IRC log for #devuan on 20181126

00:11.00*** join/#devuan Markus_KMi[m] (kmimatrixo@gateway/shell/
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00:39.00filipdevuan_omg iv read some interviews about this lennart poettering and uhh vista macos amazing linux bad and then google knows it all like wtf he promotes google so he can't be good he's evil guy
00:54.19*** join/#devuan ChuangTzu1 (~ChuangTzu@2a0c:b807:8000:c93a:ff51:90ac:0:153a)
00:54.41ChuangTzu1Hi all, finally able to get back on :)
03:41.10*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
03:41.10*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You might need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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05:57.11pupuser9837261so, is it true that microsoft owns the corp that flung systemd upon our community?
05:58.14jonadabHeh.  That would be fitting, I suppose.  But no.
05:58.49pupuser9837261um, don't they own redhat now?
06:00.06pupuser9837261when i uname -a, does "smp preempt" mean i'm only using one processor?
06:01.35gnarfacepupuser9837261: IBM bought RedHat.  the answer to the second question is "no"
06:02.24gnarfacei'm pretty sure those are two separate unrelated flags
06:02.45jonadabNot sure how unrelated they are, but they're separate and have independent meaning, yeah.
06:03.18gnarfacethe first one is symmetric multi processing and i think the second one is something about preempt-able interrupts
06:03.30jonadabSounds right.
06:07.04pupuser9837261what distro is going to be next to join the WithoutSystemd distro list?
06:07.39pupuser9837261seems like a short list
06:09.46*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
06:19.12Leanderfor questions not directly related to using devuan, you can join on #debianfork
06:23.07*** part/#devuan pupuser9837261 (
06:33.08golinuxThank you Leander.
06:42.30*** join/#devuan Jasjar (~Jasjar@
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13:17.27*** join/#devuan jsl123 (
13:17.41jsl123Hi All!
13:19.20jsl123Anyone able to help me out with a "ascii lite live" in a VM (qemu)? Can't login as root (no password?) Can't "sudo" as user devuan as she is not sudoers... How are we supposed to become root? :-)
13:19.53jsl123*is not *in* sudoers
13:21.52debdogtry toor as root password
13:22.39jsl123OK. That worked! Thank's debdog :-)
13:22.55debdognp hf
13:28.55jsl123While we are at it: ;-) Need to re-factor the live image since I need to get the console to serial. (Just a few changes to inittab, isolinux and/or grub). Is there a wiki or help for remastering?
13:29.21jsl123Or are there even ready "serial only" images?
13:30.36KatolaZjsl123: root/toor
13:30.44KatolaZshould be in the README
13:32.17KatolaZthis is how live images are created
13:32.37KatolaZyou have a minimal howto there
13:32.47KatolaZand you can have a look at the two "blends" currently available
13:33.07KatolaZdevuan-live is the desktop version
13:33.15KatolaZdevuan-minimal-live is the minimal live
13:47.07*** join/#devuan will_haven (~will_have@
13:49.14jsl123@KatolaZ: The second one, the README in the SDK did the trick! Thanks
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14:45.48jsl123@KatolaZ: Found you all over the sources and in the docs... ;-) I now managed to get a complete system with serial console redirection from the BIOS, teh bootloader to the login. (Complete w/o VGA) Runs fine in qemu on a (virtual) "pentium2" CPU. But when I start it on my h/w, it seems to be stuck very early. (Even in isolinux?) Do you know about the CPU specifications which are needed by this kernel?
14:46.32KatolaZjsl123: how much ram do you have?
14:46.40jsl123Trying to run on a Vortex86DX
14:46.52KatolaZthe initramfs might require a lot of ram
14:47.05KatolaZare you sure it is a 686 CPU?
14:47.13KatolaZ(not a 586 one?)
14:47.21KatolaZ(just wondering, sorry if the question is silly)
14:47.30jsl123It's a Pentium. Only a few things missing. Like TSC
14:47.43KatolaZjsl123: then it's 586...
14:47.46jsl123But h/w FPU
14:47.50KatolaZbad news, I am afraid :\
14:48.51jsl123Hmmm. My old "2.6.36" kernel was running fine on this! ;-)
14:49.02KatolaZjsl123: it's not a matter of kernel
14:49.07KatolaZit's a matter of ABI
14:49.15KatolaZI guess you were using a much older distro on that
14:49.18KatolaZnot just the kernel
14:50.11jsl123No distro. Hand-grown embedded stuff. Which ABI  you mean (essantially) that (g)libc uses h/w facilities from the CPU?
14:50.13KatolaZthe problem is that Debian-i386 (and thus Devuan) is compiled for i686
14:50.47jsl123Ah. Yes. That makes complete sense!
14:51.02KatolaZwe thought about having a i586 minimal system
14:51.12KatolaZbut the issue is that you need to rebuild most of the repo
14:51.35KatolaZwe don't have that much man-power for that at the moment jsl123
14:51.38KatolaZsorry! :\
14:51.41jsl123I remember about them (i586/i486 distros) a few years ago...
14:51.54KatolaZI guess the easiest would be LFS
14:51.59KatolaZjust cross-build
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14:52.10KatolaZI have done it several times
14:52.39KatolaZor use a distro that still supports i586
14:52.49jsl123OK. But thank you for your time and patience. And for your work on devuan! I might come back later to your distro with other h/w...
14:53.05KatolaZhope you do, if you need so ;)
14:53.17jsl123Perhaps i'll try LFS, though. Bye! Have a nice day
14:53.21KatolaZ(and BTW, the distro is not mine :P)
14:54.00jsl123Yes, but you seem to spend a lot of effort into it
14:54.05*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
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17:34.15*** join/#devuan linfa (~linfa@2001:b07:5d27:bd9a:22cf:30ff:fe95:1663)
17:34.44linfahello everyone. Is there a way to install devuan as an LXC container?
17:35.50linfaI found this repo online, but since the last commit is of over 2 years ago I am not sure about it:
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17:49.50jonadabI don't know that much about LXC containers, but it's not clear to me whether the word "as" in your question means "inside of" or "hosting".
17:50.07jonadabWhich are quite different questions.
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18:00.06linfahi jonadab , well, both. Is a devuan machine, and I'd like to make a devuan lxc =) I tried using that script, but I have an error:
18:06.59*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:10.38golinuxlinfa: There was someone who set that up a while ago.  I'll see if I can find it.
18:11.09jonadabThis seems relevant:  E: Release signed by unknown key (key id 94532124541922FB)
18:11.21linfathanks golinux
18:11.58jonadabI am guessing you haven't installed/authorized/whatever the public key corresponding to the person who published that root filesystem image.
18:12.42jonadabAgain, I don't know that much about LXC, but a root filesystem image seems pretty important, so if you're not getting that because of a signature check, that could easily derail your whole install.
18:13.38*** join/#devuan epitamizor (
18:14.05epitamizorhow do i update kernel to newer from ascii repo?
18:15.06golinuxtry ascii backports
18:15.24nemooooh that reminds me. gotta see if the debian backports with the fix for my laptop is finally out
18:15.51golinuxIf debian has it devuan will have it
18:16.06golinuxNever use debian repos directly
18:17.13nemogolinux: yeah. I know. I established here that you guys don't modify kernel, then like six months ago begged someone on debian kernel team to enable the requisite flag
18:17.21nemoit's just been taking a loooooong time to filter down to backports ☺
18:17.42linfathanks jonadab, there should be a way to ignore missing signatures, I'll look for it
18:18.24KatolaZepitamizor: ascii-backports has 4.17 and 4.18
18:20.44nemothe bug report was closed with fixed as of 4.18.10-1
18:20.47epitamizoroh ok I was just running apt-get upgrade, but that didn't install kernel i see
18:20.58epitamizormanual install?
18:21.04nemogonna guess that means
18:21.10nemodoes not have the fix yet ☹
18:21.29nemobug was closed 2 months ago, guess I just have to keep waiting
18:23.01jonadabOr compile your own kernel ;-)
18:23.31epitamizorthats what i usually do but was thinking it could be via the package manager
18:23.31golinuxlinfa: I don't have time to do research right now.  Check the DNG mail list and the dev1galaxy forum.Perhaps you could install Debian and upgrade to devuan.
18:23.48nemojonadab: I did in fact try that
18:24.04KatolaZnemo: do not look at the package name...
18:24.06jonadabIt has been quite some time since I compiled my own kernel.
18:24.07nemojonadab: but... I was hoping to stick to the debian package and it rapidly became an ugly mess
18:24.42jonadabPretty sure it was before I returned to Debian (which happened when sarge was released).
18:24.57jonadabSo I probably have never compiled a kernel for an apt-based system.
18:25.26nemoKatolaZ: linux-image-4.18.0-2-amd64  is the one the bug report says has the fix
18:25.36nemo.0-2 seems newer than .0-0
18:25.44KatolaZdo not look at the version number you have there
18:25.47KatolaZlook inside the package
18:26.09KatolaZapt-cache show linux-image-whatever
18:26.30nemoKatolaZ: oh. well. I don't want to install the broken one since it's a pain to restore the fragile env I have right now
18:26.34KatolaZthat will tell you which kernel versio it is (under "Version: ")
18:26.41nemoKatolaZ: which is based off of hackz and a debian kernel author provided image
18:26.42KatolaZyou don't need to install it
18:26.50KatolaZread above
18:26.51nemothought apt-cache required that
18:26.59epitamizorso I'm planning on installing devuan, one with runit init and one with openrc init to test usuability
18:27.01KatolaZapt-cache show linux-image-whatever
18:27.42nemook. so Version: 4.18.6-1~bpo9+1
18:27.46nemoso not fixed
18:28.19epitamizori'm thinking it should be possible to install openrc and runit on same system, just tell which init system to boot at grub?
18:28.31epitamizoris that a good idea
18:35.01KatolaZnemo: it will get into backports sooner or later
18:35.27nemosure sure
18:35.29nemojust impatient
18:35.34nemosince I'm stuck on this semi-broken kernel
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18:35.42KatolaZDe??aners are never impatient
18:35.47nemoKatolaZ: symlinked gcc6 to gcc7 just to get it to install
18:35.59KatolaZnemo: you can use beowulf
18:36.12KatolaZbe careful: session management does not work for now
18:36.19KatolaZbut you could help with testing
18:36.58*** join/#devuan ServiceRobot (~alec@2601:45:4003:8fcb::f234)
18:37.17nemobut I guess can't hurt to try
18:37.47KatolaZit might hurt
18:37.51KatolaZso you are warned
18:38.02ServiceRobotso I heard devuan and debian collaborated on a new sysvinit release?
18:38.12KatolaZServiceRobot: yup
18:38.45ServiceRobotah good. I read that an init independent debian was in the works, or at least talk between devs?
18:38.53ServiceRobotor SOMETHING
18:40.00KatolaZdunno about that
18:40.11KatolaZand I don't think there is a plan for that
18:40.29ServiceRobotI'd have to find the comment about it
18:41.10golinuxThe work is being described as "init-diversity"
18:41.52ServiceRobotwell that's better than nothing I guess
18:42.31ServiceRobotpeople keep dissing devuan as being exactly the same as debian but with sysvinit installed by default, but if it become more init agnostic, that statement would become very untrue
18:42.45ServiceRobotbeen following the mailing list for a while and seen some very interesting discussion
18:43.07KatolaZServiceRobot: the true thing is that Devuan will never have systemd
18:43.20KatolaZand Devuan already allows to choose openrc at install time in ascii
18:43.20nemoKatolaZ: would rather like to avoid breaking my SO's laptop further so I guess I'll pass on beowulf for now
18:43.40KatolaZ(in expert install only for the moment)
18:43.49ServiceRobotI tried beowulf out. it boots and works fine, and has the version of software I want for hosting servers
18:43.53nemoKatolaZ: might maybe try it on the work laptop
18:43.53KatolaZso in this sense it's a bit more init-agnostic than Debian
18:44.14KatolaZServiceRobot: since you are using openrc (IIRC) please help testing the latest unstable installer
18:44.31ServiceRobotyes, but all it does is install sysvinit installed of systemd, blacklists systemd, as well as other packages that rely on systemd?
18:44.35ServiceRobotI'm actually using runit
18:44.52KatolaZServiceRobot: who does that ?
18:45.04ServiceRobotthat's what I'm asking if that's how it works
18:45.12KatolaZit's not just a matter of blacklisting
18:45.28KatolaZDevuan also provides alternative versions of packages that require systemd in Debian
18:45.35KatolaZthey are forked and rebuilt
18:45.39KatolaZwithout systemd support
18:45.58ServiceRobotcould we get opentmpfiles then, as well as elogind? I'd love to help get those in
18:45.59KatolaZor used with elogind, if session management is what they need systemd for
18:46.14KatolaZor consolekit, if that is enough
18:46.20ServiceRobotopentmpfiles is still not available I think though
18:46.27ServiceRobotconsolekit doesnt' work well for me
18:46.34ServiceRobotI thought development stopped on it?
18:46.55KatolaZwe have consolekit2 in unstable
18:46.59KatolaZthanks to Centurion_Dan
18:47.03ServiceRobotah, not in beowulf?
18:47.11KatolaZwill get to beowulf as well
18:47.28ServiceRobotbeowulf takes in packages from unstable after 10 days like buster no?
18:47.36KatolaZmore or less
18:47.38KatolaZafter a while
18:47.43ServiceRobotprobably would go for beowulf then
18:47.50KatolaZsometimes immediately, if we know they will not cause breakage
18:47.59ServiceRobotthat extra 10 days adds a bit more stablity I would assume
18:48.07KatolaZServiceRobot: it depends
18:48.21KatolaZit depends on how many people are using unstable
18:48.24KatolaZand reporting bugs
18:48.45KatolaZServiceRobot: welcome to help
18:48.55KatolaZplease join devuan-dev (the ML)
18:49.01KatolaZif you are not there yet
18:49.12ServiceRobotI was on there for a bit. seems to be more activity here
18:49.21KatolaZand/or if you want to help with getting runit as another install option for Devuan
18:49.27KatolaZServiceRobot: activity is in bursts
18:49.33KatolaZthere is much activity right now
18:49.57epitamizori need to get my system set up first
18:50.03ServiceRobotwell, I've been working on a runit implementation that essentially uses Artix Linux's way of doing things. it's a bit strange
18:50.43ServiceRobotthen there's aws devuan, who hosts a modified void runit for devuan specifically. I asked the dev directly if he'd be willing to pitch in
18:51.11ServiceRobotthe thing is there are MANY ways to go about this
18:51.16KatolaZServiceRobot: if you want to see it in Devuan, just work on it
18:51.19KatolaZpackage it
18:51.27KatolaZwe'll build it
18:51.30KatolaZask for testers
18:51.34ServiceRobotit's in testing phase at the moment
18:51.42KatolaZthere are several people in DNG interested in runit
18:51.59ServiceRobothow important is backwards compatibility in this case? file locations don't make sense with debian's runit implementation
18:52.04ServiceRobotI spoke on the DNG
18:52.28ServiceRobotI even spoke with the debian maintainer of runit, who sort of fixed the problems I reported, but not exactly how I'd like
18:52.30KatolaZServiceRobot: backward compatibility is essential on upgrades
18:52.52KatolaZbut is less of a problem in new installations
18:53.07ServiceRobothmmm, well here's the thing about that and runit. services are stored in /etc/sv. that's fine. running services are stored in /etc/service. not fine
18:53.20ServiceRobotbecause /etc could become read-only
18:53.51KatolaZwhen should /etc become ro?
18:54.02ServiceRobotmy solution uses /run/runit/service, but as you said, that would break backwards compatiblity
18:54.30ServiceRobotalso, /etc/service is symlinked to /etc/runit/runsvdir/default, which creates another problem
18:54.37ServiceRobotessentially, it's a bit of a mess
18:54.46KatolaZServiceRobot: I have never run runit
18:54.56KatolaZplease let's discuss this with other devs
18:55.04ServiceRobotin devuan-dev?
18:55.27ServiceRobotI can explain how it works there if you want, although I don't know everything about it
18:55.30KatolaZbut the best way would be to have packages to test
18:55.56ServiceRobotnever actually created a debian package myself. I assume it's not hard
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20:47.44mchasardhow to install locales please ?
20:47.59mchasardi'm under crowz derivative devuan
21:09.01*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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22:15.55Centurion_DanServiceRobot: I'm keen to help with packaging and I think we can deal with the transition from debians runit as a part of the pre & postinstall process.
22:17.10Centurion_Dancome over to #devuan-dev to discuss further, and/or join the devuan-dev mailinglist and start a thread there tagged with [runit-init]
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