IRC log for #devuan on 20181102

00:02.32*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
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01:01.37*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
01:01.37*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
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12:58.26xrogaanso, err, my /run/user is empty
12:58.45xrogaanso is /var/run/user
12:58.55xrogaanI don't think it's normal, is it?
13:01.29xrogaanwhat would it take to get a XDG_RUNTIME_DIR?
13:02.44xrogaan`When looking at how to implement XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for non-systemd inits, I couldn't find any actual specification for how to do this. That's because there isn't one, just some loosely-worded descriptions; it only exists in the systemd implementation.  And the semantics of it are very poor indeed; it hasn't been developed with safety, security or flexibility in mind.`
13:02.48xrogaanNevermind then.
13:03.20xrogaanSo instead, where should I put my runtime things?
13:03.32xrogaanusing /tmp isn't really a great idea.
13:04.11amesserxrogaan: sysvinit, no system and I have:
13:04.28amesserset | grep XDG
13:04.44amesserso it works without systemd
13:04.50xrogaanI don't though.
13:05.03xrogaanI used to have something un that folder
13:08.12amesserÜbereinstimmungen in Binärdatei ./
13:08.12amesserÜbereinstimmungen in Binärdatei ./
13:09.07amesserso chance is high it is set by elogind session management daemon
13:10.55amesserif you dont want to use elogind, maybe you can workaround this somehow usiing pam_env
13:11.01amesserhowever, have to leave now, sorry.
13:13.16DocScrutinizer05purpy theme ;-D
13:14.22xrogaanI use elogind
13:16.29xrogaanhuh, might be bugged
13:18.17xrogaanloginctl doesn't show my session
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13:35.05xrogaanokay, so, if I start my session through lightdm there is no /run/user/1000
13:35.21xrogaanif I start a session though tty, I get one.
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13:44.23xrogaandoesn't lightdm make use of /etc/pam.d/common-session ?
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13:53.45xrogaanthis fucking shit:
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14:12.01xrogaanI don't know what I did, but it seems fixed.
14:12.17xrogaanrestarted elogind and lightdm
14:13.06xrogaanI removed systemd from the greeter pam.d thing
14:19.13xrogaanand now, I don't have transparency in my virtual consoles anymore
14:32.51xrogaanI get these weird issues, I have no clue why they happens.
14:33.21xrogaanSometimes, dnsmasq/resolvconf don't get configured properly at network start and I have to reload /etc/networking
14:33.41xrogaanI meant /etc/init.d/networking*
14:34.38xrogaanis it sysvinit that manage all that?
14:36.41*** join/#devuan amarsh04 (
14:50.45*** part/#devuan catprints (~realperso@
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15:25.31*** join/#devuan ExtraCrispy (~ExtraCris@gateway/tor-sasl/extracrispy)
15:27.14ExtraCrispySo Devuan on QubesOS is not a go to
15:27.30ExtraCrispyI think sysvinit is the caus
15:27.32KatolaZExtraCrispy: what is QubesOS?
15:27.56ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: A distro.Google it.
15:28.09KatolaZit's based on Fedora, apparently...
15:28.24ExtraCrispySupposedly is the most secure distro out there.
15:28.28KatolaZwhich might indeed be the cause, right?
15:28.36KatolaZwhich one? Fedora?
15:28.36ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: Yeah by default it is.
15:29.08ExtraCrispyWhat do you mean?
15:29.57KatolaZhow do you plan to migrate a Fedora do something that is based on Debian?
15:30.21KatolaZs/ do / to /
15:31.06ExtraCrispyOh no you misunderstood.
15:31.13KatolaZsorry then
15:31.28ExtraCrispyI am migrating a Debian 9 VM to Devuan 2
15:31.50nemoExtraCrispy: huh. why does qubesos care about systemd?
15:31.53KatolaZbut you mentioned QubesOS
15:32.36ExtraCrispynemo: No idea.
15:32.56nemoI mean for the guests that is
15:33.25nemoExtraCrispy: maybe #qubes or #qubes_os would know
15:34.10ExtraCrispynemo: Yeah i just asked in #qubes
15:34.22nemoExtraCrispy: are you setting up as Standalone VM?
15:34.30nemoExtraCrispy: 'cause seems there's no limits on that... BSD... who cares
15:34.38nemoor are you actually trying to hack the distro to use devuan everywhere?
15:34.44nemoin which case not so suprising it fails
15:35.06*** join/#devuan rypervenche (~rypervenc@unaffiliated/rypervenche)
15:35.18ExtraCrispyNo im just migrating from Debian
15:35.57nemorypervenche: slt
15:37.58rypervenchenemo: :P
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15:38.59fsmithredExtraCrispy, can you describe how it fails?
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15:40.25ExtraCrispyfsmithred: Just while installing
15:40.35ExtraCrispyThe VM just shuts down
15:41.32fsmithredany error logs catch that?
15:41.58fsmithredand at what point does it shut down? What exactly did you do?
15:42.32ExtraCrispyJUst sudo apt-get install sysvinit-core
15:42.50ExtraCrispyAs for the ogs please wait cause i deleted the VM
15:44.20fsmithredok. I can't imagine that qubes polices what packages you install in a VM.
15:45.35*** join/#devuan Andrea993 (~quassel@unaffiliated/andrea993)
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15:58.11*** join/#devuan Acacia (~Acacia@unaffiliated/acacia)
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17:02.46ExtraCrispyfsmithred: So...
17:03.24ExtraCrispyIt seems,not 110% sure though,that the problem exists in 3.2 verwion of QubesOS.
17:04.03*** join/#devuan wildlander (~wildlande@unaffiliated/wildlander)
17:05.36ExtraCrispyThe problem is that sysvinit-core removes some needed packages.
17:05.54ExtraCrispyAnd that makes the VM unbootable.
17:06.31ExtraCrispyAnd i dont know how to keep those packages with apt
17:07.33KatolaZExtraCrispy: you are not the first one to migrate a stretch to ascii, so this sounds strange
17:08.12fsmithredwhat order did you do things?
17:08.35ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: Well it is also a QubesOS related problem.
17:08.55fsmithredthe way I've done it was 1. install sysvinit in debian, 2. changes sources to devuan, update, dist-upgrade 3. reboot into devuan and remove sytemd
17:09.03KatolaZExtraCrispy: I don't get why QubesOS should be concerned of what you run inside a VM...
17:09.03fsmithred1 also reboot
17:09.11ExtraCrispyfsmithred: Since there is no GUI i just went straight to installing sysvinit-core?
17:09.26fsmithredgui is irrelevant
17:09.51fsmithredinstall sysvinit-core, reboot, then change sources
17:09.56ExtraCrispyThen installing xfce4 is also irrelevant
17:09.59fsmithredit shouldn't remove stuff
17:10.10fsmithredI don't think (don't really remember)
17:10.27fsmithredyour debian is cli only?
17:10.27ExtraCrispyThe problem is sysvinit-core removes some important qubess specific packages
17:10.37ExtraCrispyfsmithred: Ye
17:10.44fsmithredthere are cubes packages in debian?
17:11.08ExtraCrispyOh i just got an idea.Why not apt download sysvinit-core dpkg it and do the rtest?
17:11.31ExtraCrispyfsmithred: Yes and all templates
17:12.16fsmithredcan you tell me a package name?
17:12.24fsmithredI'm looking in debian repo
17:12.33fsmithredor are they third-party packages?
17:12.52ExtraCrispyThird party
17:13.03buZzExtraCrispy: then they arent in debian ;)
17:13.13ExtraCrispyThey are in QubesOS repos
17:13.22ExtraCrispybuZz: Yeah?
17:13.29fsmithredso you either need to edit the templates or maybe get devuan to identify as debian
17:13.38fsmithreddepends on what the templates test for
17:13.58fsmithredand maybe play some trickery with package dependencies
17:14.12fsmithredfigure out why those packages get removed
17:14.40ExtraCrispyYeah maybe they hard-depend for some reason
17:14.59fsmithredwhat are you using for virtualization?
17:15.11fsmithredsome qubes built-in stuff?
17:15.42ExtraCrispyXen hypervisor
17:18.23fsmithredI guess qubes has some special requirements for VMs, and I have no idea what that might be.
17:19.47ExtraCrispyThe only issue i see is the removal of some specific packages
17:19.59ExtraCrispyIf i could bypass that shit then ok
17:20.13ExtraCrispyBut idk if tyhere is ant apt command to do that
17:20.54fsmithredwell, paste the error messages you get when you try to install sysv
17:21.08fsmithredtrack down the deps
17:22.02*** join/#devuan icavot (
17:23.19ExtraCrispyThis shows up when i do install systemd-shim as well
17:23.54ExtraCrispyWhich brings some different packages,sysvinit-core being one or 'em.
17:26.03KatolaZExtraCrispy: just get rid of qubes-core-agent and qubes-gui-agent
17:26.16KatolaZthey might have hard deps on systemd
17:26.22fsmithredand get rid of systemd-shim
17:26.37ExtraCrispyfsmithred: LOL?W: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file '/home/user/sysvinit-core_2.88dsf-59.9_amd64.deb' couldn't be accessed by user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)
17:26.40fsmithredactually, I don't know - I've never used it
17:26.53ExtraCrispyAnd the weird thing is...It is downloaded
17:27.01fsmithredyup. download as unpriv user
17:27.20ExtraCrispyFFS Debian..
17:27.40ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: Withoiut those VM gets unbootable
17:28.01fsmithredwhy consolekit?
17:28.06fsmithredyou got a desktop?
17:28.42ExtraCrispyIDK why it exists
17:29.14ExtraCrispyMaybe for the app shortcuts?
17:30.26KatolaZExtraCrispy: uh>
17:30.50KatolaZExtraCrispy: are you using other repos on top of devuan's?
17:31.19fsmithredKatolaZ, he hasn't gotten to devuan yet
17:31.49ExtraCrispyExtraCrispy: The repos should be added after installing sysvinit no?
17:32.08KatolaZExtraCrispy: are you using other repos on top of debian's ones?
17:32.22KatolaZ(i.e., where did you get the qubes-agent packet?)
17:33.36ExtraCrispyYes QubesOS has their own repos
17:33.53ExtraCrispyWhich are essential
17:34.04KatolaZoh then good luck
17:34.36KatolaZit looks like those packages have hard deps on systemd
17:36.49*** join/#devuan sigjen (~sig@
17:42.59ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: Thanks
17:43.10KatolaZsorry ExtraCrispy
17:43.44KatolaZbut why don't you risk an actual install on real hardware? (or on a qemu VM?)
17:44.20ExtraCrispyI am not changing QubesOS.
17:44.38ExtraCrispyMaybe i could make it work.
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17:45.07fsmithredqemu or virtualbox or usb (live or installed)
17:45.36fsmithredor repackage the qubes stuff and hack the deps
17:45.58fsmithredbut the fact that you might be able to install it like that, it still might not work
17:45.59*** join/#devuan pankerini (~pankerini@
17:46.15ExtraCrispyQemu and VBox is not an option.
17:46.24ExtraCrispyMaybe on my laptop.
17:47.03ExtraCrispyfsmithred: The problem is within those packages
17:47.53ExtraCrispyBTW is wicd migration mandatory?
17:55.57fsmithredwicd is default if you install task-whatever-desktop for some of the desktops
17:56.20fsmithredbut if you build stuff up manually, you can have pretty much whatever you want
18:01.16ExtraCrispyI am building
18:01.31ExtraCrispyDamn sysvinit
18:08.49*** join/#devuan ExtraCrispy (~ExtraCris@gateway/tor-sasl/extracrispy)
18:14.55ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: fsmithred I got another idea.
18:15.21ExtraCrispyI will pin them with hold as manually installed so they wont get removed
18:19.04*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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18:24.05KatolaZExtraCrispy: if they need systemd, this is probably not gonna work
18:28.01ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: Yah
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18:31.27ExtraCrispyKatolaZ: Well idk how to bypass that ard-deps thing
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20:20.52helios21waves "Just like to say hi. I had contact one mailinglist with some of you. Just see my whois in case you like to know who is speaking here :)"
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20:23.15KatolaZhi helios21
20:23.58helios21Hi KatolaZ. Thank you a lot for your work on sysvinit.
20:34.54golinuxhelios21: Nice to see you here.  Yeah, KatolaZ is a wizard . . .
20:37.07helios21golinux: :)
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21:24.50eyalrozIs there an apt repository for newer versions of GCC/g++ for installation on ASCII? Or should I somehow install from experimental?
21:26.19eyalrozSomething like Ubuntu's "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r" ?
21:27.08golinuxTry backports
21:27.54golinuxYou can search here:
21:28.02golinux(I didn't)
21:47.47eyalrozgolinux: gcc-7 is available in beowulf and ceres, but I don't see any "backports"
21:48.24eyalrozgolinux: Oh, and my sources.list already has ascii-backports
21:58.32KatolaZeyalroz: do you need gcc-7?
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22:01.26gnarfaceit's not in backports and i'm skeptical that it can be successfully backported in the sense that it would generate binaries that don't crash randomly
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22:01.43gnarfacebut it will work fine in a ceres chroot
22:02.14gnarfaceso you could just deboostrap ceres into a chroot
22:02.18gnarfacethen build in that
22:02.40eyalrozgnarface: I don't want it to replace gcc-6 as the system compiler, I just want it installed alongside it
22:03.07gnarfaceeyalroz: that's not the part that's holding it back
22:03.15eyalrozto be honest, I feel it's easier to just build it from sources into /opt/gcc-x.y.z than to debootstrap things
22:03.22eyalroz(which I've not done before)
22:04.07gnarfacei've attempted both approaches and i've directed you to the one that was easier
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22:04.15eyalrozKatolaZ: I need something which supports most of c++17
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22:04.59eyalrozgnarface: I didn't mean to sound ungrateful, I'm sorry.
22:05.57gnarfaceeyalroz: it's ok, i know it may not be clear just how much more effort backporting will be, because it seems like you'd download a lot less.  but you can't just get away with building one package for something like this.  you'll have to recursively backport all it's dependencies too, by hand.  *that's* where the real drama comes in - many of these will directly conflict with ascii in various ways
22:06.44KatolaZeyalroz: you could use clang also
22:06.50gnarfacei've got gcc 5 6 and 7 all installed concurrently on ceres, in multiple architectures, but i'm certain there's a good reason gcc7 isn't already in backports
22:07.02KatolaZ4.0 is in ascii
22:07.10KatolaZand supports the whole C++17
22:07.27gnarfacei actually have several 4.x versions too, i just noticed
22:07.31KatolaZyou also have clang 5 and clang 6 in backports
22:08.42eyalrozKatolaZ: Hmm, maybe
22:08.55eyalrozgnarface: I know what libs I need, it's ok.
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22:50.46gnarfaceso, i've been having a problem with ascii on one machine for a while.  it started a month or two ago after an update i think.  i thought i had it locked down but it's still happening intermittently.  the ethernet device basically just self disables if i don't attach the ssh session quick enough after boot (during boot?)
22:50.53gnarfaceanyone seen this behavior lately?
22:51.20gnarfacethe machine isn't going to sleep, and disabling the powermanagement flag on the ethernet module doesn't seem to do anything
22:52.10gnarfaceif i log in to the machine locally the ethernet device looks up, has a valid route, just can't actually send traffic
22:52.18gnarfacebut if i down it then up it again, it starts working
22:52.32gnarfacethe ip address is statically configured
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23:00.29fsmithredgnarface, is "no" a helpful answer? I ssh into ascii every day, but usually the remote host is using wicd or else dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces
23:01.57gnarfaceit's more helpful than no answer
23:02.35gnarfacei thought it might be a driver "fix" exposing a glitch in link detection or something, because it seemed to sometimes fix it if i simply hotplug the cable from one end or the other (not always even the same end) but i couldn't reliably reproduce that
23:02.55gnarfaceand it happened with two different switches
23:03.04gnarfacebut i guess it could still be the ethernet cable itself...
23:03.16gnarfacei heard they can go bad
23:03.30fsmithredyeah, they can get loose in the connector, too
23:03.42fsmithredless that 1mm is enough
23:03.50gnarfacewell the thing is i still have link lights when this is happening
23:04.01fsmithredI have some with broken plastic clip
23:04.01gnarfacethe switch and the ethernet jack's lights both say an active link is detected
23:04.07gnarfacethe driver says it's up and a link is present
23:04.11gnarfaceand there is a valid route
23:04.18gnarfaceit just can't use it
23:04.55gnarfaceso if it's something wrong with the cable, it's something that's wrong at an even more subtle level than the status lights can themselves detect
23:06.10gnarfacei guess i'm not ruling that out yet, since nobody else is seeing this
23:06.16gnarfaceit's the e1000 ethernet driver
23:06.31fsmithredthat sounds familiar
23:06.45fsmithredbut maybe you talked about it some other time
23:07.10fsmithredhave you tried changing allow hotplug to auto?
23:07.50gnarfaceit's the same machine i had extensive problems getting to stream reliably, but it's been well behaved after they fixed an unrelated performance regression in the h264 encoder that only affected alsa recording
23:08.05gnarfaceallow ethernet hotplug to auto?
23:08.18gnarfaceyea actually
23:08.22gnarfacebut not to fix this
23:08.23fsmithredyeah, that seems to get in the way for a lot of people, but usually with boot times
23:09.07gnarfaceno, when they started doing that i just immediately manually reverting it everywhere i caught it.  this system hasn't been tested with allow-hotplug.  it's always been set to auto
23:09.31gnarfacebut that would have been my first suspicion too, right after dhcp
23:09.41fsmithredtry allow-hotplug :P
23:09.54gnarfaceheh, interesting notion i suppose
23:10.20gnarfaceat least that would probably make replugging the ethernet cable work every time
23:10.28fsmithredyeah, it might
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