IRC log for #devuan on 20181107

00:07.00*** join/#devuan tillo (znc@pentoo/developer/tillo)
00:14.09buZzdjph: i guess :)
00:14.20buZzi've been 3d printing for lotta years now, its a fun hobby
00:15.28djphI mean, like why should I pay $500 for a janky-looking kit when I can pay $600 for the "official" kit from the original designer that's made of aluminum
00:15.52buZzno idea? typical chinese 'kit' printers are now under 200 usd
00:16.13buZzmostly just prefab with 20-30 parts to assemble
00:16.22djphyeah, I'm trying to find "not trypical chinese 'kit' trash"
00:17.17buZzppl at our hackerspace seem to like
00:18.22djphyeah, I've been reading up on those
00:19.06djphbut every one I find the reviews on sounds like the seller's dicking around on amazon -- they talk about aluminum and acrylic ... and the picture is definitely not aluminum at all
00:19.20buZzhm? ender3 is aluminium
00:19.34buZzblack anodized aluminium
00:21.07djphyeah, like I said, the ones I've found thus far seem to be re-lists
00:21.24djphor rather, replacing a formerly good product with a cheaper crap
00:21.28djph*crap version
00:22.04buZzaha :) well ender3 isnt the latest creality printer, but havent heard good reviews of ender4 yet
00:22.42buZzthey followed each other within 4 months i think, so might take a while
00:22.47djphI like the looks of the prusa i3 mk3 ... but that's $500 for the kit, IIRC
00:23.05buZzprusa is good quality but you'll pay for it
00:23.12buZzender3 is good enough quality
00:23.32buZzi wouldnt go full-out on your first printer :)
00:24.23djphand I keep waffling on it, but there's something about it being METAL that keeps me looking to it
00:24.58djphI mean, I don't wanna get a "cheap" one and have it be a complete bitch and end up gathering dust
00:32.12buZzor, just go use the printer in local library/fablab/hackerspace/makerspace/that dude around the block
00:42.16djphyeah, we don't have anything lie that here anymore
00:43.14djphI got myself kicked outta the good one for trying to keep some "inmportant" fuckwit from killing himself.  At least the lathe only broke his arm the next day.
00:58.26*** join/#devuan crimson_king (~crimson_k@
01:11.40*** join/#devuan sigjen (~sig@
01:12.13buZzdjph: yeah? where is here?
01:13.27golinuxWant to take the 3d printer talk to #debianfork?  It's off topic here.
01:13.48djphbuZz: ::1?
01:13.49golinux(buZz should know better . . .)
01:13.49buZzfeel free to add a ontopic topic
01:14.07golinuxYup.  :D
01:14.18buZzgolinux: 'plz leave' isnt a topic , improve
01:14.21buZzyou should know better
01:14.24golinuxPlease do.
01:14.33buZzyes, i agree please do
01:15.28djphsory golinux :
01:19.22*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
01:19.22*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You might need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
01:19.22*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:25.57djphgnarface: I didn't read it as get lost, just "heyo, you in the wrong channel"
01:26.29buZzi'm just getting a bit tired of some ops dedication to prevent community from forming
01:27.36golinuxThis is a support channel not a social channel
01:27.48buZzits a discussion channel
01:27.52buZzits in the topic
01:28.27golinuxdiscussion about D-E-V-U-A-N
01:28.35buZzdevuan has 3d printer software in repo, so its clearly related
01:28.55golinuxYou are really in a mood.
01:29.14gnarfacecome on man the attempt isn't to stifle socialization it's just about organizational logistics
01:29.31gnarfacei'm guilty of violating the rules too
01:29.44golinuxIf I were coming here for the fist time, off-topic would be off-putting
01:29.58gnarfaceif they were trying to stifle socialization, there wouldn't BE a second channel for kvetching
01:30.39golinuxIt also fills up the logs with nonsense which wastes bandwidth on devuan infrastructure.
01:30.53buZzplease this is all clearly offtopic, plz move to #devuannobodycares
01:32.29golinuxbuZz: Try a nice cup of tea and maybe a hot bath.  Maybe pull out whatever is poking you in unmentionable places
01:33.30buZzno, sorry, your hand is too far up my ass to ever be comfortable
01:34.47*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
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02:29.31Xenguy.oO( You should see #emacs, bwuha ... )
02:38.14*** join/#devuan James1138 (
02:46.05James1138Question. I like to install Kodi 18 Leia onto Devuan. Any suggestions?
02:52.00gnarfaceJames1138: looks like you'd have to build it yourself or get a 3rd party package.  17.6 is the lastest available in unstable (and probably for a good reason - my suggestion is actually that you stick with it)
02:52.14golinuxYou get to keep all the pieces
02:52.35gnarfaceJames1138: (17.1 in stable:
02:53.33James1138I am using 17.6 via stretch backport. However I hear Kodi 18 will let me watch Netflix
02:54.46gnarfaceinteresting, i had not heard that
02:57.00gnarfacei think that you can also watch netflix with chrome
02:57.12gnarfacei could be wrong about that, but if you're resorting to 3rd party packages anyway...
02:57.29gnarfacemight be worth a try
02:58.13gnarface(i'm still using my Nintendo for Netflix)
03:00.36*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
03:00.41James1138I am using Firefox but since it upgrade to 60 (Quantum) - many of the complete themes and addons no longer work. I am pissed. I would dump both FireFox and Thunderbird and use SeaMonkey - but Seamonkey as of this time does not support DRM playback like Firefox. If I get Leia working - so long firefocx
03:16.08golinuxJames1138: You should not use stretch repos directly.  Use ascii backport instead
03:16.49James1138ascii... that is a thought
03:34.28*** part/#devuan James1138 (
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07:20.49dethagnarface: google-packaged chrome (but not chromium) works for netflix
08:09.41*** join/#devuan Besnik_b (
08:20.46kekePowergood morning. Does anyone here know where I can discuss Miyo, or is it and its bugs the same as Devuan?
08:21.39*** join/#devuan clemens3 (
08:26.31gnarfacekekePower: never heard of it
08:28.00kekePowergnarface: It's listed on the Devuan site as a spin off
08:29.13gnarfacethat entry label is linked to their sourceforge page
08:29.34gnarfacei would check that for more info
08:30.46kekePowergnarface: yeah, not much info there afaics
08:30.55*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
08:31.15furrymcgeethats why you dont do spin offs
08:31.34gnarfacewell if it's using refracta and based on devuan, then maybe the devuan pages do have some relevant info.  i can't say how much
08:32.03Jjp137there are several Miyo-related threads in Devuan's forum, so maybe you can ask there too:
08:32.22kekePowerJjp137: thanks. will check it out.
08:33.12kekePowerthe main issue I had while installing was that I encrypted the home disk and I had to fix fstab after reboot to use the entry as mentioned in crypttab
08:33.23kekePoweris this a known issue in devuan as well?
08:34.29gnarfaceit sounds familiar.  i recall several people running into a problem like that.  maybe something to do with mixing luks, lvm and raid the wrong way?
08:35.11gnarfacei think the guided partitioning setup wasn't properly encryption aware
08:35.39Wonka.oO( I have LVM PV in LUKS in md-RAID - works fine for me )
08:36.03gnarfacehmm. i'm sorry i don't remember exactly what the trigger was.  you're right though, it didn't break for everyone.
08:36.11kekePowerit works fine now, but it didn't automatically do its thing during installation
08:36.13gnarfacei can't remember if the trick was you have to do it in expert mode or what
08:37.17gnarfacei know it was discussed in here, but there's very likely to be discussions about it on the forum too
08:51.53*** join/#devuan clemens3_ (
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12:42.37DocScrutinizer05/cmode q
12:42.46DocScrutinizer05oops sorry
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14:03.15intx19/!\ ATΤN: Tһis ϲhaᥒnеl has ⅿoveⅾ tо іrc.frеenodе.net #/ϳοin /ⵑ\
14:03.16intx19With oᥙr ⅠRⅭ ad servіce you ⅽaᥒ reɑсh ɑ ɡⅼobal аᥙԁieᥒϲᥱ οf entreрrᥱneurs and fentanyⅼ adⅾicts wіth ᥱxtraⲟrⅾinɑry eᥒɡаɡement rateѕ︕ https:/⧸wiⅼliamⲣіtcock.сഠm∕
14:16.52*** join/#devuan scaniatrucker (
14:42.22nemohm. clearly freenode has not tossed normalisation into their filter yet since the message is unchanged
14:52.29nemoyaaaay my pinebook arrives tomorrow!  after that, time to figure out if I can get devuan on it
14:52.53nemoapparently I need the BSP kernel with mali to get graphics acceleration
14:52.59nemoand the main pinebook tweaks are in
14:53.15nemothey are systemd oriented but on reviewing
14:53.23nemothe systemd configs are literally thin wrappers around shellscripts
14:53.26nemoI wonder how often that happens
14:54.23nemoI guess systemd's start tree is a bit more nuanced than traditional init's sort by number, but I'm sure I can figure out about when it needs to start
14:57.48*** join/#devuan cyteen (
15:22.42golinuxkekePower: Miyo is a popular Devuan derivative.  You can discuss it on the dev1galaxy forum in the Derivatives section.
15:23.21*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (
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15:55.32James1138Question. I want to upgrade Kodi 17.6 to Kodi 18 beta (Leia). I am now using Devuan ASCII. Any suggestions? My reason is that Leia has extra abilities including watching Netflix without having to jump out of NetFlix and go to a browser.
15:58.49*** join/#devuan Akuli (
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16:15.57kekePowergolinux: I've read the entire "[MiyoLinux] New Releases Uploaded" thread :-)
16:16.55*** join/#devuan furrywolf (~furrywolf@
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16:17.14buZzJames1138: yesterday the suggestion was moving from stretch-backport to ascii-backports
16:17.18buZzother than that , no clue
16:17.28buZzi just use videoplayers on local files
16:18.01Leanderkodi 18 has not been released yet, it's still in beta, I'd be surprised if you found official packages in any repository
16:18.02kekePowergolinux: It boots quickly enough after I disabled a few services and kernel modules. Ends up using about 130MB ram with tint2 and conky loaded.
16:18.36*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:18.54kekePowerJames1138: I write a shell script that will help you build Kodi Leia.
16:19.18buZzyeah , building it yourself would be wise for unreleased software ;)
16:19.21buZzprobably only option
16:19.52kekePowerThe do provide pre-release packages for *buntu
16:20.42kekePowerafaik, it's in PPA
16:27.30*** join/#devuan zeden (~user@unaffiliated/zeden)
16:28.25kekePowergolinux: and getting a brand new ssd tomorrow will probably give me another boost as well compared to the old 5400rpm spinner I have now :-)
16:29.19furrywolfssds make a huge difference in my experience, for some workloads.
16:31.07furrywolfI'm never buying a spinnng drive for anything other than backups again...
16:32.06kekePowermy old workstation has an elderly 10k rpm disk that is awesome :-)
16:32.38kekePowerit's only 150GB, but large enough for a system installation and the popped in some extra disks for storage
16:33.16golinuxkekePower: Using PPAs is a nono.  Ubuntu is NOT Devuan.  Port whatever from the original source if you MUST have it.  As I said before . . . you get to keep the pieces.
16:35.58buZzfurrywolf: two ssds in raid0 is even nicer :D
16:36.09buZzalbeit massive overkill
16:38.06kekePowergolinux: I know. Just pointing out that there exists packages. My thought would be to use the build files from PPA to build from scratch locally.
16:39.23kekePowerbuZz: 6 ssds in raid60
16:39.42kekePowerif money is no issue, that is
16:41.28buZzmy next workstation is getting 2x nvme in raid0
16:41.50kekePower906 Pro's?
16:41.55kekePower960 Pro's?
16:42.06buZzyeah 960's at least, probably evos
16:42.13buZzthe pros are just marginally faster
16:42.17helios21would not use RAID 0, but well… its not his data
16:42.17kekePowera bit cheaper, yeah
16:42.30*** join/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
16:42.32buZzhelios21: no important data on it whatsoever :)
16:42.45buZzjust devuan, steamgames and ~/Downloads
16:43.04kekePowerI compile a lot of stuff a lot of the time, so I really want a faster CPU
16:43.09helios21buZz: ah okay. Using BTRFS RAID 1 spread across two SATA SSDs here, totalling almost 1,5 TB of flash storage :)
16:43.17buZz:) nice
16:43.18helios21(raw storage that is)
16:43.26buZzraid1 ? huh
16:43.34buZzso , they are 2x 1.5TB SSDs?
16:43.38furrywolfbuZz:  I don't have any workloads that would take advantage of it.  heh.
16:43.57buZzfurrywolf: you never read data from storage?
16:44.24kekePowermy thoughts are to use ssd's for the system and spinners for storage
16:44.32furrywolfnot enough data that the loading time of said data off a ssd is a significant portion of total runtime.
16:44.32helios21buZz: Yep and Nope. BTRFS RAID 1 yes, but on LVM logical volumes, and some less critical data is just on one, the larger SSD. 1x Crucial M500 (480 GB) and 1x Samsung 860 Pro (1TB)
16:44.48furrywolfnor enough processing power to do anything with data that quickly other than copy it
16:44.52kekePowerperhaps use ssds for databases if the workload is high enough
16:44.54buZzah, doesnt sound like any raid1 i know ;)
16:45.13skyroveRRHey guys, I'm using the devuan 4.9.0-6 kernel for my custom distro, which is compiled against musl libc. I basically borrowed the kernel and the initrd.img file, and the modules directory too, for my particular distro. However, I'm hitting some snags in loading the radeon driver in Xorg on my distro, which I compiled from xf86-video-ati. It seems to be falling back to vesa/nomodesetting drivers. Do I
16:45.17kekePowerraid1, mirroring
16:45.20skyroveRRneed the firmware-linux-nonfree package installed, to make Xorg to work?
16:45.34helios21buZz: BTRFS RAID 1 came in helpful twice already: 1) checksum corruption with some blocks on Crucial M500, probably due to sudden power loss 2) firmware bug of Intel SSD 320, where it said its 8 MiB and all data is gone
16:45.47helios21BTRFS RAID is *special* :)
16:45.50furrywolfbtrfs raid...  aka "randomly lose data"?  :)
16:45.51buZzhelios21: dont you mean raid0 then?
16:45.57helios21nope, RAID 1.
16:46.02buZzits a mirror?
16:46.07helios21It helped a lot as the Intel SSD went away.
16:46.13buZzhow can you mirror 1.5TB of data on 1.5TB total storage
16:46.21furrywolfbtrfs raid is continually _buggy_ from everything I've ever read.
16:46.32kekePowerbuZz: raid1 is mirroring
16:46.38kekePowerhence 2x1.5TB disks
16:46.43helios21again, not for *all* the data
16:46.52buZzkekePower: yeah, so how would 1.5TB of storage give 1.5TB of raid1 volume
16:47.34helios21Does Devuan also have a pastebin? :)
16:47.41buZzi dont think so
16:48.00helios21debian and home volumes are BTRFS RAID 1. data volume is single BTRFS (no RAID whatsoever)
16:48.05buZzi see no raid there ...
16:48.26buZzah wait, yes
16:48.31helios21BTRFS RAID 1 is no SoftRAID
16:48.35buZzok, so you have 350GB of raid1
16:48.38buZzrest isnt raid
16:49.16buZzalright ;) bit less than 1.5TB :P
16:50.15helios21Well as said almost 1,5TB is *raw* data storage, not logical
16:50.43helios21btrfs fi usage is confusing, sometimes it displays raw, sometimes logical sizes
16:50.46buZzi have 2x 250gb samsung satas in here
16:50.46buZzmd0 : active raid0 sda3[0] sdb2[1]
16:50.57buZzgood enough for ~1GB/s
16:51.30helios21Not quite here... cause Crucial M500 can do SATA 600, but is connected to SATA 300 mSATA slot (limitation of ThinkPad T520 model)
16:51.43buZz:) yeah, same on my x230
16:52.03helios21oh, x230 is still limited to SATA 300 for mSATA?
16:52.23buZz-unless- you flash bios with something free
16:52.35buZzthen you can use the pcie slot of wifi for higher speed, afaik
16:53.12helios21ah, okay.
16:53.31helios21well, sequential throughput is still nice enough in that setup:
16:54.14helios21And anyway, laptop has 16 GiB of RAM, so caching a lot (more than 9 GiB at the moment), and RAM is still faster than anything else :)
16:54.20buZzat a whole core of load?
16:54.34helios21what do you mean?
16:54.42buZz20-35% of cpu
16:55.03buZzthats in that vmstat output :P
16:55.08helios21well btrfs scrub checks the checksum of each block, and that with about 800MB/s
16:55.23helios21oh, but that is not it
16:56.30helios21kwin broke =>
16:57.39helios21does not react to kwin_x11 --replace, so gotta get a SIGKILL
16:58.06*** join/#devuan g4570n (~g4570n@unaffiliated/g4570n)
16:59.15helios21hmmm, was not the kwin_x11 from current session, but from the work session, I just logged out… probably intel gfx driver issues
17:01.21*** join/#devuan engidea (~damiano@
17:18.27skyroveRRI'm using the devuan 4.9.0-6 kernel for my custom distro, which is compiled against musl libc. I basically borrowed the kernel and the initrd.img file, and the modules directory too, for my particular distro. However, I'm hitting some snags in loading the radeon driver in Xorg on my distro, which I compiled from xf86-video-ati. It seems to be falling back to vesa/nomodesetting drivers. Do I need the
17:18.33skyroveRRfirmware-linux-nonfree package installed, to make Xorg to work?
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18:26.06empty_string24Ꮃіth ഠᥙr IRC ɑԁ servicе you сan reacһ ɑ gⅼobaⅼ ɑ∪ԁіᥱnсe of eᥒtreprᥱneᥙrs and fentɑᥒуⅼ aԁdⅰcts ᴡith eхtrɑഠrⅾinɑry ᥱᥒgaɡᥱⅿᥱᥒt ratᥱs! һttpѕ:⧸⧸ᴡilⅼiaⅿⲣitcoϲk.cοm/
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19:50.13system16do you think i can run Kodi on my little sftp server ? it has no GUI. no DE
19:50.40system16currently, i use VLC to stream stuff to my TV and i think kodi simplifies stuff a lot
19:52.03system16its CPU is a 1.66 ghz atom and 1024 GB of ram and Igpu
19:52.16Leanderthat's how I use kodi, I plugged my file server to the TV, I don't even have a window manager installed
19:52.25man_in_shacki run kodi on a rasbpi
19:52.31system16but how its gonna work w/o any GUI ?
19:52.32man_in_shackplugged into hdmi though
19:52.41system16i have to use VGA
19:52.48system16apt install Kodi ?
19:52.59Leanderthere's a startup script, it will do some black magic with X
19:53.01man_in_shackew vga
19:53.18system16Leander, what?
19:53.40Leanderbasically, the startup script launches X without a window manager, just kodi inside
19:54.03system16note : i do not want to lose sftp functionality
19:54.14man_in_shackyou won't
19:54.37system16and can i close kodi when i dont need it via ssh on the server ?
19:55.10Leanderlet me check how I actually use it
19:55.15system16apt install Kodi wont work . i guess its not named like that ?
19:55.24man_in_shacklowercase k
19:55.52*** join/#devuan pankerini (~pankerini@
19:56.04Leanderthere's actually an init script, so it's like any other service
19:56.26system16cant locate kodi
19:57.18system16wait a sec. streaming into my chromecast will have better quality than using VGA
19:57.23Leanderare you on jessie or ascii?
19:57.41man_in_shackyah, vga gonna suck for you
19:57.49system16im pretty sure there is a command for that tho
19:58.02system16man_in_shack, so i guess using kodi is pointless ?
19:58.24Leanderwhat is your /etc/apt/sources.list pointing to?
19:59.01system16repositories ?
19:59.06system16which section ?
19:59.17man_in_shackwonders how system16 found devuan
19:59.33system16# Devuan repositories
19:59.33system16deb jessie main contrib non-free
19:59.33system16deb-src jessie main contrib non-free
19:59.51system16i ran a apt upgrade a few weeks ago
20:00.29LeanderIIRC kodi was not available on jessie
20:00.47system16but i thought i upgraded it
20:00.52system16apt upgrade
20:01.14Leanderit upgrades the packages, not the distro's version
20:01.33*** join/#devuan cocoadaemon (~foo@2a01:e35:8a99:e90:1202:b5ff:fe91:e4ca)
20:01.36system16how can i update the distro without nuking my files and configs ?
20:02.00system16does not know how 2 backup using terminal
20:02.37Leanderthere are instructions somewhere for going from jessie to ascii, I'm pretty sure
20:02.48system16without any GUI ?
20:04.14Leanderyou don't need a GUI for... pretty much everything, actually
20:05.15*** join/#devuan PinkBellyNagger (
20:07.52golinuxsystem16: Please use in your sources list
20:10.40*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
20:11.01system16i pushed my power button
20:12.05man_in_shackwelcome back
20:12.24man_in_shack<golinux> system16: Please use in your sources list
20:12.41system16in sources list ?
20:13.13system16# Devuan repositories ?
20:14.23golinux<system16> [13:47:09] deb-src jessie main contrib non-free
20:15.06golinuxttp:// jessie main contrib non-free
20:15.22golinuxhttp (dropped the "h")
20:15.40system16whats the difference ?
20:16.10golinuxdeb.devuan is a round robin of about a dozen servers
20:17.06system16ok but its downloading something rn
20:17.30golinuxThey are accessed with deb.devuan .org
20:18.09man_in_shackyou guys need to help me buy an australian mirror server (:
20:18.54golinuxThere already is a mirror in Australia
20:19.02system16wait what was the 2nd one ?
20:19.36golinuxThe server that the mirrors mirror
20:20.05system16where should i paste that ?
20:20.10man_in_shackgolinux: there is?
20:22.17system16effectively i have a 339 $ nas
20:22.27system16kodi capable...runs linux...
20:22.56system16can do things remotely (dydns)
20:22.57man_in_shackyeah buy how many optical drives does it have? :P
20:23.21man_in_shackhah, n00b
20:23.24man_in_shackmine has 5
20:23.47system16why tho
20:24.04man_in_shackbecause why not?
20:24.24man_in_shackgotta rip all the discs
20:25.03system16u got me thinking. i can stream my huge collection of dvds to my chromecast !!!
20:25.13system16or i can use a normal dvd player
20:25.57system16but i can watch them remotely
20:26.12system16but im pretty sure it would rape my internet
20:26.28man_in_shackat least you're not as batshit crazy as me
20:26.56man_in_shackremote X11 server over gigabit ethernet to run vlc to play dvds
20:27.37man_in_shackcan play blurays over iscsi at least
20:28.28system16so i found a script in devuan that runs commands listed after #. (cant remember the name of it) can i put this command in it ? echo lol u r a crazy blyat
20:28.36system16on startup*
20:29.02system16this is how i mount my external 1 tb drive ( im scared of fstab0
20:29.52nemoman_in_shack: heh. I was doing similar silly things over XSDL due to laziness
20:30.35nemocan't be bothered to get out of bed to actually do things on desktop, noooo
20:30.40nemoit's cold out there
20:30.50system16found it
20:30.54system16its called /etc/rc.local
20:31.04man_in_shackfound what now?
20:31.12system16can i put echo somethingblablabla in that ?
20:31.31man_in_shackyes you CAN but just because you can doesn't mean you should (:
20:31.37man_in_shackfstab is easy
20:31.49system16is scared from fstab
20:31.58man_in_shackis eeeeeeeaaaaaaasy
20:32.03system16because one wrong word and it wont boot
20:32.21system16and i have to plug in a live usb and ...
20:32.23man_in_shackno, it's not that bad
20:32.42man_in_shackjust don't change the lines that are alread in it
20:33.11system16well /etc/rc.local works flawlessly
20:33.46system16i have to go. i will catch up later
20:35.10man_in_shackwelp that gonna be fun for him
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