IRC log for #devuan on 20190227

00:04.59*** join/#devuan thrasymachus (
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00:57.08*** join/#devuan aaro (aaro@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-jspiifqbilvcgeig)
01:00.07*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
01:14.55*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
01:34.16*** join/#devuan Schallaven (~Schallave@
02:07.28*** join/#devuan kelsoo (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
02:17.00*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
02:29.09*** join/#devuan booyah (~bb@
03:16.06*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:61e:2900:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:18.34*** join/#devuan user312321 (~floppy@
03:18.49user312321can someone help me with something?
03:20.11Jjp137it's better to ask your question directly
03:21.15user312321My USB drives would always be able to mount through the XFCE GUI, I'd just click the icon on my desktop and mount them
03:21.51user312321today all of a sudden this doesn't work anymore, I get the message "failed to mount, not authorized to perform operation"
03:21.58user312321any idea what could be causing this?
03:23.10golinuxWhat release?
03:24.24golinuxCould be a policykit consolekit mismatch.  Have you read the release note (especially if you're on ascii)
03:24.31user312321I'll sound like an idiot but I'm not sure, how do I find that out?
03:24.38user312321I believe I am on ascii actually
03:24.50golinuxHave you read the release notes?
03:24.57user312321I haven't read the release note, is that just online?
03:25.10golinuxOf course.
03:26.04golinuxLook in the session management section
03:26.59user312321I think I may know a possible cause, I tried installing the plymouth login manager IIRC
03:27.26user312321based on what was posted here:
03:27.50golinuxThat is a banned package iirc
03:28.43golinuxsystemd dependencies
03:29.00user312321crap, I had no idea
03:29.21golinuxYou shouldn;'t just go installing stuff outside the devuan repos
03:31.15user312321OK. I can't see the package in my package manager, though. is this because it's not in the repos so it won't show up even if installed?
03:32.07golinuxDid you install with gdebi?
03:32.19golinuxThen it would show up.
03:32.42golinuxJust search for it.  The package manager probably doesn't know it's there.
03:32.52user312321I installed it from the command line, not the package manager, I think I blindly added an external mirror to the list of repos as well
03:33.00user312321looking back I should not have done that
03:33.13golinuxThat's an understatement.
03:35.03user312321I've removed the lightdm package from the command line as well, I think that was causing a conflict.
03:35.28golinuxHave you read the release notes?
03:35.56golinuxslim is the default in Xfce
03:37.55user312321At the time I didn't realize the external packages I installed would interfere
03:38.00user312321Thanks for the help
03:39.12golinuxTake a look at this wiki page
03:40.02user312321This is a good link, thanks man
03:40.08golinuxDon;t create a Frankende**an
03:41.34golinuxI bet you'll never try that again.  You aren't the first and won't be the last.
03:41.38user312321Life is a learning experience right now
03:42.01user312321by the way, in recovery mode as root what is the proper way to revert to the defaults?
03:42.08golinuxThat is a definition of life.
03:42.50golinuxI don't know that the damage can be reversed that can be done.
03:43.15user312321I will probably reinstall and not try to break it again
03:43.21golinuxBut then I've never had to ask that question
03:43.40user312321but I can start slim, and log in as a user account, but it goes to a black screen.
03:43.41golinuxIf it's new, yes would be easiest to just reinstall.
03:43.47user312321so most likely I will reinstall
03:43.57user312321yeah it's only a week or two old anyway
03:44.04user312321on my spare laptop as well
03:44.15golinuxJust backup anything important.
03:44.25user312321I already did before, so I should be fine
03:44.31golinuxSounds like a plan.
03:44.44user312321actually I think I'll try to fix it anyway, might as well learn some new things before I reinstall it anyway
03:44.51user312321thanks for the help again
03:45.22user312321and good night (or morning, wherever you are).
03:45.28*** part/#devuan user312321 (~floppy@
03:45.36golinuxYou too and welcome to Devuan
03:47.08*** join/#devuan user312321 (~floppy@
03:47.25user312321actually I figured I'd pop in since I actually just got things working again
03:47.42user312321my drives mount properly and I've learned my lesson
03:48.22golinuxWhat did you do?
03:48.43user312321it was actually strange, I'm not entirely sure what I did that fixed it
03:49.09user312321I restarted once into recovery mode, manually started slim, logged in as a regular user and met with a blank screen
03:49.27golinuxGremlins!  LOL!  Happy to hear that you're good to go.
03:49.31user312321then I restarted into regular mode and slim started up, I logged in and the window system showed up as well
03:50.04user312321yeah I appreciate the help, although it would be nice to have some closure on how the heck it fixed itself lol.
03:50.58user312321now I'm logging out for real, thanks man
03:51.25golinuxSometimes starting stuff launched from tty works differently than from a normal user session.
03:54.40gnarfacei've had problems where some session managers seem to cache old xorg configs unless they're completely closed before being restarted
03:54.59gnarfacecould have been something like that
03:55.29gnarfacebut really when you're dealing with preinst/postinst scripts in a package for another distro, there's no upper limit on the amount of stuff that can break in the hidden dark corners of apt/dpkg
04:34.26golinuxgnarface: He nay discover that before long . . .
04:43.04*** join/#devuan proteusguy (
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07:06.12*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
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12:24.20*** join/#devuan bahumbedbug (~qacky@unaffiliated/qacky)
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15:41.32*** join/#devuan nr23 (~nr23@
15:43.56nr23hi. is there [y/n] a text that lays out the debian/devuan infrastructure? if yes would you mind shortcut me into it? I am sorry for bothering, I am giving a try in case anyone free. Thank you.
15:49.57*** join/#devuan O01eg (~o01eg@2a02:2698:824:2b0:c8c4:1ff4:9ab3:9576)
15:51.32sixwheeledbeastnot sure i understand the question
15:54.03djphnr23: ... is there ... what?
15:54.19*** join/#devuan drmbls (
15:54.53unixmannr23, do you mean the file system hierarchy?
15:56.38unixmannr23, if that is what you mean, try 'man hier' at the command line.
16:01.33*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:07.19nr23djph, unixman: I mean package servers, bug tracker, install media build systems, mailing list server, project source servers, website files, package manager design document, project decision philosophy rules, stuff necessary to vote, etc.
16:07.50nr23e.g. everything the devuan project had to do to fork debian
16:08.45nr23sixwheeledbeast: have not seen you sorry
16:10.41nr23I aks so I not seen them over the years, what devuan just pulled off
16:12.06unixmanIf there is a single document anywhere that has all that, I have not seen it.
16:12.54nr23unixman: so you like one thing after another?
16:14.27unixmannr23, I do not know what you mean to ask, so I do not know how to answer your question. Regardless, I suspect is a good place to start finding out about the project.
16:21.12nr23unixman: I thought it is a user website?
16:21.53nr23unixman: o Thank you!
16:22.03unixmanYou're welcome.
16:23.21*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
16:23.40*** join/#devuan fluffywolf (~furrywolf@
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16:38.39KatolaZnr23: some of the information you are looking for is on
16:38.56KatolaZinstallation images are at
16:39.04KatolaZBTS is at
16:39.12KatolaZ(linked from
16:39.23KatolaZpackage information is at
16:39.28KatolaZ(linked from
16:39.41KatolaZthe package sources are on
16:39.59KatolaZ(linked from the development page)
16:40.25*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:52.06*** join/#devuan ymasson (
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17:48.38*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
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18:53.38gnu_srs1Hi, did anybody see this before?  mkdir FOO; mv FOO BAR;mv: cannot move 'FOO' to a subdirectory of itself, 'BAR'
18:55.02fluffywolfnope.  what filesystem, and have you fsck'ed it lately?
18:56.14*** join/#devuan BB_ose_bb (
18:56.38gnu_srs1It's ext2 on GNU/Hurd. And recently fsck'ed all partitions.
19:04.06*** join/#devuan petzi (
19:10.41koollmanon hurd ?
19:10.47koollmanbut ... why ? :)
19:11.02koollmangnu_srs1: ls -ld BAR FOO
19:12.07*** join/#devuan FriendlyMan (
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19:17.57*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
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19:33.32nr23KatolaZ: thank you! who builds the packages and the installation images?
19:34.06nr23maybe sounds so personal, I mean where
19:35.38*** join/#devuan _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@
19:35.57nr23I mean someone a task is given... how to know what to do
19:37.43*** join/#devuan rsx (
19:38.12nr23I try find out, just know... in case
19:42.21*** join/#devuan romo (~romo@unaffiliated/romo)
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20:07.54gnu_srs1ls -ld BAR FOO
20:07.54gnu_srs1ls: cannot access 'BAR': No such file or directory
20:07.54gnu_srs1drwxr-xr-x 2 xxx xxx 4096 Feb 27 18:21 FOO
20:10.51*** join/#devuan danielinux (sbnc@fosdem/staff/danielinux)
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21:55.13AntoFoxif anyone is interested he can install gnome-shell from
21:58.03*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:598:0:3381:f53:861f)
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22:08.34*** join/#devuan system32 (~system32@unaffiliated/system16)
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22:10.41system32Hi how can i schedule a backup using the command line ? i want the backup utility / the os to backup specific folders to a specific folder on a separate hard disk. the separate hard disk is mounted on startup so no worries there
22:11.29system32i want it to back the home folder every 2 weeks at Friday
22:13.01system32if you want to reply to my please ping me.
22:19.31KatolaZsystem32: if you have no experience of backups, maybe it's better to start with one of those easy-to-use backup tools
22:19.47KatolaZ(just wondering)
22:20.09system32well i backup my stuff on my windows machine
22:20.28system32i have never backed up stuff on a linux system before
22:20.47system32also what backup tool do you recommend ?
22:21.59system32does that utility allow me to choose a time frame and a destination folder ?
22:23.52KatolaZsystem32: I mostly do backups with rsnapshot or custom rsync scripts
22:25.41system32apt install rsnapshot ?
22:26.20KatolaZsystem32: if you have no previous experience of backups from cli, rsnapshot is not the right tool for you
22:26.31KatolaZjust google for "linux backup" and try one of the suggested tools
22:26.46system32but the results are for those who have a GUI
22:27.04system32i dont have a gui or a de
22:27.13KatolaZare you on a command line?
22:27.54KatolaZthen read the documentation for rsnapshot before installing it
22:27.58system32im using ssh rn
22:29.29system32well man rsnapshot does not say a lot of things
22:29.57system32oh wait my bad. it scrolls down
22:30.49system32# All snapshots will be stored under this root directory
22:30.58system32can i change that to my hard disk ?
22:38.46system32is there an alternative to rsnapshot ? its too complicated for me. cant figure it out even after reading the manual
22:39.45ericnoansystem32: There are multiple ways to achieve what you want. If you only want to backup your home folder to another hard drive every 2 weeks, rsync can take care of it along with a cron script
22:40.30ericnoansystem32: but there are many other programs which can act as front-ends to rsync, or even use their own backup solution, i recommend you take a look at this page:
22:41.06ericnoanYou probably want to take a look at the incremental backup section
22:41.12system32rsync is a separate utility or its part of rsnapshot ?
22:42.08ericnoanrsync is a standalone command line tool which just copies files, but it can handle incremental copies, so whatever hasn't changed won't be copied, only what has changed since the last backup
22:42.31ericnoanrsnapshot is a helper tool which uses rsync and simplifies some of the operations
22:42.56system32well great. thats all i want. i just want it to copy the home folder. i dont care about the os.
22:43.54ericnoansystem32: check that web page i sent you, the arch wiki is a very good resource to learn. but also try 'man rsnapshot' and 'man rsync', they will tell you what arguments to use
22:45.02system32those are the list of apps that do Incremental backups right ?
22:46.24ericnoanyes under the incremental backups section
22:48.19system32uhh im not sure which to choose. i wont do the backup over my network.
22:48.39system32also rsync is pre-installed.
22:52.07ericnoanjust use rsync or rsnapshot. to complete this task you must learn how to use the arguments (e.g. 'rsync -av
22:52.36ericnoanthere are many tutorials online on how to do it, try googling 'rsync incremental backup'
22:53.09system32will do. after setup, everything will be automated right ?
22:53.31KatolaZsystem32: you need to automate it, either with rsnapshot or with rsync
22:53.43KatolaZyou need to create appropriate cron jobs to do that
22:53.57KatolaZand make sure that your machine will be up when the cronjobs are due to run
22:54.02system32oh god. its getting more FUN
22:54.09system32its a server. its always on
22:54.11ericnoanyes, you just have to figure out the right rsync/rsnapshot command line, then make a cron job (cron means you can make something run every day/week/month etc...)
22:54.32KatolaZsystem32: there is no fun without understanding though :)
22:55.10KatolaZso maybe start with a simple tutorial on using rsync for incremental backups
22:55.22ericnoani agree
22:55.30system32yes. i am sure there is a tutorial on youtube
22:56.18KatolaZno system32
22:56.22KatolaZyou need a written tutorial
22:56.26KatolaZa HOWTO
22:56.31system32oh ok.
22:56.35KatolaZvideo won't add any single bit of information
22:56.46KatolaZif you want to learn, you must learn to learn first :)
22:56.58KatolaZand reading manpages and howtos is part of the game
22:58.02ericnoanthere probably is a video on youtube that explains it, but you can get the same information by following a howto. i found this rsync howto by doing a simple search
22:58.27ericnoanlol great minds think alike
22:58.44KatolaZthat's the first entry on duckduckgo for "incremental backup with rsync" :D
22:58.52ericnoanhaha thats uncanny
22:59.46*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
22:59.53KatolaZstill system32, that's just a pretty rough introductory document to get you up and running
23:00.12ericnoanyeah just try and learn and you will get it soon
23:00.20system32that is fine. i will read it. thanks guys.
23:00.42KatolaZand sorry if I sounded harsh somehow
23:00.55system32also you made my work easier. by finding a good howto
23:01.05KatolaZyou mentioned you wanted to learn, and learning requires some effort
23:01.24KatolaZ(luckily, or unfortunately, depending on the point of view :P)
23:01.39system32i have learnt a ton this year. last year i didnt know what is linux ! but now i have my own server
23:02.02KatolaZsystem32: learning never ends
23:02.50KatolaZI have used unix systems for a bit more than one year and I still learn a lot of things every day :P
23:47.25Xenguyis gettings errors from both 'pkgmaster' and 'deb' mirrors when doing 'apt-get update' ...
23:47.47Xenguy.oO( Known issue? )
23:48.01*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
23:52.31KatolaZXenguy: which error?
23:53.08KatolaZXenguy: apt-get update please
23:53.19KatolaZbefore apt-get upgrade
23:53.24Xenguy(The pkgmaster errors are markely more verbose)
23:53.32KatolaZplease post them
23:53.45XenguyKatolaZ: Did so, but will try again now
23:54.18KatolaZXenguy: the one oyu sent is aboud
23:54.38KatolaZ(all the mirrors look in order)
23:55.11XenguyYes, deb gives errors, and so does pkgmaster; the latter gives more (I will paste them shortly since you expressed interest)
23:55.25KatolaZthanks Xenguy
23:55.29KatolaZplease paste them
23:57.56Xenguyapt-get update gives no errors; now I will upgrade

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