IRC log for #devuan on 20190320

00:06.42*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
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00:12.33*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:598:0:3381:f53:861f)
00:32.20*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:598:fc2a:f28:ed98:d060)
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01:27.06*** join/#devuan vvande (~unknown@
01:27.16*** join/#devuan tarbz2 (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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03:10.14*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:655:4c00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:20.30*** join/#devuan watchcat (wc@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/watchcat)
03:24.19xrogaana bunch of libpolkit updates
03:28.05xrogaanI don't know what changed though.
03:30.16xrogaanthe version +devuan0 means it is a forked package, right?
03:33.11xrogaanI also have an issue with apt-get changelog not finding changelogs for devuan's packages.
03:37.33xrogaanI believe that there is one being built for each package, but I don't know how it's supposed to work.
03:37.58*** join/#devuan vvande (~unknown@
03:52.00*** join/#devuan pekman (~pekman@unaffiliated/pekman)
03:53.12*** join/#devuan xohm (~notxohm@
03:58.35*** join/#devuan bpmedley (
04:04.02*** join/#devuan devuanfreaky (
04:16.59xrogaanI mean, is it an issue on my side?
04:24.43*** join/#devuan xinomilo_ (
04:32.59*** join/#devuan guido_g (
04:37.42*** join/#devuan Stacker (~stacker@gateway/tor-sasl/b616)
04:48.03xrogaanAlright, an url to the changelogs needs to be provided by the InRelease file
04:56.36*** join/#devuan Humpelst1lzchen (
05:01.56*** join/#devuan aqu4bot (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
05:06.42*** join/#devuan devuanfreaky (
05:15.21*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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05:32.29*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
05:44.39*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
06:05.00*** join/#devuan xcm (
06:31.38KatolaZxrogaan: the policykit packages are a security update
06:31.43KatolaZbackported from beowulf
06:32.05KatolaZxrogaan: we don't have separate changelogs for devuan packages yet
06:39.46*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
06:40.10*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
07:08.10*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
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08:33.29*** join/#devuan HalfWord (~halfword@unaffiliated/halfword)
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08:58.52*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
09:17.57*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
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09:20.01*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
09:20.17*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
09:51.19*** part/#devuan Trotsky (Stalin@gateway/shell/qz/x-kgotlxnkknipuyjz)
09:59.00*** join/#devuan puria (
09:59.43*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
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10:26.11*** join/#devuan noface (~No_Face@2600:8800:2080:b16:2e0:4cff:fe00:c0b0)
10:30.28*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
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12:00.04*** join/#devuan sauron__ (
12:08.09*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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12:31.11*** join/#devuan AntoFox_ (~AntoFox@
12:35.21*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~AntoFox@
12:36.51BjornnI noticed there are quite a few of the cinnamon taskbar applets now that no longer work in ascii. I'm curious why that is, they all still seem to work in stretch.
12:38.36*** join/#devuan AntoFox_ (~AntoFox@
12:39.28BjornnI may be overstating the amount, but it directly affects the ones that I use the most, weather, and cpu temp monitoring.
12:42.56*** join/#devuan AntoFox__ (~AntoFox@
12:49.04gnarfaceBjornn: known issue
12:49.29gnarfaceyou can probably get temperature from lm-sensors but i don't know if your taskbar applets will ever work
12:50.06Bjornnyeah, it's not a big deal but I like to know what the cpu is doing
12:50.17Bjornnthat's always been critical on my laptops.
12:51.01Bjornnare these systemd dependent in some way?
12:51.19*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
12:52.02gnarfaceyes, systemd absorbed the sensor functionality, and then everyone deprecated lm-sensors in favor of the new api.  a pretty crappy move, IMO
12:52.51gnarfacebut lm-sensors is still in the repo and still works as well as it did...
12:53.04Bjornnok. I'll grab it.
12:53.10Bjornnthanks gnarface
12:53.13gnarfaceno problem
12:53.47gnarfacein theory someone could make a widget that uses it again
12:53.56gnarfacei just run it from a terminal though
12:54.08*** join/#devuan ham5urg (
12:54.33MinceRor one could use/fork the old versions of the widgets
12:54.41gnarfacesomeone actually might have done that already, i don't actually know
12:55.23gnarfacei wish someone would do that for the e17 ones
12:57.31*** join/#devuan salsbury (
12:59.34*** join/#devuan James1138 (
13:13.37Bjornnwhy do I get this message: lm-sensors set to manually installed.
13:13.55Bjornnbut then doesn't install using apt-get install
13:17.16gnarfaceit was already installed
13:17.39gnarfacebut now it made a note that you requested it by name
13:17.54gnarface(it distinguishes between stuff you installed by name and stuff that was pulled in as a dependency)
13:18.10Bjornnok. but bash doesn't seem to find it, or does find. locate it. so I'm showing my noob skills I guesss
13:18.24gnarfacetry running "sensors" from the shell?
13:18.43Bjornnok, ya, sensors does work.
13:18.55gnarfacesometimes you have to run sensors-detect once, as root
13:19.29gnarfacein a fair world the modules load without that but it's hardware dependent
13:19.54gnarfacesometimes even if sensors works, running sensors-detect finds a couple more
13:20.53gnarfacefyi to see the files that were installed from a package (not counting auto-generated ones after install) use: dpkg -L [package name]
13:22.20Bjornnah.. good tip, thanks I'll hold onto that oe.
13:23.14BjornnI was spoiled by windows. I used to do everything on the command line and I liked it. Windows made me soft
13:30.30*** join/#devuan drmbls (
13:39.19drawkula. o O ( never tust a GUI! )
13:40.01BjornnI do like my sublime editor more than any other linux I've seen so far
13:40.34*** join/#devuan Mithrandir__ (~Mithrandi@
13:40.45drawkulayou don't need to automate much in your editor... and in your mediaplayer or browser... there klicking may be ok...
13:41.21drawkulacurrently I try to get used ahain to emacs
13:41.39drawkulaI used it everyday up to the mid90s
13:41.58drawkulaand now I'm trying to get into orgmode
13:42.04drawkulawhic came 2003
13:42.08Bjornnthe learning curve is steep, it seems
13:42.36drawkulai had to do lots in (La)TeX until the mid90s
13:42.54drawkulaand emacs was te best environment for it those days
13:43.16drawkulaorgmode+babel is like jupyther notebook for lots of languages
13:43.19KatolaZdrawkula: org-mode is addictive :)
13:43.32drawkulaorgmode alone does the rest of your life
13:43.36drawkulaagendan notes etc
13:44.04drawkulait definitely is my notebook for code snippets now
13:44.16KatolaZI mostly use it for agenda/notes/todos, and it works quite well
13:44.22drawkulabut I'm still only scratching the surface
13:44.52KatolaZyou need a bit of time to memorise the useful key-bindings, but once they are there they stay
13:45.31drawkulayes... but my pause with emacs was decades... thats nearly a completwly restart
13:45.45KatolaZyou still can do it
13:45.47drawkulamuch has changed
13:45.58KatolaZyour fingers still remember their way through
13:46.57drawkulafor short config files I still use mcedit, nvi or whatever isa at hand... (but not nano!)
13:47.14drawkulamaybe I should start an emacsserver instance again
13:47.31KatolaZnever used it in the last 10 years
13:47.42drawkulaand eshell is super nice for remote administration
13:47.43KatolaZI just have an emacs instance always up
13:48.08KatolaZ(never got used to eshell/term...they suck in many different ways IMHO)
13:48.28drawkulaeshell is only ok for simple stuff because it is mor a fake shell
13:48.36drawkulaand ansiterm is slooooow...
13:49.13drawkulabut for simple config stuff on remote systems eshell is capable enough
13:50.45drawkulasome say emacs is ununixoid... but who would blame python for all the applications that can run in it? looking at emacs as a lisp with a gui and all other stuff als scripts for it seems to be the right view...
13:51.21drawkulabuilding emacs is surprisingly fast
13:53.29drawkulaok... a last "I <3 orgmode" and now enough off topic... ;-)
13:53.30djphit's a great OS, just needs a good text editor
13:54.15MinceRi think it has one, it's called "evil"
13:54.27MinceRpity its lisp dialect is ancient
13:55.31drawkulaan emacs rewrite in clisp is done somwhere... and one in rust... an emacslike project in python died a while ago... or I just have loste the URL...
13:55.44drawkulathe idea lives on even if someday emacs is too ancient
13:56.29KatolaZthere are plenty of emacs rewrites
13:56.36MinceRyeah, but i suspect most stuff for emacs won't run on any of those
13:56.36KatolaZzile is a pretty neat one, for instance
13:56.43MinceRwill even orgmode run on any of them?
13:56.45KatolaZyep, not the extensions
13:56.55KatolaZdon't think so
13:57.00MinceRor even evilmode :>
13:57.20KatolaZwell, why should emacs disappear?
13:57.52MinceRoh, i know why it will disappear
13:58.06KatolaZoh no way
13:58.13KatolaZrather visual code
13:58.18KatolaZor atom
13:58.20MinceRit would be vscode
13:58.24MinceRjust built into systemd
13:58.43MinceRmaybe if rms is lucky, there will also be systemd-emacsd
13:59.09drawkulaemacs -f systemd
13:59.37drawkulawe should boot into emacs and rewrite systemd in lisp
14:06.43*** join/#devuan eliasr (uid27497@gateway/web/
14:18.52*** join/#devuan Kruppt (~Kruppt@
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14:41.41*** join/#devuan silentjet (~jet@
14:48.51jonadabEmacs already has an init system.
14:49.09jonadabComplete with autoloading.
14:50.15*** join/#devuan targz (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/targz)
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14:53.13*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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15:54.05*** join/#devuan devil_ (
15:54.30*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
16:00.01*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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16:52.45*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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19:52.23*** part/#devuan izh_ (~denis@unaffiliated/izh/x-2009676)
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20:22.20*** join/#devuan Ryushin (chris@2001:470:4b:38f:777::8742)
20:33.04*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
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21:17.00*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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21:38.36*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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