZzwe all do
16:08.26*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
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16:31.39buZzxrogaan: weird
16:31.51buZzthere was no support for 'desktop notifications' from webpages in the 90s
16:32.03buZzis the joke that the cartoonist wasnt on internet in the 90s? :P
16:32.14buZzoh, -remove- , nmind
16:33.23DocScrutinizer05xrogaan: depressingly true
16:33.42buZzmissed <marquee> though
16:44.43*** join/#devuan watchcat (wc@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/watchcat)
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18:40.43xrogaananyhow, after today, I realize that the best way for a cracker to fuck around is to take over during the 1st of April.
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19:03.06*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:03.17_abc_re: RH slime: I posted a link above some time ago about this. [relevant]
19:03.51_abc_ repost
19:10.01*** join/#devuan ExtraCrispy (~ExtraCris@gateway/tor-sasl/extracrispy)
19:11.08xrogaan_abc_: I have no idea about how to read that website
19:16.12*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
19:16.17_abc_scroll down until your eyes no longer hurt.
19:16.30_abc_At "Abstract"
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19:37.51armin ;)
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21:21.00_abc_With persistence on live images: is persistence-label= only supported in later (than wheezy level) distributions? It seems to not be treated in /bin/live-persistence at all.
21:21.13_abc_I wasted half a day trying to make it work
21:22.27_abc_Normally if "persistence" is on the kernel cli then something in the init scripts should call /bin/live-persistence, no?
22:07.03fsmithred_abc_, persistence on the boot command alone looks for a volume with lable 'persistence'
22:07.36fsmithredfor other label, you need 'persistence persistence-label=some-name'
22:13.39_abc_fsmithred: I tried both, this is for wheezy livecnc 2.7 iso which I wedged into a r2u made usb stick
22:14.13_abc_fsmithred: the persistence things are completely ignored when booting into that using the system's defaults. I need to figure out how to make it not do that.
22:15.03*** part/#devuan sodastab (~menche@unaffiliated/menche)
22:17.35*** join/#devuan watchcat (~wc@
22:18.14_abc_What exactly handles the persistence volume search call? Calling /bin/live-persistence from boot? Is that in initrd?
22:20.49_abc_"Forgetting something might take more effort than trying to remember it, suggests a recent study from The University of Texas at Austin in the U.S.
22:20.57_abc_" - oh I must be put together backwards, then.
22:28.10*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~alec@2601:45:4003:8fcb::ef49)
22:28.27ServiceRobotgood evening folks
22:28.29buZzi like that the only person responsible for the bad joke, even -called- it a bad joke when he made it initially
22:28.46buZzyet didnt think of fixing it until much later :P
22:28.50ServiceRobotI was just going to say I got a fistful of dng emails today...
22:28.56buZzyeah lol
22:29.08ServiceRobotquickly realized what had happend when visiting /r/linux
22:29.13buZzServiceRobot: someone forgot to learn something when his parents read him 'boy who cried wolf' as a kid
22:29.25ServiceRobotI don't know wether to call this a mess, or an overreaction
22:29.45buZzthe introduction of gopher servers is cool
22:29.56*** join/#devuan watchcat (
22:29.57ServiceRobotit doesn't change anything for me personally. I will still use devuan on my personal home server
22:30.03buZzthe 'oh noes we got hacked, all your installs might be at risk globally' was horrible
22:30.06ServiceRobotit's been working great for me so far
22:30.19ServiceRobotbut it was just the website, not the repos?
22:30.28buZzServiceRobot: there wasnt any hack
22:30.34ServiceRobotI know
22:30.38buZzit was just 1 admin that was trying to be funny
22:30.55ServiceRobotbut some people reinstalled their entire systems because they thought it was real
22:31.04buZzof course they did, thats normal recourse
22:31.14buZznow what if you administrate 100s of devuan servers
22:31.19ServiceRobotI'm no sysadmin so I don't really have an opinion
22:31.30buZzthen it might not be so 'funny' to hear 'devuan is hacked' on 31th of march
22:31.42ServiceRobotdo you think this will harm devuan in the long run? I still want to support this project
22:31.51buZzi think it already did
22:32.04buZzbut many will stay regardless, of course
22:32.18ServiceRobotwhat, do you think we should abandon it because of the joke?
22:32.22buZzif we were '100' serious before, in eyes of onlookers
22:32.29buZzwe will now maybe be '75' serious
22:32.33buZzif you can even quantify it
22:32.57buZzwhich might be way easier on the minds of said admin(s) , but not really in benefit of the project
22:33.04ServiceRobotI don't know. seems people overreacted
22:33.11buZzotoh, it really got the devuan name mentioned all over the place
22:33.33watchcatimo it'll improve devuan by getting rid of a few humorless people
22:33.35buZzServiceRobot: it could have been just as funny to just go 'all our webpages are now gopher only, go to xxxx'
22:33.56buZzand then after april 1st go 'haha fooled you, here's the website back, but now we also have gopher'
22:34.04buZzwith zero harm to onlook in seriousness
22:34.14ServiceRobotwell the admin responsible for it realized his lack of judgement. can't we just move on?
22:34.21buZzwatchcat: tbh, you cant, unless you want to avoid any big users
22:34.44*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
22:34.44buZzServiceRobot: its not so much about the prank itself, its about a onlook
22:34.57buZzhow will ppl respond when devuan now -actually- get hacked?
22:35.05buZz'haha just dumbass admin making jokes again'
22:35.20buZzas i said : 00:29:12 < buZz> ServiceRobot: someone forgot to learn something when his parents read him 'boy who cried wolf' as a kid
22:35.31watchcatbuZz: ?
22:35.54buZzyou guys are bad at aesop's fables :P
22:35.58ServiceRobotI dunno. it seems like an overreaction to me
22:36.10buZz> The Boy Who Cried Wolf is one of Aesop's Fables, numbered 210 in the Perry Index.[1] From it is derived the English idiom "to cry wolf", defined as "to give a false alarm" in Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable[2] and glossed by the Oxford English Dictionary as meaning to make false claims, with the result that subsequent true claims are disbelieved.[3]
22:36.22ServiceRobotbuzz, we're not retarded. we know what that story is
22:36.47buZzso you can see its applicability then?
22:36.53buZzand -why- i referenced it?
22:37.04ServiceRobotI see it as an overreaction. yes, the joke could have been handled better
22:37.10ServiceRobotthere was an apology. move on
22:37.16watchcatmeh. only a few er less intelligent people thought there was any danger.
22:37.17buZzit didnt go live on april 1st either
22:37.41ServiceRobotthat's because a lot of devuan admins aren't from the U.S. so it was april first where they were
22:37.53buZzit wasnt, they live in my timezone
22:38.15ServiceRobotnot the ones I've spoken to
22:38.16buZzi even confirmed it was hosted on freaknet's infra in italy
22:38.30buZz'my' timezone isnt US's
22:38.40buZzi, like most people globally, dont live in the US
22:40.21ServiceRobotbut what are you trying to get at buzz? the admin responsible for the joke apoligized already.
22:40.42buZzright, the point was your question if it did damage
22:40.55buZzi was saying it probably already did
22:41.03buZzand was explaining why i said that
22:41.05ServiceRobotbut how much damage, if any?
22:41.05*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
22:41.13buZzi even quantified it for you
22:41.24buZz00:32:21 < buZz> if we were '100' serious before, in eyes of onlookers                                                    00:32:29 < buZz> we will now maybe be '75' serious
22:41.27ServiceRobotI don't want quanfitications. I want examples
22:41.39buZzyou literally just asked to quantify it :P
22:42.36buZzsay if a company was just considering to move their vps platforms from debian to devuan
22:42.48buZzand now on monday meetings it was first 'eh, devuan repos are hacked'
22:42.59buZzand then 8 hrs later a email 'oh eh it was a joke'
22:43.11buZzdo you think a serious company would then still consider devuan an option?
22:43.18watchcatnobody said devuan repos were hacked.
22:44.23buZz'just' ,, :P
22:45.01ServiceRobotbut people were worried they were hacked because the main website was. there was no indication the repos were left untouched. again, an apology was sent, and I'm perfectly fine with it
22:45.17buZzmirrors already have been pulled offline because of this :P
22:45.25buZzand i dont blame them
22:46.09watchcatanyone who asked if the repos were affected were told clearly, "no".
22:46.29buZzright, the same ppl who repeated over and over that it wasnt a joke
22:47.39watchcatwell at least complain about real stuff instead of exaggerations.
22:48.01buZzalright, i'm sad there's less mirrors of devuan now
22:48.14buZzi'm also sad its less of a serious distro in the eyes on many now
22:48.26buZzyet i wont stop running it
22:48.55buZzeyes of many*
23:08.17*** join/#devuan abcabc__ (~ruse@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
23:15.06ErRandirApril 1st is now over ;)
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23:38.25*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)

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