IRC log for #devuan on 20190325

00:19.06*** join/#devuan justinsm (
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01:20.59*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
01:21.29tuxd3vHello Guys
01:21.52tuxd3vI installed Devuan
01:22.02tuxd3vBut after reinstall grub2
01:22.42tuxd3vI lost the awesome bootloadermenu
01:22.55tuxd3vDoes any one knows how to restori it?
01:23.00tuxd3vThanks in Advance
01:31.16*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
01:35.16*** part/#devuan tuxd3v (
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16:09.59*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
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17:08.04*** join/#devuan ravencrow (~ravencrow@unaffiliated/ravencrow)
17:08.23ravencrowhey gmorning all
17:34.03*** join/#devuan xcm (
17:48.47*** join/#devuan tuxd3v (
17:52.20tuxd3vDoes any one knows any good screensaver
17:52.45tuxd3vother than xscreensaver
17:53.00tuxd3vI am with the oct-2016 version
17:53.18tuxd3vand it is very slow to wake up after a keyboard lock
17:53.55tuxd3vShowld it be possible to instead of xscreensaver
17:54.05tuxd3vUse Slim, to unlock keyboard
17:54.17tuxd3vin that way it would serve both porposes
17:54.48*** join/#devuan watchcat (~wc@
17:55.41nemo*shrug* I'm on mate desktop right now thus using mate screensaver
17:55.46nemonot super sure this is a distro question
17:55.53nemoprobably more a question for your desktop-of-choice
17:59.20*** part/#devuan plasma41 (~plasma41@
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18:09.01tuxd3vthanks in advance,
18:09.11tuxd3vfor sure it his
18:09.20tuxd3vmaybe some timers to configure or so
18:09.34tuxd3vit takes the machine some 5-10 seconds to wake up
18:09.50ashleyk_hmm, isnt xlock standalone or no
18:12.00nemo5-10 seconds seems unusual
18:12.40*** join/#devuan rsx (
18:13.33tuxd3vYes I believe so
18:14.41gnarfacei think that if you disable the opengl screensavers you will probably not have as much lag
18:15.12ashleyk_just use blank for the best option
18:15.14*** join/#devuan mith_ (~Mithrandi@
18:15.29tuxd3vmaybe my machine is entering some standby sleep mode
18:15.43tuxd3vmaybe the culprit is the power management..
18:15.51gnarfacethat is quite possible
18:17.05tuxd3vI think I found the problem..
18:17.13tuxd3vI am not used to xfce
18:17.35tuxd3vbut with a 'old clock' Motherboard
18:17.42tuxd3vI am limited to 4 GB RAM
18:17.50tuxd3vso I decided to go xfce
18:17.57tuxd3valso its the devuan default
18:19.04tuxd3vWhat are the amount of Ram used when you start a clean session booting up?
18:19.13tuxd3vI have now ~206MB
18:20.24tuxd3vI mean after a clean boot
18:25.25ashleyk_tuxd3v, use free -m to find out
18:27.31tuxd3vyes thats the value I have
18:27.42tuxd3vI don' tknow if someone has a bether config
18:27.48tuxd3vI mean using less memory
18:28.02ashleyk_dont use X windows
18:30.45tuxd3vWell, In Desktop area I need too
18:32.39ashleyk_206MB is pretty be happy with that because saving another 20MB isn't going to make any real difference, and if you think it will, im sure you can figure out how to do it
18:34.30tuxd3vthanks, I understand what you mean, the thing is that maybe someone else, had lets say 170MB or so after boot
18:34.38tuxd3vAnd wanted to sare
18:34.57tuxd3v...all of this becasue i Am in a ddr2 machine
18:35.09tuxd3vÃnd Ram for this, is expensive..
18:38.50KatolaZtuxd3v: 206MB doesn't look "much" for a full-featured desktop, TBH
18:42.58ashleyk_tuxd3v, use dillo for a web browser to save memory :)
18:44.02tuxd3vyeah, 206MB also to me seems..
18:44.15tuxd3vThe problem starts when you open a browser like always
18:44.23*** join/#devuan xcm (
18:44.33ashleyk_i think 180MB is the lowest you will likely get at boot anyway
18:44.43ashleyk_not worth hacking to do it
18:46.00tuxd3vDoes any one can open extract/close 7zip archivers compressed and encrypted?
18:46.05tuxd3vWith Xarchiver
18:46.11tuxd3vde default in xfce
18:46.23tuxd3vI can pass the authentication faze..
18:46.47tuxd3vhave to rely on 7za
18:46.55tuxd3von terminal
18:47.17tuxd3valso I only have xterminal, for gain some extra megabytes
18:47.41tuxd3vbut I do have tilda
18:58.53*** join/#devuan xcm (
19:03.33tuxd3vOk, so for know, I will regards lowering base basic memory consumption has a good value
19:03.55tuxd3vI am still trilled by the Xarchiver inhability to deal with 7Z files..
19:04.04tuxd3vthe encrypted ones..
19:06.34*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
19:09.07ashleyk_dont use 7z
19:09.58tuxd3vBut...they are very Safe
19:10.31tuxd3vWhat is the closest thing that gives you the same amount of compression, and encription?
19:11.16ashleyk_.xz has encryption?
19:14.41tuxd3vI saw in Devuan, a project called tomb
19:14.51tuxd3vit seems to sncript files or so
19:15.10tuxd3vbut I haven't understood its exact purpose
19:15.32tuxd3v'tomb' I think I spelled it correctly
19:21.04golinuxYes that is correct
19:22.12*** join/#devuan kelsoo1 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
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19:32.00*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
20:05.00*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2001:67c:288:1::201)
20:24.04*** join/#devuan izh_ (~denis@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
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21:12.04*** part/#devuan izh_ (~denis@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
21:21.54*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
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21:44.35*** join/#devuan HumanG33k (~HumanG33k@
22:04.14*** join/#devuan petzi (
22:12.43*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
22:27.17*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
22:29.22*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
22:39.06*** join/#devuan iiaann (~iiaann@
23:03.27*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit_ (~jack_rabb@2601:240:8201:74f0:80ba:bf06:e018:f8b7)
23:43.12*** join/#devuan cyteen (
23:48.55*** join/#devuan Jay (~jay@unaffiliated/jay)
23:56.33*** join/#devuan pav5088 (

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