IRC log for #devuan on 20181127

00:05.10*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:41d0:3600:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
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01:14.31*** join/#devuan FriendlyMan (
02:06.08*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
02:06.08*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You might need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
02:06.09*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
02:08.04DocScrutinizer05ttkv: you don't want to send that commend, even with correct leading /
02:13.11*** join/#devuan acerbic (
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06:26.39*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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06:47.36amarsh04I have plasmashell running fine on my i386 installation but not my x86-64 installation on another machine - do you think I'd be alright asking for troubleshooting help in #debian-kde ?
06:51.00golinuxThat might not work because devuan uses eudev not udev and the session management is tailored differently.
06:51.34golinuxYou might want to look a the release notes.
06:53.03golinuxEverything is explained in there. Debian devs won't know a thing about that.  Of course your issue might be independent of that . . .
07:08.19amarsh04thanks golinux - given that aside from the i386 / x86-64 difference, the two machines are running the same versions of KDE-related software and this issue has persisted for several weeks in the x86-64 machine, I suspect it is more of a configuration issue than the actual executables / libraries
07:08.50amarsh04if I can see where the behaviour differs that might help
07:09.32amarsh04I tried in a different user account on the x86-64 machine and had the same problem
07:10.00amarsh04next I might create a completely new account to see what happens
07:12.36golinuxGood luck!  Sorry I know next to nothing about KDE . . .
07:19.28amarsh04that's ok, thanks for commenting
07:21.58*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
07:42.42*** join/#devuan HalfWord (~halfword@unaffiliated/halfword)
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08:02.49*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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08:15.00*** join/#devuan GoatAvenger (~GoatAveng@unaffiliated/goatavenger)
08:42.31*** join/#devuan premoboss (~utente@
08:44.14premobosshello. devuan 2.0 here. When i do "dmesg" and i am unprivileged user, i got reply: "read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted". Shall i be forced to root just to read dmesg? is not a problem, but is annoing. what is the tecnical reason to dont allow to not-root user to see dmesg?
08:45.44golinuxThere are more annoying permission changes than that coming down the tubes in beowulf . . .
08:46.20premobossgolinux, "fun" wews never stop to came, i see.
08:47.00golinuxI've been trying to work through it for a few days.
08:47.33golinuxIndeed . . . it never seems to stop.
08:49.46premobossuntill devian take me far from systemd, is ok to me.
08:53.16KatolaZpremoboss: no you are not forced to be root
08:53.30KatolaZyou should put
08:53.33KatolaZecho 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict
08:53.37KatolaZin your rc.local
08:53.47premobossKatolaZ, thanks
08:54.02KatolaZif you execute that command as root, you should be able to see dmesg as regular user
08:54.20KatolaZaccess to dmesg has been disabled by default in the kernel
08:54.25KatolaZ(not by Devuan)
08:54.32KatolaZand I think it's a good thing overall
08:54.42premobossKatolaZ, why this... ah, by kernel. ok
08:55.25premobossmaybe they thin an attacker can find some clues into dmesg to do further attacks
08:57.04KatolaZpremoboss: i guess the reason is not J Random Hacker
08:57.22man_in_shackhacks KatolaZ
08:57.39premoboss"J Random Hacker"... what do you mean?
08:59.33man_in_shackwhat DON'T you mean?
09:00.42*** join/#devuan aqu4bot_ (~aqu4bot@unaffiliated/subsen/bot/aqu4)
09:02.10premobossi dont undestand what KatolaZ what to say with the sentence: "i guess the reason in not J Random Hacker".
09:02.22KatolaZhas been hacked....feels dizzy.....faints....falls on the floor...
09:10.40*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
09:16.43rrqpremoboss: I think it's blocked by default as it otherwise breaks the perceived isolation between "containers" (LXC); that a program in one container can gain information about other containers, which has a long-shot implication of badness happening.
09:26.35furrymcgeecontainer everywhere in kernel and on freenode
09:30.59*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2001:67c:288:1::201)
09:33.06rrqback from washing my mouth with soap
10:15.41devoid_god damn
10:15.57devoid_what an edgy satanist fellow
10:17.13*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
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12:31.33*** join/#devuan HalfWord (~halfword@unaffiliated/halfword)
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13:05.48*** part/#devuan moler (~tomahawk@2600:1702:3d00:5060::40)
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13:28.21*** join/#devuan Keziolio (~quassel@fsf/member/Keziolio)
13:30.27*** join/#devuan RebelCoderRU (
13:31.35RebelCoderRUGuys, is there an ISO with Testing (beowolf) branch ? I have installed the ascii and changed repos to beowolf, but a fukll-upgrade actually broke the system.
13:31.55RebelCoderRUIs there an ISO I can install with Testing branch ?
13:39.39furrymcgeeNo, I dont think there iso beowulf already available, what went wrong in fukk-upgrade?
13:48.48*** join/#devuan saptech (~saptech@unaffiliated/saptech)
14:04.49*** join/#devuan ar3itrary (~hacker@2a03:4000:6:8177:2::1)
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15:49.06*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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16:00.41xrogaanThere are some dbus calls with a --systemd argument in the files located at /etc/X11/Xsession.d/
16:01.10xrogaanone, for example, dbus-x11: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/95dbus_update-activation-env
16:02.17gnu_srs2furrymcgee: for i386 and
16:02.25*** join/#devuan AntoFox1 (~Thunderbi@
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16:45.57*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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17:12.19*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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17:53.47*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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18:17.07*** join/#devuan DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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18:24.08*** join/#devuan _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
18:25.00_abc_What's the upgrade paths from ascii 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 please?
18:25.05_abc_And is it worth it
18:25.54*** join/#devuan fishfears (~whomstdun@
18:26.46KatolaZ_abc_: ascii is Devuan 2.0.0
18:27.03_abc_I am confused then? /topic : Latest
18:27.19KatolaZ_abc_: you asked:
18:27.21_abc_I think I'm on ascii release 1.0.0 ? Or is that not possible
18:27.28KatolaZ19:27 < _abc_> What's the upgrade paths from ascii 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 please?
18:27.38KatolaZI am telling you that Devuan 2.0.0 is called ascii
18:27.46KatolaZwhile Devuan 1.0.0 is called "jessie"
18:27.56KatolaZso your question is ill-posed
18:27.59_abc_But is ASCII 2.0.0 one and the same with devuan 2.0.0 ?
18:28.16KatolaZ19:30 <+KatolaZ> I am telling you that Devuan 2.0.0 is called ascii
18:28.28KatolaZascii is the *codename* for Devuan 2.0.0
18:29.12_abc_ls there a place to put a /etc/Release file on devuan? A standard one?
18:29.42_abc_Or a high level upgrade/update log? A la "$(date): upgrade from ascii to xxx" ?
18:31.06KatolaZ_abc_: what do you mean by a "/etc/Release" file?
18:31.39_abc_Just a file which documents what the presently running system is called and versions and such
18:32.44*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:32.52KatolaZbut the most important thing is what you actually have in /etc/apt/sources.list
18:33.04KatolaZthat determines which distribution you are actually running
18:33.26_abc_version is ascii/ceres
18:33.33_abc_I assume that is the "latest" then
18:35.11KatolaZ_abc_: what do yu have in /etc/apt/sources.list?
18:41.12*** join/#devuan rustyr (
18:41.46_abc_deb ascii main contrib non-free etc etc
18:45.07KatolaZthen you are on ascii
18:50.12*** join/#devuan nighty- (
19:00.03*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
19:14.40*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi[m] (kmimatrixo@gateway/shell/
19:23.02*** join/#devuan mchasard (
19:23.39mchasardi  installed crowz devuan distro under vbox it works fine
19:24.07mchasardbut when i try to install really under another 32bits machine
19:24.50mchasardwith liveusb the install stop cause it doesn't find any  cd ....but its an usblive key
19:25.03mchasardits the same iso file that i used
19:25.27mchasardi really wanted to install it
19:26.07mchasardis it due to the usb live key ?
19:27.05*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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19:42.03*** join/#devuan Refpga[m] (aynahmatri@gateway/shell/
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23:39.37bjb_My calendar says it is Devuan's birthday today ... is it so?
23:41.14bjb_Happy birthday Devuan : -)
23:47.08*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
23:53.58*** join/#devuan alexandros_c (~quassel@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)

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