IRC log for #devuan on 20190218

00:05.29*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
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04:41.15furrywolfso, this isn't something devuan caused, but it sure would be nice if we fixed it...
04:41.25furrywolfmenus are utterly fucking broken in ascii vs previous versions.
04:42.49furrywolfhaving half the packages use the nice, working, properly organized debian menu system, and half using the new, broken, utterly shittily organized new menu system, means you have to look about six places to find where programs ended up when you installed their packages, if anywhere.
04:45.59furrywolflike, why the fuck is freecad under "graphics", oregano under "education" (wtf?), and other idiocy with the new menu system (does it not have supmenus?  did something decide more than ten categories would be too confusing?), while other things are only in the old menu system?
04:46.27furrywolfwindow managers that only use one of the two menu systems end up only showing half your programs
04:46.30*** join/#devuan bjb (
04:51.04furrywolfcan we please get rid of the worthless new menu system and stick everything back into the debian menu system?  heh
04:51.41*** join/#devuan bjb (
04:53.00furrywolfand, after finally finding an answer googling...  there's only ten categories because freedesktop declared there should only be ten categories.
04:53.11furrywolfwhy the bloody fuck do we put up with fucking anything they do?
04:56.57*** join/#devuan _xOr_ (~x0r@gateway/tor-sasl/x0r/x-40344081)
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05:21.47rrqmmm I'm not a freedesktop fan, but going to their latest spec, I found 13 main categories, 120 or so 'additional categories' and 4 'reserved categories'. maybe that's an old spec of course.
05:22.57furrywolfthere's only ten...  for examle, video and audio are only used if you dont use audio and video, etc...  and debian of course went for the least-descriptive set possible.  debian only uses the topmost ten, absolutely no subcategories or anything else.
05:24.06furrywolfwith the old debian menu system, cad software might be under Science->Engineering or Science->Electronics (depending on the program's focus)...  while under the new system, they're randomly put into "Graphics" or "Education".
05:24.59rrqyes, I agree about rather following debuan-menu..
05:28.53furrywolfregardless of the technical benefits of the menu system, this new cram-everything-into-dictated-categories total mess is stupid.
05:38.11*** join/#devuan xcm (
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11:36.01*** join/#devuan Achylles (~Achylles@2804:431:d724:730f:784c:cc13:e1d6:ed)
11:43.26Achyllescan devuan run on risc-V?
11:44.10AchyllesOr is it to early? Has anyone tested this?
11:53.39va7lnxAchylles: what system use that arch?
11:58.39*** join/#devuan warhawk68k (~warhawk68@unaffiliated/warhawk68k)
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11:59.52r3bootAchylles: Debian does seem to support risc-v, e_noclue as to how much of this Devuan has imported (
12:01.48Achyllesr3boot, I know about debian...
12:02.03AchyllesBut, I am interested in devuan itself
12:02.45AchyllesThus my question if anyone has tested devuan in risc-v arch...
12:06.23r3boot(I dont know if the URL is used, but the cert for has expired)
12:07.21r3bootAchylles: I did a quick check for ISO's / package repo's. It seems that devuan only does i386 and amd64 atm
12:08.00r3bootSo .. sounds like a nice project which can be picked up :)
12:13.12Achyllesr3boot, if I had the know-how I would pick that up. Perhaps, someone else...
12:14.11AchyllesSince devuan is a great distro and on risc-V should attract more users...
12:14.18r3bootMja, that's part of running a new architecture, making sure that stuff gets ported so over time it can become mainstream
12:14.32r3bootif no-one does the porting, it simply wont happen
12:14.47r3boot(multiple good platforms have died that way btw)
12:14.55r3bootnofi or anything, just a general observation :)
12:16.35r3bootYou could try to bootstrap devuan on risc-v using debian as a base, while following the LFS methodology of getting it ported
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16:33.12Glatsits possible to avoid ssh agent and import the key every time you open a terminal?
16:33.15Glatsin bash
16:35.40*** join/#devuan ymasson (
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17:10.34djphGlats: what do you mean? like it asks you _every_ time you ssh somewhere?
17:11.14*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
17:12.47Glatsdjph: look i found this
17:13.02Glatsfor my purpose
17:13.19Glatsbut i dont wanna import that shell
17:13.29Glatsi wanna something simple
17:13.41djphI still don't understand what you're asking
17:14.04Glatsok lemme exaplain
17:14.24Glatswhen you ran eval $(ssh-agent -s)
17:14.31djphI don't use ssh-agent ...
17:14.41Glatswhat do you use?
17:15.31djphfor the hosts that don't use my main key, have them defined in .ssh/config
17:15.44djphtype the password every time
17:16.01Glatsi dont wanna do that
17:16.07fsmithredI see Agent pid ###
17:16.56fsmithredyou can make a key with no password
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17:17.42Glatsmy idea is to use the same agent across terminals
17:20.03fsmithredand you want to do that without running ssh-add?
17:20.38Glatsyou cant
17:20.42fsmithredGlats, do you have the same problem as the author? I don't.
17:21.15fsmithredI run ssh-add once, and I can use any terminal until I log out of the desktop.
17:22.13Glatsi think is not optimized
17:22.37Glatsyou have to run ssh-agent then run ssh-add
17:22.57fsmithredoh, ssh-agent starts with the desktop
17:23.14fsmithredI don't actually understand the author's problem
17:23.23Glatshe put in .bashrc
17:23.32Glatsso every time he open a terminal
17:23.37fsmithredhe says, "the bottom line is that we need to keep track of our agent's file socket to be able to be able to remember the passphrases for our keys across multiple shell sessions."
17:23.44fsmithredand I have no idea what he's talking about
17:24.04Glatsyeah. but if you dont have a DE to handle your startup applications
17:24.31*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
17:24.33Glatsyou put ssh-agent into .bashrc
17:24.48fsmithredoh, ok
17:24.50Glatsso every time you open a terminal the ssh-agent will be executed
17:25.01fsmithredI just put -i on the command line in those cases
17:25.02Glatsso you put the agent into the startup application
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17:25.42Glatsalongside ssh right?
17:26.03fsmithredyes, ssh -i .ssh/id.whatever user@host
17:26.04Glatsssh -i keyring user@ip
17:26.18Glatsyeah. thats another way
17:27.24*** join/#devuan golinux_ (
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17:29.13Glatsfsmithred: but if you use git?
17:29.18Glatsyou cant pass -i option
17:29.28Glatsso thats why i need the ssh-agent
17:29.54Glats(git through ssh)
17:30.10fsmithredthere must be some way to put that option into git
17:30.32fsmithredin a config file. But that's a guess.
17:30.44fsmithredso yeah, I understand the problem now
17:30.52Glatsno. it doesnt
17:31.09Glatsactually they tell you to use the agent hahaha
17:31.54fsmithredI noticed git's also unhappy if I'm connected by ssh to the machine that is communicating with gitlab. It won't let me push.
17:32.47Leanderwhat about if you use your .ssh/config for the git-specific options?
17:33.01Glatsnow i get it
17:33.13*** join/#devuan unixman (~aunixman@unaffiliated/eracc)
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17:33.27Glats.bashrc *always* load the environment when you open a new terminal
17:38.02LeanderI don't have the example at hand, but I have two different github accounts, and in order to choose one or the other, I use machine names like github-account1 and github-account2 (in the .git/config file) which correspond to github-account1 and github-account2 entries in .ssh/config
17:38.56Glatscould be a nice aproach
17:41.36DonkeyHoteiSSH_AUTH_SOCK= ssh foo@bar
17:43.07Glatsbut my next aproach is to take all my keys saved it in ~/.ssh/ and add it in the agent
17:43.25Glatswith a loop or something
17:44.25Glatsand with ssh-add -l you can get every key loaded and you cant avoid to load twice the samekey
17:44.45Glatss/samekey/same key/
17:48.36*** join/#devuan clemens3_ (
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17:54.29Glatsfinally :P
17:59.39furrywolfblarg, this whole menu thing is pissing me off.  I spent three hours reading the discussion on it, and it's all the exact same arguments that got us systemd.
18:00.01furrywolf"only 20% of people still use it, and they should get with the program" is _not_ how open-source decisions should be made.
18:00.52furrywolfnor is "another major distro has switched to it, so we should too"
18:00.55iovecaka you never listened to us when we said PID 1 should be simple
18:01.50furrywolfnor is "everyone refusing to switch to something newer is obviously a luddite moron stuck in their ways and refusing to accept any kind of change"
18:11.28*** join/#devuan sb35 (~sb35@
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