IRC log for #devuan on 20190216

00:10.37*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
00:31.43*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
00:45.43*** join/#devuan kelsoo4 (~kelsoo@dragora/developer/kelsoo)
01:17.57*** join/#devuan cd (~none@gateway/tor-sasl/cd)
01:26.27*** join/#devuan Bjornn (~Bjornn@2604:6000:1503:598:32e1:71ff:fe22:b4e4)
01:33.47*** join/#devuan rdav__ (
01:38.30*** join/#devuan watchcat (wc@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/watchcat)
02:14.43brocashelmYES! i got beowulf repos switched
02:14.57*** join/#devuan Schallaven (~Schallave@
02:15.57brocashelmi followed this tutorial: now i'm on kernel 4.19
02:18.32*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit_ (~jack_rabb@2601:240:8480:17f0::3)
02:20.50*** join/#devuan xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
02:22.26golinuxbrocashelm: congrats!
02:22.36brocashelmthank you!
02:23.09brocashelmjust need to fine-tune it some more
02:25.15brocashelmits previous distro (mint 18.3 xfce) used about 300 mb on idle, but devuan so far is using 500 mb on idle (even though i unchecked useless services at startup). i also have problems getting the mouse to automatically be fast and responsive like it used to be. having problems with xfce-dusk-gtk3 because whiskermenu (for example) looks crappy, and that's really my preferred dark theme for xfce (adwaita has a good one, too, though). i'm also hoping i can
02:27.22brocashelmalso, if i can find a way to have eth0 stop auto-connecting aggressively via network-manager and let it wait before i choose to connect, that would be excellent
02:47.15*** join/#devuan DonkeyHotei (a1JbtH@april-fools/2014/runnerup/danielg4)
03:02.04fsmithredxfce doesn't normally use that much
03:02.54gnarfaceyea that's a puzzle to me too, i wonder if the difference could be kernel related, or if there's a compositor present or something else that wasn't there before
03:03.24brocashelmya, it's really pissing me off
03:03.38fsmithredbrocashelm, did you migrate mint to devuan, or did you do a fresh install?
03:04.00brocashelmfresh install
03:04.12gnarfaceupgraded from ascii, right?
03:04.18gnarfaceor is this from one of those test installers?
03:04.45brocashelmi followed that thread's instructions above
03:05.11gnarfacethe first thing i would check is to see what all drivers it's loading that didn't exist in that kernel mint was using (4.4?)
03:05.11fsmithredyeah, that should work
03:05.25fsmithredyou don't need to pin all the packages listed there
03:05.35gnarfacethe second thing i would check is to see what else xfce is launching that you might not have been aware was installed
03:05.40fsmithrednew policykit in beowulf works
03:06.07fsmithredSession and Startup
03:06.12brocashelmi removed things like evolution-calendar
03:06.19gnarfacethe third thing i would check is to make sure it's not just different caching behavior, or a side-effect of forgetting the consequences of omitting a swap partition while being low on ram, or something like that....
03:06.19fsmithredApplication Autostart
03:06.31brocashelmthe latest kernel i used with mint was 4.15.43
03:06.57brocashelmi don't use swap (file or partition) anymore
03:07.51gnarfacedid you on mint though?  that extra data has to go somewhere
03:08.13brocashelmnot at all
03:08.39*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
03:09.35brocashelmanother issue is that just by removing slim, i'm not authorized to do things like mount/umount drives or connect to the internet (via nm)
03:09.47gnarfacethat's expected behavior
03:10.16brocashelmwell, i want graphical greeters gone and just load up xfce via .xinitrc
03:10.40brocashelmthis was not a problem on ubuntu mint
03:10.50gnarfacemint was using systemd?
03:11.01brocashelmalthough i switched the init to upstart
03:11.27brocashelmtried whatever i could to switch some packages to systemd-purified versions, but failed as things like udisks2 and gvfs were complaining
03:11.34brocashelmas well as policykit-1
03:11.38fsmithredcheck if elogind and libpam-elogind are installed
03:12.02gnarfacebrocashelm: there's a few ways to skin this cat
03:12.37brocashelmboth are installed
03:13.52fsmithredok, now that I think about it, those won't give you the powers you seek, but do allow you to run X without a display manager
03:14.07gnarfacethere is the sudo/su/gksu approach, or you could launch Xorg as suid root, or you could just add yourself to the right groups
03:14.18gnarfacethere's probably a couple other methods i'm forgetting too
03:14.53fsmithredfor window manager only, I set up sudo for shutdown/reboot and use pmount for removable drives
03:15.13fsmithredsometimes sudo for network, too, but I don't need to use that much
03:15.38gnarfacei use su for mounts but groups for most the other stuff
03:16.11gnarfacebut i had already learned to do it that way before there were any other options
03:22.57fsmithredoh yeah, no gksu in beowulf. We're supposed to use pkexec instead.
03:28.14*** join/#devuan D-HUND (~debdog@2a00:79c0:61f:ff00:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
03:39.43golinuxYeah. gksu is deprecated
04:08.18va7lnxis webmin dead? or is there a better tool for administering samba using a web browser?
04:16.09gnarfacei don't think debian supports it
04:16.35gnarfacethere are packages out there but they kinda run roughshod on your system
04:19.19*** join/#devuan Centurion_Dan (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
04:19.35gnarfaceif you're gonna install that, i recommend you make a backup of your system first
04:19.48*** join/#devuan telmich (
04:19.48*** join/#devuan telmich (~deadghost@gpm/telmich)
04:20.26gnarfacemaybe it's also dead now, i don't know, but the thing about it not being in debian is old news
04:35.18*** join/#devuan Inepu (
04:35.33va7lnxgnarface: well, it's a new system so I don't care much
04:39.38va7lnxi really only want to manage samba
04:39.43va7lnxmaybe I could use "swat" instead
05:18.11*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@

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