IRC log for #devuan on 20190304

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09:03.51Ji-eF[m]KatolaZ : sorry, but no, I apt-get my system twice a day, via a cronjob ( apt-get update only :) )
09:04.47Ji-eF[m]But sure, I'll try to use codenames instead :) Thanks !
09:06.54*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
09:13.32KatolaZJi-eF[m]: which mirror did you hit?
09:14.06KatolaZI am just saying that we check mirrors for consistency on codenames
09:14.25KatolaZwe don't check if they have the symlinks in place
09:17.21Ji-eF[m]KatolaZ: The thing is apt-get says "N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details."
09:17.30Ji-eF[m]apt-get update *
09:18.22Ji-eF[m]"apt update" ask the actual question : "Do you want to accept these changes and continue updating from this repository? [y/N]"
09:18.59Ji-eF[m]root@devuan:~# host
09:19.00Ji-eF[m] is an alias for
09:19.01Ji-eF[m] has address
09:19.52Ji-eF[m]Not sure what was your question about : Is that what you asked for ? ^
09:25.49KatolaZdid you define it as an alias to
09:26.06KatolaZoh no it is indeed an alias...
09:27.42KatolaZJi-eF[m]: will have a look, have to run now
09:27.59KatolaZbut in the link you posted you were using not
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11:29.47Ji-eF[m]Huh ?? I'll look into it, not sure anymore why I posted that :s
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13:09.59Ji-eF[m]KatolaZ: Look at this ... ?
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13:22.36Ji-eF[m](nothing in source.list.d/ either)
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13:29.43guido_gseeing the same for
13:29.59guido_gclassic redirect I assume
13:32.49guido_gguido@bias:~/tmp$ wget
13:32.50guido_g--2019-03-04 14:32:17--
13:32.50guido_gResolving (
13:32.50guido_gConnecting to (||:80... connected.
13:32.50guido_gHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
13:32.50guido_gLocation: [following]
13:32.50guido_g--2019-03-04 14:32:18--
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14:02.56KatolaZJi-eF[m]: ?
14:03.23KatolaZguidog: ?
14:04.02Ji-eF[m]KatolaZ: the source.list and the apt-get update stdout does not match...?
14:05.38Ji-eF[m]the mirror in source.list*
14:06.55KatolaZJi-eF[m]: uh?
14:08.18KatolaZJi-eF[m]: * should be a CNAME for
14:08.50Ji-eF[m]so there is nothing wrong here ?
14:09.49Ji-eF[m](actually, I was refering to your comment from before :
14:09.50Ji-eF[m]> but in the link you posted you were using not
14:11.14KatolaZJi-eF[m]: what is the problem?
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14:12.18KatolaZJi-eF[m]: I guess the strange thing was that you were notified about a chenge of Origin that actually happened some 6 months ago
14:12.23KatolaZthat is something I found strange
14:13.11*** join/#devuan gcbirzan15 (~gcbirzan@2804:2728:102:16f:4cba:c2df:8e2b:77d9)
14:13.11Ji-eF[m]Oh !? Sorry then for the mess :/
14:13.35Ji-eF[m]I solved this problem using apt instead of apt-get
14:13.41KatolaZI mean, it would make sense to see that if your installation had not been upgraded for months
14:13.57KatolaZI remember we also had an announcement on DNG about that
14:14.24KatolaZyes, Ji-eF[m] it's an email from me on Jun 01 2018
14:16.24Ji-eF[m]yes, I took note of that comment too, but as I said before, I have a cronjob that "apt-get update" every 12 hours. I manually upgrade and dist-upgrade my system every 2 or 3 days
14:17.34KatolaZthat's quite strange
14:17.38Ji-eF[m]But then, I'll change my sourcelist to use codenames instead of 'stable' and 'testing' :)
14:18.18KatolaZJi-eF[m]: we won't have changed any field in Release files without announcing it
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20:08.29*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs: | You may need to auth to NickServ to talk
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.