IRC log for #devuan on 20181120

00:10.21*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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00:54.16*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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00:57.03*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
01:02.04*** join/#devuan alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
01:11.27*** join/#devuan hufdufhv (~Thunderbi@
02:39.04*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
02:39.04*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You might need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
02:39.04*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
02:49.48*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
03:25.08XenguyTrip Report Update:
03:25.53XenguyInstalling Ascii directly solved the EFI problem.  GRUB was happy, and so was I
03:26.40XenguyNow going to massage the file generated by dpkg --get-selections
03:27.19XenguyTo get my software back
03:34.04*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
03:34.50XenguyBTW, the standard install worked just fine for me, whereas the 'expert' install I found especially fussy.
03:35.23XenguyBut I suppose that's what it's for
03:48.22*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
04:00.52Centurion_DanI pretty much do an expert install - setup network console to continue installing via an ssh session - select only ssh-server in the package manager, and just before reboot execute a shell to drop in my ssh pubkey so I can ssh back in after reboot.
04:02.20Centurion_DanI tend to hand pick what I need just to keep things light - especially when running vps's
04:30.07*** part/#devuan sicelo (~sicelo@Maemo/community/ex-council/sicelo)
04:48.57*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
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05:17.58*** join/#devuan fishfears (~whomstdun@
05:38.05*** join/#devuan mooseface420 (4cfba49e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:39.28mooseface420hello i am new
05:41.37mooseface420I am looking to run IntelliJ IDEA on Linux which requires GNOME or KDE desktop. Can I use one of these with devuan jessie and also not use systemd
05:42.23gnarfaceseems like it:
05:43.49mooseface420nice. thanks
05:44.12gnarfaceno problem
05:55.58mooseface420do you how how I would go from the torrent to a USB stick using windows 10?
05:56.48gnarfacei'm sorry, no
05:57.25mooseface420then install to an NVMe
05:57.43richardo1naymooseface420: look at
05:57.46gnarfacei don't know anything about windows, i'm sorry
05:58.11richardo1naymooseface420: its a cross platform GUI for writing images to usb
06:04.25mooseface420richardonnay: thanks
06:06.11*** join/#devuan enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
06:08.19mooseface420should i do CD or DVD iso
06:08.45gnarfaceuse the netinstall
06:09.06gnarfaceunless you are installing to a computer without an internet connection, the netinstall is usually faster
06:09.22gnarface(because you don't have to copy everything twice)
06:09.32*** join/#devuan knidos (~knidos@
06:10.24gnarfacethe CD/DVD isos are only really more useful for machines without an internet connection
06:36.02man_in_shackas if you even HAVE the internet
06:37.18*** join/#devuan chimay (~chimay@unaffiliated/chimay)
06:54.40*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
06:56.16*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
07:00.08nacelleonce upon a time companies sold the internet in a box...
07:04.54*** join/#devuan xkr47 (
07:08.41*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
07:37.05*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
07:37.25*** join/#devuan antenagora (~antenagor@
07:44.15*** join/#devuan mooseface420 (4cfba49e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:44.54mooseface420Installing GRUB boot loader failed. I have another drive with encrypted windows plugged in. What do i do?
07:48.12*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
07:52.18*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
08:02.05*** join/#devuan Crypto (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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08:20.40*** join/#devuan booyah (~bb@
08:33.56*** join/#devuan Centurion-Dan2 (~Thunderbi@devuan/developer/centuriondan)
08:47.24*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
08:55.10*** join/#devuan devoid_ (~me@
08:58.14*** join/#devuan AntoFox (~Thunderbi@
09:34.28*** join/#devuan divansantana (~divansant@
09:41.01gnarfacemooseface420: don't install grub to that one
09:46.54mooseface420it doesn't let me decide where to install GRUB (or the other one, LILO or something)
09:47.37gnarfacereally, it doesn't give you any choices at all?
09:48.14gnarfaceif you have two drives as you've inferred, you should at least see options for /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
09:48.16mooseface420if I don't force EUFI it simply won't install?
09:48.16gnarfacei would think
09:48.27mooseface420I unplugged all other drives
09:48.47gnarfaceis there a uefi and non-uefi image?  yes, you need the right one.
09:49.28mooseface420but firmware has boot info for windows. if I force uefi will that delete my win10 product key. will I even be able to boot windows?
09:49.29gnarfacei'm not 100% sure that's what this problem is, i thought the installer wouldn't even boot if you had the wrong one...  but i could be mistaken
09:49.47mooseface420doing net install this time
09:49.51gnarfacei see
09:49.58gnarfacesecure boot is tricky
09:50.09gnarfaceit depends on your hardware vendor
09:50.19gnarfacesome of them will let you put your own keys in, some won't
09:50.29gnarfacesome will even let you just disable it
09:50.48gnarfaceand some won't interfere with unsigned boot images/hardware by default
09:51.01mooseface420I have boot compatibility mode on in my BIOS
09:51.01*** join/#devuan Ouzo_122 (~Ouzo_12@
09:51.11gnarfacebut other vendors try to use it to force you to keep windows on there
09:51.15gnarface(or punish you for taking it off)
09:51.35mooseface420what the heck. yeah it's a z-170a mobo
09:51.45gnarfacez-170a, asus?
09:52.29gnarfaceasus usually has sane default settings, but i don't know what win10 may have done to it
09:52.57gnarfacehow'd you get all the way to the last step of the install if it couldn't find your harddrives though? something still doesn't add up here
09:53.08mooseface420I guess I could reset to defaults. Been tweaking the bios for the last year or so
09:53.30gnarfacedid you actually look at the secure boot settings?
09:53.39mooseface420when i did DVD both boot loaders failed to install
09:53.47gnarfacethere might be something in there about it protecting the MBR too
09:54.03gnarfacei would go into advanced mode and see if you could figure it out
09:54.04mooseface420secure boot was greyed out because compatibility mode on to support other non-microsoft OSes
09:54.18gnarface"compatibility mode" i'm not sure what that does
09:54.41gnarfacelook, here's the short version, you do have to be careful
09:54.50gnarfaceand i don't know exactly what you need to do
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09:55.04mooseface420Compatibility Support Module
09:56.58mooseface420resetting bios to defaults. I'll redo my overclock settings later
09:57.39mooseface420Secure Boot Violation, lol
09:57.42*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
09:58.47gnarfaceso you're either gonna have to add keys or disable secure boot
09:59.08gnarfaceif you have some keys in there for win10 you need, you should probably back them up first
09:59.10gnarfacejust to be safe
10:01.28mooseface420my windows drive not even plugged in I guess that would be an insecure boot lol
10:02.02mooseface420usb stick booted when i clicked ok
10:04.23mooseface420I think it skipped the force uefi screen this time now with the default bios settings
10:05.03gnarfaceanother thing that may be wrong is you might not have the SATA drives set to AHCI mode in the bios?
10:05.29gnarfaceit could matter what they're set to, they could show up in a weird place i think in some cases if they're set to something strange
10:05.33mooseface420unplugged all my sata devices. only storage is usb stick and NVMe
10:06.42gnarfacehmmm. i wonder if there's even a driver for it
10:06.47gnarfacefor the NVMe
10:07.24mooseface420everything is fine until boot loader step
10:07.47gnarfaceyea that is interesting
10:08.07gnarfacei wonder if you try it again, pick expert mode this time, and do manual partitioning, and don't encrypt it, if it still fails at the boot loader step?
10:08.19gnarfacedon't use lvm either
10:08.34gnarfacejust do a plain manual partitioning layout as a test to see if that works
10:08.59gnarfacehopefully it'll ask you where to install grub and you can pick the right spot even if the default is wrong
10:09.32mooseface420yeah grub failed to install again. gonna try expert and manual i guess
10:09.56mooseface420LILO won't install either
10:09.57gnarfacethis is the ascii version you're using?
10:10.07gnarfaceor jessie?
10:10.28gnarfaceyou might want to try ascii.  the kernel in jessie is a lot older
10:10.48gnarfaceunless you have a specific reason to need that old of a version of everything
10:10.56mooseface420hmm yeah
10:11.10gnarfacebut whatever that reason is, it may be compatible with such new hardware
10:11.15gnarfacesorry, *incompatible
10:11.27gnarfaceit may be incompatible with such new hardware, i meant to say
10:12.25gnarfaceit could be as simple of a glitch as it being named strangely
10:12.32gnarfaceso maybe expert mode will give you luck
10:13.07gnarfacei guess, try expert mode first, and if that doesn't work try the ascii version
10:17.00mooseface420my first run through i did expert mode with encrypted lvm. same boot loader failure
10:17.16mooseface420trying ascii
10:25.23mooseface420how do I select the stupid checkboxes when not in graphical mode
10:25.32mooseface420pressing enter is continue
10:25.50mooseface420oh space works. dumb
10:29.46mooseface420partition table type msdos looks to be the default will try that
10:31.14mooseface420"no root file system"
10:31.29mooseface420I missed something
10:32.03mooseface420dunno. did the guided instead
10:42.17*** join/#devuan Leander (~Leander@
10:42.30*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
10:53.02Centurion_Danmooseface420: what are you trying to achieve
10:54.08*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
10:59.23mooseface420dual boot windows and linux on separate drives
11:00.12mooseface420currently trying to install grub for devuan ascii without overwriting master boot record with windows on it
11:01.11Centurion_Danso it's UEFI?
11:01.51Centurion_DanDoes Win10 run ok with secureboot disable.
11:01.55mooseface420Centurion_Dan: yeah. tried installing GRUB to second usb stick but my comp didn't boot (windows drive unplugged but NVMe with devuan plugged in)
11:02.19devoid_uefi is simple
11:02.28devoid_just create a fat32 partiton
11:02.36mooseface420then tried installing GRUB to "NVMe-" and a bunch of numbers
11:02.52devoid_and make sure you have BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI under it
11:02.54devoid_i think
11:02.56Centurion_Danascii or jessie?
11:03.13mooseface420there are two NVMe partitions listed. one is swap i guess. I guess I need a free partition for grub?
11:03.23mooseface420ascii now
11:03.46Centurion_Danuse gpt, you'll have to manually partition...
11:04.27mooseface420not sure how to manually partition from installer. last time it said "no root file system"
11:04.56Centurion_Daneasy enough, I can walk you through it.
11:05.37mooseface420ok i'm on the manual partition screen
11:06.16mooseface420options are RAID, LVM, encrypted volumes, and iSCSI volumes
11:06.30mooseface420also my NVMe is displayed
11:06.47mooseface420and my usb stick
11:07.06Centurion_Danso select the bare NVME and
11:07.25man_in_shackoh fun
11:07.37mooseface420ok now it has empty partition table, free space
11:07.43Centurion_Danit should prompt for creating a new partition table - select gpt
11:08.49mooseface420I click on free space, it gives options of create a new partition, Automatically partition free space, and SHow Info
11:09.09man_in_shackthis the devuan installer thingy?
11:09.44mooseface420how many MB does GRUB need
11:09.51Centurion_Danclick on the nvme disk itself to select the start with a clean slate
11:10.08Centurion_Danand select gpt
11:10.10man_in_shackyou need to make sure you have a gpt-type partition TABLE, not just get the partition right
11:10.33man_in_shackdos-style partition table won't help you
11:10.40mooseface420"You have selected an entire device to partition"...
11:10.54mooseface420All current partitions will be removed
11:11.08mooseface420did that. now there is 480GB free space
11:11.19man_in_shackand it's definitely gpt now? :)
11:11.22Centurion_Danman_in_shack: technically UEFI will work with mbr, but windows 10 will probably barf...
11:11.55mooseface420I opted not to force UEFI
11:12.12Centurion_Danyou in compat mode?
11:12.12mooseface420so I can still boot win10
11:12.30Centurion_Danor you mean secureboot... yes that should be off.
11:12.44Centurion_Danbut not legacy mode.
11:12.48man_in_shackinsecureboot lyf
11:13.06Centurion_Dananyway back to partitioning
11:13.59Centurion_Danin uefi grub will use the uefi part for it's bootloader.
11:14.04*** join/#devuan filipdevuan_ (
11:14.13filipdevuan_devuan is too good to be true is it real or just a dream??
11:14.23mooseface420secure boot state is enabled but greyed out. I have z-170a
11:14.30Centurion_Danmake part1 100MB, and set the type to UEFI
11:14.43mooseface420Launch Compatibility Support Module is enabled
11:15.06mooseface420OS Type is Other OS to support non-secure boot OSes
11:15.11Centurion_Danyou need to put it in UEFI mode and turn off secureboot.
11:15.58Centurion_Dangoes to find specs on z-170a
11:17.19mooseface420honestly can't figure out how to disable secure boot
11:18.24mooseface420done it on a laptop before but this bios is weird
11:18.51man_in_shackthat's backwards
11:19.04man_in_shackusually it's harder to configure laptop bios
11:19.26mooseface420Yeah I'm 99% sure setting to Other OSes disabled secure boot
11:19.53mooseface420got no secure boot violation and devuan installer came up
11:20.10man_in_shackthat sounds right to me
11:20.25mooseface420what do i need to put in UEFI mode?
11:20.32man_in_shackwhat manufacturer is your mobo?
11:20.47man_in_shackthey're meant to be GOOD
11:21.04mooseface420dick pain overclocking too
11:21.12man_in_shackuseful info
11:21.30man_in_shacknot that i give a fuck about overclocking (:
11:21.44mooseface420i really don't want to have to force UEFI mode
11:21.49man_in_shackso bios sounds like it's already looking for uefi stuff
11:22.24man_in_shackyou also need gpt-type partition table, and a fat32 partition marked as "uefi system" type
11:22.56mooseface420do I need to partition my drive using something other than the devuan netinstaller?
11:23.14man_in_shackif it wasn't for windows randomly deleting stuff, you could try putting your uefi bootloader in the windows 10 system partition :P
11:23.34man_in_shackmooseface420: Centurion_Dan seems to think there's an option for it in the devuan installer
11:23.38man_in_shacki honestly have no idea
11:23.46man_in_shacki converted an existing debian system to devuan
11:24.17mooseface420ok I always select no for Force UEFI installation so I can still boot win10 from SATA ssd
11:25.22mooseface420100MB partition should be Logical or Primary?
11:25.25man_in_shackso fun thing, if devuan installs in mbr mode, then the worst thing that will happen is your bios won't boot to it and you'll have to start the installation over again
11:25.54man_in_shackmooseface420: gpt doesn't have logical or primary partitions
11:26.02Centurion_Danmooseface420: page 2-54 in the manual
11:26.20mooseface420Haven't seen gpt option
11:26.41man_in_shackat first i was like "wwaaaaattt that's 52 pages of manual" and then i realised it's section 2 page 54
11:26.56mooseface420where is the manual lol
11:26.58man_in_shackmooseface420: you might need "force uefi installation" then
11:27.02Centurion_Dan(106 of the pdf)
11:28.27mooseface420oh the mobo manual
11:29.49mooseface420ok so secure boot is disabled i'm 99% sure. else how would I be booting from usb stick
11:30.46Centurion_DanIt's not explicit, but I think you need to set advanced mode.
11:30.54Centurion_Danto turn off CSM.
11:31.06mooseface420CSM should be off?
11:31.12Centurion_Danunless your running old hardware it shouldn't be needed.
11:31.16man_in_shackcsm = legacy bios boot mode
11:31.39mooseface420does it matter? should i reboot and change it
11:31.58mooseface420and maybe gpt is only an option if you Force UEFI, which I'm not doing
11:32.18man_in_shackyah that's what i'm thinking mooseface420
11:32.23Centurion_Danthat will allow you to turn on and off secureboot I think..
11:32.43Centurion_Danmooseface420: won't effect selecting gpt.
11:32.51man_in_shackmooseface420: i'm gonna guess that turning csm off will make it harder to boot the usb stick :)
11:33.31Centurion_Danascii installer is uefi enabled.
11:33.52man_in_shackoh good
11:34.03man_in_shacklisten to the guy who's done this stuff before :D
11:34.16Centurion_Danyou'll may need to select expert install to change the part type
11:34.39Centurion_DanI helped build it ;-)
11:35.13mooseface420I set CSM to disabled. 'Secure Boot state' is still greyed out, saying 'Enabled'
11:35.27mooseface420I can never get it to not be greyed out, unselectable
11:35.34man_in_shacki helped demolish it :P
11:36.35gnarfacemooseface420: you have the bios interface mode set to advanced, right?
11:36.35Centurion_Danyou in advanced mode?
11:37.07mooseface420yeah. WIndows UEFI mode executes secure boot check. Other OS mode doesn't say either way but that seems to imply no check
11:37.23mooseface420Also, I don't get the Secure Boot Violation when it's in Other OS mode
11:37.45man_in_shacki think you want "other os mode"
11:37.57man_in_shackjust check if your win10 still boots with that on (it should)
11:38.21Centurion_DanAh, Other OS mode should be fine.
11:38.30mooseface420it does, i think it's been on that for a while
11:38.50Centurion_Danso boot the installer...
11:39.27mooseface420ok doing expert install
11:39.49mooseface420going to select cfdisk-udeb component
11:40.21Centurion_Dandon't need to.
11:41.12Centurion_Danjust work through the to the partitioning stage... you'll get more pages... but
11:41.41Centurion_Dannothing too difficult, and the defaults should be ok.
11:41.57mooseface420ok going to select No for Force UEFI
11:42.12mooseface420partitioning manually
11:43.11mooseface420NVMe still has old partitions from previous installation attempt. 463GB primary, 17.1GB logical (swap)
11:43.30mooseface420what i do
11:43.44*** join/#devuan nighty- (
11:43.46Centurion_Danany lvm?
11:44.11gnarfacethere should be an option to remove partitions
11:44.28mooseface420Creating new empty partition table on this device
11:44.52mooseface420ok now 480.1GB FREE SPACE
11:45.20gnarfacewas it supposed to be a gpt partition, not msdos?
11:45.23Centurion_Dando it again and select gpt
11:46.04mooseface420that screen
11:46.22mooseface420ok did gpt
11:46.42mooseface420creating 100MB partition
11:46.52mooseface420at beginning
11:47.13mooseface420naming grub_part
11:47.23mooseface420select done?
11:47.39Centurion_DanThen I'd suggest a 500M /boot part (ext2 is fine for this)
11:48.18mooseface420ok 500 now
11:48.22Centurion_Danthen lvm for the rest (leaving space for if you want to install windows on the nvme later)...
11:48.55mooseface420lvm will include swap space for ssd?
11:49.19mooseface420or i need three partitions
11:49.29Centurion_Danthe 100m needs to be set to EFI volume type.
11:49.33man_in_shackwhy lvming?
11:49.53Centurion_Danmooseface420: yes, swap on lvm is fine...
11:50.31Centurion_Danman_in_shack: Eases future expansions, migrations etc.
11:50.56mooseface420how do I do EFI volume type
11:51.36Centurion_Danselect the partition and the second line: "Use as"
11:52.14mooseface420Mount point?
11:52.22mooseface420oh above that
11:52.54mooseface420Reserved BIOS boot area?
11:53.23Centurion_Danshould be UEFI or EFI option
11:54.32mooseface420Ext4, Ext3, Ext2, btrfs, JFS, XFS, FAT16, FAT32, swap area, Reserved BIOS boot area, physical volume for encrypting, physical volume for RAID, physical vol for LVM, do not use this partition
11:54.55man_in_shack"reserved bios" is used for legacy pcbios thingies
11:55.12mooseface420I didn't force UEFI mode
11:55.13*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
11:56.21Centurion_Danyou need to force uefi mode...
11:56.41mooseface420how will I boot win10
11:57.11mooseface420there is a master boot record or whatever
11:58.00Centurion_Danhmmm hangon ...reading mb manual...
11:58.43man_in_shackdid you disable csm and test win10 boot?
11:59.14man_in_shackwell that will be the way to make sure it will still boot
11:59.22man_in_shackbut short answer: win10 has its own uefi system partition
11:59.34man_in_shackand you can have however many as you like
12:00.05man_in_shackthere's a set of tools to manage the uefi boot menu and select which partition it loads its bootloader from and stuff like that
12:00.42man_in_shackoh shit i just realised
12:00.59man_in_shacki need to replace my mobo because faulty and i gonna have to go through this shit
12:01.01Centurion_Danwindows10 will be uefi...
12:02.29mooseface420ok maybe the MBR is from previous installation or something
12:02.36Centurion_Dancsm should be forced enabled... (stupid manual written in chinglish)...
12:03.07man_in_shackmooseface420: mbr on the nvme drive you formatting?
12:04.03mooseface420not sure where it is honestly. firmware or something
12:04.24man_in_shackmbr is on the hdd/ssd/wherever
12:04.30man_in_shackyou'll be fine
12:04.31mooseface420plugged my win10 sata ssd back in
12:04.41mooseface420can't get BIOS or windows
12:04.58mooseface420black screen or no signal
12:05.03man_in_shackcan't get to bios with your win10 plugged in?
12:05.10man_in_shackmake sure you haven't knocked your gpu
12:06.16gnarfaceoh yea, you reset to bios default mooseface420, remember? you probably gotta set the add-on gpu to boot first
12:08.18mooseface420but if it's gpu then shouldn't my mobo hdmi out work now
12:08.24mooseface420it's not
12:08.52man_in_shackmooseface420: does it work when you take the sata drive out again?
12:11.30mooseface420wow, no
12:11.52man_in_shacki get this sometimes with the gpu not sitting right
12:11.55man_in_shacktry reseating thaat
12:12.08man_in_shackor is it integrated into cpu?
12:12.32mooseface420no it's gtx1070. screwed in tight. never had any issues before
12:12.57man_in_shackother troubleshooting: reset cmos
12:13.01mooseface420actually lemme plug usb stick back in and try
12:13.08man_in_shackoh sheet
12:13.11gnarfacehe already did reset the cmos, that's what i'm thinking caused this
12:13.13man_in_shackhope the usb hasn't shorted out
12:13.27gnarfacei'm still thinking he may need to put some bios setting back...
12:13.35gnarfacei guess i could be wrong
12:14.16man_in_shackeveryone is always wrong
12:14.41devoid_no im not
12:15.51mooseface420switched monitors. weird. working now
12:15.57mooseface420with usb stick in
12:16.15man_in_shackoh good
12:16.24mooseface420pluggin sata in again
12:17.00man_in_shackdid the first monitor decide to turn itself off completely? :P
12:17.45mooseface420no, weird tho
12:18.01man_in_shacki vote gnarface stop breaking everything
12:18.29gnarfacei didn't mean to
12:20.20mooseface420something is screwy
12:20.39mooseface420drive not showing in bios
12:21.03man_in_shackit's your graphics card that's screwy
12:21.05man_in_shack<mooseface420> no it's gtx1070. screwed in tight. never had any issues before
12:21.42mooseface420i suppose i could enable CSM again
12:21.49man_in_shackshouldn't need it
12:22.03mooseface420not sure what to do
12:22.05man_in_shackmake sure all your cables are firmly in the drive/mobo
12:22.21man_in_shackis the sata drive ssd or hdd?
12:22.57mooseface420should probably go back to defaults or something
12:23.08man_in_shackcan try that, see if the drive comes up
12:23.13man_in_shackor try a different sata port
12:23.43mooseface420tried two ports. they all three worked an hour ago
12:24.03mooseface420only diff in BIOS from default is Launch CSM is disabled
12:24.17mooseface420and EZ mode off advanced mode on
12:25.40man_in_shackgive default settings a try then
12:27.11man_in_shackand make sure the cables are all firmly in place
12:27.31mooseface420my sata hdd not showing either
12:28.08mooseface420my hdd is spinnging
12:28.21mooseface420on default settings
12:28.30mooseface420not sure if it was before
12:28.31man_in_shackstill not showing on default?
12:29.18mooseface420my drives showing up now
12:29.30man_in_shackso now do that "other os" boot mode thingy
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12:32.00mooseface420ok Other OS is on and windows booted
12:34.09mooseface420one of my USB sticks with ascii installer on it freezes my bios
12:34.24man_in_shackoh fun
12:35.03mooseface420other one is fine. booted into installer now
12:35.14mooseface420dunno what i'm gonna do
12:35.31man_in_shackpoke Centurion_Dan in the eye until he comes back and helps you again
12:35.51man_in_shackforce uefi, format your nvme with gpt partition
12:41.55mooseface420i don't need a separate partition for swap space?
12:42.20man_in_shackthat's the usual way to do it
12:42.48man_in_shackyou need at a minimum, uefi boot partition, and a / (root) partition
12:42.50mooseface420usual is with swap partition or not
12:42.56man_in_shackusual is with swap
12:43.23man_in_shackit's easier (and nicer) to set up swap on a partition
12:43.39man_in_shackyou get the boot partition working?
12:45.24mooseface420fat32 for the big partition?
12:45.33mooseface420with OS on it
12:46.18mooseface420physical volume for LVM?
12:46.28man_in_shackCenturion_Dan recommended lvm
12:46.38mooseface420default is Ext4
12:46.46man_in_shackext4 will work fine for you
12:46.54man_in_shackor btrfs if you're feeling a little adventurous
12:47.34mooseface420ok 20GB swap, 500MB for boot, 460 ext4
12:47.56man_in_shackseems fine to me
12:48.29man_in_shackhow much actual ram do you have?
12:48.39Centurion_Danman_in_shack: hell no ... don't use butterfs..
12:48.54man_in_shackmargarinefs instead
12:48.59man_in_shackCenturion_Dan: why not btrfs?
12:49.00Centurion_Danyour sure to slip in that greasy mess..
12:49.22Centurion_Danexperimental... forever...
12:49.36Centurion_Dansorry, fell asleep at the kb
12:50.11man_in_shackdepends who you talk to :P
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12:51.39Centurion_Danman_in_shack: btrfs will never be ready for prime time.
12:51.55man_in_shackworks for my /home
12:51.56Centurion_Danit's just unreliable....
12:52.15man_in_shackfine then, i'll just write my own filesystem
12:53.05Centurion_Dannearly 2am here... need to go to bed...
12:55.29mooseface420software 80% installed
12:56.09mooseface420Cleaning up...
12:57.34mooseface420Force GRUB installation to the EFI removable media path?
12:59.08mooseface420wow linux booted
12:59.14mooseface420thanks guys
12:59.20Centurion_Danyay... and goodnight....
12:59.32man_in_shackdoes it dual boot properly?
12:59.40mooseface420goodnight. i should check that my win10 boots
13:01.01mooseface420windows boots still
13:01.19man_in_shackmooseface420: now, what did you do to youtube?
13:01.29mooseface420down again?
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13:01.42man_in_shack"A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation."
13:02.01Centurion_Danafter plugging in windows drive and making sure the nvme is booting first, then you can run as root update-grub and it will detect and add windows to the grub boot menu...
13:02.19man_in_shackhe says it's already dual-booting (:
13:02.28mooseface420works for me
13:02.36Centurion_Dancool.. ;-)
13:02.48man_in_shackdrops Centurion_Dan in a volcano
13:02.53man_in_shackcool enough for you?
13:03.01Centurion_Danof to bed before head hits kbd....
13:05.05mooseface420now i just have to figure out how to use linux, haha
13:07.51mooseface420how do install IntelliJ
13:08.45mooseface420looks like plasma kde is working so intellij should run
13:09.43gnarfaceyou might have to get their installer, i don't see it in the repo
13:10.09gnarfacei just see these two packages which i assume are related: libintellij-annotations-java, libintellij-annotations-java-doc
13:11.14gnarfacelooks like it's just a tar.gz file
13:11.43gnarfacefrom here maybe?
13:13.31mooseface420i extracted but how do i run
13:13.53mooseface420oh there's a txt explaoining
13:14.31filipdevuan_is there something like tweaking with sound on devuan so everything sounds better??
13:16.22mooseface420devuan comes with jdk8 right? how do I get it on the IntelliJ IDEA classpath
13:18.32mooseface420meh, i'll do that tomorrow
13:18.42gnarfacemooseface420: find out where it is by default for openjdk.  i forget where it is
13:19.19gnarfacejava uses openjdk by default
13:19.30gnarface*devuan uses openjdk by default
13:20.01mooseface420ok i think i found it at usr/lib/jvm
13:20.18mooseface420how do i add JAVA_HOME
13:20.33mooseface420to environment vars
13:20.47gnarfaceif you want it permanent, add it to your ~/.bash_profile
13:21.12gnarfaceif you just want to test it you can just set it with "export"
13:21.19mooseface420oh yeah bash profile. haven't done that since college
13:22.47mooseface420oh no, the vi nightmares are coming back
13:23.08gnarfaceyou can use nano instead, it is nice and friendly
13:24.45mooseface420what the heck. there's java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 and java-8-openjdk-amd64
13:25.33gnarfacei'm sorry i don't know what the difference is
13:26.06mooseface420there's only one java 5 maybe i use that hehe
13:26.40gnarfacetry this: apt-cache search ^openjdk
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13:28.03mooseface420lol how do i backspace in vi my mind is blown
13:29.06filipdevuan_yeah nano is great
13:29.09filipdevuan_i use it as well :P
13:31.12nemomooseface420: vim would already make that more pleasant
13:31.22nemobackspace I mean ☺
13:32.11mooseface420how to save and exit in nano
13:32.46filipdevuan_ctrl x
13:33.06filipdevuan_then it asks you if u wanna save and u press y
13:33.36filipdevuan_then enter and done
13:33.57filipdevuan_no worries my pleasure :P
13:34.10mooseface420meh. java setup is its own can of worms. i should sleep or something
13:35.03mooseface420is gvim still a thing
13:35.50mooseface420I hated them all. I used mousepad for c++ or whatever the basic bitch ascii editor was
13:36.19gnarfacei think gvim is still a thing
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15:32.27*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You might need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
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17:45.53mbufI am using "dd if=devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_chromeveyron.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M && sync" on a 16 GB sandisk with one partition of type 83, but, after the dd command, the USB disk has two partitions, p1 with 16M for the ChromOS kernel and the p2 with only 1.7GB that says "Microsoft basic data". The image boots with Devuan fine though. Why so?
17:46.31mbufWhy is p2 not taking the rest of the 14GB that is available? What needs to be done for the same?
17:48.26*** join/#devuan queip (~queip@unaffiliated/rezurus)
17:52.18aggroraI think you need to manually extend the partition to use the unallocated space with a tool like gparted. At least that is the instructions I got here some time ago, and it worked fine :)
17:53.09mbufaggrora, after the completion of the dd command?
17:54.38aggroraWell, I used it for a month in my rpi. But yes, after dd.
17:55.09aggroraBut I guess you can just open up any disk utillity you got and extend the partition
17:55.49aggrora*in my rpi before exteding*
17:56.09mbufaggrora, just did that using gparted
17:58.34mbufaggrora, now the USB does not boot on the Asus C201. I just get a beep sound if I try to boot it using Ctrl+u
18:00.13mbufaggrora, I am able to mount the resized partition fine on a Parabola system though
18:02.09aggroraHmm, ok. But you said you had chromeOS on the stick as well?
18:02.25aggroraWhat is a Parabolla system? :)
18:02.43mbufaggrora, Parabola GNU/Linux-libre distro
18:03.14aggroraooh ok
18:03.14mbufaggrora, no, the img setups the ChromeOS kernel in the first partition
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18:06.02aggroraWell, I merely knows what worked for me. Maybe it's diffrent with sd-cards? I missed you used a usb-stick at first
18:06.24aggrorastrange though
18:06.55KatolaZmbuf: you need to resize the partitions after you boot into that
18:07.17KatolaZ(there is no way to know in advance which size your USB stick/SD card will be...)
18:08.07mbufKatolaZ, I see
18:11.55KatolaZmbuf: be careful: you need to use gparted or gdisk
18:12.00KatolaZthe partition is a gpt one
18:12.11KatolaZfdisk will get confused and will bork it
18:15.34mbufKatolaZ, cannot use resize2fs directly?
18:17.39KatolaZmbuf: you need to resize the *partition* first
18:17.49KatolaZand then the *filesystem* afterwards
18:18.34mbufKatolaZ, okay, they are two different things
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18:20.06KatolaZyes, they are
18:20.54mbufKatolaZ, in gdisk, have to use "x" (experts only) and then s (resize partition table)
18:23.35KatolaZyou first need 'x'
18:23.39KatolaZthen 'e'
18:23.48KatolaZ(to relocate the backup structures at the end
18:24.00KatolaZand then you just remove the second partition and re-create it
18:24.10mbufKatolaZ, will try
18:24.12KatolaZand then resize2fs
18:24.29KatolaZyou don't need 's'
18:24.39KatolaZ's' is to resize the partition table, not a single partition
18:24.46KatolaZ(and I am referring to gdisk above)
18:25.03KatolaZwe did the same some time back for somebody here
18:25.19KatolaZI asked the person to write a post on DNG or on dev1galaxy
18:25.22KatolaZdunno if they did it
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18:25.29KatolaZthat would be helpful, I guess
18:25.48mbufKatolaZ, when you say remove second partition and re-create it, what commands are for them?
18:27.04mbufRe-formatted the disk with the .img and now it is booted
18:35.40mbufKatolaZ, I have done 'x' and 'e'
18:36.39KatolaZmbuf: good
18:36.55mbufKatolaZ, used 'm' to go to the previous menu, 'd' to delete the second partition
18:37.15mbufKatolaZ, 'n' to create a new second partition. What should be the Hex code or GUID? 8300?
18:37.16KatolaZ'n' to create a new one
18:38.04mbufUsed 8300 as it is Linux filesystem
18:38.18mbufShould I now use 'w' to write table to disk and exit?
18:38.32KatolaZhave you printed the partition table?
18:38.35KatolaZdoes it look right?
18:38.48mbufKatolaZ, yes, the second partition now says 14.5 GB
18:39.23KatolaZwrite a howto about that
18:39.29mbufKatolaZ, how to save?
18:39.31KatolaZand then live happily ever after
18:39.44mbufKatolaZ, I did that; now I need to reboot?
18:40.18KatolaZ(maybe not)
18:40.22KatolaZbut it is safer to
18:41.54KatolaZmbuf: write an howto about that please
18:42.00KatolaZand post it on dev1galaxy
18:42.03KatolaZand/or on DNG
18:42.09KatolaZso other people can use it
18:42.22mbufKatolaZ, will put it in my blog
18:42.33KatolaZnope mbuf
18:42.38KatolaZplease post it in dev1galaxy
18:42.44KatolaZand/or DNG
18:42.47mbufKatolaZ, okay
18:42.54KatolaZso that people who look for it, can actually find it
18:43.18mbufKatolaZ, now I have to do "resize2fs /dev/sda"?
18:43.34mbufor /dev/sda2
18:43.39KatolaZ/dev/sda2 I guess
18:43.53KatolaZbut I am not in front of your computer, remember...
18:44.25mbufKatolaZ, now "df -h" says / is 13G
18:44.28mbufKatolaZ, awesome!
18:48.17mbufsaves the IRC conversation
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21:00.27fugitiveHi everyone. Wanted to ask, what is your prefered way of resolving dependency hell to say. My colleagues at work uses aptitude, but wanted to hear your opinion if someone is in mood :) can't give any concrete example atm, but let say, how do you solve if there are requirements to fix dependencies for some package that is from testing f.e.
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21:02.08debdoga) do not mix repos (not even backports). compile stuff yourself if it's not there.
21:02.43fsmithredwhy would a package in stable require something from testing?
21:02.55debdogb) if there is a problem aptitude gives the most useful outputs (IMHO, not have tested apt yet)
21:04.48fsmithredif you're running the stable release and you need a package that's newer, get it from backports if it's there, or else backport it yourself
21:05.47fugitivewell, some of the recent ``issues'' were, that devs required mariadb-10.3, and it is in /testing still, some other case, colleagues usually update only critical pkgs at system, and that might require sometimes dependency issues
21:08.02fsmithredonly if you update to versions that are not in the current repo
21:09.18fugitivewell yea, that would be one of the common cases
21:09.40fsmithredyou might need to backport the dependencies, too
21:10.24fsmithredwe talking about servers or workstations that have a desktop?
21:11.40fugitive'raw' servers :)
21:12.09fsmithredthen you might get away with running beowulf (currently testing)
21:17.03fugitivesorry, maybe you missunderstood me, not problem in using testing or stable, i wanted to hear, is aptitude prefered over apt-* utils for handling those kind of issues? tbh, i haven't experienced some major issues with dependencies since i used devuan (desktop) personally , all  i was doing was update/upgrade, and in 99.9% of that would work
21:17.34fsmithredchocolate or vanilla?
21:17.49fsmithredaptitude has better ideas when things don't go smoothly
21:18.24fsmithredaptitude automatically removes the deps when you remove the package, apt-get puts them on the autoremove list
21:18.49fsmithredapt has a pretty green progress bar, and apt can't be used in scripts
21:19.44fsmithredaptitude -s blah... uses a better format for its output than apt-get -s blah...
21:21.24meowschwitzif a Debian package (in e.g. sid) has no dependencies on systemd, how does it travel into Devuan? I'm looking at amanda, it builds from Debian sources under Devuan without change, so sid is like 3 releases ahead of ascii - how and when does an update on devuan side occur, what do I need to read?
21:21.48fsmithredevery couple of minutes, amprolla updates the repo
21:22.11fsmithredwhatever is in sid is in ceres
21:22.12fugitiveyea, that's what i thought, maybe once i had some local nvidia issues, and someone from here helped, maybe it was you, can't remember :) but it was via apt-* stuff, and from what i recall, was bit messy, not to say pain in the *** to fix it. And since i have habbit to not use frontend for pkgs (even thou they make your life easier), but since i recently started with aptitude, figured it is noobish easy
21:22.18fugitiveto fix dep issues
21:22.42meowschwitzfsmithred: so non-infected packages do not require devuan maintainership and are merged automatically?
21:22.52fsmithredmeowschwitz, yes
21:23.23meowschwitzfsmithred: I am assuming devuan policy matches debian policy wrt packages and so nothing is filtered out? e.g. there's no case a non-infected package from Debian is missing in Devuan?
21:23.26fsmithredfugitive, you might need to specify the package version in some cases
21:24.00fsmithredmeowschwitz, they should all be there except for the ones we banned
21:24.36meowschwitzfsmithred: is there a list of those?
21:25.01fugitiveokay, just wanted to hear about it from someone of devs :-) Cheers!
21:25.24fsmithredtake care, fugitive
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21:25.40meowschwitzfsmithred: is it public?
21:25.43fsmithredmeowschwitz, I have to remember the link. It might be at
21:25.45meowschwitzgoogle shows nothing
21:26.16fsmithredI think there was a list at
21:26.39meowschwitzthanks, I'll look
21:27.04fsmithredyou beat me to it
21:27.15meowschwitzwhat's the rationale for banning?
21:27.22fsmithredneeds systemd
21:27.40meowschwitzand assumingly unfixable? or just not cleaned?
21:27.41fsmithredwe're not banning libsystemd0 at this time
21:28.10fsmithrednot necessarily unfixable
21:28.27meowschwitzso if they were fixed in upstream, they'd be unbanned?
21:28.42fsmithredpretty sure
21:28.50Centurion_Danfsmithred: elogind provides an equivalent to libsytemd0 - elogind0
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21:28.58meowschwitzI'm also assuming anything that hard depends on banned packages is also either fixed or banned
21:29.26meowschwitzokay, this is something to look at
21:29.28fsmithredCenturion_Dan, I haven't tried that yet. I can remove libsystemd0 if I have that?
21:29.31meowschwitzthanks for the help
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21:53.27Centurion_Danfsmithred: if you install elogind it will replace libsystemd0 (i believe)
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22:33.27Centurion_Danfsmithred: oops, no... I'm wrong on that...
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