IRC log for #devuan on 20190324

00:07.38*** join/#devuan _systemd_is_evil (~NOsystemd@unaffiliated/mailjesus)
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16:29.39*** join/#devuan knidos_ (~knidos@ presents a cert for is that known / intended / ?
16:47.53*** join/#devuan buZz (
16:48.02*** join/#devuan buZz (~buzz@unaffiliated/buzz)
16:51.17gnarfaceemdete: i'm not sure https is officially supported for repos
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16:55.01emdetegnarface: oups... thats bad news
16:55.07Jjp137iirc HTTPS isn't supported for
16:55.17Jjp137if you need HTTPS, I think you can pick a mirror from here:
16:55.24Jjp137...and use it directly
16:57.50emdetenowadays https isnt rocketsience, why isnt it supported?
16:58.26Jjp137...well there's the whole "is HTTPS necessary for apt" debate that I won't repeat here
16:58.44Jjp137I'm not too knowledgeable about it myself
16:59.54gnarfaceemdete: some of the mirrors are properly configured to handle it, some of them are not.  the decision was made (because it is not required for apt) not to put the burden of maintenance on the volunteer mirror donors.
17:01.07gnarfaceemdete: keep in mind packages will be checksummed and signed, so you lose privacy but not package validation
17:01.46gnarfaceif you need it though, yea you'll just have to figure out which ones work, and pick a specific individual one
17:02.11gnarfaceit's a problem that will likely be fixed in the future but i don't think they're really putting a high priority on it
17:08.20emdetei struggled over it because my provider tampers with http traffic. after switching to https it works but i found that bug. i wonder if it is not supported why its provided wrongly...
17:09.33emdeteso its not only privacy but as well protection against weird providers... :/
17:17.25*** join/#devuan hightower2 (
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17:53.29Evilhamwhere are you based mdt?
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17:54.13Evilhamit is true that HTTPS is no rocket science these days, but it is tricky when you don't have full control over the mirrors, which is the case here
17:54.46Evilhamthey are provided voluntarily by different institutions and they help distribute the bandwidth and load
17:55.18Evilhamthe way debian is doing HTTPS mirrors is by using a commercial CDN that provides them that service for free
17:55.53Evilhamin devuan that's not happening, so https is supported by some mirrors, but not under
17:58.35KatolaZemdete: it's not a matter of being rocket science
17:59.01KatolaZit's a matter of distributing certs to third parties...
17:59.24Evilhammdt: if you want/have to use HTTPS, currently your best bet is to check the package mirror list, pick one that is relatively close to you and set that up in your sources.list. The full list is here:
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18:23.18emdeteevilham: i'm based in germany in an area with quite bad infrastructure so i have to use LTE/4G which earns some "enhancements" from the provider. so http traffic is filtered and `apt` complained about it
18:24.05emdeteevilham: will do. it was more couriosity and no complain at all
18:25.36emdeteKatolaZ: so its a dns round robin? cant a redir be done so a different cert could be used?
18:26.55KatolaZit's a dns rr
18:28.04KatolaZthere is little point in having 15 mirrors and still let all the traffic pass through a single server...
18:31.43KatolaZemdete: just use via https
18:32.10KatolaZor any of the other mirrors which support https
18:36.05emdeteKatolaZ: a redir (302) wont pass the traffic through the single server, it would just receive the initial requests - you could have one doing only that
18:37.00emdetemaybe with some geoip logic to find the nearest - i'm not in that repo business, just a thought 😉
18:37.40KatolaZemdete: 302 is bad
18:37.53KatolaZwhat of a mirror is down?
18:39.35KatolaZanyway the 302 still requires all the reqs to go through the single server
18:41.09KatolaZemdete: 302 is URL-based anyway...
18:43.07Evilhammdt: not actually true :-D we tried that, apt won't play well with that
18:44.17*** join/#devuan epergny (~user@
18:44.37Evilhamit does follow 302's, it just doesn't remember them
18:45.45KatolaZEvilham: 302 is a temporary redirect anyway
18:45.51KatolaZit's URL-based
18:50.45Evilhamof course, but mdt  assumption *would* make sense up to a point, if apt followed the *first* redirect then used that as a $ARCHIVE_ROOT for all following connections, it *would be* a way to implement apt, but it's *not* defined to work that way, you know that, I know that, I am explaining why what can sound logical at first, is actually not doable
18:52.39KatolaZoh ok :)
18:52.46KatolaZI thought that was clear to everybody :)
18:54.13Evilhamnot everybody who uses apt has needed to read how repositories are defined, so it is a tempting assumption to make
18:55.11*** join/#devuan mnj (~mnj@
19:02.20*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
19:23.17*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
19:23.17*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
19:24.55emdeteKatolaZ: but thank you for explanation... so much to learn, so little time 🙂
19:37.29*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
19:38.00KatolaZemdete: don't mention :)
19:38.02BjornnI didn't notice it before but battery power indicator shows 0 now with the upgrade to ascii. That's on cinnamon.
19:38.09BjornnI might need to use a different de
19:38.12KatolaZwe are all under time pressure, unfortunately
19:47.36watchcatcinnamon always seemed pretty buggy to me.
20:24.58*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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21:53.24*** join/#devuan Anon (5a78b5d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:05.57Bjornnnot compatible with ascii now for the most part it seems.
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22:22.37buZzBjornn: you could just install gkrellm or conky
22:22.46buZzand add its status output to your cinnamon
22:24.57*** join/#devuan derixithy (~derixithy@
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23:05.48Bjornnthanks buZz I'll take a look at those
23:06.55*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit_ (~jack_rabb@2601:240:8480:17f0::3)
23:28.01*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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23:46.58*** join/#devuan nighty- (
23:57.48*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (

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