IRC log for #devuan on 20180927

00:01.19*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
00:21.27*** join/#devuan infobot (ibot@
00:21.27*** topic/#devuan is This is the Devuan discussion channel | **You need to auth to nickserv to talk!** | Latest (2018-06-09): ASCII 2.0.0 || Stable (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 LTS release | Devuan Forum: | Chanlogs:
00:21.28*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:25.45*** join/#devuan gurmble (~grumble@freenode/staff/grumble)
00:29.56Psud0nymevening gnarface
00:30.32Psud0nymthere is a separate library to build in addition to elementary
00:30.52gnarfacea second one, or the one you mentioned yesterday?
00:31.18gnarfacei did see you mention it, after i came back from dinner
00:31.25Psud0nymI working on packaging the library. efl library is
00:31.57Psud0nymbut there is some family stuff going on, so not a lot of work on it today
00:32.00gnarfaceso it didn't end up being picky about matching those efl versions together with the new library?
00:37.05*** join/#devuan grumble (~grumble@freenode/staff/grumble)
00:37.49Psud0nymI'm working with the git repo for both. there are separate apps in addition to elementary now. has a link to all the latest tarballs
00:42.46Psud0nymbut the build instructions seem pretty much complete.
00:43.01Psud0nymdependencies and everything are listed
00:44.38Psud0nymit even has a matrix of binary packages by distribution. Debian seems o top out at 17.6
00:45.38Psud0nymbut i'm calling it a night.
00:52.29*** join/#devuan nighty- (
01:02.28*** join/#devuan alexandros_c (~alexandro@unaffiliated/alexandros-c/x-1684531)
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01:42.28*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
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02:13.47*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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03:08.16*** join/#devuan jack_rabbit (
03:22.17*** join/#devuan Altiare (~Altiare@
03:36.25*** join/#devuan Vajb (
03:38.29Vajbgood morning. Newbie did it again. I purged xfce4 and and lost some functionality. Now I have to startx manually and user is not allowed to mount usb thumb drives. So where are those settings kept?
03:43.54VajbForgot to mention that I installed mate desktop and it still has xfce4-powermanager.
04:07.24gnarfaceit could be you forgot to re-add slim or libpolkit-somethingoranother
04:07.54gnarface(could be lxdm or a few others instead of slim, too)
04:08.10gnarfacelightdm mabye it's called
04:08.46gnarfacedepending on what you mean by "user is not allowed to mount usb thumb drives" exactly, you could also be missing udisks2
04:10.47golinuxVajb: Read the release notes.
04:19.20*** join/#devuan Pharaoh_Atem22 (
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05:26.46mcr1would the admins of consider setting: net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing=2  that would enable in-band PLMTUD, rather than depending upon ICMP frag needed to get to you.
05:27.29VajbI missed slim. Installing it seems to have solved both of my problems. Thanks gnarface and golinux
05:36.51*** join/#devuan Acacia (~stuttgart@unaffiliated/acacia)
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06:27.50*** join/#devuan DHowett24 (~DHowett@
06:29.13golinuxVajb: Glad it worked out
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06:44.20Centurion_Danmcr1: no... don't use - use
06:44.40Centurion_Danor for mirrors
06:49.46*** join/#devuan raoulzecat (
06:55.22mcr1uhm. okay. the names keep changing.
06:55.34mcr1does have PLMTUD enabled?
06:58.08mcr1what about ??
06:58.08mcr1deb jessie-updates  main
06:58.08mcr1deb jessie-security main  Not
07:02.07golinuxNote that I am very tired and ready for bed.
07:02.42*** join/#devuan system16 (~system16@unaffiliated/system16)
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07:11.59Vajbbtw does someone use eduroam? I tried yesterday, but provided script failed.
07:12.27system16my server is accessible on lan but it cant access the internet why ?
07:12.47system16pinging times out
07:15.51*** join/#devuan HalfWord (~halfword@unaffiliated/halfword)
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07:29.02system16i can ping
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08:31.30KatolaZsystem16: your resolv.conf?
08:32.05system16i fixed it
08:32.29system16the nameserver was i changed it to
08:32.35*** join/#devuan raoulzecat (~raoulzeca@
08:32.43system16and now everything works perfectly
08:37.05system16KatolaZ, btw i have been told that daemons change this file alot
08:37.11system16is this true ?
08:37.28system16i have restarted my server. it still works normally
08:38.00Leanderif you use a dhcp client, it will typically modify your resolv.conf
08:38.22system16its static
08:38.32system16its set to
08:38.33Leanderthen it should be fine
08:38.54system16wonders wth is a daemon
08:39.46KatolaZdaemons own your computer
08:40.42system16well looks like they are lazy af
08:41.55KatolaZsystem16: daemons do whatever they like
08:42.36Leanderthere are a few daemons that can modify your resolv.conf, but you'd have to install them first
08:42.58system16lol i knever knew cmd can ssh into a server
08:43.22system16installing cygwin was a waste of time
08:46.34LeanderI didn't follow what windows 10 supports exactly on the command line, but cygwin might still prove relevant if you want to run a lot of different *nix tools on your windows machine rather than on the server
08:47.35system16nah i just want to use ssh. (because my server is in my basement)
08:48.10Leanderanother solution would have been to use putty
08:48.34*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
08:48.34*** mode/#devuan [+o Sigyn] by ChanServ
08:48.47system16cmd works just fine
08:50.39*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
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08:56.41*** join/#devuan Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
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09:04.30DocScrutinizer05system16: a daemon basicaly is a process started usually by boot time with root permissions (system) that has no UI of any sort but runs "invisibly" in background to accomplish services to the system
09:05.16*** join/#devuan j0bk (~j0bk@
09:05.25DocScrutinizer05take this definition with a grain of salt, it often doesn't apply 100% but should give you an idea
09:06.32DocScrutinizer05!wiki daemon
09:07.05DocScrutinizer05!wiki Daemon_(computing)
09:24.02*** join/#devuan AvidWolf4316 (
09:26.35*** part/#devuan ebrasca (
09:28.27system16thanks DocScrutinizer05
09:53.16*** join/#devuan JohnnyRun (
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15:55.52James1138Question. Will it hurt Devuan if I purge Debconf il8n?  I do not think I will ever need international support. Are there any other files related to international support?
15:56.01*** part/#devuan skyroveRR (~skyroveRR@unaffiliated/skyroverr)
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16:22.50fsmithredJames1138, there are lots of files for international support. You can find and remove them with bleachbit
16:25.17James1138oh.... I use bleachbit but debconf.i18n still is there.
16:26.31fsmithredI don't know what to tell you
16:26.47fsmithredif it's a package, you should be able to remove it
16:26.54James1138If it is too risky - I can leave debconf.i18n where it is. I just wondered if I needed it or not.
16:27.31fsmithredI just checked, and it does not want to remove anything else with it.
16:27.45James1138I did not know if any other packages or programs rely on it.
16:27.59James1138Thax fsmithred
16:28.00fsmithredaptitude -s purge debconf-i18n
16:28.16James1138I use synaptic by choice.
16:28.17fsmithred-s means simulate (tell me what you would do)
16:28.49fsmithredI assume there's a way to do the same with synaptic. Been years since I've used it.
16:29.29James1138Yes. Synaptic gives option of complete removal in addition to standard removal
16:34.02*** join/#devuan Eaglet0 (
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16:39.36James1138General question... are the people on this chat actually working on the Devuan project? I get better and faster answers here then on 2 combined Facebook pages!  Good stuff.
16:40.54*** join/#devuan AlexLikeRock (~AlexLikeR@unaffiliated/alexlikerock)
16:40.56fsmithredwtf? Facebook for answers?
16:41.43furrywolfI think you find better answers anywhere that's not facebook, for anything, ever.
16:41.44fsmithredand yes, some of the devs hang out here and answer questions
16:41.47James1138I know... <bowing head in shame>   I joined awhile back before finding this chat room
16:42.17fsmithredwe have a special set of fake answers for facebook. (j/k)
16:45.20fsmithredJames1138, you know there's also a forum and a mailing list?
16:46.41James1138Well although in my 50's... I am getting better in my choices related to computers. Left Windows for good... then found Ubuntu...  dumped Ubuntu and came to Devuan the moment I heard all of you dumped Systemd.  Not regretted the decision!  Thanks again.
16:47.10James1138Forum? Mailing list?
16:49.41James1138Heck... I may as well dump the 2 facebook groups and join those!!
16:50.08fsmithreddng mailing list:
16:50.21furrywolfI don't use facebook.  that's my suggestion for everyone.
16:50.58fsmithredI use fb occasionally, but what I have to do is like preparing for surgery
17:12.40*** part/#devuan Eaglet0 (
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19:49.07Centurion_DanI've a facebook account but it ony gets visited about once every 3 months...
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19:50.22MinceRi don't have any facebook accounts
19:51.25Centurion_DanI left that echo chamber of blue twitts a while ago, moved to instead.
19:59.40unixmanHeh, I tried to create a Facebook account last month for a game so I could move it to another device. That was the only way the game had set up to transfer from one device to another. Facebook login worked for exactly one session, then they locked my access. Fark 'em, I says. :P
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20:11.46DocScrutinizer05Computrace.LoJack->LoJax  :-o
20:12.50DocScrutinizer05one more reason to hate UEFI
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20:38.12FlibberTGibbetis that the new exploit in the news, DocScrutinizer05
20:39.20DocScrutinizer05well, it seems it's not THAT new, but starts to leak from "commercial" (NSA, Mossad, whatever) to mere rogue/Spammer channels
20:40.21DocScrutinizer05and it's BIOS-based, so once your PC got infected, good luck cleaning it
20:41.24DocScrutinizer05a prerequisite for virus cleaners is boting from clean media into a clean untainted system
20:41.32DocScrutinizer05booting even
20:42.30DocScrutinizer05I guess I have to revive my Amiga1000 with kickstart floppy ;-D
20:42.57*** join/#devuan DK211 (
20:44.19DocScrutinizer05or simply find a MoBo with BIOS write protect jumper
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21:42.49underd0gsup guys
21:42.59underd0gdunno is this propper channel
21:43.28underd0gI done some weird magic to my resolv.conf
21:43.55underd0gtwas more than two years ago and for the life of me , can't remeber what I did
21:44.07underd0gnow I can't change my DNS
21:44.51gnarfacethe file format is very simple, but if you're running a dhcp client it will get overwritten by the dhcp server settings (even if they're wrong)
21:47.59DocScrutinizer05also your *own* DNS is unrelated to resolv.conf I guess, no?
21:48.14underd0gand I roam alot
21:48.23DocScrutinizer05or did you mean you can't change your nameserver?
21:48.28underd0gso I put openDNS servers , somewhere
21:48.41underd0gand my resolv.conf has them
21:48.48underd0gand dig returns them
21:48.57DocScrutinizer05aaah, that makes more sense
21:49.04underd0gso I am on those dns servers
21:49.21underd0gstill resolv.conf is immutable
21:49.32underd0gso it gets written from somewhere
21:49.38underd0gwhere from =?=
21:49.47DocScrutinizer05what services are you running to resolve? DNSmasq, by any chance?
21:50.20DocScrutinizer05iirc dnsmasq rewrites resolv.conf
21:55.21DocScrutinizer05pro tip: when "your" immutable DNS is 123.456.789.001, run `grep -e '123.456.789.001' /etc`
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21:55.55DocScrutinizer05sorry, -r, not -e
21:56.49underd0gstrange thing tho
21:57.00underd0gnow I'm on some hotspot
21:57.17underd0gand it resolvs to rootservers
21:57.31underd0gman , I made a mess
21:59.53DocScrutinizer05generally whatever DHCP you're running is supposed to rewrite resolv.conf usually, as that's one of the purposes of DHCP
21:59.54underd0gthis is strange
22:00.39underd0gmy resolv is now changed to the
22:00.41underd0goh , wait
22:00.43DocScrutinizer05while I been mistaken regarding DNSmasq, it suggests >>put "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf<<
22:01.19underd0git is writen in the wicd
22:01.49DocScrutinizer05also you might want to `find /etc /var /usr -iname '*resolv.*' -ls`
22:04.35underd0gI think wicd is pushing DNS servers in
22:04.48DocScrutinizer05plausible and even likely
22:07.42underd0gnothing changed
22:08.01DocScrutinizer05so, did `grep -r '123.456.789.001' /etc` yield any results?
22:09.02DocScrutinizer05since obviously *somewhere* the IP addr of that immutable nameserver has to be stored
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22:09.31DocScrutinizer05unless you get it dynamically via DHCP, but then it's not immutable
22:09.41underd0git was dhcp
22:09.45underd0gI don't get this
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22:27.00underd0gthing is utterly broken
22:27.08underd0gand I can't remeber what I did
22:27.18underd0gfsmithred: you helped last time
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22:47.46James1138Question... it is okay to purge/delete dovecot? Never plan to use my system as a POP3/IMAP mail server.
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22:55.51DocScrutinizer05 sednit==APT28
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23:27.26gnarfaceJames1138: yea, it's probably safe then
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23:28.12gnarfaceif you also have exim4-daemon-heavy you might want to change it to exim4-daemon-light
23:28.17James1138Devuan is on my laptop... as I said <grin> not going to be a mail server
23:28.36gnarfacewell, for proper functioning the system still needs to send mail to itself
23:29.03gnarfacenot much breaks but you'll miss certain critical notices if you don't have the ability for root to accept system mails
23:29.22gnarfacehence exim4-daemon-light instead of heavy
23:30.35gnarfacethat doesn't involve pop3 or imap, and can be configured not to accept remote mail
23:30.54James1138Oh.. I was using the simplemail plugin for firefox.
23:31.02gnarface... which should be the default, actually... but if you had dovecot installed who knows...
23:31.35gnarfacei thought simplemail was about sending emails not receiving them
23:31.43gnarfacebut i don't know
23:33.16James1138It does both when using IMAP
23:33.35gnarfacea firefox plugin as a mail server... terrifying
23:34.41James1138Firefox using SimpleMail and NewsFox is a close I get to SeaMonkey and still watch Netflix
23:34.42gnarfacehmmm...  are you sure simplemail is actually your MTA?  skimming the webpage it looks like it's just a client.  you'd still need some or another mail server somewhere for this to work....
23:35.38gnarfacemaybe you're using a 3rd party mail server like google's?  you wouldn't want to send your root mails to that.
23:35.48gnarfacethere would be security implications
23:36.28gnarfacedovecot is an IMAP/POP server daemon but it still depends on an actual SMTP server like exim4
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23:37.35James1138I shall just leave it rather than risk
23:38.38gnarfacethat might be safe... but in theory exim4-daemon-light should work fine without dovecot for this purpose, unless something is really whack about your mail setup
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